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Chapter sixteen
Klitz's POV:
"Dude, please tell me you saw Penny's new post!" Eli yelled into the phone. "Don't look at my girlfriend's pictures." I retorted. "Klitz, tell your girlfriend not to post pictures of herself on Twitter. Have you seen them?" I sighed deeply and went on my computer, opening up Twitter. I sat at my desk, awaiting my computer to load. Penny had allowed me to follow her since I was her boyfriend now. I clicked on her profile and my jaw dropped. Bright yellow lingerie laid on her brown skin. The push-up bra she wore made her boobs look way bigger than they were; and she already had big ones. I moaned softly, completely forgetting Eli was on the other line. "Heyo, someone's getting hard!" "Fuck off, Eli." I clicked on one of the pictures, her ass on perfect display. I gulped as the full bottom panties cupped her ass. I could feel a semi coming on. "Jesus Christ." I whispered. "She's hot isn't she?" Eli taunted. "If you jerk off to this I'll fucking kill you." I threatened. I clicked on the next one, a close up shot of her tits. I only got harder, a small tent forming. "Timothy, did you want to go to the store with me?" My mom's voice said. I quickly shut off my computer and acted like I was doing homework. I looked over my shoulder at her and said "uh, no mom. I've got homework." "Oh, well did you need anything?" I shook my head and said "I think I'm ok. And uhm I'm gonna take a shower so don't come back in when you leave...please." "Liar." Eli said. I huffed softly. "I won't. And call me if you think of anything you need anything, Timmy." My mom left my bedroom and I waited for her footsteps to depart before locking the door. Eli started opening up his mouth to speak but I hung up on him. I sat back down in my computer chair, unzipping my pants. I shimmied out of them and turned the computer back on. I looked down at my crotch, my dick straining against my boxers. I had been spending so much time with Penny, I hadn't jacked off in a couple of days. These pictures of her were new. She'd posted them today but I was pretty sure she had taken them a few days ago since I was with her today. I tugged my boxers down, my dick twitching. I spit on my hand and started pumping. "Ahhh, fuck." I winced. God, it felt so good it hurt. I definitely had to comment on Penny's yellow lingerie set. Pink was definitely her color. It looked absolutely amazing on her but yellow made her look divine. It contrasted so well with her skin. Yellow always looks good on brown skin. I whimpered as I thought back to our makeout session today. Penny had shoved me against the wall in her bedroom, kissing my lips feverishly. She was so desperate to get close to me, my thigh in between her legs. My hands had went to her hips as our kisses got more heated. I felt her hips buck against my thigh. I remembered the small smirk that appeared on my lips as she was trying to get a small amount of friction. She always was. The two of us then moved to her bed and I made the mistake of letting her get on top. She straddled me and leaned down to kiss my lips.

"Oh, Klitz the things I want you to do to me..."

I threw my head back against my chair, small pants leaving my lips. "I'll make you cum, Penny. I'll make you feel so good." I whispered as I imagined her riding me. My mind went from the makeout session to the pictures on the computer.

"Klitzy, I'm almost there. Fill me up with your cum."

My handed moved at a rapid rate, my breathing getting louder. "Penny, I'm so close. Fuck, I'm so close." My hips thrusted up into my hand as I desperately wanted to reach my high.

"Cum for me, Klitzy. Be a good boy and cum for me."

"Shit! Shit! Ah...a-ah shit. Oh my god!" I hadn't cum this hard in a long time. I slowly slumped against my chair, relishing in my orgasm. It took me a minute or so to stop panting. I very slowly used tissues to clean myself up. I closed out Twitter and lazily unlocked my door. Out of fatigue, I fell back onto my bed, falling asleep.


The sound of a phone ringing awoke me from my slumber. I groaned at the sunlight shining in. I tiredly looked at the watch on my wrist. 8:40. I went to my desk, picking up my phone. "Hello?" I said. "Danielle and I broke up." Matt's voice said into the phone. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "wait, what?" "Yeah. I listened to some stupid advice Eli gave me. And I lost her. Klitz, I really fucking liked her." I heard Matt sigh sadly and I said "I'm sorry, dude. Why did you listen to Eli?" "I don't know! I shouldn't of! She's a porn star and I should've just treated her with respect! She's trying to get out of the business and she wants to have a normal life. She's made some money for herself and just wants to be out of that life." "Have you tried to get her back?" I asked. "No. I'm waiting for her to cool down." I nodded even though he couldn't see me. "That's probably best. Girls can be scary when they're mad." "Have you seen Penny mad yet?" Matt said with a chuckle. I winced and said "tons of times but none of them were directed at me. I'm terrified of that day." Matt laughed and I did the same. "Well, I have some stuff to do around here. I'll talk to you later, Klitz." "Yeah, ok." He hung up and immediately felt so bad for Matt. I knew how much he liked Danielle. I'm sure he'd be pretty sad the next time I saw him. Hopefully he'd get over it soon.


"How did you lose a porn star?!" Eli yelled. The three of us were sitting in my car, awaiting Penny, Oceana and Lizzie. "Cause I listened to you!" Matt replied. "All you had to do was fuck her!" "That was actually the opposite of what I was supposed to do! She broke up with me for that reason! She didn't want me to know she was a porn star. This is all your fault, Eli." Matt looked down at his lap and Eli said "you're the one who listened to me so it's your fault." "You're such an asshole. I think you were purposely trying to sabotage her and I's relationship." Matt shot back. Eli looked at Matt in shock and then didn't say anything. Penny stepped out of her house, Oceana on her arm as the two of them giggled. Lizzie walked next to Oceana, her arm draped over her shoulder. My lips parted as I took in Penny's outfit. The mini skirt with the cropped tee was enough to blow my mind. "Hi, Klitzy!" She waved as she stood in front of the passenger side door. Eli looked up at her, his mouth hanging open. Oceana proceeded to get in the backseat along with Lizzie. Penny pulled on the door and then said "why's it locked?" I couldn't tear my eyes away from her chest. The tight shirt left nothing to the imagination of what her tits looked like. And my eyes widened when I noticed she wasn't wearing a bra. Her nipples poked through the thin material and I gulped. "Hello?" Penny said. I quickly came back to reality and told Eli to step out of the car so she could sit in between us. Eli opened the door which unlocked when he did so. He stood next to Penny and said "hi." "Hi, Eli." She got into the car and Eli followed. Penny scooted all the way in and was next to me. She looked up at me and said "hi, Tim." My heart swelled and I said "hey, Penny." I cupped her cheek and she pressed her lips to mine. She held a handful of my collar as she pulled me in closer, deepening the kiss. The strawberry flavored lip gloss on her lips drove me absolutely insane. I moaned softly against her lips, Penny smiling into the kiss. "Can we go? I'm starving." Eli said. Penny pulled away and I chased after the kiss. Penny giggled and pecked my lips, patting my chest as she sat back against the seat. I put the car in gear and Eli said "you've got lipstick all over your face." "It's lipgloss." Penny corrected. I started driving and Penny wiped at my face as I drove. "Your lips are all glittery." "It's fine." I mumbled against the makeup wipe. Penny threw the wipe in her bag and then pulled out her mirror, applying more lipgloss. I stopped at a red light and watched the brush glide across her plump lips. Eli scooted closer to her and said "kiss me next, I wanna taste it." Penny quirked an eyebrow and cupped his cheek, leaning over and then pulling away. She laughed and Eli scoffed. I sniggered and Eli said "one kiss, Penny! Please! Just one!" Matt sat in the backseat with his arms crossed. He honestly looked like a pouting child. "Give it up, Eli. It'll never happen." Lizzie told him. Eli flipped her off and the light turned green. I started driving and we then made it to school.


We were currently in science class. Matt was telling us how this guy that was currently living at Danielle's place took him to a strip club yesterday. "So, who is this guy? Is he some kind of porn producer?" I asked. Eli held his hand out in front of my face and said "Klitz, shut up." I rolled my eyes and Eli began to speak again. "The strippers, when you were getting a lap dance, were they cool with you like grabbing their ass?" Matt huffed and said "oh my god, I'm trying to talk to you about Danielle." Eli groaned loudly and said "ugh, fine! Selfish bitch." He had mumbled the last part. Penny looked up at the screen, bored as can be. We were currently watching a sex ed film. "What is this shit? It's so old." Matt said as he gestured to the screen. Penny leaned her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her, my hand hovering over her hip. "I could make a better sex ed film with my mom." Eli retorted. "Gross, Eli." Penny said as she looked at him. Eli shrugged and said "you all know of my artistic talent. I could make one ten times better than this garbage." "Why don't they update this thing? It's obviously from the seventies. Like, come on." Matt said. I rubbed at my eyes under my glasses and was ready for this class to be over.


After school we were all walking towards my car and there was a guy talking to Olivia and the popular girls. Matt approached him and he said "Matty, you didn't tell me you have such beautiful girls at your school." "Shut up!" Olivia said while giggling. Eli looked up at the guy in curiosity. "You know who's got the killer bud?" The girls looked at the mystery man in front of us and he then slapped my back. "This fucker right here!" I immediately turned to look at him and said "what're you-what're you talking about?" "You have weed?" Jennie asked. "Yeah, can we see?" Olivia said. Penny looked at me and then the man. He slapped my back again, making me lurch forward. Then a bag of weed was in his hand. My eyes widened and the girls gasped. Olivia reached for the bag and then the guy said "we're out." He told us to follow him to where his car was parked next to mine. I furrowed my eyebrows as the girls begged me not to go. "Can we hang out? We could smoke." Jennie said. Penny crossed her arms over her chest and we were all standing by his convertible. "I'm Kelly." He said. Eli looked up at him and said "are you the porn guy?" "Matty's told you about me?" He seemed so proud that we knew of his existence. Kelly looked at Oceana and said "I recognize you. You did a few tapes with Ferrari." Oceana nodded and said "yeah. I'm not in the big leagues like her. I just did them to get paid a little bit more." Kelly nodded and said "Summer Luv." "Yeah, that's me." Kelly looked at Lizzie. "I don't think I know you." Lizzie shook her head and said "you don't. I'm Lizzie." "Lizzie. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." Kelly then looked at Penny. He looked her up and down, his eyes full of lust and amazement. "I'm Kelly." He introduced himself again. Penny looked at him and said "I'm Penny." "Penny...you're quite the beautiful girl." "Thank you." "Would you be interested in doing porn?" "What?!" Penny stared at him in shock. "God, I could make a fortune off of you." "Back off." I said as I took a step forward. Kelly chuckled and said "settle down, little guy. I can't force her to do anything she doesn't want to do. She has to sign a contract and shit." Kelly flicked me in the forehead and I swatted his hand away. "Such a pretty Penny going to waste. See what I did there?" Penny rolled her eyes and Matt said "Kelly, what's up?" "Just came to get you so we could do some business. Then I'll drop you back off with you're little friends." Matt nodded and Penny went to stand with Oceana and Lizzie. The whole interaction with Kelly was weird but you could just tell he wasn't working a normal job like the average man.


We all met up at the diner later. We sat at our regular table. Penny was next to me while Eli was across from her. Matt was next to Eli and Oceana and Lizzie were on the other side of her. Matt sat with his head propped up, frowning at his milkshake. "Matty, what's wrong?" Penny said. He looked at her and shook his head. "Nothing. It's fine." Penny furrowed her eyebrows and said "Matt, seriously." "He's just butthurt cause him and Danielle broke up." Eli said as he shoved a fry into his mouth. Penny frowned and said "oh, Matt, I'm so sorry." "I found out she was a porn star and took her to a motel. And she basically got mad at me and everything." "How long have you guys been broken up?" "I dunno. A week? A week and a half." "And you didn't tell me? Matt, what the hell?" Penny said. Matt shrugged and said "I wanted to tell you, Pen. But you and Klitz are in a new relationship and I didn't want to bring you guys down with my misfortune. I'm happy for you and Klitz and didn't want you guys to feel bad or anything." Penny sighed and said "I'm sorry, Matt." He nodded and said "I was stupid. I shouldn't of listened to Eli. That's where I fucked up. And I know he doesn't have a girlfriend but he doesn't have to go around and ruin everyone else's relationships." Penny looked at Eli and I did the same. Eli looked at Matt and said "I wasn't, dude. I just figured you could get your dick wet since you're dating a porn star." Matt rolled his eyes and Penny shook her head. "She's going back into the industry. With this manager guy. Kelly." Oceana looked at Matt and said "she's going back?" "Yeah. She broke it off with me and is going back into the industry. She's leaving. For Vegas. She's going to this convention." "She made her decision. There's nothing you can do about it now." I told him. A look of realization appeared on Matt's face. "Yeah. There is." Eli then looked at Matt with the biggest smirk on his face.

I should've had this up a couple of days ago but was busy. Also convention scene next chapter!! That scene actually makes me go feral like I love that scene

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