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Chapter seventeen
The Adult Film (Porn) Convention
Penny's POV:
Eli was in the driver's seat as we began making our way to Las Vegas. He had convinced me to get my parents to let us use their van. Matt and Klitz were currently making up lies to their parents. "Hey, mom? Yeah. No, I'm gonna be really late tonight. I'll be at Eli's. We have this project thing." Matt said into his phone. Klitz shook his head and said "no, don't wait up. I'll watch it with you tomorrow. Shark week is all week long." I giggled softly at him and he hung up the phone. "I'll be at Lizzie's." Oceana said, leaving her mom a message. Lizzie's eyes were wide and she said "mama, I'll be at Oceana's. It's a school project. I should be home later tonight. It's going to be super late though." I was a bit stressed about Eli driving but Matt was sitting up front with him so it was ok. Klitz and I were on the couch bench behind Eli's seat and Oceana and Lizzie were on the other. "I just wanna bang hot chicks!" Eli yelled as he drove. Matt shook his head at him and when we got to the Vegas strip, we were in awe. Klitz practically had his face pressed up against the window as he stared out at all the casinos and hotels. Eli leaned down to look out Matt's window while he was driving. "Eyes on the road, please." I said. Eli quickly looked back at the road. Oceana gasped softly at the large fountains and Lizzie said "why have we never come here before?" "Cause we can't gamble." Klitz replied. Lizzie shrugged in agreement and when we reached the hotel the convention would be at, we needed to find a parking spot. "Come on, we gotta pick up our badges." Matt was practically rushing everyone. "Give me the keys." I told Eli. The bright colored van stuck out in a parking lot of bland colored cars and beat up cars. Eli handed me the keys and I locked the van. We grabbed our badges and started making our way inside. Eli had his camera and recording everything inside. "Watch it!" A large man said as he pushed Klitz out of his way. "Sorry!" Klitz yelped as he stumbled. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to where I stood. All the men in these rooms were definitely creeps and I didn't want to be away from Klitz at all. "Hey! No press!" A security guard yelled at Eli. Eli jumped and said "I'm not press! This is for my high school year book!" The man looked our group up and down and then nodded. We started to walk away, getting a few steps away. "That's right, bitch." Eli said. I nudged him and said "Eli." He waved me off and Matt started to look around for Danielle. Girls in skimpy outfits walked by and men from our age to their late fifties were staring at them as if they were goddesses. They weren't ugly women and I didn't have a problem with women who were in this profession but it was definitely something that was looked down upon in society. Eli's eyes practically bulged out of his head as a woman with her tits on display walked by. Klitz's eyes seemed to follow his best friends. I sighed softly, telling myself that we were at a porn convention and that the boys were going to look. Matt couldn't be bothered though. He was on a mission to find Danielle. We finally reached a room where women were standing on stages and posing for pictures. A large sign had Danielle in the middle, Ferrari on her right and a girl named April on the left. "Ferrari's here?" Oceana asked. Eli looked at Oceana and said "you know her?" "I filmed a couple of things with her." Eli practically fainted. "She's so hot. You think you could introduce me?" Oceana shrugged and said "I dunno." "Jesus, is that her?" Klitz was in disbelief as he stared at Danielle on the sign. Matt took a breath and said "stay here. I'll be back." He pushed through the crowd and was trying to get Danielle's attention. We stood at the back, not following him. "Awe, he's so cute." Ferrari cooed as Matt's desperate attempts started to bring the attention of everyone in the crowd. April frowned at Danielle and said "give him a chance." Danielle quickly left the stage and was trying to get away from Matt. Ferrari noticed Oceana and I, waving like an idiot. "Hi!" She squealed. Klitz gulped and said "she's waving at us." Eli nodded and Klitz nudged him. "She's waving at us." "She's waving at Penny and I, put your dicks back in your pants." Oceana retorted. Ferrari was making her way over to us but had to get through the crowd of men. Klitz tapped my shoulder. "Babe?" I turned to look at him. "We're gonna go find Matt." "Ok. One of us should go with you." I suggested. Oceana looked at me and said "I'll go. I'll keep them in check. You and Lizzie stay with Ferrari." Lizzie scoffed softly, knowing she'd be trapped with her arch nemesis. Eli started to walk away, filming everything in sight. Klitz kissed my cheek and then quickly decided to kiss my lips. It looked unbelievably awkward but it was adorable to me. Klitz cupped my cheek gently and kissed me. Klitz pulled away with a blush. Oceana said "come on, clit. You'll see her later." "Ugh, don't call me clit." He mumbled as the two of them went after Eli. "Penny!" Ferrari was approaching us, security around her. She jumped up and down in place. She then looked around and said "where's Oceana?" "She went with my boyfriend and his friends. They're looking for Danielle." I replied. "You have a boyfriend?! Pen Pen, why didn't you introduce me to him? I wanna see the cute guy you're with!" Lizzie rolled her eyes at Ferrari and I shrugged. "I'm sure you'll meet him soon." I told her. Ferrari sighed sadly and then immediately perked up. "I have a room backstage. We could go there and hang out." I nodded and said "sure?" "Really? Let's go!" She gestured for us to follow her. Lizzie walked with her arms crossed and said "I don't want to go with her." "Lighten up, Lizzie. She's not that bad." We went into her small dressing room she had and she offered us some water and snacks. I gladly took some considering it had been a few hours since I ate. "I really want to make this thing with Oceana work. I think the two of us could be really happy." Lizzie said. I looked at her and said "she's liked you for a long time. She's always liked you. I think the two of you will be fine with one another. Are you guys going to keep doing onlyfans?" "Yeah! Or are you guys going to come to the big leagues. I'm sure Kelly or Hugo could get you a job." Ferrari said. Lizzie furrowed her eyebrows and said "Hugo?" "Hugo Posh. He's one of the biggest directors in the industry. He makes a lot of money. And makes us a lot of money too!" Ferrari pushed her long black hair over her shoulder and smiled at Lizzie. Lizzie shook her head and said "yeah, I don't know." "You guys could make a lot of money. It's up to you though. I personally think you guys could be amazing at it." Lizzie cleared her throat and said "maybe." I think Lizzie didn't like Ferrari because she always saw her as a threat. I was pretty sure Ferrari was straight but did a few things with Oceana for money. But at the same time I wasn't sure and it didn't matter if she was straight or not. Oceana had eyes for Lizzie and Lizzie only. "Penny?" "Yeah?" "Do you think Oceana will stay with me? After we graduate?" Lizzie looked down at her lap. Her hair was in a ponytail and her face was accentuated by the small lighting in the room. "Lizzie, Oceana wouldn't leave you. She's been trying to get with you all the time. She figured you thought she was just a co star. Nothing more. Just someone to film scenes with and make money with. Not someone who'd actually pursue a relationship with her." I told her. Ferrari gasped softly and said "you and Oceana are together?" Lizzie nodded and said "I honestly thought she wanted to be with you." "Me? No way! I honestly don't have the time for a relationship. I mean, I'll fuck whoever but I don't have the time for that kind of stuff." The door opened and a blonde woman came in. "April!" Ferrari said. April sat down and said "hi. I'm April." I had noticed Klitz looking at her when she stood on the stage. I had to keep telling myself he was going to look. That he only wanted me. It was true. I knew it was. But, that small insecurity was at the back of my mind and I had to tell it to be quiet. "I'm Penny." "I'm Lizzie." "Hi. So you guys are the ones with the guy who was trying to talk to Danielle, right?" I nodded at April. "He's so cute!" Ferrari gushed. I smiled and said "Matty's a sweetheart."

Oceana's POV:
"Ugh, Matt it's two in the morning! I'm tired! Let's go." Eli said as we followed behind Matt. "I'm sorry. I have to do this. And if it gets bad, just bolt." Matt told his friends. "B-Bolt?!" Klitz spluttered. Matt nodded and walked away. Eli huffed softly and then motioned for us to follow him. We walked into a room that was much calmer than the rooms we had been in before. Women served drinks while men sat with other porn stars and talked. Eli looked at the bright blue and red cocktails that were being served. Klitz grabbed one off a tray and started to sip on it. "Eli, do you want one?" Eli shook his head at Klitz who rolled his eyes. I hesitantly grabbed a red one. I took a sip and then looked around the room. We were definitely in a place we shouldn't be but nobody had taken notice of us. Klitz definitely liked his alcohol. He grabbed another cocktail and we then sat down on a couch. Eli looked the women up and down, his lips parting. Klitz wiped his mouth as he took another sip, a slurping noise coming from him. A woman was walking by and Klitz said "hi." The woman scoffed and kept walking. Eli laughed softly and then continued to watch the women in the room. "Dude, am I ugly?" Klitz asked Eli. Eli looked at him and said "what? No, man, you're fine. Just relax." He waved his hand, completely dismissing Klitz. Klitz shook his head and said "no, I'm ugly. I know it." A girl then sat down across from us. Eli nudged Klitz as he started to sit up. Klitz took another sip from his cocktail. "So, what do you guys do?" The girl asked. She was unbelievably ditzy and grinned from ear to ear. "I get freaky." Klitz answered. The girl looked at him in disgust and Eli chuckled nervously. "We're, uh, uh, we're directors." He was quick with that save. "Really?! Would you guys ever wanna use me in one of your movies?!" The girl practically bounced up and down in her seat. "Uh..." Eli started but was cut off by Klitz. "Hell yeah, we'll use you. Baby, I'll do things to you I wouldn't do to a farm animal." His eyes were slightly hooded, signaling he was a bit drunk. I looked at him in shock and Eli did the same. "What the fuck did you just say?" A man's voice said from behind us. The three of us turned around to look up at a large man standing there. "Honey, these guys are directors! And they wanna use me!" The girl said. "Use you?" The man who I was assuming her boyfriend said. The girl shook her head and said "guys, this is my boyfriend, Mule." "Mule?" I said softly. Eli waved up at him nervously and said "hi, Mule." Mule went and sat down next to the girl who introduced herself as Chloe. "Eli, don't do anything stupid." I whispered. He looked at me and said "what do you take me for?" "You gotta use my girl, bro. She's really good!" Mule boasted. Chloe smiled and said "I am. I really am." "You wanna give her a throw?" Klitz choked on his cocktail. My mouth dropped and Chloe said "yeah! Try me out!" Eli shook his head and said "no, that's ok. I'm, uh, I'm good. Thank you though." I raised my eyebrows at him and said "here's your chance, Mr. Porn Expert." "Come on! At least feel her tits!" Mule said. Chloe sat up, pushing her chest forward. My eyes went to her tits which were pretty big. Klitz's eyes did the same. "Uh, I'm ok. I can't. T-Thank you though." Eli stuttered. Klitz shrugged and said "fuck it. I'll feel one." Eli's eyes widened and I looked at him like he was crazy. I sneakily pulled out my phone, knowing Penny wouldn't believe me when I told her this. Klitz cracked his knuckles and sat up on the edge of the couch. I was in between them and Eli noticed my phone. "What're you doing?!" He said in a hushed tone. "Shh!" I shushed him. Klitz leaned up to grab her left tit, soft moans leaving his lips. I held in a laugh that I wanted to let out so badly. "Not bad, huh? Suckers cost me six grand." Mule said proudly. Chloe nodded as her boyfriend spoke. My best friend's boyfriend seemed to be in another world as he groped her tit. He continued to moan, clearly enjoying himself. "Yo Mule, what the hell are you doing?" The security guard from earlier said. "Steele, check It out, man! These guys are directors!" Mule said as he gestured to Eli. The security guard, Steele, started to laugh. "Man, these punks ain't directors! They're in high school, you idiot!" Mule then looked at the three of us angrily. Eli put his hands up in defense and said "ok, here's the thing.." He then yelped and him and Klitz jumped over the back of the couch. I managed to do the same as Mule tackled it. "Jesus!" I said as I started to run. I followed the two boys, trying to keep up with Klitz's long strides. "Oceana, come on!" Eli said as he grabbed my hand. The two of them kept looking over their shoulder. We ran down a large hallway and then ended up at a bannister of stairs. "Oh shit!" Eli yelled as he went over it, landing face first in a cake, which was a woman's chest. Women below screamed at the action. "Klitz, come on!" Eli said to his best friend. Klitz shook his head and said "I can't." I took the jump and landed on the table, cake getting in my hair and on my chest. I got off the table and was standing next to Eli. "Get off of here!" A man said as he shoved Klitz off the staircase. "Whoa!" Klitz yelped as he fell onto the table, on his back. He slowly sat up and cake was on the side of his face. Mule then jumped off the staircase. Eli, Klitz, and I immediately stood up and took off running. Once we made it out of that room, we fast walked. Matt furrowed his eyebrows and said "what the hell happened?" "Matt, we gotta go. We gotta go. Right now." Eli quickly said as he started making his way to the exit. "It got bad. Just bolt! Bolt!" Klitz added. I followed behind them and Matt shook his head at us. "Dude, wait up!" Klitz's voice cracked. "Fuck you, dude!" Eli replied. Once we made it outside it was a breath of relief. Eli panted as he put his hands on his knees. "God, that guy almost killed us." Klitz nodded in agreement and I said "Klitz, I can't believe you touched that girl's tit." He looked at me and said "I took the chance." "What for? You already have a girlfriend with big tits." Eli retorted. A gasp was then heard. "Oh my god, what happened to you guys?" Penny stood with Lizzie, the both of them staring at us in shock. Penny walked over to Klitz and started wiping the cake off the side of his face. "Is that cake? What is that?" "It's cake." He confirmed to her. She shook her head and said "what the hell? Eli, you're covered in it!" "And so are you!" Lizzie said to me. I shrugged and said "it's just cake." Lizzie swiped a finger across my chest and then stuck it in her mouth. "Vanilla." She said. Klitz had a small amount of cake by his lips and Penny stood on her tiptoes, kissing the spot and the cake was gone. Klitz furrowed his eyebrows at her and Eli said "ok, who's getting all this cake off me? Somebody better lick my face. Right now." Klitz groaned in disgust and Penny said "I should have some napkins and stuff in the van. We'll clean you off as much as we can before we leave. I can't have any of that cake getting in the van." Penny unlocked the van and grabbed some napkins. She then asked who's be staying at her house. Eli immediately raised his hand and Klitz said "I'll stay." Penny looked at me and Lizzie. "Sure. We will." I said. "Where's Matt?" Lizzie asked. Eli shrugged and said "fuck if I know."

Penny's POV:
I wiped Eli's face as best I could considering he was absolutely covered in cake. It was on his clothes and face. I made sure there was barely any on his clothes. I then started on Klitz. He looked up at me as I wiped the cake from the side of his face. "Oceana tells me you had fun." Klitz shrugged at me and said "I guess." Eli yawned and said "god, I'm tired. Can we just go?" Matt finally came out and I told him to drive. Eli sat in the back of the van, leaning on Klitz's shoulder. He instantly fell asleep. Klitz had his arm around me, his hand resting on my waist. I looked up at him and he said "what?" "Missed you." He half smiled and said "really?" I nodded and he kissed my lips sweetly. The drive back was a bit lengthy and we had to drop off Matt. Once we dropped him off, we all headed back to my house. Lizzie and Oceana took the guest room like always. Eli went downstairs and took the basement. He could also properly shower if he needed to. Klitz followed me up to my bedroom. I locked the door and started changing into my sleepwear. Klitz shrugged off his jacket and button up shirt, leaving him in his under shirt and pants. "Penny?" He asked. I looked at him and he took a breath. "Could I feel your tits?" I bit my lip and said "where's this coming from?" "I uh, touched some girls' tonight. Then her boyfriend got mad and chased us and then we fell into some cake. It's a long story, but, I really wanna touch yours, if you'll let me." I nodded and the two of us sat on my bed. "Want my shirt on or off?" I said. "Keep it on for now." I scooted closer to Klitz and he pushed my curly hair over my shoulder. I watched Klitz's right hand come in contact with my left tit. I currently didn't have a bra on and felt Klitz's fingers on top of the soft cotton shirt I wore. Klitz sucked in a sharp breath and he kneaded my breast. Each time my nipple brushed up against his hand, I wanted him closer to me. I slowly reached down to take my shirt off and Klitz looked at me with a lovesick expression. My chest was now bare in front of him. Klitz gulped and then cracked his knuckles. His large hands went up to touch my chest. His eyes fluttered closed as a small moan left his lips. He massaged my tits gently, which felt amazing considering I had worn a bra to the convention and was so relieved to take it off. I held handfuls of Klitz's khaki pants, relishing in the feeling. "Ah. Ah. Ahhh." Klitz moaned. I kissed his cheek, running my fingers through his hair, scratching at his scalp. Klitz leaned into my touch and pinched my left nipple. "Klitz." I whimpered as I pulled on his hair. Klitz winced and opened his eyes to look up at me. "I'm sorry." I removed my hands from his hair, frowning slightly. Klitz shook his head and said "I-I think I liked it." I grabbed a handful of his hair and tugged. Klitz groaned and said "fuck." I smirked and went to straddle him. His eyes slightly widened and I cupped his cheeks, kissing his lips. Klitz moaned against my lips and continued to knead my breasts in his hands. I moved to Klitz's neck, kissing it up and down. "Fuck. Fuck, Pen. A-Ah, fuck." I felt a hardness poking the inside of my thigh and Klitz seeemd to notice it as well. "Shit. P-Penny, get off." I slowly got off his lap and said "hey, it's ok. It's just a boner." Klitz looked down at his crotch, his hands leaving my chest. "I can take care of this in the bathroom. I got it." He said as he scratched the back of his head. "Are you sure? I can help you." I offered. Klitz shook his head and jumped up. "Uh, no. I'm ok. I'll t-take care of it." I furrowed my eyebrows as he scrambled to the bathroom, closing the door. I grabbed my shirt and pulled it back over my head. I left my room, going downstairs to get a cup of water. I sighed softly, wondering if I had done something wrong. I lingered in the kitchen, not really ready to go back up to my room. I had another glass of water and then headed up. Klitz was coming out of the bathroom as I was coming into the bedroom. "Where'd you go?" He said. "I wanted some water. I was thirsty." I replied as I sat down on my bed, not facing him. "Oh." Klitz said. I laid down and I heard Klitz taking off his pants, his belt clinking. "Penny?" I turned to look at him. "Can I hold you? While we sleep?" I nodded and laid my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and I kissed his cheek. Klitz then kissed my lips. I felt him smile into the kiss and I kissed him feverishly. I wrapped my arms around him and he sighed softly. The warmth from his body was slowly lulling me to sleep, making me slightly forget about my insecurities from a few minutes ago.

Yes the end sucks and I never know how to end chapters sometimes lmaooo. But this was way longer than expected but I had fun writing this chapter!!

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