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Chapter eighteen
Matty's Proposition and the Sleepover
Penny's POV:
My eyes fluttered open as the sun shined in. I huffed softly and looked next to me. Klitz was sleeping next to me, his chest rising and falling slowly. Klitz moaned softly in his sleep and I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck. "Pen?" He mumbled. "It's me." Klitz sighed at the sound of my voice and said "what time is it?" I looked at my bedside clock and said "nine thirty." "Fuck." I wrapped my arms around Klitz and said "what's wrong?" "M'just tired. I don't wanna get up." "Then don't. Stay here with me." Klitz nodded and lazily kissed my forehead. I held a small handful of his white t-shirt, kissing his cheek. I draped my leg over his waist and I felt his arm go around me. His hand rested on the small of my back, his fingers inches away from my butt. I kissed Klitz's jaw and the corner of his lips. A content sigh left his lips as he pulled me closer to him. I played with Klitz's hair that rested on his shoulders. "Are you busy today?" I asked softly. Klitz shook his head and said "uh, I don't think so. I gotta check in with my mom and stuff. She thinks I'm at Eli's." "Would she freak if she knew you were here?" Klitz shrugged and said "I dunno. Maybe." "Eli, how great to see you!" The sound of my mom's voice said. I huffed softly and said "great." Klitz chuckled and I said "we're not going down right away." "Fine with me." Klitz kissed my head and I held him tighter. "You're so pretty, baby." I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks and I sat up so I could kiss Klitz's lips. Klitz kissed me feverishly and I slowly pulled away. "Penny Lane, come see me and your father off!" Klitz sat up and looked at my leg draped over his waist. I removed it and said "sorry." "It's cool. I like that you...uhm, want to be close to me. Most girls don't. And...I never thought in a million years you'd be...." I raised my eyebrows, awaiting his answer. "I never thought you'd be mine." I cupped his cheek and said "me neither. I always thought you wanted someone like Danielle." "She's pretty. Way out of Matt's league but you're out of my league. I mean sooo out of my league." The two of us laughed and Klitz said "I'm really glad we're together." I leaned my head on his shoulder and said "me too. Now let's go see what my mom has to say." Klitz nodded and the two of us walked downstairs. "We're going to that convention so we'll be gone till Monday. And it's Saturday so I hope you'll all have fun this weekend." My mom said. Eli smiled at my mom and said "oh, we will, Mrs. Williams." "And you and Klitz don't do anything while we're gone. I'm already a bit uncomfortable leaving you here but your father convinced me!" Klitz's cheeks turned red and he said "Mrs. Williams we're just going to hang out. N-Nothing to worry about." My mom walked over to Klitz and said "you're just the cutest. I always knew you and Penny would end up together." She tapped his cheek with her hand which caused Klitz's blush to deepen. "Mom." I said as I wanted her to go and not embarrass me any further. My mom kissed my cheek and her and my father left the house. "I think I might go home and check in with my mom. Plus I need to shower. I smell like cake." Klitz said. I nodded and said "ok. Do you want a ride?" "No, my car's outside. I'll drop Eli off too." Klitz put his hands in his pockets. "I think Lizzie and Oceana left already." Eli said. "Yeah me too. I guess just call me later so we can link up or find out what we're doing or whatever." I said. Klitz grabbed his keys and Eli started heading for the door. Klitz cupped my cheek and kissed my lips sweetly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, smiling into the kiss. Klitz moaned softly against my lips and Eli banged on the door that was wide open. "Klitzy, come on!" Klitz pulled away and said "I, uh gotta go." "Ok. I'll see you later." Klitz then left with Eli.


"It's a great idea. And it'll help me get the money that Kelly stole." Matt said. Today had been a whole adventure. Matt had went with Kelly somewhere and found out the money for Samnang was gone along with Matt blowing his speech. Just thinking back to it, it was absolutely ridiculous. Now, Matt had devised a whole plan to earn the money back. A porno. Well, more like a sex ed video but basically porn. Eli was going to film it. And god he was so excited. "I get to finally create some art! Something that'll be big! I won't have to go to college! I'll be able to just go straight into the industry!" Eli raved. Lizzie chuckled at him and said "god, you're really excited about this aren't you?" "Fuck yeah." Eli's comment about college absolutely broke my heart. Klitz would be going off to Yale while I'd be staying here. I was only applying to Yale so I could go with Klitz and hopefully end up with him in college. The two of us finally got together only to end up breaking up. I don't think long distance is possible for the two of us. I wasn't sure how Klitz was going to take it. I hadn't gotten a letter back from Yale. My grades must not have been good enough and they must not have wanted me. I was just hoping the college conversation wouldn't bring me into it. "Fuck film school! This is gonna be huge! This is gonna be my calling!" Eli continued to go on. Matt and Eli then looked at Klitz. Everyone's eyes landed on him. "No." He simply said. Matt sighed and Eli said "Klitzy." "Klitz, you know I wouldn't ask for this unless I really needed it." Matt said. Klitz took a breath and said "Matt, believe me I wanna help you but no. We'll get expelled!" Eli quickly shut him up. "Shut up, Klitz! Do me a favor and look at us. Take a long good look at us. Do you know what we are? The three of us?" Lizzie made a gesture to us since Eli was acting as if we weren't in the room. Klitz looked between Matt and Eli. "What?" Klitz asked irately. "We're a fucking tripod." My boyfriend scoffed and said "a tripod?" "Yeah. You know what that means? If someone kicks one of our legs out from under us, we all fall." Eli slapped Klitz's leg and he rolled his eyes. "Come on, baby!" Klitz looked at me and then back at his two best friends. He sighed deeply and said "fuck." Eli then kissed Klitz on the lips to which Lizzie cheered. Klitz had a face of disgust and Eli said "I know it was you, Klitzy." "Ok, can we change the subject please?" I said. "Prom!" Lizzie yelled. Matt's eyes widened and he said "prom?" "P-Prom?" Klitz stuttered.

Klitz's POV:
"I don't have a date. I don't want to talk about prom." Eli said. "We'll get you one. Easily." Oceana told him. I could feel myself start to sweat just thinking about prom. All I ever wanted was to take Penny to prom. I wanted to properly ask her. Not with a big sign or anything but just ask her. I wanted her to be excited to get a dress and I wanted to get her a nice corsage. "Danielle's bringing her friends so maybe you could take one of them, Eli." Matt said. Eli shrugged and said "maybe." Oceana came over and sat next to me as Penny talked to Eli. She announced that we could all spend the night at her house. "Why do you look like you're about to explode?" Oceana asked. "Shit. Do I?" I said. Oceana giggled softly and said "you look like those cartoon characters who turn red when they eat peppers and fire is about to shoot out of your mouth." "Oh god." I covered my face. "What's your deal?" "Prom." I said muffled by my hands. "What about prom?" I removed my hands from my face and said "Oceana, I want to take Penny to prom but I'm terrified to ask her. I want it to be perfect. I want her to get any dress she wants and I want to get her the most expensive corsage. And I wanna hold her on the dance floor to all the slow songs. I want her to think I'm the hottest guy in the room. I want to tell her how beautiful she is the whole night. I want to tell her I love her." Oceana gasped and said "you love her?" I nodded. "You love my best friend?" I nodded again, not being able to speak. "Holy shit, clit." A soft laugh left my lips at the stupid name she always called me. "All you have to do is everything you said. Just ask her. Take her into another room so it's just you and her and ask. Penny will melt into a puddle. She adores you, Klitz. Just be yourself and talk to her. She won't say no. I promise. And on prom night, I know it'll be somewhat crazy with Matt's whole plan going on. But, when we're finished, take Penny to the dance floor. Hold her close and spin her around. Tell her you love her." "What? No. I can't." I quickly said. Oceana put her hand on my shoulder and said "listen, do not psych yourself out. You got this. Trust your gut, clit." I nodded and stood up. "Go get her." I walked over to Penny and said "hey." "Hey." She said. Eli was talking her ear off and I said "can I talk to you?" Penny nodded and the two of us left the room. "What's up?" I inhaled deeply and said "I have something to ask you." Penny nodded and awaited for me to ask my question. "W-Will you..? Uhm, W-... Willyougotopromwithme?" I mumbled. Penny furrowed her eyebrows and said "what?" "Will you go to prom with me?" I looked down at my feet, my heart beating out of my chest. "Yes. Yes! Of course I will!" Penny threw her arms around my neck and I was taken aback. I hugged her and said "oh, Pen." She leaned her head on my shoulder. "I've been waiting for you to ask me this for years." She whispered. I rubbed her back and said "me too. I've always wanted to take you." Penny pulled away and kissed my lips feverishly. Our lips moved in sync and my hands slowly went down to her hips to hold her in place. Penny moaned against my lips and I pulled her in between my legs as I was leaning on the back of the couch. Her lips tasted of bubblegum from the pink glittery lipgloss she wore. She slowly pulled away, a string of saliva connecting us. "You taste so good." I said breathily. The string of saliva broke as Penny looked down to hide her blush. Penny's eyes flickered up to look at me and she said "my lipgloss is all over your lips." I chuckled and Penny went to grab a paper towel from the kitchen. She wiped the lipgloss off my mouth and I said "you're so pretty." Penny smiled and said "so are you." My fingertips went up her shirt and Penny kissed my lips again. Her hands were on my shoulders and she pulled me closer to her. "I can't wait to go to prom with you." She whispered. "Me too." I replied. Penny kissed my nose and I cupped her cheek, kissing her opposite cheek. I then moved down to a ticklish spot on her neck. Penny giggled and said "Klitz!" I chuckled and she hugged me, leaning her head on my chest. My heart was beating out of my chest and I opened my mouth but quickly closed it. I wanted to tell her I loved her so fucking bad. "Wanna go back or do you wanna stay here?" She said. I rubbed her hips and said "we can go back. Otherwise they'll all suspect we're fucking." "Would that be so bad?" Penny said. I shook my head and said "of course not." I could feel my dick twitching at the thought of Penny and I having sex. I leaned my head on her shoulder and said "you drive me crazy." Penny kissed my cheek and said "that's my job. Come on, Klitzy." She pulled away and I was able to start to wish the boner away as we went back into the other room. I kissed Penny's cheek and she giggled, pushing off of me. "You know, I'm super jealous of you." Eli said. I quirked an eyebrow and said "you're jealous that I got Penny?" "Yes and no. I'm a bit jealous that she's always liked you more than me. And cause you have such a hot girlfriend. Like when is it my turn, Klitz? Girls roll their eyes if I even talk to them." I put my hand on Eli's shoulder and said "you can't just go up to them ask if they wanna fuck. Be the Eli who loves video games and horror movies. A girl will be into you. Don't ask her about sex or anything like that. Make her laugh and be nice." Eli nodded and said "I wanna have a date to prom." "It doesn't hurt just to ask a girl. Girls love shit like that. I mean, I think." "Are you asking Penny to prom?" "I already did." "What'd she say?!" "She said yeah, duh." Eli rolled his eyes and said "why were you even stressing, dude? She's got the fucking hots for you." "She easily could've said no. What if Chase swept her off her feet again? What if her and Hunter had bonded when he gave her that ride home?" "Klitz, she'd be stupid to do that. You know she's crazy for you. She has been for a while." I nodded in agreement and said "yeah. I just doubt myself sometimes. She could always find someone better looking, someone with a nicer body." "Klitz, you act like you're the ugliest guy on Earth. I promise you, there's someone uglier than you and Penny wouldn't even look at them because they're not you. And just like Chase isn't you. She wants you, Klitzy." I nodded again and decided to listen to Eli's words. They were probably the nicest things he'd ever said to me when it came to me being insecure.

Penny's POV:
"Should I take the chance and ask Oceana to prom?" Lizzie asked me. I nodded and said "why not?" "Ferrari." "Ferrari??" I furrowed my eyebrows and Lizzie said "I'm assuming she's going to be in the sex ed video." I shrugged and said "probably. What does that matter?" "What if she asks Oceana to prom?" "I doubt she will once Eli gets near her. He's going to make it his goal to screw her." She laughed softly and I did the same. Lizzie looked at Oceana who pushed Eli as he said something. My boyfriend gave me a half smile and I smiled sweetly at him. "Just ask Oceana. She'll be so happy you're asking her to prom. She'll be over the moon." I told her. "God, you're so in love with him." Lizzie said. I rolled my eyes playfully and said "yeah. I don't think it's something I should say though. I think it's too early." Lizzie shrugged and said "if you love him, say it." "Yeah. Maybe I will." Lizzie left my side and walked over to Oceana and I assumed she was going to ask her to prom. I walked over to Klitz, wrapping my arms around him. He kissed the top of my head and I nuzzled my face into the t-shirt he wore. He hadn't worn a button up today. The shirt was soft and I squeezed him. Klitz wrapped his arm around my waist and held me close to him. "I like you in t-shirts." I said softly. Klitz squeezed me and said "yeah?" "Yeah. You're so hot in them." I looked up at him to see his cheeks turning red. "You're adorable, Klitzy." "Yeah. Yeah." He said as he rolled his eyes playfully. I traced circles on Klitz's back and said "I was gonna make some cookies. Do you want to help me?" "What kind?" "Chocolate chip." Klitz sighed contentedly and said "I love chocolate chip." "Oh, and I was going to make sugar too. With sprinkles." Klitz chuckled and said "now, who's the adorable one?" I shook my head and said "stop." "I should've known you were a sprinkles kind of girl. It suits you." I hid my face once again by burying my face into his t-shirt. I grabbed Klitz's hand and started lead him into the kitchen. "Klitz, are you going to bend Penny over the counter?" Eli asked with a smirk. I bit my lip to keep from laughing and Klitz glared at him. "Yeah, Eli. I'm gonna take Penny in the kitchen, bend her over the counter and fuck her while you're all in the next room." He said sarcastically. Matt covered his mouth and I tugged on Klitz's wrist, pulling him into the kitchen. "You know, bending me over the counter does sound really good." I smirked and quirked an eyebrow at him. Klitz chuckled nervously and said "I'm sure it does, Pen. I'm sure it does." I hopped up on the counter and pulled him to stand in between my legs. Klitz gulped and I said "remind me to let you do that sometime." "Trust me. I won't forget." Klitz said softly. I kissed his cheek, my hand trailing down to his crotch. Klitz moaned against my lips and I then pushed him way from me gently, getting off the counter. "Now, Klitz. Let's make some cookies."

Lizzie's POV:
"Oceana?" My girlfriend turned to me and said "what's up?" "I wanna ask you something and you can totally decline if you wanted to go with someone else." I said. Oceana furrowed her eyebrows and said "someone else?" "Yeah." My heart started to beat really fast and the fear started to rise up into my body. I led her a few feet away from Eli and Matt who were laughing super hard at something. "I know that we've filmed together and then ended up having a relationship together. And we met through the porn industry and stuff. As much as I like that stuff and enjoy it with you, I want to have at least one high school experience. So, Oceana, will you do me the honor of going to prom with me?" Oceana smiled with a nod and said "yes. Of course I will. Of course I'll go to prom with you." Oceana kissed my lips and I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close to me. I was absolutely grateful she said yes. "Why didn't you think I'd say yes?" Oceana asked. I shrugged and said "Ferrari." "Ferrari? Lizzie, I want you. Ferrari is Ferrari. Her and I are friends. You're my girlfriend. You're the one I wanna go home with at the end of the night." I kissed her cheek with a smirk and said "I'd better be." The two of us giggled and Eli said "fuck, Matt! They're paired up for prom too!" "Take Ferrari." I suggested. "Ferrari?! The p-porn star?!" Eli spluttered. Matt nodded in agreement and said "yeah, why not? Everyone would think you were the coolest guy in school." Eli took off his hat to run a hand through his hair and then put his hat back on. "Maybe. I'll give it a shot." He shrugged. "I'm sure she'd love it." I told him.


A couple of hours later we were all sitting in Penny's basement watching a movie. We'd decided on The Shining even though Klitz had told everyone how scared it made him. "I'll protect you." Penny said. Eli gagged and said "you guys are too lovey dovey. It's gross." Klitz quirked an eyebrow and said "oh, yeah?" Eli nodded and Klitz kissed Penny's lips sloppily. Oceana laughed and said "nice!" Matt cringed and looked away. Eli seemed to stare in shock as Klitz practically swallowed Penny's lips and her tongue. The love drunk look on Klitz's face as she pulled away from him was enough to make you swoon and gag at the same time. "Ok, guys." Matt said. Eli shook his head as if to shake himself out of the trance he was in and he said "whatever. You guys can suck face the whole movie for all I care." Klitz laughed softly and our attention went to the movie. I draped my arm over Oceana and the six of us watched the Torrance family move into the Overlook hotel.

Penny's POV:
Klitz would fidget and look away as the movie went on. I put my hand over his and said "it's ok." "I know. This movie just terrifies me." I leaned my head on his chest and draped my leg over his waist. I then pouted and said "poor baby." Klitz's breath hitched and he shifted his body. He kept his eyes on the screen while his hand shakily went to rest on my thigh. My head was currently on his chest and Klitz's hand absentmindedly went up and down my thigh. I kissed his jaw and then scooted upwards to kiss his cheek. "Penny." He said as he blushed. I wrapped my arms around him and then kissed his nose. "Come and play with us. Come and play with us, Danny." Klitz's eyes widened as he stared at the Grady twins on the screen. "Forever. And ever. And ever." The screen would flash to them laying in the middle of the hallway, blood surrounding them. Blood coated the floor and the walls as they had axe marks in their backs. Klitz mimicked Danny and covered his face in fear. Eli sniggered and Lizzie smirked at Klitz's fear. Klitz peeked through his fingers as Danny started to talk to his imaginary friend Tony. I kissed Klitz's cheek again, reassuring him he was ok. I could hear his heart beating fast in his chest. I patted his chest softly and rubbed his arm soothingly. "It's just a movie, Klitzy." Klitz nodded and said "I know. This just happens to be the scariest movie of all time." Klitz's hold on me tightened as Jack appeared on the screen, losing his mind. I made sure to give Klitz reassuring kisses and touches, letting him know he was ok. After a while he didn't tense up as much. He'd just give me a squeeze or close his eyes. Eli and Matt were snickering from the room and it wasn't subtle at all. Once the movie ended, everyone headed to their designated sleeping spots. I lead Klitz to my bedroom, my hand in his. As we reached my room, I closed the door behind us. The two of us laid in my bed and talked until we fell asleep. Sleep had ahold of me as I laid on Klitz's chest. His heartbeat had picked up a bit. "Klitz, your heart is beating faster. What's wrong?" Klitz chuckled softly and said "nothing. It's fine, baby." "Well, tell it to shush." Klitz laughed and kissed my forehead. I nuzzled my face into his chest. Klitz's hand went up and down my back, lulling me to sleep even further.

The end is wack and I apologize that it's been so long since I updated this book. My job and the holidays really got in the way and I hope you're all still here and eager to finish this story!!

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