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Chapter nineteen
The Preparation for Prom
Penny's POV:
"Hey, Penny." Hunter's voice said. I looked up at him and said "hey?" Chase stood next to him, avoiding all eye contact. "So, we were thinking...you could throw the prom after party." I furrowed my eyebrows and said "why me?" "You have the best house." Chase said. I looked between him and Hunter, the both of them looking unbelievably nervous. "I'll have to think about it." I said, wanting them to go away. I was currently sitting in the library at school. I was doing some last minute studying for this test I had, hoping my grades would go up and maybe Yale would consider me. At this point it wasn't my top school anymore, it was the only school I wanted. I wanted to go and be able to go with Klitz. "Let us know. Or we'll just come ask you." Chase said. I nodded and said "sounds great." Hunter turned around and walked away. Chase stood in front of my table, still not making eye contact with me. I cleared my throat and Chase said "I'm sorry. For everything. You deserve so much better. I'm glad you're happy now. I never stood a chance against Klitz. I knew he'd always be there to rescue you." I sighed and said "you cheated, Chase. I wasn't enough for you. And that's just the facts." Chase didn't reply as he walked out of the library. I looked down at my calculus book and felt tears welling up in my eyes. "Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes!" Eli sung loudly. I shushed him and the librarian glared at us. "I'm sorry." I quickly apologized. "Keep it down." She spat. Eli sat down in front of me and I said "what're you doing?" "I came to see when you're going shopping for your prom dress." "Today after school, why?" Eli stood up and then went to sit next to me. "I want your opinion on what color suit I should wear." "Ok." Eli inhaled and then exhaled. "Should I go with a classic black tux or a crazy color like blue? Or red?" I thought about Eli in a red or blue suit. He'd attract a lot of attention and would absolutely hate that since him and Klitz try to blend in as much as they can. "Do the classic black. That always looks good." Eli nodded and said "and do you know what color your dress is gonna be?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I shook my head. "No. And even if I did I wouldn't tell you cause you'd go and tell Klitz." Eli rolled his eyes and said "that's so not true." The two of us laughed softly. We were in a back corner of the library and the librarian was too busy helping students to notice us talking anyway. "Did you get your letter from Yale?" Eli asked. I shook my head and looked down. "Still?!" Eli whisper yelled. I nodded and said "I-I don't think I'm getting one. I don't know what to tell Klitz." Eli sat back in his chair and said "he's gonna be crushed, Pen. Like it's gonna break him." "You think I don't know that? It's eating me alive everyday. I don't have the heart to tell him. I can't. But, I can't not tell him either. I'm going to wait after prom. And the two of us will probably end up doing long distance." I lied about the last part. There's no way I'd force Klitz to stay with me while he goes to school miles and miles away. Eli frowned and said "looks like we're both not going to college." "Well, I'm sure with the porno you'll succeed. Everyone will be going except me." I smiled sadly at him and Eli shook his head. "I can't do it, Penny. I won't. You have to be ok too." I put my hand on his shoulder and said "I'll figure it out. Don't worry."


"Penny? Baby?" I looked up at Klitz and said "hi." "Hi." I immediately gave him a hug and he was taken aback but hugged me. "What's wrong?" Klitz asked. "I'm just having a bad day." I replied. Klitz's hand rubbed my back and he said "what's bothering you?" "That stupid calculus test. I've been studying like crazy and I'm super stressed out." Klitz squeezed me and said "you'll ace it, Pen. I know you will." I nuzzled my face into his chest and I felt his lips kiss the top of my head. "Do you want to skip prom shopping today?" I shook my head against his chest and said "no. But will you come over after? I wanna cuddle and watch a movie." Klitz cupped my cheek and kissed my lips. "Of course I'll come over." I sighed happily and Eli said "Klitz, come on! Matt's waiting!" Eli stood by Klitz's car and was tapping his foot obnoxiously like a cartoon character. "Let me go before Eli bursts a blood vessel. I do wish I could drive you home." Klitz said. I half smiled and said "I'm riding home with Oceana. And we're dropping our stuff off at home and immediately going shopping. We also have to pick up Danielle." Klitz nodded and said "oh, are you?" "Yeah." I looked down, slightly feeling insecure. Danielle would look good in any dress she picked. What if she picked a better dress and Klitz ended up staring at her all night? What if Klitz falls for Ferrari or April. God, he stared at April as if she was a goddess when we were at the convention. "Pen?" I looked up at him and said "hmm?" "Are you...ok?" I pushed the insecurities to the back of my mind. "Yeah. I'm ok." Klitz nodded and cupped my cheek. I held his hand to my cheek and kissed his lips sweetly, standing on my tip toes. Klitz chuckled softly as I pulled away and Oceana said "come on! You can kiss Clit later." Klitz rolled his eyes and Oceana pulled me away from him. "Bye, Klitz." I said with a giggle. Klitz put his hands in his pockets with a sigh. "Bye, babe." Oceana and I got into her car and Lizzie was already waiting for us. We then made our way to Danielle's so we could get prom dresses. April and Ferrari would be flying in, in a couple of days. As we got to the dress shop, all kinds of colors and materials and styles jumped out at us. I didn't want to get the wrong color or get something someone else was already wearing in our group. Danielle was scanning the red dresses. "What about this one?" Oceana said to me. She held up a light purple dress and I said "no. I don't care for that one." I walked over to the pink and yellow dresses. I sorted through them, trying to find something Klitz would like. My phone buzzed in my purse and I pulled it out, looking at the screen. It was a text from Klitz.

My vest is gold by the way
Just thought I'd let you know
In case you wanna match

I giggled softly at the text message. I went over to the white dresses. And started to look for some that had some gold trim. I looked at all the different materials and then my eyes found it. The dress was white with lacy sleeves. It was covered in gold butterflies, gold vines and gold flowers and leaves. I took it into the dressing room. I put the dress on and then came out. I said "guys. I think I found my dress." Oceana rushed over and said "let me see! Let me see!" She gasped. "Do you think Tim will like it?" I asked curiously. "CLIT IS GONNA DIE!" I laughed and said "should I get it?" "Yes! Oh my god, yes!" Danielle squealed as she walked over. Lizzy looked the dress up and down and said "he's gonna cum in his pants." I shushed her, pushing her playfully. "GET THE DRESS RIGHT NOW!" I giggled and changed out of the dress, taking it up to the counter to pay for it. Lizzie and Oceana got dresses a bit similar to mine. And Danielle got a red one that accentuates her tits perfectly. I was slightly nervous about April and Ferrari coming to prom. I'm a hundred percent sure Klitz thought she was a bombshell. I was unbelievably excited for prom but just hoped I'd be enough for Klitz. And the way my friends got excited about my dress, proved that I'd be ok. I decided I'd push my insecurities down and go to prom and actually have a good time.


"Hey! Hold it right there!" "Yes." "What do you mean, yes?" "Yes." "Is that all you can say?" "No." "Know anything else?" "Yes." "Positive and negative, huh? You're a Bit." "Yes." "Well, where's your program? Isn't he going to miss you?" "No." "I'm your program?" "Yes." I sighed softly as Tron played on the tv. Kevin Flynn was currently meeting a Bit for the first time. I laid on Klitz's chest as the two of us sat on his bed. His hand rested on my hip and I wrapped my arms around him. College and prom were stressing me out a bit. Which I didn't even need to be stressing about the latter but it was just because it was such a big event. And I'm going with my childhood crush, my best friend. I nuzzled my face into Klitz's chest and he said "what's up?" "Nothing. I just missed you today." "I kinda missed you too. I can't wait to see your dress." I blushed and said "that's the only reason I came here instead of having you come to mine. I didn't want you to see it." "Well, it's nice you're here. We never spend time at my house." Klitz said. "That's cause of your parents." I replied. Klitz nodded in agreement and said "yeah, that's true." Yori appeared on screen and Klitz chuckled softly. "What?" I said. Klitz shifted his body and said "I used to have the biggest crush on Yori. I thought she was so pretty. And I always thought one day, I could go to the grid and kick Tron's ass to get Yori." I laughed and said "well, if it makes you feel any better, I always thought Kevin Flynn was dreamy." "Kevin Flynn?!" Klitz said in disbelief. I shrugged and said "he's the star of the movie." "Ah, but what about Tron?" "Tron was always cute. He's the warrior that protects Yori and fights for the users. Tron's amazing. But Kevin, Kevin is the one who was snubbed. His video games were stolen and he'll stop at nothing to prove it. Encom is his company. So technically Tron is his too." I said. Klitz shook his head and said "you should become a film major." "I've thought about it, Klitzy. But, I'd be much happier doing something different. I'm not sure exactly what I wanna do. I'll figure it out." "Yeah. You've got time. Don't stress, baby." I kissed his cheek and our attention went back to the movie. I didn't want Klitz to leave my side. I wanted to spend as much time with him as I could before he went to college. As I wouldn't be going with him. Graduation would come and go and Klitz would be off to Yale. He deserved it. He was so smart and would definitely end up doing something I business. Klitz went to get up and I said "where're you going?" "To get a snack." "Can I come with you?" "Sure." Klitz stood up and I did the same, grabbing ahold of his arm as the two of us went downstairs. Klitz grabbed a box of Oreo's and said "what do you want, babe?" "Oreo's are ok." "You sure?" "Mmm-hmm." Klitz kissed my head and said "you're clingy today." "I'm sorry." I quickly apologized. He shook his head and said "I like it. It's cute. Let's go finish Tron, yeah?" "Can we watch Sleeping Beauty after?" I asked. "Yes, we can watch Sleeping Beauty after." The two of us went back upstairs and continued our little Disney marathon.

The end of this chapter is dumb and it's basically a filler but but but prom is next chapter. The iconic filming of the sex ed video. The next chapter will be pretty long and will definitely make up for this one. I hope you'll all enjoy it!! And thanks for 2k!! That's crazy!!

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