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Chapter two
Chase's Party
Penny's POV:
Matt, Eli, and Klitz were currently at my house. "You guys aren't gonna go?" I asked. "No way. We don't go to parties." Eli said from above me. I currently had my head in his lap while my legs rested on Klitz's lap. "But, it's Chase's party! You guys are practically invited!" Matt looked up from his homework and said "really?" "All I have to do is look at him like this and say 'they're my friends, baby. Can't they party too?'" I pursed my lips and pouted. Klitz and Eli's eyes immediately went to me and I giggled. "He'll turn into mush and then you guys will be able to get your party on." Klitz gulped and said "it's probably better if we stay here. We'd drag you down. Socially." I sat up and said "I don't care about that. You guys are my friends. I want you there. Please, Klitzy?" I made puppy dog eyes and leaned my head on his shoulder. "Fine. I can't really say no to you." He mumbled. "Yay!" I wrapped my arms around Klitz's neck, hugging him. Klitz froze as I moved around in his lap. He then awkwardly patted my hip. "You swear your boyfriend isn't going to get mad?" Eli asked. I shrugged and said "so, what if he does. I don't care." "I don't want my ass kicked or a wedgie." "That's not gonna happen." "What time is the party?" Klitz said. "8:00." "And it's on Saturday?" I nodded and Klitz sighed. "We don't have to dress up or anything right?" Eli said. I shook my head and said "no. It's not a costume party. Halloween passed." Eli rolled his eyes and said "duh!" "Guys, I think we'll have fun. We never do anything." Matt said to his friends. Klitz looked at him and said "in case you forgot I'm trying to get into Yale." "So am I." I said. "Wait, you wanna go to Yale too?" "Well, I don't want to go to Georgetown and Eli isn't going to college. Looks like we're going to Yale." "What about Chase?" "What about him?" "Aren't you guys going to be a happy couple and go to college together?" Klitz snapped. I cleared my throat and said "as of right now, no. And he's going to get into some fancy college on a sports scholarship. I actually have to work for it." "So do I." "I know, Klitz but you're so smart it'll be a breeze for you." "I'll help you." I smiled at him and Eli said "ugh, enough about college! We need to make sure we look good at this party."


The week was going by surprisingly fast. Friday was here and all anyone could talk about was the party at Chase's house. "Are you gonna ride with us to Chase's?" Klitz asked me. I looked at him and said "should I?" "Uh, yeah." "Why?" "Cause what if he doesn't let us in." "Ugh, Klitz I already told him you guys were coming." "That's new." Klitz's eyes went to the skirt I had on. "I just got it yesterday. Well, Chase gave me the money but yeah." "It's cool. I like it." He said. "Thanks, Klitzy." His cheeks turned red and Chase came over. "Hey, babe." I stood up and gave Chase a kiss. "And uh...Klitz." Klitz nodded to Chase and said "hey." "I'm glad you're coming to the party tomorrow. A nerd like you will have fun." I hit Chase's arm and said "don't." "Don't what?" "He's not a nerd." Klitz sighed and I knew he was used to this but just because he was used to it didn't mean my boyfriend could say it. "I didn't mean that in a rude way." Chase said. "It's fine." Klitz replied. Chase's hands went to my hips and I pushed his hands off. "I'll see you tomorrow?" Klitz nodded and said "yeah, Pen." I gave him a hug before going off with Chase to his car.

Lizzie's POV:
Oceana and I had filmed Monday night but hadn't done anything since then. I leaned my head against my pillows as I rubbed at my clit. I then inserted two fingers. I moaned softly as I thought about Oceana doing it instead. Fingering always felt great but it was even better when someone knew how to do it correctly. Oceana was one of those people. Or should I say, Summer. Summer was Oceana's porn name. Summer Luv. It was honestly the cutest thing. I was currently just going by Lizzie and keeping my last name away from it. Oceana almost always wore leggings or a skirt to school. I pumped my fingers faster as I felt the rope in my stomach getting tighter. I thought about how she'd kiss me when we'd film or the way her hands ran over my body.

"Fuck, Lizzie. Don't stop. Don't stop."

Oceana's voice entered my head. I used my other hand to rub at my clit harshly. I squirmed and gasps left my lips as the pleasure started to become overwhelming. I knew we'd probably be filming next week and I'd get to have her close to me. I thought about the way she'd eat me out, sucking on my clit as if it was the last thing she'd ever do. "Oceana, shit! Shit! Shit!" I started to come on my fingers. Moans and Oceana's name left my lips as pleasure wracked through my body. I panted and removed my fingers, seeing my juices on them. I chuckled and smirked to myself. With that party tomorrow, Oceana and I would most likely end up hooking up but I wasn't a hundred percent sure. I just knew we were in for a good party tomorrow.

Klitz's POV:
I should've been getting ready for this party. But here I was, jerking it when I should be getting dressed. I hadn't used porn to get off in a long time. Not since I started crushing on Penny. I thought about the way her mini skirt hung on her hips, the tight t-shirt that practically had her boobs on display.

"Harder, Klitzy. Go harder."

I could hear her voice in my head, encouraging me to go faster, harder. I thought about kissing her lips that were plump and full; Penny kissing my neck. "Penny. Ah, fuck." I moved my hand faster, just wanting my release to come. I looked at the clock on my nightstand, my eyes widening. I was supposed to be leaving soon to pick up Eli. It was 7:15. I threw my head back and silently pleaded to cum.

"Come on, Klitz. You can do it. You already made me feel so good. Cum for me, Klitzy."

"Pen-Penny, I'm close. I'm right there, fuck. I'm right there." I squeezed my dick as I moved my hand even faster, the sound of skin slapping entering the room. "I need to cum so bad. Shit. Shit."

"Cum for me, Klitzy. Fill me up. I want to be full of your cum."

"Fuck! Fuck! Ahhh, fuck. Oh my god. Penny, oh my god." I came all over my hand, my body jolting. I panted softly and a thin layer of sweat coated my body. I opened my eyes and my glasses were fogged up. My phone rang and I looked at the time. 7:20. "Shit." I rushed into the bathroom, cleaning myself up and quickly getting dressed. My phone rang again and I picked it up. Eli's name flashed across the screen. "What?" I said. "Uh, are you picking me up? It's 7:30, dude!" He said. I rolled my eyes and said "I took a nap and overslept." "That's what you chose to do with your Saturday afternoon? Lame." "Yeah and what'd you do?" "Surfed through Twitter porn." "I'll be there in five." I hung up the phone and went to get my keys, driving over to Eli's. Eli practically skipped out of his house as I honked the horn. "We gotta pick up Matt!" I groaned and Eli immediately started going through the radio stations as he got in the car. Matt, Eli, and I all lived in the same neighborhood so everyone was a few streets over but Matt's house was down a super long street that took forever to get to. I huffed as I drove down the endless street. "Did Pen give you the address?" Eli asked. I nodded and pulled the piece of paper out of my pocket, looking at her handwriting that was in pink glitter pen. "MATTHEW!! WHERE ART THOU, MATTHEW?!" Eli screamed out the window. I hit him on the arm and Matt came out of his house, his eyes wide. "Have fun, Matthew!" Mrs. Kidman said. "Hi, Mrs. Kidman!" Eli waved. "Hello, Eli! Hello, Timothy!" I grimaced at my first name and waved back to her. "What the fuck are you yelling for?" Matt said as he got in the car. "Shut up, it's fine." Eli replied. I started driving and noticed the closer we got, the bigger Chase's house was going to be. "Oh, he's one of those rich fuckers isn't he?" Eli said. Matt shrugged and said "looks like it." "Hunter's here." I noticed his blue truck that was so obnoxious when he started it. I parked on the side of the house along with everyone else and the three of us got out of the car. Matt led the way as Eli and I walked alongside each other. Eli looked at me as everyone started to look at us. "We shouldn't be here. Let's leave." Eli quickly said. I felt the nerves getting to me as popular kids looked at us with annoyance and disgust. "Should we bolt?" I asked. Matt turned around and said "no, come on. Penny is waiting for us." I nodded and knew I needed to get inside so I could get a drink. That'd probably calm my nerves. Chase's house was enormous. I suddenly felt insecure. Penny could have everything she wanted being with him. I couldn't give her anything he could. It put a sour taste in my mouth and Eli and I went to the drink table. "No hard liquor? Wack." Eli said. "Hunter has the hard liquor." A girl named Olivia said. She was popular and I can't believe she even spoke to Eli and I. "What does he have?" I said. Olivia shrugged and said "uh, vodka, rum, and he's making some cocktails with some other shit. All of this is beer. And Chase might have some better stuff." Eli nodded to her and said "thanks." "No problem." She walked away and went to where Hunter and Derek were. I settled on a beer for now, not wanting to interact with Hunter just yet. I practically downed the beer in my cup to help my nerves, going for a refill. "Dude, don't get shitfaced yet. We haven't even seen Penny." Matt sipped on his beer and said "I just tried to talk to Olivia and she literally acted like I was a freak." "Why would you do that?" I asked. "She talked to you guys. While I was scoping out the crowd, she talked to you guys." "That doesn't mean she'll ever talk to us again. She's probably drunk and doesn't even know we're not really supposed to be here." Eli replied. "Guys!!" Penny's voice said. I turned my head to look at her. She wore a tank top with low rise jeans. I brought my cup to my lips so I wouldn't stand there looking like a codfish. "I'm glad you found the house ok." Matt nodded at her and said "thanks to Klitz." Penny looked at me and said "I'm really glad you guys came." "Me too." I lied through my teeth. I wanted to be here with her but not with all this people from school. It was stressing me out. "Where's the dance floor? I wanna dance." Eli said as the alcohol started moving through his body, loosening him up. I grabbed another beer as to chill myself out. Matt nudged me and said "aren't you driving us home?" "Yeah. I'll be fine. I'm not gonna get shitfaced. I'm just stressed out." Matt nodded and Penny led us to the dance floor by the pool which had tons of people in it. Chase laughed with Hunter and Derek. Penny smiled at Chase who kissed her lips. "You guys want a drink?" Chase said. Eli nodded and said "you got fireball?" Hunter handed him a shot with the fakest smile on his face. Derek stared the three of us down, annoyed we were within three feet of them. Penny bopped her head to the beat and grabbed my arm, pulling me away from Chase and his obnoxious friends. "You'll dance with me, right?" I furrowed my eyebrows and said "aren't you gonna dance with Chase?" Penny sighed sadly and said "he won't. He's just gonna stand and talk to Hunter all night." A frown appeared on her face. My eyes went to her lips that were coated in a pink lipgloss which was probably flavored. Her boobs peeked out at the top of her tank, her hips on display because of the low rise jeans. "Maybe. You know I can't dance." I told her. Penny pouted and said "please, Klitz." I went to answer when the Hampster Dance Song came on. "Penny, oh my god!" Eli yelled as he rushed over, grabbing her wrist. Penny smiled really big at Eli as he pulled her to the dance floor. This was their song. It had come out when we were all in freshman year. I mentally cursed at myself for not going to dance with her. She'd most likely forget about me dancing with her. I approached Chase and Hunter. "Klitz, whatcha need, buddy?" Chase said in a fake tone. "A shot." "Of?" "Vodka." Hunter smirked and handed me the shot. "Actually make it a double." I said. "Yeah, that's it!" Chase patted my back and I lurched forward. Hunter handed me the double shot and I quickly downed it, grimacing. Penny and Eli were dancing together, Eli and her spinning in a circle like they would in freshman year. I watched Eli's hands go to Penny's waist. I walked away from Hunter and Chase, going to sit down. Oceana and Lizzie were dancing together, their hands all over one another. The alcohol I had consumed was making my body buzz and I desperately wanted to try and dance with Penny. Matt was laying on his back on a pool lounge chair. "Go for it, dude." He said. I shrugged and said "should I?" "Yeah. Once this song is over, go over there and dance with her. She asked you first, not Eli." I nodded and decided I'd take Matt's advice. As soon as the song ended Eli left her to get a drink. I made my way across the dance floor and tapped her shoulder. She turned around and I said "I'll take you up on that dance." Penny smiled really big and said "awe, thank you." I half smiled and Penny grabbed my hands, swaying back and forth to the Maroon 5 song that played. I didn't even realize it was a slow song until actually listening to it. Penny was drunk while I was buzzed. She grabbed me by my jacket and pulled me closer to her. "Hold me, Klitz. Hold me while we dance." I gulped and said "you're really drunk right now, Pen. And you're boyfriend is over there. I'm not sure if that's a good idea." Penny frowned and I wished the dance floor would fill so I could actually dance with her. I looked over my shoulder and Chase had went to the beer keg. "Chug! Chug! Chug!" You could hear in the distance. I very quickly wrapped my arms around Penny's waist. Penny leaned her head on my chest and hummed. I knew she was just drunk. She didn't like me in that way. Her arms went to my jacket, holding handfuls. "Thank you, Klitz." She said. I nodded and said "you're welcome." As a fast song came on, Penny pulled away from me and tried to get to get me to dance with her. I moved my body with her but didn't dance to the whole song. "Boo, you're no fun!" She said as I stopped dancing. I smiled at her and Oceana took her off somewhere. I went to sit back with Eli and Matt. "Dude, you just danced with Penny." Eli said. "Yeah and that was it. It was a dance." I replied. "A dance? That's it? She seemed pretty into it." I shook my head and said "it was a slow song. That's what people do." Eli took a sip of his drink and said "you better bang here tonight." I looked at him with wide eyes. "Are you serious? In the house of her boyfriend? That's real smart, Eli." "What? Chase probably deserves to be cheated on. I'm sure he's cheated on other girls before." I thought about it. Eli was right. I just hoped Chase wouldn't cheat on Penny. She was too good for it.


The party was coming to a close. Lots of people were passed out around Chase's house. "I'm so drunk." Penny said. "I'll take you home." I offered. "You will? Oh, thank you." I wrapped an arm around her waist as I helped her to my car. "Get in the back, Eli." Eli looked at me crazy and said "dude." "Go." Eli huffed and went and got in the backseat. I had let the alcohol dissolve hours ago. I stopped drinking after that shot I did. Penny leaned her head against the seat and I strapped her in. I closed the door and went and to get in. I started making the drive back. I decided to drop Matt off first and then Eli. As we approached Penny's house, I noticed no cars in the driveway. "Unlock the door for me, Klitzy." Penny said as she started to get out of the car. I unlocked the car doors and rushed over to her. I helped her into the house. We walked up the stairs and into her bedroom. She fell back onto her bed and groaned. I shakily took off the tight jeans that were on her body. I didn't look at her panties and threw the jeans to the floor. "Oh, thank you, Klitz." Penny moaned. My eyes went wide at her voice. Her bed wasn't made and I made sure she was under the covers. "Penny." "Hmm?" She looked at me with a dazed look on her face. "Call me if you need anything." She nodded and said "ok." She rolled onto her side and I left her house, making sure it was locked behind me. When I got to my house I fell onto my bed, on my stomach. I sighed deeply and tried to lazily shrug off my clothes. I tossed my jacket onto a chair across the room and managed to shimmy off the khaki pants and button up shirt I wore. I was left in my undershirt and boxers. I turned my bed down and took off my glasses, immediately falling asleep when my head hit the pillow.

This was way longer than I expected and was supposed to be up sooner but I took a nap😂

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