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Chapter twenty
Penny's POV:
The girls and I were rushing around the house to get ready for prom. We decided we'd get ready at Danielle's. I was absolutely nervous about the whole situation. I just wanted Klitz to be happy with me and my dress. This moment was a dream for me and I couldn't wait to experience prom; with a boy I actually liked. "Penny, sit still while I zip you up!" Oceana said. I sighed softly and said "sorry. I'm nervous." Oceana put her hand on my shoulders and said "don't be. Clit is going to love your dress." I shook my head at her and she started to do my makeup. Ferrari walked into the room and gasped. "I love your dress! You look so pretty!" April nodded in agreement and said "totally!" I half smiled at the two of them and I looked in the mirror at myself. My hair was curled to perfection even though it was already curly. It was pulled up into a beautiful bedazzled hair clip. I played with the material on my dress and said "so?" "You look so hot." Oceana said. A smile spread across my face as I looked at the mirror. My dress was perfect. Klitz was going to love it.

Danielle and Ferrari were both in red while April was in gold. A soft huff left my lips as I realized her and I were wearing the same color. Basically. Yes my dress was white but it did have gold in it. Lizzie zipped up her dress and started on her makeup. I helped Oceana into her dress and started to do her makeup. Oceana's dress was white with green leaves and white flowers covering the chest. And Lizzie's was similar, being white with flowers on the chest.

The boys would be arriving soon. We were all getting ready at Danielle's and the prom after party would be at my house. I was thankful my parents decided to let me use the house for the party. They said that it was normal for teens to have a party, especially after prom. And that they would've failed as hippie parents if they didn't let their daughter have parties. "So, Matt said they're here." Danielle said. I gasped softly and said "they are?" "Yeah. It'll be ok. I'm gonna go out first. Or Oceana and Lizzie could go out first." Danielle said. Lizzie shrugged and said "I guess we could. The boys want to see you guys anyways. Plus, Eli is filming the whole thing." We all went downstairs, Lizzie and Oceana going outside before us. Danielle went first, Matt telling her how beautiful she was. "Relax. Relax." I heard Eli saying to Klitz. "Klitz, Eli, this is Ferrari and April. And of course, Penny Lane." Matt said as the three of us stepped out. Klitz's jaw dropped and Eli was nudging his best friend as his eyes bounced from me to the beautiful porn stars standing next to me. "Your name is Clits?" Ferrari asked. My boyfriend smirked and said "with a K." I walked down the steps and approached Klitz who gulped as I stood in front of him. "Hi, Tim." I whispered. Klitz smiled at me calling him by his first name and said "hi, baby." I looked at his vest and his suit. He looked so handsome and hot, and cute, and so pretty at the same time. Bells and whistles were going off in my head as I looked at my boyfriend in front of me. "Ok, uh, let's get some pictures. I'm gonna take some of you and Klitz first, then I want to get some of him and Ferrari. For the tape." Eli said. I nodded and Klitz put his hand on my waist as he pulled me closer to him. "Oh, wait!" Klitz said. Eli groaned and said "son of a bitch, what're you doing?" "Penny's corsage. She needs to have it." Klitz replied as he pulled it out of his pocket. "Aweeee!" April and Ferrari cooed as Klitz opened the plastic. Klitz put the corsage on my wrist. A yellow and green flower now sat there. "It was really hard to pick a flower. I tried to get something that was red or pink but then I thought about your name. And how your parents named you after The Beatles and then I thought of Lucy in the Sky. Cellophane flowers of yellow and green, towering over your head. I wanted to get you something that was yellow and green." Klitz rambled. I kissed him on the lips and said "I love it." "I need to take your picture. Hello?" Eli said, breaking Klitz and I out of the conversation we were having. Klitz pulled me closer to him, his hand resting on my hip. I wrapped my arm around him, putting my other hand on his chest. "There we go! Beautiful, Penny! Beautiful!" Eli said. Klitz moved me in front of him and put his arms around my waist. I interlocked my hands with his as they rested on my lower stomach. My grin was from ear to ear as we took pictures. Klitz then did the unthinkable and kissed me as the camera went off. "Get them on tape! Right now!" Eli told one of his minions. I was too busy kissing Klitz to see if they were actually filming us. I cupped Klitz's cheek and his hands went to my hips, squeezing tightly. "This is the content I needed!" I moaned against Klitz's lips softly and pulled away. "A few more pictures and then I want you and Ferrari to switch." I took a couple of pictures with Klitz and then Ferrari stood next to him. She wrapped her arms around him as she dramatically hung off of him. Klitz adjusted his glasses up his nose and nervously put his hand on her waist. "She's really putting on a show, huh?" I said to Oceana. "And that's all it is. A show. Clit only wants you and Ferrari is doing this for the tape. Everything's ok." I nodded at her and said "I know. I just didn't think this would be a whole show. That's all." "Penny, come here!" Eli said as he grabbed me and pulled me to where he stood. "Eli, you're gonna make her fall." Klitz said as Ferrari ran her hand through his hair. Eli stood next to me and said "you're taller than me." "I've always been taller than you. You're short." I teased. Eli rolled his eyes, putting his hand up to my face. "Whatever. I just want to take some pictures with you." I smiled at the camera as Eli put his arm around my waist. I could hear the scoffs of my boyfriend next to me. I leaned down and kissed Eli's cheek, to which he blushed with a big smile. "Move." Klitz pushed Eli away from me and kissed my lips. "Get it! Get it! His tongue is down her throat! Film it!" Eli yelled at his minions. "Mmm!" A surprised noise left my lips as Klitz's tongue explored my mouth. I sucked on his tongue softly which caused him to moan into my mouth. "That's it. That's it. That's fucking perfect, Klitz." Eli said. Klitz's grip on my hips tightened and I heard Matt cheering him on. I slowly pulled away from Klitz who groaned. "Eli, leave them alone and take some pictures of Lizzie and I, please." Oceana said. The attention was taken off of Klitz and I. "You've never kissed me like that before." I said. Klitz chuckled nervously and said "sorry." "No, it was good. I mean, really good. I usually don't like French kissing or kissing with tongue. However you want to say it." Klitz shrugged and said "I kinda just went for it. I'm not too good at this stuff." I cupped his cheek and said "hey, don't put yourself down. You're a good kisser, Klitz." Once all the photos were being done taken, we headed to the limo. My mouth dropped as Matt had actually gotten us a limo. We all squeezed in, the girls on one side and the guys on the other. Danielle smiled really big at Matt who smiled back. "Y-You look really nice." Klitz said. I looked at him and then my eyes went to Ferrari and April. "Thank you." I replied in a soft tone. "Like r-really nice." Eli stared at Klitz with a shocked expression on his face. A blush appeared on my cheeks and I said "thank you." Ferrari and April started to make out. Danielle sighed and Matt scratched the back of his head. Klitz and Eli looked at each other while smiling. Lizzie shook their head at them and I grabbed my mirror, checking my makeup. I reapplied some lipgloss and Klitz watched in shock, his lips parting. Once we arrived at school, the camera crew seemed to be at our side immediately. Klitz held out his arm for me to take and I gladly took it. Klitz looked towards the doors and I said "nervous?" "No. Not at all. I just want tonight to be fun. I never thought I'd get to go to...prom with you." Klitz replied. I leaned my head on his shoulder and we all walked into the school. All eyes were on us as the camera crew followed our every move. Lapdance by N.E.R.D blared into the gym as we made our way inside. Eli walked over to the punch table and pulled Klitz and I along with him. I huffed at Eli and Klitz said "dude, she's wearing heels. You're gonna kill her." "Sorry, Pen." Eli grabbed a cup and got some punch. He took a sip and groaned. "Ugh, god!" Klitz furrowed his eyebrows and said "is it bad?" "It's straight alcohol." I picked up a cup, using the spoon to pour some in. I took a small sip and exhaled. "Hunter must've spiked the punch." I offered the cup to Klitz who brought it to his lips. I watched him take a pretty big swig. "Jeez." He said. I nodded and patted his chest. "Told you." Eli was currently talking to his minions and was telling them we'd be getting ready to go and film. "Penny, you sure you don't want to be in it? You and Klitz could film something." I shook my head at Eli and Klitz said "no way. I got accepted into Yale." "Can Klitz and I dance to this song? Really quick. While it's still on?" Eli sighed at me and I said "please, Eli." "Hurry up." I squealed and Klitz looked at the crowd. "You wanna dance to Lapdance?" Klitz said as I liked him to the dance floor. I nodded and put Klitz's hands on my hips as I pressed my back to his chest. Klitz inhaled sharply as I started to grind against him. Danielle and Matt jumped up and down to the beat of the song. Eli stood on the sidelines telling his minions to film everything that was going on. Klitz squeezed my hips and a soft moan left my lips. Klitz's breath hitched and I smirked to myself. Chase sat at a table with Jane. He looked so bored like he didn't want to be there. His eyes were on Klitz and I as the two of us danced. I turned around to face Klitz, bringing him in for a kiss. I smiled into the kiss and Klitz cupped my cheek. I pulled away as the song ended. "Promise me you'll dance with me later. To a slow song." Klitz nodded and said "whatever you want, baby. I want tonight to be fun for you. I want to make this night fun for you." I held Klitz's hands in mine and said "you already have, so far. I just want one cliche sappy slow dance." "Anything for you." Eli motioned for us to come over to where he stood so we could go ahead and start filming. I helped Eli carry a few things he needed as we moved through the different classrooms. As Ferrari took off her bra, my eyes widened at her breasts. Eli stared at them for a few seconds and then started directing her and Oceana. Oceana, however, couldn't keep her eyes off Ferrari's chest. Klitz held a light over Ferrari as she started explaining a whole course about girl's sexual desire and how it's normal. Ferrari would also be explaining how hickeys can be dangerous and the correct places to put them. "This course is about hickeys!" Ferrari cheered. Oceana looked up at her and then at the camera. "Today, Ferrari will be demonstrating the correct way to give someone a hickey." Oceana said. Ferrari smiled and said "now, boys, just because I'm performing hickeys on a girl, this course applies to you to. Pay close attention. You don't want to give your girlfriend a painful hickey. You want them to be enjoyable. Your partner might have a sweet spot, if so, you'll have to gently give them the hickey, like this." Ferrari kissed up and down Oceana's neck. Lizzie leaned against the wall and shook her head. "She just had to be in this scene, didn't she?" She said. I shrugged and said "it looks good." "It looks amazing." Eli mumbled as he aimed the camera closer to them. Then for the grand finale, April would put a condom on someone's dick. Hunter and Troy had been in the film earlier and now it was Derek's time to shine. But, he couldn't get it up. The tripod was currently debating who would take his place. "Guys, I can't work like this!" Eli said as he threw his arms in the air. Matt sighed and said "relax. We'll just get somebody else." Klitz shook his head and said "there isn't anyone else." "I thought everyone was dying to be in this." Matt replied. Klitz grimaced and said "not this scene." April laid on her side, looking bored. She huffed and played with a condom that didn't get used. Matt looked at April and said "this is the key scene. If we don't get this, Hugo won't buy it." Eli looked at Klitz, crossing his arms. "Well, somebody's gotta step up." "Why're you looking at me?" Klitz asked. "Because you're doing it." Eli told him. Klitz scoffed and said "oh, Mr. I Wanna Bang Hot Chicks, here's your first chance." I watched the two of them argue, knowing that if we didn't get this scene, Matt would be screwed. All of this will have been for nothing. "Klitz, I can't act and direct." "Oh, ok, I'll direct." "You're a director now?" "Yeah." "Ok, Spielberg, make the magic." The two of them bickered back and forth. "I'll do it." Matt announced. "Matty, you sure?" I said. He nodded nervously and said "yeah. We need this." "Matt, your face is gonna be in this." Klitz put his hand on Matt's shoulder but his friend ignored him as he walked away. Matt changed into the robe and then chickened out. Klitz ran a hand through his hair and Eli rushed over to him. "What happened?" "I can't do this." Matt said as he looked down. "What're we gonna do?" I said. Matt shrugged and said "I don't know." Danielle stood by the door and Matt smiled at her. Klitz took a shaky breath and said "I'll do it." My eyes widened and Matt was trying to talk him out of it and Klitz shook his head. "I'll do it." "Why?" Eli asked incredulously. Klitz smirked and said "cause we're a fucking tripod." Eli handed Klitz the robe and he went into the other room to change. Nerves bubbled up in my stomach at the thought of Klitz being naked in front of everyone. This was the first time I'd see him naked. I wanted it to be our first time together. I wanted it to be sacred. I quickly realized that this was happening whether I liked it or not. I went to the spare room, knocking on the door. Klitz let me in and he stood in the robe. He looked unbelievably nervous. "Are you ok?" I said in a small voice. Klitz nodded and said "yeah. I think so." "Don't. You don't have to, Klitz." "I gotta do this. For Matt." I nodded and left the room, giving him a few minutes to prepare himself. I went and stood off in the back, not wanting him to see the worry on my face. Klitz came out and was sitting next to April. "This is really unprofessional but I think you're really cute." April said to him. Klitz shook his head and said "no way." "No, seriously. You're really cute." April put her hand on his thigh, her manicured red nails scratching at his skin. I scoffed and tapped Eli on the shoulder. "I'm gonna go stand watch outside." "Are you sure?" Eli said. I nodded and said "I gotta get out of here. It's a bit too much." I opened the door and went to sit outside of the room. I didn't want to sit on the floor in my white prom dress but I didn't care at this point. I was so jealous right now. It was just bubbling up inside me and making everything worse. Those insecurities in the back of my mind seemed to scream, telling me that I wasn't enough. I shook my head, trying to make the thoughts disappear. "It's just a tape. It doesn't mean anything." I told myself. I felt my heart start to break at the insecurities I had about myself. And how in the blink of an eye, I could lose Klitz. I wanted nothing more than to go home. I was so annoyed and was jealous. A few minutes later Eli opened the door and said "hey, we're finished." "Good. I'm gonna go back to the gym. Honestly, I might go home. It's just too much." I said to him. Eli furrowed his eyebrows and said "Penny, what's wrong?" I started to walk away and I looked over my shoulder. "Nothing. I'm fine." I left and went back into the gym. I sat at a table alone, watching the couples dance. I propped my head up with my hand and sighed. Matt and Danielle looked so happy. Hell, they actually got a prom. I was helping Eli film his movie. Which I didn't mind but all I wanted was a nice night with Klitz. "Pen?" Klitz's voice said. I looked up at him and then looked away. He sat next to me and said "what's wrong?" "Nothing." I spat. Klitz scoffed and said "did I do something?" My blood started to boil. "Are you serious?! Did you do something?!" I yelled but not loud enough for everyone to hear. Klitz put his hands up in defense and said "whoa, what'd I do?" "April. You loved the confidence she gave you. That was nice, right? She got to put a condom on your dick. I bet she'll be your first." I said as I looked away from him. "Wha...what-what're you t-talking about?" Klitz stuttered. "Klitz, don't act stupid. April had her hands all over you. And you enjoyed everything she said to you. God, you loved every fucking second!" I looked back at Klitz to see him looking at me in shock. He gulped. "P-Penny, what do you mean? I never...I didn't...I..." Klitz went to reach for me but hesitated. "I don't want her. It was nice to know another girl doesn't think I'm ugly. But, all I care about is you. You don't think I'm ugly. You came to prom with me. I...I love you." Klitz blurted out the last part and then his eyes widened. I gasped softly and said "you love me?" "Oh, god. I'm-" I cut him off by kissing his lips. Klitz moaned against my lips, his hand coming up to cup my cheeks. I pulled away, pecking his lips. "I love you too, Klitzy." "Good. Oh good. Oh, thank god." I kissed Klitz again, my fingers running through his hair. Klitz cupped my cheek and deepened the kiss. I inhaled quickly through my nose as I didn't want to pull away from him. I held handfuls of his sport coat and Klitz pulled away. "Now, I think I owe you a slow dance." Klitz said as he stood up. I smiled really big and he offered his hand to me. I took his hand and he led me to the dance floor. A slow 80s song played softly and Klitz's hands were on my hips as mine were on his shoulders. "Thank you." I whispered. "For what?" He said. My cheeks began to heat up and I said "for being you. For being the sweetest boyfriend I could ever ask for. Klitz, I never thought you'd look in my direction. I figured I was one of the boys. And I know you like girls who look like April. Not porn stars but pretty blondes like her. I'm a brunette with curly hair. I've liked you since freshman year, Klitz." Klitz chuckled in disbelief and said "I've loved you since seventh grade. When you got closer to Eli, I thought my chance was gone. And look at me. I'm not the hottest guy in the room." "You are to me. You drive me crazy, Klitz." He kissed my forehead and hid his face to hide the blush creeping up his cheeks. I leaned my head on his chest and said "I don't want to get super drunk tonight. I want to have fun but I don't want to be drunk. Can we just have fun?" "Whatever you want, baby. I'm not really in the mood tonight anyway." I hugged Klitz who kissed the top of my head again. After our dance, we headed to the limo with the rest of our friends. It had been decided that I'd be throwing the prom after party. The limo ride back home was loud and energetic. Eli would have to edit the tape with his minions but I knew he could do it. Danielle and Matt decided they were going to go to hers as we all departed at my house. Ferrari and April were going to hang out and Eli's goal was to have sex with one of them. I led Klitz out of the limo and into my house as I put music on. "I love you." I told him. Klitz smiled and said "I love you too, Penny."

The end is wack but next chapter will involve smut!! It's a party chapter so hopefully y'all will like it!!

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