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Chapter twenty two
Prom Aftermath
Penny's POV:
"Ahh, Penny." Klitz moaned as he rocked his hips into mine. He exhaled deeply and started to slam into me. I gasped and wrapped my arms around his neck, holding him close to me. The sunshine from my window shone in as it was the morning after prom. "Klitz, you have to pull out." I told him as he started to twitch, signaling he was almost there. He nodded and said "I'm almost there. Fuck." Klitz had only brought one condom with him last night but woke up with a raging hard on. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't want Klitz just as bad as he wanted me. I moaned softly and felt myself coming undone under Klitz. I covered my mouth to keep my moans muffled since Eli, Oceana, and Lizzie were in the house. "Oh fuck. Oh shit. Oh fuck!" Klitz pulled out and jerked himself off. Loud high pitched moans came from Klitz as he came on my thighs and stomach. His face was scrunched up in pleasure, his lips parting as his orgasm rocked his body. I watched him in awe as he slowly came from from his high. "Oh fuck." He whispered. I looked up at my boyfriend who I thought was incredibly hot in this moment. I panted softly and Klitz's eyes fluttered open as he looked down. He looked at my stomach and thighs, covered in his spent. Klitz chuckled and said "awesome." "Klitz." I said while shaking my head. Klitz leaned down to me, pressing a kiss to my lips. "I'm gonna clean you up. Stay here." Klitz pulled on his boxers and went to the bathroom. I sighed and Klitz came back with some wipes from my bathroom. He wiped my stomach and kept his eyes on me. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" Klitz asked. I shook my head and said "no." "You sure?" I nodded and he made sure I was clean. I sat up and put a fresh pair of panties on and changed into some comfortable clothes. Which for me was thigh high socks, shorts and a t-shirt. "Are you hungry?" I said to Klitz. He stretched as he pulled his t-shirt on. "Yeah, I could eat." I stood on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek. The two of us left my bedroom and headed downstairs. Eli was on the couch, rubbing at his eyes. "Klitz, did you just fuck Penny at 9:30 in the morning?" Eli asked. He had a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, the majority of it covering his neck. Klitz's cheeks turned red and he said "uhm, yeah. I guess you heard us." "Of course I fucking heard you! Fuck, Penny! Oh my god! Fuck me harder, Klitz! Harder!" Eli mocked the two of us. I scoffed softly and said "shut up, Eli." I went to look at the backyard and saw that it wasn't too messy. I furrowed my eyebrows and Eli said "I cleaned some of it up this morning. We can do the rest." I turned to look at him and said "thanks, Eli." Klitz wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me against his front, my back to his chest. "I love you." Klitz whispered as he kissed my cheek. I leaned into his touch and said "I love you too." "Penny, do you have any food? I'm hungry." Eli snapped. I removed myself from Klitz and he sighed softly. I looked at Eli and said "what do you want?" "Cinnamon rolls." Klitz shook his head and said "that's such a specific breakfast request." "I know for a fact Penny has some cause I looked in the freezer last night." Eli said. I walked to the freezer and grabbed them. I popped the can open which caused Eli and Klitz to jump. I hummed softly as I started to roll the dough into balls. "So, how was she?" Eli asked Klitz. His voice was low but I could still hear him because he's Eli. "Dude, shut up." Klitz replied. "Give me the dirty details. Did you cum inside?" "No!" I looked over my shoulder at Klitz's loud voice and then went back to making the cinnamon rolls. "You used a condom?" "Yes." "Did you use one this morning?" "No." "So you came-" "On her thighs and stomach." "I can hear everything you're saying, you know." I said to the boys. I looked at them. Eli's eyes were wide and Klitz's cheeks were red. He seemed to shrink into the chair and Oceana said "if you guys are going to talk about Penny, maybe do it a little quieter." Klitz gulped and said "how was your night, Eli?" "Mine? I fucked the shit out of Ferrari. She's a goddess." Eli leaned back in his chair and smirked. Klitz shook his head and said "you didn't." "I did. Don't believe me? I have the proof." Eli pulled the blanket down from around his neck, revealing the red hickeys on his neck. Klitz showed Eli his hickeys and said "that's nothing." "If anyone has the most hickeys it's me." Lizzie said as she walked into the room. Her neck was completely covered in them as was Oceana's. Eli smirked and said "so, we all got lucky." "Seems that way." I replied. I started to wonder about the tape. It would be released soon. April putting a condom on Klitz. And everyone would see it. I remembered how jealous I felt in that moment. I didn't need to be. Klitz loved me. He wanted me. I went back to making breakfast, humming softly to myself. Eli started to talk to Oceana and the two of them conversed about sex. Heavily. I had decided I'd make some eggs as well. I whisked the eggs in the bowl and felt arms snake around my waist. I gasped softly and said "woah." "It's just me, baby." Klitz said softly. I sighed in relief and said "you scared me." "Sorry. Just wanted to be close to you." I leaned into Klitz's touch and sighed softly. He leaned his head on my shoulder, watching my every move. "You think the tape came out ok?" Eli asked the group. "It had to. I'm sure it's great." Oceana said. Eli sighed and said "I didn't get a chance to watch it after editing it. I think Matt has it?" Klitz looked over his shoulder to look at him and said "you think?" "I'm pretty sure he has it." "That doesn't sound too convincing." Lizzie said. I put the eggs in the frying pan and Klitz pulled me against his chest, his head going back to my shoulder. After a few minutes the rolls and the eggs were ready. I made everyone a plate and Eli put so much icing onto his cinnamon roll. "What's the plan now?" Eli asked as he had a mouth full of a cinnamon roll in his mouth. Oceana furrowed her eyebrows and said "what do you mean?" "Like we did prom and now what?" Klitz stabbed his eggs with a fork and said "we graduate." Lizzie took a breath and said "it seems like this school year just started. It's all over?" "I'm glad it's over." Eli mumbled. The talk of graduation and college was putting a sour taste in my mouth. I could feel the nerves bubbling up in my stomach. I still hadn't told Klitz about me not getting into Yale. I decided I'd just focus on right now and worry about telling Klitz at another time.


"Holy." Klitz started. "Shit." Eli finished. Matt nodded and said "I know. Can you guys believe it? All this money. We can do whatever we want." I was happy for the boys. They had earned this. Matt would get to go to Georgetown, Klitz would be off to Yale. Eli could go to film school. The three boys were unbelievably happy. It was their money and I did not want to intrude on their celebration. I kissed Klitz on the cheek and said "congratulations guys." Klitz put an arm around me and I squeezed him. I wrapped both arms around him and didn't want to let him go. I knew I wouldn't have much time with him after graduation. I'd have to take everything I could get. Klitz furrowed his eyebrows at me and said "you ok?" "I'm good. Just happy for you all." Klitz nodded and seemed to believe that lie for now. Oceana went into the kitchen and I detached myself from Klitz to follow her. I sighed and Oceana said "Penny, what's wrong?" "I might be overreacting a bit but I haven't gotten my college acceptance letter yet. I was supposed to be getting one from Yale. Klitz is going to Yale. They must not have accepted me. So, I guess I'll be staying here. I don't know what to tell Klitz. I'm scared. I had this idea that we were going to go to college together and stuff. Now, I don't think that's going to happen. And I can't ask Klitz to stay with me. I'd never ask him to do long distance. So, it'd be best if we broke up. Klitz deserves someone who can actually be there with him. Not a girl who's thousands of miles away on the other side of the country. He deserves someone better." I took a breath as I finished, trying to hold back my tears. Oceana frowned and said "I'm sure Matt would let you use some of his money. From the video." I shook my head and said "I'm not even in that video. I couldn't even watch Klitz get a condom put on his dick. I hated every second of that video being filmed. It was Matt's project, Eli filmed it, Klitz starred in it. I didn't do anything's productive to help them. I can't ask Matt for that money." "Penny, he's not going to let you stay here. He'd be so upset if he knew what you were even saying right now." "What should I do? I don't know what to do." I said as my voice broke. Oceana sighed and said "ask Matt for the money. Or wait a little bit longer and see if your letter comes. They come late sometimes. And if it doesn't come, ask Matt for the money." "Don't tell Klitz. Please." I told her. "Does anyone else know?" Oceana asked. I shrugged and said "only Eli. Who's kept it a secret this long it's crazy." Oceana put her hand on my shoulder and said "I'm not going to say anything but you need to tell Klitz soon. If the letter doesn't come or if you go ahead and ask Matt for the money. Make sure you tell him." I nodded and said "I will. I'm just at a loss. I don't know what to do." "Don't stress about it. I'm sure your letter will come soon. And if not, ask Matt for the money. Don't suffer." I nodded again and the two of us went back into the room with the boys and Lizzie.

My life got so hectic that I forgot about this book and I apologize for that!!

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