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Chapter three
Pep Rally and The Sleepover
Klitz's POV:
My phone rang and awoke me from my slumber. I groaned as I felt a headache coming on from drinking so much last night. I reached around on my nightstand, not feeling the phone. I then remembered it was in my pants pocket. "Fuck." I grabbed my pants from the floor, getting my phone and putting it up to my ear. "Hello?" "I woke you up. Damn it. I'm sorry." Penny's voice said. I sat up a little and said "it's ok. I told you to call me if you needed anything." "Could you come over? I can't find my aspirin and I think I'm out." "I have some. I'll bring it over." "Thanks." "The amount of times you've thanked me in the last 48 hours is insane." I teased. Penny giggled and said "well, you've been extra nice to me in the last 48 hours." "I'm always nice." "I know. Sometimes I think you don't have a mean bone in your body." "Oh, they're there. I'm just not mean to you." "I appreciate that and I'll keep the door unlocked for you." "Ok." Penny hung up and I sighed, reaching for my glasses. I got dressed and headed over to Penny's. When the tripod would choose the designated hang out spot, Penny's was always choice number one. Her parents were huge hippies and still are. Their house looks like a hippie's acid trip. I grabbed my bottle of aspirin and drove over to Penny's. When I got there, she had left the door unlocked. I opened the front door to be greeted by The Beatles playing. "Penny Lane?" I called out, teasing her. Penny poked her head out from the kitchen and walked over to me. "Hello, Timothy." I grimaced and said "come on, Pen." She turned the music down on the vinyl and said "I'm just messing with you." "Me too." She gestured for me to follow her into the kitchen. The two of us sat down at the bar in her kitchen and she took the aspirin with a cup of water. "Thanks for driving me home last night." She said with a half smile. "Chase wasn't going to do it. He was passed out on the lawn. And you could've stayed the night, right?" Penny winced as I said that. "I'm not comfortable with spending the night with him. He'd try to fuck me or something and that'd just end up with us fighting." She pulled her curly hair up into a ponytail and I noticed the hickeys on her neck. I pushed my glasses up my nose and watched as Penny finished her cup of water. "Have you?" I immediately regretted the words coming out of my mouth as soon as Penny looked at me. "Have Chase and I fucked?" She said with a quirked eyebrow. I looked down at my lap and said "sorry. That's none of my business." "It's ok. You're my friend. And friends talk about that stuff. Even though you're a guy, I'll tell you if you want." "You don't have to, Pen. It's your decision. I mean I know you're not a virgin but still." Penny shrugged and said "my first time sucked. I should've waited longer. And yeah. Chase and I have had sex. Only once or twice though." "W-Was it good?" I stuttered. Penny and Eli were so close. I wondered if he knew certain things but didn't bring it up. Then again, he's Eli. He'd bring it up all the time. "Yeah. He was good. I probably should've waited a bit longer but yeah it was good. And why the sudden interest, Klitz?" Penny asked. "Just wondering." I said quickly. Penny nodded and walked to the fridge. The cotton shorts she wore were incredibly short. Her asscheeks hung out of the bottom and I could feel a boner coming on. I exhaled softly and Penny said "did you want anything to eat or drink? I was gonna make some eggs." "Uhm, yeah. I'll have some." I replied. Penny hummed to herself as she started cooking breakfast. I peeked over the bar to get a better look at her ass but quickly sat down when she turned around to face me. "We have that pep rally this week for the winter ball. Are you excited?" I shrugged and said "not really." Penny tilted her head to the side with a pout. "Why?" She had an innocent look on her face and I swear that was making me harder. "It's a dance. I never have a date." I retorted. Penny frowned and said "it's honestly so stupid. Any girl would be lucky to go with you." I furrowed my eyebrows as she said that. "Why?" I questioned. "Cause you're so sweet. I'm sure there's a girl who swoons over you. Just ask someone." Penny then turned back around to the stove. I shook my head and said "I'll just play it safe and not get rejected." "Just go with Eli and Matt. It could be a guy's night. We've gone to the dances before." "Yeah as friends." I deadpanned. "Was that so bad?" Penny's voice had a curious tone to it. "It was fine." I replied. "How do you like your eggs?" Penny changed the subject. "Sunny side up." "Got it." She took off the sweatshirt she wore to reveal a very small crop top. Her nipples poked through the thin material as she didn't have a bra on. I felt my dick start to strain against my pants. I adjusted my pants, taking off my jacket and laying it across my lap. Luckily my legs were under the bar as was my lap so hopefully Penny wouldn't take notice. "Did you want orange juice?" I looked up at her and said "sure." I pulled out my phone to distract me. I opened up Twitter and scrolled through it. Then my eyes widened. It was a picture of Penny. She was in her panties with the top she currently had on and thigh high socks. I gulped and added the post to my bookmarks. "You ok?" She said. I immediately closed Twitter and said "huh?" "You looked shocked." "Oh, uh, Eli sent me a stupid porn link." I quickly lied. Penny rolled her eyes and said "I hate when he does that." I nodded in agreement and Penny sat across from me. The two of us mostly ate in silence. "Well, Klitz I gotta take a shower before my parents get here. We're going vinyl shopping." "Yeah, I gotta finish some homework. I'll see you tomorrow?" Penny nodded and gave me a hug. "Yep. Thanks again." "Always call me if you need me. You can call if you're having a bad day. Whatever you need." Penny leaned her head on my shoulder as she hugged me. "Thanks. And you can let yourself out. I gotta wash this party stench off of me." She giggled and let go of me, patting my shoulder. I watched her disappear upstairs towards her bedroom. I looked down at my boner that's become a semi now. I sighed and put the dirty dishes in the sink and then left.


I propped my head up as our geometry teacher went on and on. I wrote down the notes as quickly as I could. The door then said open. "Mr. Collins, you're late." Mr. Clark said. Chase clicked his tongue and said "sorry, Mr. Clark. I had to do some football practice this morning. Coach wants us to be our best for the games. And you've changed the seating." I looked around the room and saw that the only empty seat was next to me. "Well, you are our star quarterback. Go ahead and take your seat next to Timothy." "Fuck." I mumbled under my breath. Eli looked at me from across the room with a smug look on his face. I shook my head at him and Eli mouthed "have fun." I rolled my eyes and Chase made his way over. "Hey, Timothy." He taunted. "Shut up." I said. The lesson started again. Chase leaned back in his chair, barely writing anything down. "You know, I didn't know your name was Timothy." Chase said to me. I looked at him in shock. I couldn't even believe he had spoke words to me while in school while everyone could see him. "Yeah. I just prefer to go by Klitz." I replied. "I legitimately thought your name was Klitz. That's all I've ever heard Pen call you." Hearing Penny's nickname come out of his mouth made my blood boil. "It's my last name but yeah." "Pen's always like 'Klitz this and Klitz that. Oh and Eli this and Matt blah blah blah. You guys are really friends, huh?" "Yeah, we've known each other since middle school." Chase snorted and said "really?" "Yeah." I said in an obvious tone. "That blows my mind. I thought she was just friends with you and the other two out of pity." I gripped my pencil in my hand at that comment. "Not everyone is like you." I spat. Chase quirked an eyebrow and said "what is that supposed to mean?" "You're an asshole. Penny's not. She's my best friend and believe it or not, she was one of the few people that was nice to us when we all got to high school. You've got a good one. Don't break her heart." Chase's lips parted in shock but he quickly regained himself and said "don't worry. I won't." Chase's attention went to the class work we were given. I was so annoyed with him. How could Penny deal with this asshole? He was so full of himself it made me sick.


I looked down at my hand and noticed my pencil was now in half. I sighed deeply and looked at the small mark it made on my hand. I grabbed another pencil out of my bag. I winced at the scratch on my palm and rolled my eyes. "Good going, Klitz." I mumbled to myself. A few minutes later the bell rung and for once I was so thankful to be out of geometry, a class I usually liked. "What's it like sitting next to the guy who gets to nail Penny?" Eli asked me. I rolled my eyes and said "he's a complete asshole. He said Penny's only friends with us out of pity." "What is he dumb? We've literally been friends since middle school." Eli threw his arms up in the air. "He obviously thinks we're at the bottom of the food chain." Matt added. "We are at the bottom of the food chain, Matt." I retorted. "But, we're a fucking tripod." Eli said as he pointed to the three of us. "And Penny's the camera that sits on top." Matt said. Eli nodded and I did the same. It seemed like Penny was always on top of us, doing better than us, more popular than us. But, if the tripod falls, so does she. And I wouldn't have it any other way. When we all went to lunch, I was completely livid as Chase dragged Penny to his table, surrounded by the jocks and cheerleaders. Penny wasn't even a cheerleader. She had always wanted to be but never tried out and the popular girls most likely wouldn't accept her. "Fucking asshole." I mumbled. Eli looked at Penny and Chase. "How come she's not sitting with us?" Eli asked. "Cause she's moving up the food chain. It was bound to happen." Matt said, clearly irritated that she was over there. Penny giggled at something Chase had said and then she noticed us. She frowned and waved. Eli waved back and I looked down at my tray, scoffing. "It's good for her, right?" Matt questioned. "No, she's our friend." Eli gestured to the three of us. I looked back up at Penny who's frown was even bigger than before. Her eyes flickered away from mine and I watched as she smiled and laughed with the football team. "She'll be crawling back to us soon, Klitz. It's not like she utterly betrayed us." Eli said. "She didn't and you guys know that." Oceana said as she sat down. "That boyfriend of hers is a real piece of work. Don't you guys think he might be influencing her?" Lizzie asked us. "No. She's always wanted to be popular. She finally got what she wanted." I snapped. Lizzie raised her eyebrows at me and said "ok, touchy." "Fuck off." I spat. "Dude." Matt said as he elbowed me. I sighed and put my head in my hands. "You're getting all worked up over Penny. Chill out, dude. You're her favorite. She can't leave you." Eli said to me. I removed my hands from my face and said "what do you mean?" "Nothing, it's fine. I'm just saying." Eli waved me off and I wanted him to explain but he wouldn't.


I walked through the halls, wanting nothing more than to get home. I weaved through the crowd of students, pushing a few as I walked faster. "Klitz!" I stopped in my tracks as Penny called me. I looked over my shoulder slowly and she said "my locker's stuck again. Could you..." I walked over and opened her locker like I always did. "Thank y-" "You do this every day. I open your locker and you thank me. Aren't you with the popular crowd now? Why don't you have Chase open your locker from now on?" I said rudely. Penny's lips parted in shock and she said "Klitz, we're still friends. Right?" I shrugged and said "I dunno. The popular kids accepted you. I wouldn't want to ruin your social life now." I was being totally jealous of Chase and Penny's newfound popularity. I didn't want to watch her fade away over months at a time and by the time we get to prom, she doesn't even know I exist anymore. It was better to push her away now. "I don't like those assholes and you know that. I'm sorry about Chase. He told me what he said to you in class. He can be a dick sometimes." She said. I shook my head and said "he's always a dick." Penny nodded and turned away from me, taking her things out of her locker. She slammed it and then looked at me. "I was going to ask you for a ride because Chase has football practice but never mind. I'll call my mom. You know I'd never leave you, Matt, and Eli in the dust, right? You guys are my best friends. Thanks for hurting my feelings, jerk." Penny made sure to bump into me as she walked away. I watched her walk away and I wanted to go after her but chose not to. I looked on the ground and noticed the photo strip from her locker on the ground. I picked it up and opened her locker. It was more difficult since she slammed it so hard. I set the strip inside and closed her locker. "Nice one. You gonna insult her for getting a boyfriend too?" Oceana asked. I looked at her and Lizzie. "She's going to be pissed at you, you know that right?" Lizzie said. I huffed and said "I know." "The male species fascinates me. You guys get jealous over the smallest things. I mean, you got jealous over a girl who's not even yours. Mind blowing." Lizzie smirked as she finished. I walked away from the two of them and to the front of the school. I looked around for Penny but I didn't see her. Eli stood next to me now and said "are we going?" "I thought you were going home with Matt." I turned to him and Eli said "no, he went home to finish his speech for his stupid scholarship thing." I nodded and gestured for Eli to follow me. We got inside the car and I started it up. I watched Penny get into Hunter's truck. I groaned loudly and leaned my head on the steering wheel. The horn blared loudly and Eli said "dude, what're you doing?! Everyone's looking!" "I don't give a fuck." I mumbled. Eli pushed me against the seat so the horn would stop and I saw the faces of Hunter and Penny staring back at me. She wiped her face as Hunter wasn't looking and I watched him drive off. "Fuuuuck! Fuuuuck!" I screamed, taking deep breaths in between each word. Eli's eyes were wide and he said "dude, what the fuck?!" I threw my backpack in the backseat and Eli said "Klitz, what the-" "Fucking Chase! Fucking Penny! Hunter, all of them! I told Penny she wasn't our friend anymore because I was jealous and now she's riding around with Hunter. She was crying. Fucking crying. Because of me. Me! Kill me, Eli. Dump my body and never look back." I went to start driving and Eli said "dude, calm down. It's just Penny. She doesn't know you like her, ok? She probably doesn't even know why you're mad." "Uh, yeah she does. I told her to just hang out with her popular friends and that we'd drag her down." I replied. "Oh, fuck, Klitz tell me you didn't say that. She might do it!" "She should! I can't handle watching her fade from my life completely! I just can't! I can't believe you're not upset! I can't lose her, Eli." Eli crossed his arms over his chest and said "Klitz, I'm mad she didn't sit with us at lunch, ok? I'm pretty annoyed. She's the hottest girl in school. She could have anyone and she has Chase right now. I don't think she'll forget about us." "Maybe not you." I retorted. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Eli quipped. "You're closer to her than Matt and I." "You're her fucking favorite, Klitz! What're you talking about?! Penny and I haven't been super close since sophomore year. Like, yeah we're best friends but she doesn't tell me about her girly stuff anymore. She legitimately only calls me to hang out. She told me she called you yesterday for aspirin. I would've brought it but she wanted you. You're her favorite. Just apologize to her. She'll forgive you." Eli looked out the window and I sighed deeply. "I'm in deep shit." "Just apologize, Klitz. She's got a soft spot for you. She'll accept it." "I really hope so."


The pep rally for the winter ball that was in two weeks was today. I still hadn't talked to Penny. I wanted her to cool down a little bit. But, when she wasn't at school, my stomach sank. I felt sick. I knew it was because of me. "Did you guys hear from Penny?" I asked Matt as we walked into the gym. "You didn't apologize?" Matt said. I looked at Eli who shrugged at me. "No, I wanted her to cool down. I know she's mad." I said. "No, she's not mad at all, dude. She's sad as fuck." Eli said. My eyes widened and I said "are you serious?" "No, she's fine! She's at home sick." Eli replied while laughing. I rolled my eyes and felt a little bit better but still had a feeling her being sick had something to do with me. "WINTER BALL, BABY!" A guy yelled in the bleachers. I sat down in between Eli and Matt. "Still haven't apologized, Klitzy?" Lizzie asked with a pout from behind me. I turned around to look at her and said "fuck off." "You fuck off." "Both of you shut up." Oceana said. Mr. Salinger, our principal, came out and explained the rules of the ball. "WHOOO!" Hunter yelled in the middle of his speech. Mr. Salinger stopped and said "I'll wait." Everyone was currently laughing at Hunter's outburst and then Mr. Salinger started again. "SENIOR WINTER BALL!" Chase screamed. I rolled my eyes and Mr. Salinger stopped again. I hated this school and it's inhabitants sometimes. Once the pep rally was over we all went to class.


It was now Friday night. Penny had invited the tripod and Lizzie and Oceana to her house for a sleepover. Her parents would be out of town. Her and I still hadn't spoke. Any chance I'd try, she'd shut me down or completely ignore me. Like right now. "Pen, please talk to me." I said. Penny stopped in her tracks and looked at me. "What for? We're not friends, remember?" Her voice was cold. I slowly reached out for her arm. "Pen, please. I'm really sorry. I was jealous. Chase pissed me off. It's not an excuse but I'm really sorry. I'm so stupid." Penny nodded and I took one of her hands in mine. "Please forgive me, Penny Lane." I said desperately. Penny let go of my hand and said "I'll see you tonight, Klitz."

Penny's POV:
The six of us currently sat in my basement. I was slightly nervous since Klitz and I had barely spoke. He apologized. That was a start. He was a stubborn boy usually. But for whatever reason he was practically begging for my forgiveness all week. "Tonight's game is would you rather!" Oceana yelled. Lizzie cheered and Eli said "yes!" Matt shook his head and Klitz's cheeks turned red. "After each question, you do a shot. So if I asked Penny, Penny would drink at the end." Everyone nodded at the rules and we all sat in a circle. "Who's going first?" Lizzie asked. "Me!" Eli yelled. Matt laughed at him and Klitz rolled his eyes. "My first victim shall be...Klitz!" Klitz looked at his best friend in annoyance. "Klitzy, would you rather spend an entire day with Chase Collins or Hunter McCaffrey?" Eli awaited his best friend's answer. Klitz looked at me and then back at Eli. "Chase." He said lowly. "Not Hunter? Are ya sure?" Eli teased. Klitz looked at him and said "yes. Hunter's picked on me for four years. Chase hasn't." And that's was the truth. "Take a shot." I said. Klitz reached for a shot and took it. We were drinking fireball tonight. "I'll go." Lizzie said. Her eyes scanned the room and then said "Matt." He looked at her. "Would you rather sing in front of the entire school naked or drop your pants right now and show us what you're packing." Eli howled with laughter as his best friend had to make a choice. Klitz wiped his mouth and looked over at Matt. "I'll sing naked in front of the whole school." He took his shot and Eli continued to laugh. Klitz laughed softly and it made me smile. I missed his laugh. "Lizzie." I started. She looked at me and smirked. "Would you rather go to prom with Troy Crabtree or alone." "Alone." Matt busted out laughing and Lizzie did a shot. "Penny." Oceana said. I looked at her and she said "would you rather go back to middle school or skip all of high school?" "Go back to middle school." I took a shot. "Ew why?" She asked. "Cause that's when I met all of you." "Aweee." Eli gushed in a teasing way. I flipped him off and Matt smirked at me, giving me a cringey wink. Klitz half smiled as he blushed. His bangs covered his eyes as he looked down, trying to hide his blush. Tons of questions later we were all buzzed or drunk. I was drunk because I kept getting picked. Eli kept asking me risqué questions which was getting annoying. "Oceanaaaa." Eli sung. She looked at him and he said "would you rather let me film you in a porno or join onlyfans?" Oceana reached for a shot and said "I'd let you film me." "Really?! Are you serious?!" Eli asked. Oceana nodded and Lizzie was currently sitting on her lap. "Penny." I looked at Oceana and she said "would you rather kiss Eli or Klitz?" My eyes slightly widened and I said "right now?" She nodded. I looked between the two boys in front of me. Eli smirked and wiggled his eyebrows while Klitz looked everywhere but me. His cheeks were red and I could tell he was nervous. I had always been super curious what it'd be like to kiss Klitz. And I had liked him when we first got to high school but quickly learned that I wasn't his type. "I choose Klitz." Oceana nudged me and I stood up, taking a step to where he sat. Klitz gulped and slowly looked up at me. "Oh, what the fuck?" Eli said. I cupped Klitz's cheek. I could feel the heat from his cheek as his blush only grew deeper. I pecked his lips and then pulled away. "What was that? That's not a kiss!" Lizzie said. I looked at her and said "yeah, it is." "Kiss him!" I turned back to Klitz and pressed my lips to his, the fireball in my body was giving me confidence. Klitz slowly moved his lips against mine. I sucked on his bottom lip before pulling away. He tasted of fireball and Eli said "seriously, Penny? You kissed him?" "Want me to kiss you too?" I asked. "Yeah." I leaned over and then stood up, laughing. "You're such a bitch." He mumbled while crossing his arms over his chest. Klitz's eyes were wide and his lips were swollen. "I uh, I gotta pee." He slowly stood up and Eli said "whatever, let's keep going." Klitz walked out of the room weirdly, stepping over the pile of pillows and blankets by the couch. I heard the bathroom door close quickly and Matt said "Eli." Eli looked at Matt and he said "would you rather be a virgin for the rest of your life or jerk off in front of the whole school?" "That's easy! I'd jerk off in front of the whole school! It's like porn! I will not be a virgin my whole life." Lizzie let out a soft moan and I looked over at her and Oceana. Oceana licked her fingers and I looked at her with wide eyes. She smirked and Lizzie did the same. Lizzie got off her lap and Oceana asked Lizzie a question. After that we were waiting on Klitz to come back. Eli groaned and said "Klitzy, where are you?! Come back!" "Miss your boyfriend?" I asked. "Shut up." He said to me. I giggled and Klitz walked over, sitting down. "Sorry. I was changing." Klitz was in his pajamas now. He wasn't in his button up shirt and khakis. Eli furrowed his eyebrows and said "you changed?" "Yeah, those pants were a bit tight. They're one of the smaller pairs I have cause the other ones are dirty." He said. "You could wear jeans like normal people." Lizzie said. Klitz looked over and said "are they bad?" "They're nerdy." Klitz pushed his glasses up his nose and I said "you should let me get you some bell bottoms." Klitz shook his head and said "they wouldn't look good on me." "How do you know?" I quipped. "Look at me, Penny. I'm the nerdiest guy on earth." "So? Whenever you get a girlfriend, they'll have a cute boyfriend." "Alright enough with that." Eli said. "I'm tired. And I'm drunk." Matt said as his eyes drooped. I started to clean up the alcohol and spread out the blankets and pillows for the boys. Lizzie didn't want to sleep with the boys so she went upstairs and Oceana followed. I figured the two of them were going to go to the guest bedroom. I planted myself in between Eli and Klitz. Matt was already on his back asleep. "You could go up to your room." Klitz said. I shook my head and said "I don't think I'll make it up the stairs." Eli giggled at that and said "I'm so drunk." "Me too." I replied. My curly hair was sprawled out underneath my head and I rolled over to look at Klitz. I scooted closer to him and he said "I'm really sorry." "I forgive you." "I didn't mean to make you cry." He drunkenly mumbled. "What?" I replied. Klitz shook his head and his glasses were still on his face. I slowly took off his glasses and set them next to his pillow. He said "thanks." "You're welcome. And did you hear me, Klitzy?" "Hmm?" He hummed. "I forgive you." The two of us were talking softly as to not wake Matt and disturb Eli from falling asleep. "Oh. Yeah. Thank you, Pen." I scooted even closer to him, hugging him. "I really missed you, Klitzy." I wasn't sure if the alcohol was making me say all this stuff or if it was actually me. Klitz sighed contentedly and said "me too. I didn't mean to hurt you." "It's ok." "No, it's not. I was stupid." I buried my face in his chest and Klitz held me tightly. "We're ok now." I whispered. "Oh good." Klitz breathed. I went to leave his embrace even though it was unbelievably warm. "Stay." He said. "You want me to stay?" I asked. "Please. I missed you so fucking much. I'm afraid you'll go away again." "I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here." Klitz nodded and laid on his back, pulling me on his chest. I didn't wrap my leg around his waist since I had a boyfriend and he would flip out if he knew Klitz and I were in such close proximity. "Night, Pen." "Goodnight, Klitz."

AYO I got way too carried away with this chapter. Over 5'000 words. That's a lot for me lmaoo. But I hope you guys like this book so far and where it's going. Also, I know the movie is set in the spring but I pushed it back to the late fall so I could make a lil story and Klitz's and Penny's relationship stronger.

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