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Chapter five
Newfound Discovery
Penny's POV:
"So, the after party will be at Olivia's since her parents are out of town during the ball." Jennie said. Olivia smiled really big while giggling. Hunter said "we also need to start planning for prom too." "Oh, gosh, prom." Jennie held her hands over her heart as she swooned just thinking about it. I was definitely excited for prom. Even though it was months away. When I was younger I always saw myself going with Klitz. It was a fairytale dream I had and I always thought we'd end up together at some point. I quickly realized I had to bury that dream with all the others that never worked out for me. "Who's gonna host the prom after party?" Chase said to his peers. "You!" Derek said causing Chase to laugh. Troy nudged Chase and said "your house is the best party place." "It's Penny's turn to host a party." Chase said. I looked at him and said "oh. Really?" "Everyone has to host a party at some point, duh." Olivia said while rolling her eyes playfully. I looked at the blonde who picked on me in freshman year and nodded. "Penny's house is actually really cool. It's one of those houses from back in the day. The sixties or something." Chase kissed my cheek after speaking. "Ooh, retro." Jennie said while smiling. I nodded and said "yeah. I'm sure I can host one soon." "This weekend. After the winter ball." "I thought we were doing the after party at my house." Olivia said. Chase looked at her and Troy did the same. "I wanna go to the retro house." Jennie whined. Derek gestured to his girlfriend and said "see? She wants to go party at the retro house." Olivia scoffed softly and sent me a death glare. I sighed and wished I'd come to school a little later so I didn't have to have breakfast with them. I enjoyed being around my boyfriend. I just hated his friends. "I gotta go to my locker. It gets stuck and if I have another tardy I'll get detention." I lied through my teeth. I stood up and Troy said "fucking detention." "Yeah, it sucks." I said in a ditzy tone. Jennie giggled at me and Olivia rolled her eyes. Chase stood up to kiss my lips passionately before I walked away. "I'll see you at lunch, babe." He said. I nodded at him and left them all in the cafeteria. I made my way through the halls and going to the front of the school. I heard Eli's loud laugh as I stepped outside. Matt shoved Eli while Klitz was leaning against Matt's car, shaking his head while smiling. My eyes went up and down his lean body, admiring it. He almost looked so attractive. He actually looked cute if I was being honest. I shook my head as if to rid my brain of the thought. I walked fast over to them and Eli noticed me. "Penny Lane has arrived!" I shushed him as people looked over at us. Matt greeted me with a smile and I said "Chase and the others want me to host the after party after the ball." "Holy shit, really?" Klitz asked. I turned to him and nodded. "Yeah. And to say Olivia was pissed is an understatement. And they were talking about prom and stuff. Ugh, I had to get away. I needed to be back with you guys." I wrapped my arms around Klitz's middle and he tensed up. He slowly put his arms around me and Eli said "you're hosting the after party? That's fucking awesome. Please tell your new crew that we're VIP guests." I rolled my eyes and said "you guys will be the first to arrive I hope." I squeezed Klitz and he jumped. "That tickles." He pushed at my arms around him. "Awe, I'm sorry, Klitzy." I pouted up at him. He looked everywhere but me as he started to blush. Making Klitz get all flustered was one of my favorite things. He always seemed to get that way around girls but with me it seemed like it was worse than with other girls. It was probably because the two of us were friends and it was more him being awkward than flustered. I leaned my head on Klitz's chest and said "Chase is my boyfriend and I love spending time with him but his friends suck." "The popular crowd isn't fun?" Eli said. I shook my head and said "no, it's really not." Eli and Matt turned to walk towards the school. I pulled away from Klitz and said "could you come over today? I need some help with calculus." "Sure. I don't mind. Otherwise I'm pretty sure I'd be at Eli's." Klitz said. I half smiled and said "thank you.


School went by surprisingly fast. Klitz sat in my desk chair doing his homework while I laid on my stomach on my bed. Klitz's bangs hung in his face as he wrote super fast. I bit my lip and said "Timothy, could I tell you something?" Klitz looked up, pushing his glasses up his nose. "You used my first name so it's gotta be serious." He replied. "I just don't want you to judge me. I think you'd be the most trustworthy person to tell. I can't tell Eli and I don't think I could tell Matt." Klitz sat up straight and said "I'd never judge you. Ever. You could tell me anything and I wouldn't judge you." That comment made me feel a little bit better and I said "you know how girls post stuff to Twitter? Like pictures of themselves? Sexy ones?" Klitz nodded slowly and I took a breath. "I do it sometimes. I kinda like the comments some guys leave me. When they're not being creeps. And it helps me feel pretty. I know you and the guys don't think I'm pretty cause we're friends. I get it. But, I do feel insecure sometimes just from hearing the way you guys talk about girls. And uh it kinda makes me feel confident. It makes me feel really pretty." I looked down at my baby pink bedspread that became super interesting. "Penny, before I say anything, you're really pretty. Most guys like me dream about having a friend that looks like you. You could totally be a grade A bitch but you're not. You're so sweet. And you're so caring. But, you're allowed to post whatever you want. And if it makes you feel confident, then do it. You don't need to for guys validation though. You can get anyone you want just with your looks alone." I looked up at him and he was clicking his pen nervously, his leg bouncing up and down. "Thanks, Timmy. That means a lot. I know I'm a girl and some times it's not fun to talk about certain things but-" "That doesn't matter to me, Pen. I'm just honored you'd even trust me with something like that. I won't tell the guys unless you want me too. You could've kept it a secret but you told me. And please don't call me Timmy ever again." He laughed and I did the same. "Oh, but it's so cute." Klitz rolled his eyes and said "whatever." I gestured for him to come closer to me. He scooted the rolly chair closer to my bed. I picked up my pink glitter pen and grabbed his hand. Klitz's eyebrows raised and I started to draw a heart on his hand with an arrow through it. I made it big enough where you could see it but not covering his entire hand. I smiled at my work and Klitz looked at his hand. His cheeks tinted pink and he said "I like it." "Do you? You can always wash it off." I told him. "Are you kidding me? This is the best thing I've ever seen." I giggled at him and Klitz smiled while looking down. "Sit with me." I said as I sat up. Klitz set his notebook onto the floor and sat next to me on my bed, the both of us leaning against the headboard. "This is soft." He mumbled. I watched his fingers toy with the fluffy blanket that laid on my bed. "Do you think we'll still be friends when we get to Yale?" I asked. Klitz looked at me and said "why wouldn't we?" "What if you find some girl who's prettier or smarter? Or she's funnier and-" "Nobody could replace you, Pen. You're the camera that sits on top of the tripod. If there's no tripod to hold you up, how do you function?" I looked at Klitz in awe, never hearing something from him like that before. Honestly, from any of the tripod. We never really had deep conversations like this. Klitz half smiled at me and I leaned my head on his shoulder. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Klitz." "Me neither. My life definitely wouldn't be the same if Eli hadn't met you." "I wish you could stay the night. But, we have school in the morning." "Yeah and I'm sure you're parents would freak if I was in your bedroom during a school night." Klitz looked at the heart I drew on his hand and I said "they definitely would." Klitz laughed softly and I smiled really big.

Klitz's POV:
"MATT!! KLITZ!! I HAVE TO SHOW YOU THIS! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!" Eli ran towards us as Matt and I stood in the hallway. I had been watching Chase kiss Penny. She smiled and laughed at him as he gave her so much affection. She looked up at him with love in her eyes. I wished she'd look at me like that. God, I wished she'd look at me like I was the only guy in the room. I wanted to be hers. "Matt, Klitz, you'll never believe what I found!" Eli pulled his phone out of his pocket tilted it horizontally. I went to protest but then my eyes widened. "Is?" I started. "That?" Matt added. "Oceana and Lizzie. Yep!" Eli finished. I watched as the two of them made out as they humped one another. Eli stared in admiration and said "god, that's beautiful. The way they move against one another." "Don't pop a boner, we're in school." Matt warned. I tore my eyes away from the video that was on mute and looked back at Penny. Chase's arms were around her waist as he swayed the two of them back and forth. You're an idiot, Klitz. She'd never look at you that way. You're her best friend. My mind said all different kinds of things to me. I hated my brain sometimes. I wish I could shut it off momentarily. Even if you're her best friend forever, that's better than losing her if you confess how you feel. I nodded as I agreed with my brain. "Klitz, are you seeing this?!" Eli said, making my train of thought crash. I looked at him and said "yeah. I saw it. I'm not really into that. I mean, it's hot I guess but...I don't want to watch it." "Would you watch it if it was Penny and Oceana?" "No, Eli. I don't want to watch that right now." I snapped. Eli shut off the video and put his phone in his pocket. "Ok, touchy. What's got you in a mood?" I stared at Chase and Penny. Eli sighed and said "oh, that? Yeah, I'd be upset too if the girl I was in love with was kissing up on the star quarterback." I put my hands in my pockets and said "I know she'll never look at me that way. But, I hate watching her with him. He's gonna hurt her. I know he will." Matt patted my back and said "you should use that to your advantage. You'll have the upper hand." I furrowed my eyebrows and said "how?" "Cause if and when he breaks her heart, you'll be there to piece her heart back together." I looked at Matt and said "yeah, I guess." The three of us went to lunch. "Hey, Klitz." Chase greeted as he had his arm around Penny's neck. I watched as he walked her over to his lunch table. Penny looked over her shoulder and gave me a half smile. I sat down and nodded to her. Lizzie and Oceana made their way to our table. Matt sighed deeply and said "for once I'm not starving." "That's a shocker." Oceana said to him. Eli walked over and his eyes widened at Lizzie and Oceana. "Girls, I've found out your secret." Lizzie quirked an eyebrow at him and said "oh yeah? And what's that?" "You two film porn!" Oceana shook her head at him and said "be quiet." "Please let me film you guys. Oh my god, it'd be just the kick I need to make it into porn. Please!" Lizzie scoffed softly and said "no way. You're crazy." Penny's giggles brought my attention back to her. The smirk on Chase's face as he kissed her cheek multiple times made me so annoyed. If looks could kill, Chase would definitely drop dead. Eli dropped to his knees in the middle of the cafeteria. "Please! Please, I'm begging you! I'm begging you, Lizzie!" Eli had his hands wrapped around her leg. "Eli, if you don't get the fuck up right now, I'll kick you right in the chest." Lizzie threatened. Oceana rolled her eyes and said "if we say yes will you stop?" "It's all I've ever wanted in life. Please let me film you guys." "Having some trouble, Lizzie?" Troy said from across the room. The popular kids laughed and Chase said "take him out! He's begging you!" They didn't know the real reason why Eli was currently on his knees begging Lizzie. And it was so much better this way. Lizzie chuckled nervously at Troy and Penny mouthed "what's going on?" "Porn." I mouthed back. Penny covered her mouth and laughed. "Yes, we'll let you film us just get the fuck up." Eli smirked and then turned to the popular kids. "She said yes!" Hunter and Chase cheered loudly. Derek made a disgusted face and Troy was laughing so hard I thought he'd die. Lizzie sat down and glared at Eli. "You're lucky I don't kill you." "Babe, you don't wanna do that. I'm about to make you a ton fuck of money."

Here's the update! This book is so raunchy and I love it and hate it at the same time. I've literally never written something so raunchy and crude in my life

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