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Chapter six
"You fucking cheated!"
Penny's POV:
If you told me that my boyfriend of three months would cheat. I wouldn't of believed you. I didn't know the girl and didn't care to. "Babe!" Chase followed me out into his driveway. He grabbed me by my arm and I turned around, hitting him in the chest. "Asshole! Fuck you! Fuck you, man! Fuck you, Chase!" I yelled. "Stop! It's not what it looks like! It's not!" He tried to defend himself. "You had your tongue down her throat. What do you mean it's not what it looks like?" "Penny, I wasn't cheating on you." "What the fuck was that then?!" Chase was at a loss for words. He knew he'd been caught. "You fucking cheated!" The tears started to stream down my cheeks and I shook my head at him. "Why would you tell me you loved me yesterday? When it wasn't true?" Chase sighed and said "it is. I do love you. I was just..." "Chase, you cheated. Have fun with her." I got into my car and drove back to my house. Chase called my phone about four times while I was driving. I almost smashed my phone. I pulled into my driveway and my phone rang for the fifth time. "What?!" I said as I answered it. "Whoa, uhm..." Klitz's voice said. I immediately felt bad. I sighed and said "I'm sorry. I'm having a really bad day. What's up, Klitz?" I just prayed he couldn't hear the pain in my voice. "I uh wanted to see if you wanted to hang out." I so desperately wanted to hang out with him. But my heart was broken and I had definitely gone through this before with Klitz and Eli. My last boyfriend and I had a whole fight and then broke up. Last time Klitz berated me and told me I needed to stop dating assholes. He was so mad that day. "I can't today. My parents are hassling me with some stuff. Maybe tomorrow?" I lied, knowing damn well I wouldn't even be going to school tomorrow. "Ok. I hope your day gets better." He said. "Thanks, Klitz." I quickly hung up before I started crying over the phone. I took my things inside and went into my room, crying into my pillows, eventually crying myself to sleep.


"Penny, we've been calling you for hours." The voice of my best friend said. I sat up slowly and looked around. "Awe, honey." Ferrari's voice said. Oceana crossed her arms over chest. "What'd he do?" "Cheated on me." I croaked. "Fucking Chase cheated?!" Lizzie awaited my answer and I nodded slowly. Ferrari gasped and said "oh no. Poor baby." She sat down next to me and pulled me close to her. My head rested on her chest and I wrapped my arms around her. Ferrari was a major porn star and was actually well known. She didn't do Twitter or Onlyfans. She was in the big leagues. I had only met her a couple of times because Oceana had filmed stuff with her for some extra cash. Lizzie and Ferrari didn't get along though. They currently had an ongoing rivalry. Which Ferrari had no idea about because she was so ditzy and thought Lizzie liked her. Ferrari also had the biggest tits I ever saw and to be honest, her chest was so comfortable. "Did you tell the tripod?" Oceana said. I shook my head and said "no. Klitz'll be so mad. He was so mad when me and Brian broke up." "Ugh, fucking Brian." I sniffled and said "he'll get mad at me again. He was blaming me for the breakup and told me that if I didn't date assholes I wouldn't get hurt." Oceana sighed and said "well, the ball is Saturday night. We need dresses. We'll skip school tomorrow and go dress shopping. It'll help you get your mind off Chase." I pulled away from Ferrari and said "ok." The three girls ended up staying the night at my house. Tomorrow was Wednesday and we'd have plenty of time to go and get dresses and shoes.

Klitz's POV:
I bounced my leg nervously as my eyes scanned the room for Penny. I hadn't heard from her since yesterday and now she wasn't at school. "Eli." He looked at me and said "what?" "Have you heard from Penny?" He shook his head and said "no, why?" "She's not here and she didn't text this morning. That's weird, dude." Eli pulled out his phone and sent her a text. I quickly did the same, asking her if she was ok. To my delight Eli and I got a text back almost immediately.

Hey, I'm sick so I stayed home. Wasn't feeling good. Should be back at school on Thursday or Friday

I read over the text and figured that's why she didn't want to hang out yesterday. I then texted her back.

Sorry you're sick. If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask

Thanks Klitzy<3

I half smiled at her response and shoved my phone in my pocket. It was weird going to some of my classes with her not being there. Then I had to go to geometry. I took my seat next to Chase. Chase seemed super agitated. "Do you have a pencil?" He said. I rummaged around in my bag and handed him one. "Penny hasn't talked to you, has she?" "Why?" I asked. Chase shook his head and said "no reason." I started doing my work and tried to ignore Chase's weird antics. "Why does she like you so much?" "What?" "Why does Penny like you so much? You're pathetic." I blinked a few times and said "we're friends. Like has nothing to do with it. We have a bond because we're friends." "I'm sure she went and sucked dick last night, huh?" "What're you talking about?" I looked at Chase in shock. "Did you hurt her?" I snapped. Chase leaned back in his chair and chuckled softly. "You son of a bitch, did you?" "No, I didn't. I didn't do anything to her. We had a little argument. Nothing serious." I found that particularly hard to believe since he was so agitated. I started completing the class work and I said "you're in a mood today." "Well, you were being kind of bitchy, too." I scoffed and wished this class would end so I wouldn't have to be in such close proximity of Chase.

Penny's POV:
The four of us woke up and started going to dress stores. "Come on!" Oceana dragged me through this one store and I found nothing that I liked. "We have to make sure you look like a slut." Lizzie said. I looked at her and said "why?" "So Chase'll know what he's missing. And you'll kill all the guys in there. And for the after party you'll have to be the prettiest girl there." I nodded, liking the idea. Ferrari held up a yellow dress that had too much tule. I shook my head and Lizzie held up a green one. "No green." I said. "What about red?" Ferrari asked. I shook my head again. Oceana walked down the aisle's and I sighed. "What is it?" I looked at Ferrari and said "I should've never went out with him. I've always liked Klitz but he's never liked me back. And I was dating Chase to distract myself from Klitz. But, now I'm hung up on Chase and my heart's broken. I just can't win." Ferrari frowned at me and Lizzie said "I'm telling you that Klitz definitely likes you." "Liz, I don't think so. I think he'd definitely settle for me. If he couldn't find anyone else." "He's a fucking simp and I wish you'd see it." I rolled my eyes playfully at her and decided not to comment on it. I walked away from the group, trying to find a dress. I was surrounded by purple dresses. Oceana was alongside me now. "How about this one?" It was long but had a slit up the leg and gave a fair amount of cleavage. It was such a pretty dress. "I love it." "Go try it on so we can make sure this is the one." Oceana told me. I took it into the dressing room and slowly changed into it. Tears brimmed my eyes as I looked at myself in the mirror. Saturday was supposed to be this fun night for me and Chase. Now I'd be going alone. I quickly wiped my eyes and stepped out of the dressing room. The three women in front of my gasped. "That's the one. You're gonna fuck his shit up." Lizzie said. Oceana nodded and said "bestie, you have to get this one." "Oh my gosh, honey you look so pretty. That guys gonna wish he hadn't cheated." Ferrari complimented. I smiled and went back in the dressing room, changing out of it. Ferrari wasn't going to the hall so she was basically helping us pick dresses.


When we got back to my house my phone had six messages from Eli, four from Klitz and two from Matt. I didn't even bring my phone with me. I started with Eli's since he had sent me the most.

Why didn't you come to school? - 9:05am
Are you actually sick or did you skip? - 9:05am
You haven't texted back so you must be sick - 10:15am
Penny, English is so boring without you! :( - 11:00am
Chase is being a weirdo cause you're not here - 11:20am
Like lunch is fucking weird - 11:21am
Penny let me come see you after school I miss you - 12:30pm

I shook my head while smiling at Eli's texts. I quickly responded to him, telling that I missed him as well and that I was indeed sick. I wasn't quite ready to tell the guys yet. I'd most likely tell them tomorrow. I didn't even acknowledge Eli's texts about Chase being weird. I then read Klitz's texts.

Hey, I'm not trying to be in your business but did Chase do something? - 9:49am
Did he hurt you? Pen, I'll fucking kick his ass - 9:50am
Could you call me later? I just wanna make sure you're ok - 10:30am
If you tell me your symptoms I can bring some stuff over for you - 12:05pm

My heart swelled at how much he cared about me. Even though our relationship is strictly platonic, he cared for me so much. He always had. I texted him back and let him know that I was ok.

Hey, Klitz. I'm ok. And I'm having migraines and stuff so I have everything I need. Also, I'll explain everything to you tonight when I call you.

I then opened Matt's texts which were more caring than I'd thought.

Penny, you never miss school. Where are you - 9:30am
Seeing the popular kids without you by their side is actually hilarious. Chase is furious - 12:15pm

"Are you texting the tripod?" Oceana asked. "I am. My boys are worried about me." I replied. Lizzie shook her head and said "those boys can't go a day without you, it's ridiculous." "They're worried about me. I usually tell them if I'm not going to school. I'm most likely going to tell Klitz later." "Is Klitz the guy you like?" Ferrari said. I shook my head and said "no I don't like him like that. He's just a close friend." I showed Ferrari a picture of the two of us. "Awe, he's cute! In a nerdy way! Oh my gosh, Penny the two of you should get together!" Ferrari gushed. I rolled my eyes playfully and said "I'm totally not his type." "You're every guys type. You're hot!" I shook my head and said "you think so?" "I know so!" "You don't need a man, Penny. You're going to go to that ball and make them drop dead. On your own." Lizzie said. I nodded in agreement and said "yeah. For sure. We all will be." Oceana smirked and said "the ball will be our night."

The end is wack but here's the update and I hope y'all like it!! And I know this chapter was eh but it'll get better in the next chapter.

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