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Chapter seven
The Winter Ball
Penny's POV:
Klitz took the news of Chase and I breaking up a lot better than I thought he would. He wasn't mad at me. I mean, he was a little bit but he was mostly mad at Chase. I knew as I talked to him on the other side of the phone, his face was probably turning red from anger like it would when he'd get pissed. But now tonight was the night of the ball. Oceana helped me into my dress and gasped once it was on my body. "Klitz is gonna die!" Lizzie said. I pushed her playfully and said "stop!" My hair was perfectly curled and had so many hair products in it. Ferrari gasped and said "you're beautiful." Oceana looked me up and down and said "that dress was the perfect choice." I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. My makeup wasn't done yet but I already felt so pretty.

I went into my bathroom to do my makeup while Oceana got into her dress. I was beyond nervous to see Chase at this dance. I had avoided him almost completely at school. The tripod and I would go off campus to eat lunch and I luckily only had Chase in one class. Klitz had been practically glued to my hip since he heard the news. He wouldn't let Chase anywhere near me. I was so thankful for it. It'd make my day if Chase thought I had already moved on to Klitz. I sighed in content as I finished my makeup. Oceana giggled as she stood in her dress.

Lizzie and Ferrari stared at Oceana as she looked at herself in the mirror. "We're going to have the best time! I can't wait." She said. Lizzie stood in an icy blue dress which was slightly sparking. And super super short.

Ferrari frowned and said "I hope you guys have fun." We all got into Oceana's car and headed to the school. The music boomed in the parking lot as we walked up to the gym. When we got inside it looked like a winter wonderland. I looked around the the tripod. I noticed Eli and Klitz standing in one of the corners of the room. Matt was dancing with a random girl and Eli made eye contact with me. He said something that I couldn't make out to Klitz who's eyes almost bulged out of his head. I waved to him and Eli. Klitz waved back and Eli did the same. I left Lizzie and Oceana and slowly walked over to them. "Hi." I said. "Holy fuck, you look hot." Eli said as he looked me up and down. "Eli!" Klitz hit him on the arm. "What? Dude, I'm just saying what you won't say." "You think I look hot, Klitz?" I asked with a playful look. Klitz went to answer but Matt interrupted him. "Penny, you look really good." "Thank you. How long have you guys been here?" "We got here what like 10 minutes ago?" Eli looked at Klitz who nodded. I could see Chase across the room standing with the popular kids. "You haven't talked to him, have you?" Klitz said. I shook my head and said "of course not. He cheated on me." "Do you know with who?" Eli said to me. "No." I rolled my eyes and Klitz elbowed him. Matt took a drink of the punch and said "it's spiked." "That's great. All I need is people that are already drunk coming to mine for the after party." I scoffed. "You're still having it?" Klitz said in an appalled tone. I nodded and said "yeah. Just cause Chase cheated on me doesn't mean the party's off. For all anyone knows, we had an argument. I'm pretty sure Hunter and the others have no idea." Eli wiped his hands on his pants and said "do you think any of the girls will dance with us?" "Just ask." I said. Klitz and Eli started shaking their heads at the same time. "No way! Why can't we just dance with you?" "Are you settling for me because you don't want to ask girls or are you genuinely wanting to dance with me?" Klitz choked on his punch and turned away to wipe his mouth. Eli's mouth opened and closed like a fish as he didn't know what to say. "Oof." Matt said as he patted Eli's chest, going to ask a random girl to dance with him. I watched Klitz down his cup of punch and go for another one. "I genuinely want to dance with you." Klitz said. Eli sighed and said "come on, Pen. You're the only girl I want to dance with. Plus, none of the girls even look at me." I went to say something but Eli interrupted me as he pulled me to the dance floor. It was slow which I was shocked he had even wanted to dance. "I'm sorry about Chase. I never really thought he'd do that to you. Klitz always said he'd hurt you but I never believed it." I furrowed my eyebrows at his words. "Klitz said that?" Eli nodded and said "yeah. He was worried about you. He also felt like shit when he told you that we all weren't friends anymore. I was so mad at him cause I didn't understand why he did it. I didn't think you'd leave us. I mean, maybe eventually but not right now. And Klitz was so mad at himself. Like he was begging me to kill him." I chuckled softly at Klitz's dramatics. "Well, he apologized and we moved on. It's ok." Eli nodded and said "yeah. I'm just glad we're all ok." Eli's hands were on my shoulders and he didn't dare touch my waist. Stacy's Mom started playing and I squealed, immediately leaving Eli's side. "Really, Penny?" He said. "Klitzy, come on!" I said as I rushed over to him. Klitz finished his second cup of punch and followed me onto the dance floor. "You suck, Penny." "Shut up, Eli." I retorted. "I'm glad one of our songs played." Klitz teased Eli. Eli flipped Klitz off as he walked off the dance floor. Klitz's went to spin me and I took his hands, jumping up and down. "Klitz, you better jump with me." Klitz rolled his eyes and knew he couldn't resist. The two of us jumped up and down in a circle. I laughed, having the most fun I've had in a while. I could feel Chase's glare on me from across the room. It honestly pissed me off that he was even looking in my direction. Klitz's smile grew as the two of us continued to jump up and down. I started screaming the lyrics which caused Klitz to laugh and do the same. Eli stood on the sidelines with his arms crossed over his chest. Klitz let go of my hand to push his glasses up his nose and the two of us stopped jumping. I danced stupidly in front of him. Klitz swayed back and forth and said "I'm not doing that." "Come on, Klitzy. Like we did at my house that one time." His cheeks turned pink and he shook his head. I pouted and said "pretty please?" Klitz took a step towards me and his hands went to my waist. I quirked an eyebrow as he was inches away from me now. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he guided my hips from side to side. "This is bold." I stated. Klitz nodded and hummed in response. Klitz was still trying to catch his breath, panting softly from jumping up and down. He was so close to me. I wanted our bodies closer together but I know he wouldn't allow it. He was such a pretty boy up close. The way his long hair sat on his shoulders, his glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose the more he moved around. His pink tinted cheeks and the shy smile across his face. Everything about him in this moment was so pretty. I found myself staring at his lips. His pretty pretty pink lips. As the song ended I continued to stare up at him. Klitz went to say something but we were interrupted by Chase. "Could I have a dance?" I opened my mouth to answer but Klitz answered for me. "No, fuck off." Chase chuckled at him and said "I don't want to dance with your nerdy ass either. I was talking to Penny." Chase looked at me, his blue eyes full of jealously. I shook my head no. I hadn't spoken to him since I walked in on him and whoever he had decided to screw. "Really? You'd rather hang out with them than me?" He gestured to Klitz and then Eli and Matt who were standing on the sidelines. "Chase, go. You cheated on me." Klitz put his arm around my waist and said "go back with your new girl, asshole." Chase's face changed from sly to angry. He looked at Klitz and said "you know why I cheated? I know you were trying to fuck my girlfriend, asshole." "Dude, you're crazy. What the fuck are you talking about?" Klitz furrowed his eyebrows and scoffed. "I could see the way you looked at her. You were like a sad puppy when she sat with me at lunch that day. And then making her cry, you're the asshole. Not me. You're a nerd who will never be able to pull a chick like Penny. You're in the friendzone, bro. Hard. And it doesn't help you've got four eyes and you're ugly. At least Penny fucked me. She'll never fuck you." I kneed Chase in the groin. Chase doubled over and he reached for Klitz and Klitz pushed him over. Hunter and the others looked over. I watched Troy wince and Derek said "you tried, brah!" Chase flipped him off and I pulled Klitz away from the scene. Eli laughed and said "you kicked him in the balls! That's epic!" Matt nodded and said "he deserved that." Klitz however wasn't ecstatic like his friends. It was like his whole world had been crushed. "Klitz, don't listen to him. He's an asshole." "Whatever." He stormed away from me and I said "Klitz!" I bit my lip and looked at Chase on the other side of the room. He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. "What happened?" Eli asked. "Chase called him ugly and was bragging that he got to fuck me." "I mean, getting to fuck you would be a major flex." Eli said proudly. I scoffed at him and he said "I'm just saying. And Klitz is fine. Like he's not ugly. Why'd he call him ugly?" "Cause he's an asshole." Eli had called Klitz 'fine' in a tone that simply said he was blowing it off. Eli always seemed to dismiss when someone in the group had an insecurity about themselves. Or he'd agree and say that it was true. "I'm so mad he did that." Matt said. "Me too. He's such a dick." I replied. I left Eli and Matt and went looking for Oceana and Lizzie. The two of them grinded to the OutKast song that was currently playing. I watched Lizzie smirk as Oceana grinded her ass into her pelvis. "Guys." I said. Lizzie looked at me and said "what's up?" "Do you guys wanna dance?" Lizzie nodded and Oceana stopped grinding on her so the three of us could dance.

Klitz's POV:
I sat outside of the gym, my head in my hands. I held in the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes. There's no way in hell I'd get caught crying on school property. Eli sat next to me and sighed. I looked at him and said "what're you doing out here?" "I needed to get away from everything." I replied. "Penny told us what he said." "Ugh, fucking Chase. I can't believe she dated that asshole." Eli pulled out a pack of gum and put a stick in his mouth. He offered me one and I shook my head. Eli smacked his gum and I said "where's Penny now?" "Dancing with Oceana and Lizzie. They were all grinding and stuff. It was hot." I rolled my eyes and said "yeah, I'm sure it was. I don't particularly think Penny grinding on another girl is hot but whatever." "Why, cause you'd rather her grind on you?" Eli smirked at me and I scoffed. "Lighten up, Klitz! We still have the after party. You should dance with Penny there and make Chase jealous. Better yet, fuck her!" "W-What?!" I spluttered. "Fuck her, Klitz! Yeah! Fuck Penny and make sure Chase knows you're fucking her!" I shook my head and said "no. No way." "Why?! Penny'll fuck you! God, she'd love to make Chase jealous I know she would! I could film it and send the tape to him." I gasped softly at the thought of Eli filming me and Penny having sex. I don't think I'd want to be on camera. Would Penny?

"Oh yeah, Klitz! Fuck me hard! Don't stop! Harder! Harder!"

The imagine of me fucking her brains out on camera in front of Eli entered my mind. "Immediately no. Immediately no." I said. Eli groaned and said "fuck! I could've made so much money off of that. Come back inside. I need more punch. My buzz is dying down." "Same." I said as the two of us stood up. We walked back into the gym where I Like The Way You Move by OutKast was playing. Eli and I walked to the punch table and got another cup. My eyes widened as I watched Penny grind on Oceana. I kept my cup at my lips as I didn't want her to catch me staring with my mouth hanging open. Eli stared in awe and took sips from his drink. "Fuck, she's so hot. I don't know why you don't just nail her. Fuck her hard for me, Klitz." I elbowed him and said "stop!" I stared at Penny over the rim of my cup, watching her body move against Oceana's. I knew she had to leave soon to start preparing for the after party. People were already starting to gather up and were ready to go. Penny left Oceana's side and walked over to us. "Are you guys ready for the after party?" I brought my cup down from my face. She had definitely had some of the spiked punch from the way she slightly slurred. "Oh hell yeah." Eli said. I nodded in agreement and then said "you're not driving are you?" Penny patted my cheek softly and said "are you worried about me, Klitzy?" "I just don't want you to drive if you're drunk." "Oceana's driving. It's her car. And you'll follow us back, right?" Eli nodded and said "yep." "I'll see you guys there then." Penny walked away with Oceana and Lizzie. "Grab Matt and let's go." I told Eli. Eli walked off to find Matt and I went to my car. I watched people from the gym pile out and start to head to their cars. This party was going to be a handful.

Here's the update! I was supposed to have this up yesterday but was really moody and didn't feel like updating.

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