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Chapter eight
The After Party
Penny's POV:
I tried to keep mostly everyone in the backyard. Of course people didn't listen. I constantly had to tell people the hot tub was off limits. "Your house is so retro." Jennie said. "Yeah, it's like soooo cool." Jane parroted. I thanked them and Olivia rolled her eyes at me. I went to the drink table I had set up before leaving for the dance and started to drink heavily. I was doing multiple shots. Klitz came over and said "hey." I looked at him and said "hey." He did a shot and then winced. "Are you planning on getting shitfaced?" He asked. I nodded and said "probably. My week has been shit. But, I'm so glad I have you. You made it a lot better." Klitz half smiled and said "really?" "Yeah. You and the tripod mean so much to me. I'd be lost without you guys." "You wouldn't be able to function." I nodded as I did a shot. Loud cheering erupted into the air and I looked over my shoulder to see Lizzie and Oceana grinding on each other. Eli cheered them on as he carried a camera around. "Jesus Christ, he brought his camera?" I said. "Oh. I didn't even know he brought it." Klitz replied. Matt was dancing with a girl named Abby who wasn't popular but definitely liked him. He wouldn't give her the time of day of course. Klitz and I were daring each other to do more and more shots. I was on my eighth while he was on his sixth. He giggled and I said "one more?" He shook his head and said "oh, I can't. My brain is fuzzy." "Two more!" I cheered. "No, Pen! We can't!" He grabbed me by my waist. I poured us another shot and said "come on, Klitzy." He sighed and picked up the shot. The two of us downed them and I didn't even wince from the burning alcohol anymore. And I had been slightly drunk from the dance. I poured the last two shots and said "come on." Klitz pushed his glasses up his nose and stared at the shots of fireball. "Fuck." He said breathlessly. I linked my arm with his as the two of us finished them. "Whoo!" I whooped. Klitz shook his head and said "woah." Move Ya Body started playing and I said "Klitz, please!" His eyes went to the crowd that was dancing. Guys and girls grinded on each other and hands roamed their bodies. "Alright." I pulled him to the dance floor. Chase, Hunter and Troy were standing off to the side. They each had a beer in their hand. I watched the three of them talk while they stood watching everyone dance. Klitz bopped his head to the beat, swaying his body back and forth. His eyes were half lidded and his lips parted as he moved to the music. Chase looked over at me and I gave him a devilish smirk. I turned around, my back to Klitz's chest. "Woah." His voice said. I took his hands and put them on my hips. I started to grind on him, dragging my ass across his pelvis. I wrapped one arm around his neck and held him close to me. His large hands squeezed my hips and guided me back and forth. Klitz's head fell onto my shoulder and his breath quivered. "HOLY SHIT! FUCKING GET IT, KLITZ! FUCKING GET IT!!" Eli screamed. A chuckle came from Klitz's lips and the crowd seemed to cheer him on. It was only because a pretty girl was dancing with one of the unpopular guys. And everyone was drunk or tipsy from the dance and didn't have a conscience and didn't care about their social status at the moment. Troy's face contorted into disgust as he watched. Hunter's mouth hung agape and he couldn't believe his eyes. Chase, however was pissed. I swear smoke was coming out of his ears. Eli aimed his camera towards Klitz and I. If I was sober, I would've been against it but I was too far gone. I didn't care. "Mmm. Ah, ah. Mmmmm, oh fuck." Klitz moaned softly. A small smirk played at my lips and I moved against him harder. "Oh. Ahhh, mmmm." I brought my lips to his ear. "Feel good, Klitz?" Klitz's eyes were screwed shut and he nodded. "So good. Oh, fuck." His glasses hung at the bottom of his nose and his lips parted as a pant left his lips. As the song came to an end, I moved slower against him. I played with the ends of his hair and could feel a wetness pooling in my panties. I was honestly shocked. Dancing with Klitz? This is what got me all hot and bothered? I don't think Klitz had made me this wet since freshman year. And that was when I was crushing on him. I hadn't done anything like this with him before. "Guys! Guys!" Eli said. I looked at him and said "what?" Eli's eyes went to Klitz who was still in his own little world. "Having fun?" Eli asked. Klitz opened his eyes and said "fuck off. What do you want?" "Lizzie and Oceana are about to fuck. I'm gonna go see if I can get some of it on film." He smirked. I felt a hardness poking me and I immediately turned around to face Klitz properly. Eli had walked off and I said "Klitz?" "Yeah?" "You uhm..." I didn't want to embarrass him or myself. I had given him a boner and didn't really know how to process it. And it was like he realized it. "Oh fuck." He said as he started walking awkwardly away from me. I took a breath and chuckled to myself. I had given him a boner. Then it hit me. I just gave my best friend a boner. "God, I hope this doesn't mess anything up." I said to myself.

Klitz's POV:
Don't let anyone see. Don't let anyone see. You're so stupid! Stupid! Fuck! You popped a boner?! And she knew about it?! God, she's going to be disgusted at you forever!

My brain screamed all kinds of things at me. I just needed to get away from the crowd. "What're you doing in here?" Matt said. He was in the basement and I said "what're you doing in here?" "I was uh, trying to get with one of the popular girls. It didn't work obviously." I nodded and sat down on the couch, away from him. I put a pillow in front of my crotch and Matt said "dude." "Listen, I popped a boner while Penny and I were dancing. She was grinding on me." "What?! And I missed it?!" Matt yelled. I shrugged and said "I think Eli got it on tape." "Oh shit. I can't wait to see it." I grimaced and said "I don't. I probably look like a virgin who's having the time of his life." I lifted the pillow and felt the small wet spot on my black dress pants. "Fuck, there's pre cum!" I covered my face with my hands and Matt said "dude, that's amazing! That's never happened to me or Eli." "But, with Penny! Dude, you know of my massive crush on her. She doesn't feel the same way. She never will." I felt mortified. And my boner wasn't going away. "Fuck, it won't go down." "Just go in the bathroom and take care of it. I can guard the stairs from upstairs." I nodded and said "ok." "Just hurry up. Before Penny notices you're missing for too long." "She already knows. She felt the damn thing." Matt sniggered and I flipped him off. "Fuck you, Matt."

Eli's POV:
After seeing Klitz and Penny's little show, I went to find Oceana and Lizzie. Where else would they be? The guest room. I remembered that's where they went to escape when it was just our friend group. I went up the stairs, my camera in hand. My eyes widened as I noticed they had left the door cracked. Penny had made it a strict rule that nobody was really allowed in the house. I aimed my camera at the two of them as Oceana sucked on Lizzie's titties. I chuckled softly, knowing I had hit the jackpot. And they said I could film them one day. Looks like that day was today. I zoomed in, making sure I got Lizzie in the full shot. Oceana left hickeys up and down her neck as she kneaded Lizzie's tits. I watched the two of them get into position to hump one another. "Holy shit." I whispered, making sure I got it all on tape.

Klitz's POV:
After relieving myself I practically avoided Penny for the rest of the party. When kids started to leave was when I looked around for her. "Get out! Everyone out! Party's over!" Eli yelled at some of the kids. I chuckled softly and walked over to him. "Where's Penny?" I asked. "Passed out in a chair in the backyard." He replied. My eyes practically bulged out of my head. "What?!" "She's fine! I checked on her multiple times!" The backyard was slightly trashed but nothing we could clean up the next day. "Penny." I said as I shook her. "Klitzy?" She slurred. I had been through this with her before. Seemed like I was always taking care of her when she was drunk. I scooped her up into my arms and said "I'm taking you to bed." "We're going to bed? Oh, Klitz I didn't think you had it in you. I want you to fuck my brains out." She said as she wrapped her arms around my neck. "N-Not like that! I'm just putting you to bed. You're really drunk." I spluttered. Penny pouted and said "awe, darn. I thought you were going to finally take me, Klitzy. I've been wanting it for so long." I cleared my throat as I carried her into the house. I knew she was drunk and just speaking her mind. I carried her up the stairs carefully, trying not to stumble. But of course I did. Penny gasped and my grip on her got tighter. "I gotcha." I said softly. "Oh, please don't drop me, Klitzy." The way she said my name repeatedly was making my heart beat fast. I hated it. I hated the effect she had on me. I opened her bedroom door and said "home sweet home." "Yay." She said tiredly. I set her down on her bed, pulling the covers down. "I'm gonna unzip your dress and you put this on, ok?" I had grabbed one of those oversized shirts she'd sleep in. Penny nodded and I unzipped her dress. She took off her black heels and shook out her curly hair. I turned around as she took it off. A relieved sigh left her lips and she said "I'm done." I turned around and pulled the covers on her. "Comfy?" Penny nodded at me and said "yeah. And you'll stay right?" "I was gonna sleep in the basement with the guys." I told her. Penny sat up and shook her head. "No, I mean with me." I clicked my tongue and said "there's nowhere for me to sleep, Pen." She bit her lip and gestured to her bed. "You could sleep with me. Right here." My breath got caught in my throat. I was shocked. I closed her bedroom door and slowly made my way over to the bed. "I gotta take my shoes off." I messed with the laces on my dress shoes. I took off my suit coat and vest, leaving me in my button up. I got under the covers and laid down next to Penny. She leaned her head on my shoulder and sighed. I took my glasses off and set them on the nightstand. "I had fun tonight, Klitz." "Me too." It was quiet, just the sound of our breathing in the air. Penny's perfume was intoxicating as I laid next to her. The alcohol in our bodies wouldn't keep us up much longer. I could feel Penny drifting off to sleep. I closed my eyes and then let myself slip into sleep.

The end sucks but holy shit. I had a blast writing this chapter agsjsjf

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