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Chapter nine
Tape Number One
Klitz's POV:
I slowly opened my eyes, squinting at the sunlight pouring into the windows. I groaned as I felt my head begin to throb from the alcohol. "Mmm." Penny moaned from next to me. I looked over at her and watched as she covered her face with the blanket. She was extremely close to me, her lips inches away from my cheek. I hesitantly reached to brush a strand of hair out of her face. She didn't move as my fingers made contact with her hair. I half smiled and sat up slowly, the throbbing in my head getting stronger. I went towards the bathroom, grabbing some aspirin. I took a pill with some water and left a pill on Penny's nightstand with a cup of water. I left her bedroom, going downstairs. I saw Matt in the backyard throwing trash away. "Klitz, you're awake! I gotta show this to you! And grab Matt!" Eli said. I shushed him and told that Penny was asleep. I walked to the sliding glass door, knocking on the glass. Matt looked up and I motioned for him to come into the house. Matt came in and said "what's up?" "Eli has something to show us." I replied as I rolled my eyes. Matt sighed deeply and we went into the basement. Eli had his camera hooked up to the tv downstairs. I sat on the couch and Matt did the same. Eli smirked and said "gentlemen, may I present, our very own Klitzy getting grinded on by Penny. Who happens to be the hottest girl in school." My eyes widened as Eli started playing the footage from last night. "HOLY SHIT!" Matt said in shock. Eli smirked as the video continued to go on. My mouth hung agape as I watched my best friend grind her ass into my crotch. I gulped as Penny's hand wrapped around my neck, pulling me closer to her. The crowd was cheering for the two of us. I covered my mouth when I saw that I was moaning into her ear. And the smirk on Penny's face was almost devilish; like she was enjoying every minute. "Klitzy could barely keep it in his pants." Eli said. Matt looked at me and said "dude." I removed my hand from my mouth and said "I can't believe it happened." "Well she wasn't gonna grind on me or Matt." Eli said as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Delete it." I said, not wanting Penny to ever see it. Eli shook his head and I stood up, going to grab his camera. "Klitz, this is art. I'll be damned if you make me delete it. You'll thank me later when I have it kept and stored." "Eli, seriously. Penny can't see it." "Why? She's the one who rubbed her ass all over you." "Eli, you know why. Look at me! I look like a virgin!" I gestured to the video that was still playing. "You are a virgin so what're you worried about?" Eli dismissed me. "Eli, I look pathetic. I don't want Penny to see it. Ever." Eli rolled his eyes and said "whatever. I have something else to show you guys. Sit down." I went and sat back down next to Matt. Eli fast forwarded the footage to the guest bedroom in Penny's house. My eyes bulged out of my head as Lizzie and Oceana appeared on the screen. The two of them were having sex. "Eli!" I scolded. I watched my friend giggle and clap his hands. Matt covered his eyes and said "turn it off!" "Matt, look! It's the sexiest thing I've ever seen!" Matt peeked through his fingers. I watched Lizzie as she humped Oceana. Their clits rubbing up against one another. "I'm assuming they have no idea you recorded this." Eli looked at me as those words left my mouth. "Well, no they don't. But, I'm going to tell them. I'll probably show them too. I wasn't gonna keep it a secret or anything." Eli unhooked his camera from the tv and then sat on the couch with Matt and I. "I'm gonna put this onto some tapes." "Please don't." I told him. Matt nodded in agreement and said "yeah. It's better you don't." "I've just gotten my first piece of real art and you guys don't want me to put it on a tape? I'm absolutely flabbergasted." I rolled my eyes at Eli and Matt said "you're dumb." "Hey, guys." Penny's voice said. The three of us looked to the stairs. Penny rubbed at one of her eyes and then half smiled at us. "Hi." I said. "What're you guys doing down here?" Eli shrugged and said "nothing. Just hanging out down here. You were asleep." He was quick to lie which shocked me. I figured he'd blurt out that he had taped stuff from the night before. "Did you guys need any aspirin?" Eli shook his head and Matt did the same. Penny nodded and said "ok. I'm gonna find something to eat. You guys are more than welcome to come back upstairs." "We will." Matt replied. Penny went back up the stairs and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Do you think she heard the tape?" I asked. Eli shook his head and said "no. No way." "I really hope not." Matt added.


Penny's party had spread around school quick. I kept waiting for Chase to corner me in class or slam me into a locker cause I danced with his ex. It never came. I sat down at our table at lunch. I rubbed my eyes under my glasses with a sigh. I was more tired than usual today. It was probably because I woke up extra early and then decided that I needed to get off. I had come pretty hard this morning I didn't know how I didn't pass out after. "Ta da!" Eli's loud voice said. He set a vhs tape down in front of me. My eyes widened as I read the title.
Klitz's Big Dance
"Eli, what the fuck?" I spat. "I put it on a tape for you! Now you can tug on your wang to this, eh?" Eli quipped. I looked at Eli's sloppy handwriting across the label along with random drawings on it. I picked up the tape and Penny was walking over. I quickly shoved it into my backpack, not wanting her to see it. "Was that a tape?" She said. She sat down and Eli smirked at me, knowing I'd have to tell the truth or lie. I clicked my tongue and said "uh, yeah. Eli gave me a stupid porno to watch." Penny grimaced and said "oh. I should've known. I don't even know why I asked." Eli was sniggering and I wanted to punch him in the face. "I can't believe you brought something like that to school." Penny said to Eli. Eli shrugged and said "well, I couldn't wait till after school to give this to Klitz. He needs to have it now. So as soon as he gets home, he can watch it. As a matter of fact, the reason I gave it to him is cause the guy in it looks just like Klitz." I choked on my water and Eli smirked. "The guy looks like Klitz?" Penny asked. Eli nodded and said "oh yeah. I thought it was him at first." I kicked Eli under the table and he said "ow! Asshole!" "Sorry. Spasm." I quickly said, hoping to distract Penny from this whole conversation. "You should've gave it to me, Eli. I would've watched it out of curiosity." Penny said as she pushed her hair over her shoulder. "I might have another copy." Eli said playfully. Penny giggled and said "really?" "Mmm-hmm." Eli wiggled his eyebrows at Penny who shook her head. "Derek's such an asshole." Lizzie said as she sat down. "Derek? Why?" Penny said. The conversation was changing. Thank god. I thought. I wasn't sure how much longer I could last without embarrassing myself. And the fact that Eli might slip Penny a copy of the tape, stressed me out so much. I was pretty sure she remembered us dancing. It was fine if she did. I just don't want her to see my face, how much I was enjoying it. I practically came in my pants. "He just loves to say stupid things to girls. He made a comment about me and Eli and I got so annoyed." Eli laughed and said "I love that he thinks we're dating." Lizzie looked at in and said "I don't. It's stupid. You just had to get on your knees and beg the other day." Eli shrugged and said "what can I say? I was desperate." Oceana rolled her eyes at him and Penny shook her head. "You're such an idiot." Lizzie mumbled.


Eli was right. As soon as I got home I rewatched the tape. Mostly out of curiosity and the fact that my friends weren't there. I could actually take it in without being so embarrassed. I still was, of course. The way Penny held onto me and smirked was just enough to get me hard. And watching her ass drag across my pelvis made me question if she thought I was attractive. I slowly slid my hand into my pants, palming myself. My eyes fluttered closed as I felt a small amount of pleasure. Before I knew it I was jerking it so I could cum. My hand moved up and down at a fast speed. Skin slapping sounds entering the room and I was desperate. God, I was so close. So close. I needed to cum. I needed it so bad. "Just n-need to cum. M'right there. Ahh, fuck." The camera zoomed in onto our bodies. I hadn't seen this shot yet. It was a perfect view of Penny grinding on me. The smile on her face was genuine while I was having the time of my life. Her dress made her tits look perfect, they bounced slightly as she moved her body. "Oh my god, I'm cumming." I threw my head back, my body jolting as I came. "Yes! Yes! Ahh, Penny! Fuck! Oh, fuck. Uhh, s-shit." I panted and when I opened my eyes, the tv was black. The VCR clicked, letting me know the tape was finished. I fell back onto my bed, trying to catch my breath. I hadn't cum that hard before. I was honestly still reeling from it. I closed my eyes again, trying to come down from my high. "Matt, this tape is gold! I just need to tell Lizzie and Oceana!" Eli's voice said. My eyes shot open and I said "shit." I sat up and rushed into my bathroom. I slammed the door shut and locked it, trying to clean myself up. I was super sensitive at the moment. I winced as I wiped off my dick, rushing to tuck myself back into my pants. "Klitz, where are you?" Matt said. "Bathroom. Hang on." I said nonchalantly so they wouldn't think I was in a panic. I washed my hands and made sure I was decent before going back into my bedroom. "What're you guys doing here?" I said. "Came to hang out, why?" Eli quipped. I shrugged and said "just wondering." "We should watch a movie." Eli suggested. He knelt down and started rummaging through my vhs tapes. I pulled out my phone and responded to a text from Penny. I then looked at my hand, the pink glittery heart fading away. I frowned a bit and Eli started laughing. I looked at him and said "what?" He held the tape in his hand. I put my head in my hands and Eli said "were you in here jacking it, Klitz?!" "Oh, dude!" Matt said in disgust! "Shut up!" I said to the both of them. "Oh, god! How are you going to look her in the eye? You're in your room jacking it!" Eli cackled. He gasped for air as he laughed harder. I glared at him and said "fuck off." "Klitz, don't be mad. That's why I gave you the tape. I figured you'd wait a couple of days though. Jeez, you did it right after school? I'm proud of you." I snatched the tape from him and put it in my nightstand drawer. "Did you pick a movie or what?" I snapped.


That dreaded tape became the one thing I'd use to get off. The number one thing. It was like Penny and I had our own little porno except it wasn't a porno. It was the two of us dancing. The guilt filled my head as I tugged on my dick harder. "F-Fuck. Mmm, right there. Right there." My phone started ringing. I immediately paused the tape and grabbed my phone. "Hello?" I said. "Hey, Klitzy." Penny said. I panted softly and said "hey. What's up?" "Nothing. Just bored. Eli was supposed to come over yesterday but he didn't. I thought all of you guys were." "He wants Oceana and Lizzie to be there." "Oh. You're panting. Are you ok?" My eyes widened and I said "y-yeah. I uh was working out." "Working out?" I mentally cursed myself and pulled my phone away from my ear as I face palmed myself. I then put the phone back up to my ear. "Yeah. I dunno. Was trying something new." I said as casually as I could. "Well, that's cool I guess. Anyways if you're not doing anything you could come over. I was gonna see if Eli and Matt wanted to as well." Penny said. I nodded and said "sounds good. I'll be there in twenty." "Ok. Bye, Klitzy." "Bye, Pen." I quickly hung up the phone and pushed play on the tape. I had to work my orgasm back up as it had died down. The knot in my stomach was tighter this time around. "Fuck." I never usually edged myself. I was always so desperate for the release. I could barely breathe as I was bringing myself to the edge. My hand moved so fast as I started to get close. "Oh fuck!" I spurted all over my hand, my orgasm washing over me. "Shit. Shit. Holy shit." Once I came down from my high, I quickly cleaned myself up and made my way over to Penny's. I knocked on the door and Penny answered it. She was in a small t-shirt and shorts. My lips parted and she said "hey, Klitzy." She sucked on a lollipop and I said "h-hey." She gestured for me to come inside. She closed the door behind me and then offered me a lollipop. I shook my head and she then offered me some gummy worms. I gladly took those. Oceana and Lizzie were sitting on the floor in Penny's living room. Matt was on the couch and Penny danced to the music that was playing. Eli grabbed her by her waist and she squealed. "Eli, don't!" She hit his arm and Eli laughed, his hands holding her tightly. She pushed him off of her and sat down on the floor. I took the bowl of gummy worms with me and sat down next to her. Penny grabbed Eli's hand and drew random circles on his hand. "What even is that?" He said. "Shut up, it's art." Penny replied. I chuckled softly and Eli rolled his eyes. "I have the best tape to show you guys." Penny groaned at Eli and said "no tapes." "You'll love this one. It stars two people you know." I choked on a gummy worm and Penny immediately looked up at me. I gasped for air as I caught my breath. "Tim, you ok?" I inhaled deeply and felt my heart beat a little faster as Penny used my actual name. "Yeah. Was eating too fast." I replied. Eli stood up and said "hear me out. This tape will be the best thing you've seen all week! The best!" I was silently praying it wasn't Penny and I's tape and Eli had a copy. Penny sat next to me and started redrawing the heart on my hand. "It's fading. It needs a new coat." I chuckled and watched the ink of the pink glitter pen appear on my hand. Eli put the tape in and Lizzie said "what the fuck?!" Oceana gasped and said "Eli!" "What? It was the perfect opportunity! And you guys said I could film you." "Not without our consent, asshole!" Lizzie yelled. "I wasn't gonna sell it or anything like that. Unless you guys wanted me to." Eli suggested. Lizzie shook her head and said "I can't believe you!" "I recorded Klitz and Penny too, don't worry." Oceana looked at Penny and said "you and Klitz fucked?!" I shook my head and Penny said "no, he recorded us dancing or something. I haven't even seen the footage." "I have." I mumbled. "Really?? Wow, Eli. You showed Klitz and not me?" Eli chuckled evilly and said "Klitzy has the tape." Penny looked at me and said "is that what he gave you at school yesterday?" "Y-Yeah. I wasn't sure if you wanted to see it." "Ugh, yes! I wanna see how it came out." Lizzie started berating Eli who told her he'd sell it and pay her a bunch of money. "Is it hot?" Penny asked me. I shrugged and said "eh." "Be honest, Klitz. Is it hot or not?" Penny swirled her tongue around the cherry lollipop in her mouth. "If I'm being honest. Yeah. A little bit." I reached for a gummy worm and Penny said "a little bit?" "I mean, yeah, it's hot. I dunno." Penny giggled and put her hand on my thigh. "It's ok if you think it's hot, Klitz. I'm not gonna think you're weird or anything. I mean, why do you think I did it? I knew it'd be hot and Chase was super jealous wasn't he?" "I didn't even see Chase." I replied honestly. "Doesn't matter. It was fun, wasn't it?" She gave my thigh a squeeze and I nodded quickly. "Yeah. It was fun." Penny covered her mouth with her other hand, stifling a laugh. "I gave you a boner. I'd say it was fun for you. And sorry if that was awkward." My heart was beating so fast and I could feel my cheeks heating up. "Oh, uh, no it's fine. I didn't want you to think I was gross." "Gross? For getting a boner? It's normal, Klitz." I was thankful that everyone was distracted by Eli and Lizzie's argument. Penny and I's moment was something I'd definitely remember and not want anyone to know about. "Will you show it to me later? I could just come to your house to see it." Penny said. I nodded. "Great." She smirked. Her hand left my thigh and Eli said "how about this? You guys post it to whatever account and say I filmed it. Just give me credit! And maybe ten percent of what you make off it." Lizzie scoffed and said "ten percent?! No way you'll get five!" "Lizzie, I make art! Not shit! You should give me a lot more than five!" "You make art? Let's see the tape of Klitz and Eli." Lizzie shot back. Eli looked at me and said "Klitz has it. I didn't make a copy. It's Klitz's." "I could go get it." I suggested. Lizzie nodded and said "please." "I'll come with." Penny said. I nodded and the two of us went to my car. The drive to my house wasn't far. I could've walked to Penny's but I knew I'd be there late and wouldn't want to walk home. Penny followed me in my house and up to my room. I took the tape out of the VCR and Penny said "wait. I wanna see it." "We're literally gonna watch it at your house." I said. "I wanna see it with you. If Eli hadn't mentioned it we were going to watch it together anyway." I nodded and closed my bedroom door. I was thankful my parents were at work. I put the tape back into the VCR, rewinding it. The tape was only about two minutes long. When it was finished, a clicking sound entered the air. I pushed play and the video started. Penny sat down on the edge of my bed, watching the tape intently. I sat down next to her, my heart beating out of my chest. Penny giggled and bit her lip as the video played out. I watched her bring my face closer to hers, her fingers playing with my hair. My hands sat on her hips, guiding her back and forth. "Your hands are huge, Klitz. I always forget that." "Yeah." I said. Penny smirked next to me as she watched the last thirty seconds of the tape. Then it ended. "God, that's hot." I shrugged at her voice. She then said "you don't think so?" "I do. Uh, yeah I do." "Well, we'd better get back before everyone suspects us of doing something else." She said. I shook my head and said "I doubt anyone would think we're hooking up." "Why?" Penny asked. "Come on, Pen. Look at me. Look at you. There's just no way. I don't think it'd ever happen." Penny nodded and said "yeah. Right. I don't even know why I said that. Just rewind the tape and come on." She left my bedroom and I quickly rewound the tape and headed downstairs. We got into my car and went back to Penny's. "Yes, the tape has arrived!" Eli said as we walked in. I rolled my eyes and handed it to Eli who put it in the VCR. Penny started to go upstairs and Eli said "where're you going?" "I watched it at Klitz's. I gotta pee. I'll be right back." "Boo, you suck!" Eli yelled. "You swallow!" Penny replied. Oceana howled with laughter and Matt did the same. I furrowed my eyebrows as she went upstairs. We were fine at my house. The mood definitely shifted between us on the ride back. Eli cheered at the video started and I could barely keep my attention on it. I just kept wondering why Penny didn't want to be downstairs with us. I knew she didn't have to pee. I know by the tone of her voice she was escaping. She used a lie and escaped. I just hoped it wasn't something I did and maybe it was the tape. Maybe she didn't want to watch it twice. I just really hoped it wasn't me.

Penny's POV:
I could hear Eli's cheers from below. Along with Oceana's and Lizzie's. I sniffled as I thought about Klitz's comment. Did he think I was ugly? Did he pop a boner cause he was thinking of someone else? "Shit!" I said softly. The waterworks began as I thought about Klitz basically rejecting me. I was thinking of telling him or maybe fooling around with him first and then telling him. Or just to get it off my fucking chest. I've had this stupid secret since freshman year and now that Chase and I weren't together, I wanted him to know. I wiped my tears and made sure I was put together before going back downstairs. I would bury my feelings and maintain my friendship with Klitz because that's all it would ever be. Friendship. "Penny, you've joined us." Eli said. I rolled my eyes at him and sat down next to him. "I watched it with Klitz earlier. I didn't need to see it again." I said. Oceana smirked at me and said "it looked hot." "I thought so too." I replied with a shrug. "Now, business propositions!" Eli said to Oceana and Lizzie. I watched the three of them discuss the very lewd tape of them. I leaned back against the couch and Eli laid his head in my lap. "Come on! You guys said five percent!" Eli said. "We'll see how it does." Lizzie replied. I played with Eli's dark locks of hair. I was trying to keep my mind off Klitz's comments. I had thought because of our dance he might've liked me. I guess not. "Ok, ok, enough with the tape. Let's plan something to do for this weekend or something." Oceana said. Matt nodded and said "yes. Sounds good." I caught myself stealing glances at Klitz and tried to remind myself not to stare at him. He was such a pretty boy. I looked down at Eli. He was pretty too. He had pretty pink lips. "The drive in." Eli suggested. "Oooh." I commented. "What're we gonna see?" Lizzie asked. "I think they're showing Final Destination at the drive in." Matt said. "Which one?" Klitz said as he bit into a gummy worm. "Uh the second one." "The one with the car crash?!" Oceana questioned. Matt nodded and Eli said "I liked that one." "Me too." I agreed. "The drive in it is!" Matt yelled.

The end sucks and I didn't expect to write lowkey angst but there it is.

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