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Kendall set his lunch tray on the table and immediately launched into a conversation. "I think Mosbey figured out we put jelly in the ice machine..." He trailed off when he finally looked at his friends only to notice they looked different, "And you're not Logan, James, or Carlos. I was- I was kidding about the ice machine."

With an awkward chuckle, he quickly scrambled off the table and moved to the next one, which again seemed to be occupied by James, Loan, and Carlos.

"Guys, the weirdest thing just happened to me and..." His eyes widened when they turned out to be look-alikes again, "It's happening again. Oh, no!" He gasped in horror, "It's that dream where I end up on TV wearing nothing but a hat."

Logan and Carlos walked into the Asphalt cafe and looked around to try and find James and Kendall before getting their lunch.

"Oh, hey Logan," Carlos smiled as 'Logan' walked up to him, "You were great in Sikowitz's drive-by acting today. I really thought you were a manatee."

Logan's brows furrowed as he tapped Carlos' shoulder. "I'm standing right next to you."

"No, no you're not. You're right over there sitting next to me," Carlos pointed to yet another Logan, "And there. And there... and there... Dude! This means our time machine has worked!" He grinned excitedly.

"That wasn't a time machine. It was a clock!" Logan snapped before taking a deep breath, "And that isn't you, and that's not me, and those aren't Kendall's, and those aren't-"

He was cut off by James letting out a dramatic gasp as he finally realized the people he'd been talking to for the last 20 minutes were not his best friends. He really needed to pay more attention to things that weren't him. "Then who the heck are you people?!" He cried.

"Now that's definitely James," Logan sighed as the real boys of Big Time Rush grouped together in the middle of Asphalt cafe and looked around in fear.

"What is going on here?" James demanded, "Uh, Kendall. Are we in your stupid hat dream?"

"I have no idea what's going on!" He cried helplessly.

"Logan?!" James, Kendall, and Carlos yelped, turning to the genius for an answer.

But before he could begin to list possible explanations, Stella walked into the Asphalt Cafe wearing a long, thin scarf, a barret and holding a megaphone.

"Okay, first up will be Group One for Big Time Rush," She called, "Auditions will be in the Blackbox Theater"

"Stella, what is all this?" Kendall asked incredulously, "Are you trying to replace us again?"

"I only tried to replace you," She reminded him pointedly, "I'm casting a Netflix special about my life. Stella Carrington: The Stella Carrington Story, a Stella Carrington production. I need look-a-likes to play the losers from Big Time Rush. No offense," She smiled brightly before holding up the megaphone again, "Group One losers, you're up next!"

Kendall's brows furrowed. "Wait. You're auditioning people to play us?"

"When you got the actual losers right here," Carlos huffed incredulously.

"Hey, we're not losers," Kendall corrected sharply.

Just as he said that Logan grabbed the megaphone off the table. "I am your father," He said with a fake deep voice and giggled like a little kid.

"Give me that!" Stella rolled her eyes, "Group One, let's go!"

Kendall grabbed the megaphone from her and quickly pointed it at Group One. "No, no, no. Group One, don't move! Can you believe her? We should be playing us."

"Yeah, yeah," The rest of the band muttered in agreement and started complaining.

Stella's face scrunched up in annoyance as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Fine, fine, fine. You're all hired," She grumbled before smirking, "Except for Kendall."

"What?" He asked in shock.

"You have to audition," She sang with a wicked grin.

"And I have to condition," James exclaimed happily, "I'm in a movie!"

"She's right," Carlos gasped excitedly, "We're movie stars now!"

"That's gotta be worth something," Logan grinned before the three of them ran to brag.

"I shouldn't have to audition!" Kendall complained heatedly, "Why do I have to audition?"

"'Cause apparently you're difficult to work with," She frowned sarcastically, loving how annoyed he was getting.

"Look, I don't have to prove to anybody, least of all you, that I'm the best Kendall Knight to play Kendall Knight," He huffed with crossed arms, glaring at her.

She arched a brow and pointed the megaphone in his face. "Do you want the part or not?"

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"Okay, state your name and the part you're here to read for," Stella said as she updated her Slap page.

Kendall stared at her blankly. "Kendall Knight reading for the part of Kendall Knight," He deadpanned, his voice thick with annoyance.

"There's that attitude again," She loudly whispered to her assistant.

"What?!" He called defensively.

"And Action!" She demanded, "Hi, you must be Kendall, I'm Stella."

Kendall sighed and looked down at the script. "Oh, my gosh! You're Stella Carrington. Possibly the greatest actor of our generation... are you kidding me with this!?" He huffed.

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Kendall, I am giving you a chance here, okay? Just read the lines. Let's jump ahead to where Kendall enters and punches my co-star and action!"

His brows furrowed. "I never punched your co-star," He said indignantly.

"Diva!" Stella sang with pursed lips.

"Are you kidding me?" He yelled as he threw his hands up in exasperation, "I'm so not a diva!"

She raised a brow, clearly not believing him and his outburst really didn't help his case. "Really, Kendall? Really?"

He rolled his eyes and scowled. "You know what? This is ridiculous. I'm out of here."

"Fine!" She shrugged.

"Fine!" He narrowed his eyes at her as he took a step closer to her director's chair.

"Good!" She brushed him off, not breaking their eye contact.

"Good! And good luck trying to find a better me than me because nobody knows me the way that I know me," Just as he was about to storm out, the door opened, "Woah! Austin Moon! Can I get your autograph for my sister? Here, sign this lousy script!" He said haughtily, glaring at Stella with a smirk.

She rolled her eyes at his attempt to upset her and smiled at Austin as he leaned down to give her a quick hug.

"Hey, Stella. I got your text and yes I'll play the part of Kendall," He said.

Kendall's jaw dropped. "What?"

"Personally, I think the character's kind of dull," He frowned and shrugged, "But I'll liven him up. And you are?" Austin asked Kendall as he got ready to sign the script for him.

"The dull guy that you need to liven up," He deadpanned.

"Awkward," Stella sang with a chuckle.

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"Can I help you?" Kendall asked with furrowed brows when he noticed Austin following him.

"No, no, no. Carry On," He smiled, his eyes trained on Kendall as he continued to follow him.

Kendall frowned when he noticed Austin copying his every move. He tested out his theory a few times before awkwardly doing the macarena to try and embarrass him but that was when Austin stopped skyping him. Gustavo really needed to get him more lessons with Mr. X.

"Not a very good dancer," Austin spoke into a recorder he had with him.

"What are you doing? And why are you saying things about me into a recorder?"

"Well, if I'm going to play you then I want to play you honestly and realistically. This is my first acting gig and I want to be authentic," He smiled before speaking into the recorder quietly, "Flat hair."

"My hair is not flat," Kendall snapped as he ran a hand through his hair almost protectively, he almost wished he'd let James spray some Cuda massive hold on him when he'd tried.

"Defensive about hair," Austin said as he took a step back.

Kendall let out a groan of annoyance. "Would you stop?"

"Look, I'm sorry. I know it's weird, but I really like to get into my characters," Austin shrugged with an innocent smile.

He sighed. "Well, I guess if someone has to play me, I'm glad it's Austin Moon," He smiled, "Hey, look if there's anything you want to know about me just ask."

"I just want to know, are you mad at me because I got the part and you didn't?" He asked sheepishly.

"What? No, no!" He shook his head quickly and brushed him off with a big smile.

"Voice gets high when in denial," Austin commented.

"What? I am not-" Kendall cleared his throat, "I am not in denial. Okay, look. You don't know Stella. She's just so annoying and this is so typical of her. She just wants to push my buttons."

Austin nodded and once again spoke into the recorder. "Has buttons."

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It was the first day of shooting Stella's movie and they were on the lot of her hit-show The Academy.

"All right, we're about to do the scene where you barge into the set of 'The Academy'," Austin said as he and Kendall walked onto set, "Now when this really happened, do you remember how you felt?"

"Probably mad because I'm always mad when I have to go see Stella," He grimaced.

"Right," He nodded, "But really you're mad at yourself because of how much you like her."

"Right," Kendall nodded without thinking before he choked on his breath as he processed the words, "What!? I don't like Stella!" He remembered the high-voice thing and cleared his throat and spoke sternly this time, "I mean I don't like Stella."

Austin chuckled. "Sure you do. It's right here in the script."

"Wha- Give me that!" His brows furrowed as he read over the script for this scene, "All it says is 'Fine! Fine! Good! Good! Fine! Fine!'"

"It's not what the lines say. It's what's between the lines," Austin explained.

"There is nothing between those lines. Trust me," He grabbed Austin's recorder and held it up to his mouth, "Hear this, I am not in denial, okay? Which, I know, makes it sound like I am in denial, but I'm not. So, uh we're good! Here you go," He chuckled awkwardly.

Austin just smiled thinly as his makeup artist touched up his face before the scene.

"Okay, people," Stella called, "Here we go. 'Stella Carrington: The Stella Carrington Story – Kendall barges onto The Academy set'. Take One! Austin, on your mark, please. Thank you! No extras on set. Okay, people. I want to see real energy and real emotion. And action!"

Stella set her megaphone down and stood on her mark with Beck, who'd been her costar for this episode of The Academy.

"Look, Roman, summer's almost over. And once fall goes back to the falls. I need to be free," Before he could speak she held a finger up to his lips, "Shh! Time for talking's over."

"What's the matter with you?!"

Her brows furrowed. "What's the matter with me? What the matter with-" She paused when she noticed the confused look on Beck's face too, "Wait, those words didn't come out of your mouth."

Austin stormed towards the two and smiled coldly at Beck. "You've got great legs, Roman. Let's see how they move," He wound his arm like Popey and 'punched' him.

"Hey, I never punched him!" Kendall yelled in disbelief.

"Shh!" Jade glared at him, making him flinch back in fear.

Stella wasn't going to tell him because she loved seeing him so wound up but all the extra drama and flair had been added in by network executives.

"What do you think you're doing?" Stella continued the scene, "You can't just barge in here and interrupt my set!"

"I think I've made my point!" Austin snapped as the two faced off.

"Good!" She huffed.




"Good!" With that Austin cupped his hands around Stella's face and kissed her.

Kendall's eyes widened and he scrambled to grab Stella's megaphone. "Woah! Cut! Cut! Cut it out!" He demanded desperately.

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"I can't believe you kissed Stella! Where in the script does it say that Kendall kisses Stella?"

"It's not in the script. I told you. I want to play your character honestly," Austin reminded him as they waited to get called to film the next scene.

"Okay, and you honestly think that I would kiss her," Kendall scoffed.

He nodded as if it were obvious. "Yes, I do."

"Uh, well, I would never kiss her," He argued with a grimace.

"In that scene," Austin finished with a bright smile.

"No!" He exclaimed sternly, "Not anywhere! Not in that scene, not in a dream, not in a car, not near, not far, not here, not there, not anywhere. I'm rhyming, aren't I?" He frowned, "See, I do that when I don't want to kiss somebody."

Austin arched a brow. "Really, Kendall? Really?"

"Now, you sound like Stella!" He huffed as he threw his hands up in the air.

"Well, that line is in the script," He shrugged, "Page 18, 22, and twice on 39."

"Well, she does say that a lot," Kendall agreed with a chuckle.

"Well, maybe it's because she has the same issues you do."

"Wha-Pfft-Wha-" Kendall stumbled over his words as he felt his mouth go dry, "What are you? Some kind of expert on how people feel about each other? With some sort of relationship expert? You like to sprinkle your relationship opinions all over people you think you know, but you don't. No! You don't! So, you know what I say? I say good day, fake me. I said good day!" He repeated before Austin could say anything and stormed off.

"Wow, what's up with him?" Stella mused when he pushed past her.

"Oh, I think he's upset because of how much you like him," Austin said casually.

"Oh, right, right," She nodded before she paused, "What? What? No, I don't like Kendall. Where'd you get that stupid idea?" She scoffed.

"You know Stella, you and Kendall might be good at playing characters, but you're terrible at playing yourselves," Austin said earnestly before walking towards the set to practice.

"Hey, for your information a hundred seventy-two people auditioned for the part of Stella Carrington, but I hired me!" She yelled after him with a huff.

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Kendall was currently arguing with Austin about the way he'd chosen to portray him.

"...Look at me! I'm Kendall. I'm ticking off the person who's playing me in a movie, and maybe I shouldn't because he can make me look really, really bad," Austin sassed with a pointed look.

Kendall's face fell. "...Well, look at me. I'm Austin and I would never do that to Kendall."

"Hey, Austin. Hey Huckleberry," Stella greeted as she walked into Wardrobe, "Oh, don't mind me. I'm just here to get a fresh beret and a recharged megaphone. Meet you on the set."

Austin had an idea. Telling him didn't work but maybe goading him into it would get Kendall to admit that he liked Stella. "I don't know what you see in her," He sighed.

Kendall scoffed. "What? Are you kidding me? I don't see anything in her," He paused and frowned, "Wait, what do you mean by that?" He said protectively.

Austin had to hide his smirk. "Well, if you think I'm playing it wrong, then maybe you should just show me."

"Fine! I will."

"Fine! You're hired."

Kendall nodded. "Good!"



"Fine!" Austin exclaimed.

"Great! Now we're doing it," Kendall sighed.

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"And action!"

Austin dropped to his knees and hugged Stella's legs. "Please, please, please help us get out of the School of Rocque!"

Stella smirked as she looked down at him but before she could say her line she was cut off by the sound of a chair scraping against the floor.

"Cut!" Kendall yelled into a megaphone as he dragged a director's chair across the set, "That's not how it happened!"

Stella's brows furrowed when she noticed him wearing a long, thin scarf as well as a beret. "Well, they always said imitation is the sincerest form of flattery," She mused.

"That's not what this is!" Kendall argued defensively, "I'm just showing you how stupid you looked."

She frowned and glared at him. "You make it look stupid, I made it look fabulous. What are you even doing here anyway? Get off my set. We're trying to make a movie here."

"Oh, it's okay," Austin reassured quickly, "I hired him."

"For what?" She said in confusion, "You know he's useless unless you want to tip a cow. And even then I would go for James over those noodle arms."

Kendall rolled his eyes and forced a bright smile. "I'm his Kendall consultant. Now, Austin, I think you're playing it wrong. Just remember when she's staring into your eyes, she's really looking at his reflection in your eyes. Oh, and you hate her," He emphasized, "Okay. Action!"

"What? Hey. I say Action!" Stella argued sharply.

"Well, I say it better," Kendall smirked, "Now, Action!"

"Action!" Stella yelled louder with a petulant look on her face.

"Action!" Kendall repeated with a determined look.


"Can we just start the scene?" Austin asked calmly.

The bell finally rang and they started filming again.

"Oh, Hopalong," Stella sighed with a smirk, "You really went in over your head here, huh?"

"I'm just a small-town boy with a big-town dream and meeting you is the biggest dream of all."

Kendall scoffed and held up his megaphone. "Okay, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut!"

Stella rolled her eyes. "Again, really?" She huffed as she crossed her arms angrily.

"It's okay, Stella. He's helping me out," Austin reassured her quickly.

"Okay, Austin. Remember your biggest dream is to be a hockey player," Kendall informed him sternly, "Stella is just the monster that wakes you up. Oh and remember that you hate her. You just really, really hate her. Action!"

"Kendall-" Before Stella could even finish her line, Kendall was interrupting again.

"Oh, and one more thing," He walked over to them on set and spoke into his megaphone, "She's the worst actor of our generation."

"Burf!" Stella yelled, her irritation with him reaching its boiling point. Burf popped out from somewhere on the set and handed her a megaphone "Cut! Cut! Stop the lying!"

Austin's brows furrowed, wondering how long Stella's assistant had been hiding there. And how he hadn't noticed him at all until that moment.

"You stop the lying!" Kendall countered as they marched towards each other.

"You stop the lying!" She demanded.

"Stop!" Austin yelled over their arguing, "Stop being- Stop! Just stop it! Gosh, I was wrong. You two should never be together."

"Finally!" Kendall let out a breath of relief, "I've been trying to tell him that all day."

"You've been trying to tell him that? I've been trying to tell him that too!" Stella huffed.

"Who does he think he is to tell us that we can't like each other?" Kendall scoffed, their anger now turning to Austin instead of each other, "If I want to like you, I will."

"Yeah," Stella nodded earnestly, "And if I want to like you, I will."

"Yeah. If I want to think you have pretty hair, I will," Kendall added as if to spite Austin.

"And If I want to think that you have sparkly eyes, then I will," Stella said smugly.

They really thought they were sticking it to Austin when they were actually just proving his point exactly.

"In your face, Moon!" Kendall cheered as if they'd accomplished something amazing.

"Yeah, so take that, Austin!" Stella bragged with a proud smirk.

"Wow," He breathed out dryly, "Yes. You guys got me, there's nothing going on here at all," He scoffed, "You two are perfect for each other! You know what? I'm done. I quit."

With that, he stormed off-set.

Kendall and Stella turned to each other and shared a look of disbelief at his nonsense.

"...So you really think I have pretty hair?" Stella asked almost shyly.

"Mmm," Kendall shrugged bashfully, "You really think I have sparkly eyes?"

"Mmm," She copied and chuckled softly, "Well, one of them is."

They shared a smile.

"...So you want to be in my movie," Stella asked, "I kind of need a Kendall."

Kendall smiled. "Fine."

"Fine," She grinned.




"Fine. I'll set you up an audition. Nine o'clock?" She asked seriously.

Kendall's smile dropped. "Really, Stella? Really?"

She laughed. "Fine. You got the part."

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"So, you really think he likes me?"

Austin laughed. "Are you kidding?" He scoffed, "The guy's practically in love with you."

Stella's face turned hot and she, for the first time since hiring her, was happy the new makeup artists had such a heavy hand with the blush. She was still getting fired though.

Stella had reached out to Austin for help when she was told about making a movie of her life. She needed someone, with an unbiased opinion since Katie was hell-bent on Stella being her sister-in-law, to figure out whether Kendall actually liked her like Jo insinuated at prom.

So, she figured the best way to do that was to get someone to get into his head and figure out his feelings for her. Cue Austin trying to 'get into character' via method acting.

Beck said just talking to Kendall would have been easier than all of that but Stella very strongly disagreed.

"Thank you, Austin," She smiled gratefully and hugged him quickly.

"Mr. Moon, the driver is waiting for you," Stella's assistant called.

The second Austin was gone, James popped up next to Stella out of seemingly nowhere.

"Please don't date him!" He yelped, "You can't date him! He's a murderer."

James had just read a tweet about spotting Stella and Austin Moon together and speculating that the two were in a secret relationship.

Her eyes widened in shock. "What?!"

"He-he's not a murderer," He admitted sheepishly, "But I really don't like him."

"You can't just be going around throwing 'murderer' on people," Stella said sternly.

"I know, I'm sorry," James sighed with a pout.

"Clean up the Blackbox for me and I'll forgive you," She smiled innocently.

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"You know she's just using you, right?" Kendall asked when he saw James cleaning up the Blackbox Theater after the food fight scene from Sikowitz's class.

Stella got in trouble at Hollywood Arts for almost getting Sinjin sold to a circus so she'd been forced to clean up after the food fight scene as punishment. That was why Kendall was there, he needed to talk to her.

He couldn't stop thinking about what Austin had said about him actually liking Stella.

"I know. But when we're done, she might hug me," He grinned dreamily, "I'm okay with it."

He paused for a moment. "So... You really like her, huh?" He asked with a tinge of sadness.

"She is going to be my wife," James scoffed with a laugh before his face turned serious instantaneously, "I love her."

Kendall's phone rang with a notification, it was Andre telling him where Stella actually was since he'd asked him earlier. He smiled and got ready to find her before he turned to look at James one last time. His face fell as guilt set in.

With a heavy sigh, he pocketed his phone and started helping James clean up instead.

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𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐓𝐎𝐍: I need four clowns for a movie. Auditions are open all day!

𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆: Searching

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I think this was one of my favorite chapters so far so I really hope you guys liked it! It was based off a Sonny with a Chance episode.

What did you guys think?

Only two chapters left until we start season 2 and they're going to be Victorious episodes! 

Also, what do you guys think of the new cover? I made a few versions and couldn't pick so I'm just going to cycle through them every few chapters lol. Here's one with a TV show logo I made 

Please don't forget to vote and comment!

Have a great day and stay safe ♥♥

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