Buffy Summers- Stakes (c)

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Whenever there was a big fight coming up it meant there would be a lot of work for everyone. The main fight was pretty much just down to Buffy but with an army of vampires on the attack at the next new moon, everyone had to put their all in for preparation. There were two more nights until the big night so everyone was taking shifts to prepare all that would be needed when it finally came around.

For the night you and Buffy were in charge of the preparation until Giles and Willow both came in to relieve you of your duties early in the morning. For your shift the two of you had to make sure there were enough stakes for the fight and for this sort of thing the more was always the merrier. Oz and Xander had gone to get some wood for the two of you as part of their shift, leaving the two of you to be whittling.

In the middle of the library floor sat a pile of broken furniture that was ready to be turned into weapons with you and Buffy sat next to it with knives. The two of you sharpened each piece of wood down to a point, doing your best not to injure yourselves.

"How many more need to be done?" You sighed, looking at the growing pile of stakes that the two of you had made.

"Well there's still a lot of wood left," she frowned turning to the un-whittled wood.

You put the knife down onto the floor, running your hands through your hair, rather tired and annoyed.

"Are you scared?" You questioned.

"Scared for this?" She asked gesturing to the stakes and the other weapons strewn out on the table.

You nodded your head. You weren't even part of the fight, but you were still terrified. You cared for Buffy and you didn't want her to get hurt but if she didn't kill all the vampires the world as you know it would be destroyed. So much was being held on her shoulders.

"I guess a little," she shrugged. "But fear is normal. I am going to be scared but I can't let it affect me. So many people are relying on me and that is honestly what scares me most, letting people down."

"You're not going to let anyone down, we all believe in you and you always do amazing," you smiled softly. "You're beyond capable at doing this, so please don't doubt yourself."

She laughed at your comment. "It'll be alright. It won't be easy but I'm hopeful that I can do this."

"You've got this," you grinned. "Come on Willow and Giles will be here in a couple of hours and then we can get some sleep."


Written by Charlotte.

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