Daniel Osbourne- Cute (c)

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Spending time at the Bronze was a normal occurrence, it happened most Friday nights, it just varied whom from your group would be going. Tonight, it was just you and Oz. Buffy was on patrol, Anya and Xander were on a date and Willow had found a new spell that she was desperate to practice. Even though the group was down to two tonight, you still agreed to go and happily sat at a table with your non-alcoholic drinks.

Oz had been your close friend for years, but you couldn't ever admit to him that you wanted something more. He was so sweet and always made you feel special. You had spent more time than you would like to admit thinking about being in a relationship with him, but if you ever told him how you felt, you feared you'd lose that friendship. Nevertheless, you made the most of spending time with him.

Today he was acting peculiar though. He wasn't a man of many words, nor did he express his emotions on his sleeves, but he was oddly quieter than usual. You didn't want to ask him about it, but you still kept an eye on him to see if he would open up about whatever was making him act oddly. The two of you talked and shared your drinks, until you laughed at your own joke, accidentally knocking your glass from the table leading to it shattering across the floor.

You panicked and jumped out of your seat in an attempt to tidy up the mess you had caused, disregarding the few people whom were looking at you. Oz joined up soon after, having grabbed a cloth from the bartender and taking over your clean up duty.

"You don't have to do that Oz," you smiled softly. "I'm sorry for ruining the drink that you bought me."

"Accidents happen," he said gently. "It's okay."

Once the glass was cleaned and disposed of, you continued to feel bad for wasting his money on a drink that you sent shattering and spilled across the floor.

"I'm really sorry Oz," you whispered.

He let a hand rest on your arm. "It's honestly fine. However, if you want to repay me, maybe we could dance?"

You cocked your eyebrow at him. Rarely did he ever want to dance, and it was a rather upbeat song playing, which made you nervous due to your lack of dancing ability. You felt as though you had to repay him though so nodded your head and allowed him to lead the way into the crowd. Not sure what to do, you awkwardly stood before him. Before you were able to move and attempt to dance the song changed pace completely to something slow. This somehow scared you more.

"Would you like to dance?" He offered, a nervous smile on his lips as he held out his hand to you.

Pausing, you decided to comply and dance with the man you were desperately in love with. You allowed one of your hands to take his, the over moving to his shoulder and his free hand sheepishly resting onto your hip.

"This is an odd song choice," you awkwardly laughed. "Nothing like the rest of their set."

His cheeks reddened as he hesitated before telling you the truth of this.

"Um... I paid them to play something a fair bit slower," he said, avoiding your eye contact.

This confused you. Why would he want them to play something slower?

"Why?" You asked.

"Well... I... um... I wanted to be able to talk with you and I didn't know how else to go about it."

"What do you want to talk about?" You questioned, rather scared as to what he could possibly need to talk to you about.

He paused, continuing to sway with you to the gentle rhythm of the music coming from the stage.

"I think I'm in love with you," he sighed. "And I don't want you to hate me for that, but I can't hide how I feel anymore."

A joyous grin curled onto your face. You certainly never expected something that positive to be told to you. For years, you had desperately wanted him to tell you that he was in love with you, but now it just felt unreal.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He questioned.

"I've always liked you as more than a friend Oz, I was just scared you would never feel the same."

His lips turned up into a smile as he took in what you had said before leaning towards you to press his lips to your cheek, forcing it to become a burning red with the knowledge of the fact that he liked you too.

"Um... maybe we could watch a film next week?" He offered.

You nodded your head. "I would love that."


Written by Charlotte.

Tumblr Request.

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