Daniel 'Oz' Osbourne- Conspiracy Theories (c)

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The three nights of the full moon were your least favourite of the month. You hated seeing Oz locked up in a cage like an animal and you certainly hated to see him go through so much pain. Once again that time of the month had come around and as the sun set you had to be ready for the long night ahead. Everyone took turns watching over Oz over the full moon, you'd taken the first slot until midnight when Willow would come to take over from you.

The cage had been locked and secured, Oz sat on the floor on the inside, you sat opposite him on the outside, the tranquiliser gun discarded on the table, hopefully not needing it at all.

"How are you feeling?" You smiled weakly, putting your fingers through the bars of the cage.

Oz scooted closer, so his fingertips brushed against yours, an equally unsteady smile on his face.

"Good, considering the circumstances."

Even though he didn't like to express his emotions too often, it was hard to hide how nervous he was. Oz fidgeted in his seat on the floor, his fingers clammy against yours.

"It's going to be okay, darling," you said, not certain if you were trying to convince him or yourself.

The full moon was usually alright, very rarely happened other than the obvious, but you knew it hurt him physically and emotionally to lose himself to the moon. It wasn't a picnic for you either. You loved him, and you didn't want him to be in pain or feel so powerless; if it was a bad night you definitely didn't want to have to shoot him with a tranquiliser dart.

"I hope," he sighed, moving his hands back to his lap.

"Maybe we can do something to distract you?" You offered, just wanting to make everything easier for him.

"Like what?" He questioned.

You racked your brain for any ideas, trying to think about what could keep his mind off of the hell he was about to go through. Although it wasn't the best idea, you remembered the books you were reading earlier in the day.

"Do you believe in any conspiracy theories?" You asked.

Oz let out a short laugh that brought a smile to your face. "That was random."

"I was reading a book on them earlier. I don't believe any of them myself, but they are interesting to learn about. Like the JFK assassination or the moon landing. I don't see the basis of them as legit but it's fun to think about other people's thoughts of the situation," you rambled.

You told him about some of the conspiracies you had read about but with little input from Oz. Even though he didn't say much you could see he was at ease, at least until he doubled over in pain.


Even though you knew what was coming, it still shocked you every time the full moon took its hold of him. He clambered to his feet looking as though something was pulling him each way and that as he begun to turn.

"I love you," you cried desperately.

"I love you too," he screamed in pain as he was lost to the fur the full moon forced upon him.


Written by Charlotte.

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