Rupert Giles- Rest (c)

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Your eyes fluttered open as you felt your shoulder being shaken. As you opened your eyes, you didn't see your bedroom, just books, shelves of books. Granted you had a lot of them, but the drab beige of the library was nothing like your welcoming bedroom. Your head hadn't been on a pillow, rather your chemistry textbook, that had smudged words from your drool. You were sat at the table in the library, your work lying in front of you, with a tweed jacket covering you. Giles stood by your side, having been the one to wake you.


You weren't certain what was going on. On more than one occasion you had woken up in the library, but every time it made you confused as it was still an unusual place to sleep.

"You fell asleep again," Giles stated.

Giles was the school's librarian, but he was a close friend and treated you and your friends as though you were his children rather than any other student.

"I'm sorry," you yawned. "I was with Buffy last night, but I remembered I had a chemistry test today, so she patrolled alone, and I came here to revise."

"I assumed something like that would have happened," he stated.

Although Buffy was a slayer, none of you liked the idea of her patrolling alone and seen as out of your friends, you were the only one with any athletic ability, it wasn't unusual for you to join her on patrol. By no means were you as good as her at slaying, but you did help, and you could hold your own if you ended up alone.

"What time is it?" You panicked. "Chemistry starts at ten."

Giles shook your head. "You aren't going to chemistry today. You're not going to any classes today. I've already spoken to your teachers, you can make up the missed work another day, and Mrs Bradbury said you may do your test on Friday instead. So rather than class, you will be going home to sleep."

"Giles-" you cut yourself off when he gave you a stern look.

"You have more stuff on your plate than you like to admit. You're off patrolling with Buffy most nights, and studying at every spare minute, with football practices twice a week and games on weekends. You seem to forget that you need to rest at some point," he said gently. "Everyone needs a break once in a while. Today is your break."

Although you hated to admit how tired you were, everything you were doing was taking a toll on you, maybe one day home catching up on sleep would be helpful.

"Thank you, Giles," you smiled softly, standing up and scooping up your books to throw them into your rucksack.

"You're welcome," he smiled in return. "However, if I hear you are patrolling tonight, I shall not be happy."

You nodded your head, doubting you'd be conscious until class tomorrow. Taking off the jacket that had been put on your shoulders, you handed it back to him before bidding him farewell and heading home for some well needed rest.

~*~Written by Charlotte.

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