Rupert Giles- Turtlenecks (a)

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"I've been thinking." Giles had pulled the entire scooby gang together, something that normally only happened when a big bad was lurking about and some serious research had to be done, the entire team sat on the edge of their seat waiting for the horrific beast that needed slaying. "I think that we should have matching uniforms."

Giles stood in front of everyone, deathly serious whilst everybody else, including Anya and yourself, couldn't help but laugh at the idea.

"And we need uniforms... why exactly?" You asked.

"I thought part of the scooby gang thing was not letting people know about the scooby gang?" Willow asked and Giles struggled to answer.

"Well I just thought that maybe if we had similar clothes on, we would act more like a team."

"We act like a team already." Buffy jumped in on the idea. "We've taken down countless monsters, demons at one point we even took down a demon hunting puppet. We don't need a uniform."

"I was hoping that you'd all be a bit more open to the idea really. I was even going to let the group vote on the colour of turtleneck we wore." Giles' frustration grew as everybody couldn't help but laugh to themselves once more.

"We aren't super spies Giles." Buffy looked on in horror whilst Xander started to appear to turn around on the idea.

"Now hold on." Xander voiced his opinion. "I don't think this is all that bad, I'm sure I could pull off a turtleneck and more importantly, I would love to see Giles wearing one."

"Now hold on, what makes you think I would have to wear the uniform?"

"That doesn't sound very... teamworky does it everyone."

"Fine." Giles caved. "I'll wear it too, does that make everybody happy?" You could see an evil plan forming in Buffy's mind.

"You said we could vote on the colour?" Giles nodded and was more than welcome to a democratic selection. "Well my vote is pink, the brightest most obnoxious pink that you can find." Giles tried to stop her but Buffy just spoke over him. "All in favour say 'aye'."

You and Xander seemed a bit reluctant to agree but wearing it was worth it to see Giles wearing it. A round of 'aye' made it's way across the room, the yeses far outweighing the single no.

"Do you really want to be wondering around the school in matching hot pink turtlenecks?" Giles looked on in disbelief, to see only a nodding, smiling audience.


Written by Aaron.

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