Spike- Bicker (c)

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Since Spike was forced to stay with Giles, the two of them had clashed heads far more than they normally did. You could never claim that they actually got along, because they tended to lack any interest or favour for one another but now that they were roommates, they only found more issues with the other. Giles had attempted to find anyone else to take the vampire into their home, but no one was willing to take that sacrifice, so he was stuck with him, even if he was handcuffed to his shower a lot of the time.

You were at Giles' apartment when another argument started.

"Don't leave the milk on the side, it will spoil," Giles huffed, returning the glass bottle back to the fridge.

"It tasted spoiled anyway," Spike stated.

The Watcher shook his head. "I only bought it yesterday. You left the last one out on the side until it had practically turned itself into cheese."

Spike rolled his eyes, kicking his legs out to put them across the sofa. As Giles entered the room, he smacked the other man's legs with a rolled-up newspaper to try and get him to move them.

"I don't even know why you drink the milk," Giles started. "You just do it to annoy me."

"Everything seems to annoy you."

With a huff the two British men sat beside each other in silence, refusing to even share eye contact.

"Why did you two stop?" You questioned, gaining a confused look from them both. "Keep flirting."

"We aren't flirting," Spike spat.

"You could fool me," you laughed. "It's like you're an old married couple. All the two of you ever do is bicker."

The two men looked at each other with disgust. You knew that they wouldn't take it nicely when you joked about them being a couple but if you had to listen to them argue constantly, you were allowed to make a joke about it.

"I could do so much better than that prat," Spike said, screwing up his nose in disgust whilst Giles looked offended by his denial of interest.

You shot Spike a disapproving look. "Don't be so cruel to your husband. It is just rude and uncalled for to be so mean to him.

Anger clearly rose across his face, leaving you trying to stifle your laughter, leaving you smirking, knowing that there wasn't anything Spike could do to hurt you.


Written by Charlotte.

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