Spike- Comfort (c)

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Hardly anyone was out on the street due to night having already fallen, so you allowed yourself to go out into the night breeze to try and calm your emotions. You were unable to stop your tears from falling down your cheeks, so you hoped that being in the cold, you might be able to feel at least slightly better.

You couldn't even remember what had made you start crying in the first place but now your emotions had taken over and you were left curled up on the bench on your front porch, trying to console yourself. Seen as anyone with any sense was in bed or at the very least in the comfort of their home, you assumed you would have your porch to yourself, having privacy to let yourself sob until you felt calm again. If only that was the case.

Whilst you continued to cry, you were graced with the leather wearing vampire whom you could very much do without seeing at the moment. You hoped he'd just walk past your house without seeing you, but as he glanced your way, he noticed you and made his way towards you.

As Spike got onto your porch, he noticed your tears and cocked an eyebrow at you. "What's wrong?"

With a loud sniff, you tried to wipe away your tears, not looking forward to a conversation with him. He didn't care about anyone but himself.

"Why do you care?" You huffed.

"It might be hard for you to believe but I don't gain pleasure from seeing you upset. You're one of the closest things to a friend I have," he shrugged.

"Don't lie to me," you frowned. "You don't care anyone but yourself."

For once you did notice an almost caring expression on his face even if it was still hidden amongst his general disinterest.

"You can believe it if you want but it doesn't make it true," he stated. "You going to tell me what's up?"

You let out a sigh, feeling kind of shitty for snapping at him, even if from his track record, it was called for.

"It's just been a long and tiring day," you said. "I'm sorry for snapping at you."

Leisurely he wrapped an arm around you, letting you lean your head against him. Normally you would fight it, but it was oddly reassuring and you appreciated being close to someone even if he was an unpleasant person to be around normally.

"It's okay," he assured you. "It'll all be okay."


Written by Charlotte.

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