Spike- Dead Girl Walking (c)

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You were as good as dead. Living in Sunnydale, you weren't surprised you'd end up in an early grave, it was inevitable within that town. With the Hellmouth and all the badness that it brought along with it, it was surprising that most people made it past infancy. Although there were terrible things in Sunnydale that you were meant to fear, college students were what you feared most. You'd hoped dearly that college would have been your place to prosper, to get to grow with your friends and take the first big step towards your future. You weren't so lucky. Frankly you couldn't remember how the argument started but Buffy refused to talk to you and didn't want anything to do with you. You were the newest member of the group meant that Willow and Xander followed their leader and you were left alone, Buffy assuring you that they were never going to talk to you again.

Everything felt rather hopeless knowing that everyone you cared about couldn't give a shit about you. To try and cope with that issue, you wandered Sunnydale, trying to think of your next move and figure out how to cope without having anyone at college and those who you once had, not caring about you or wishing to be near you. Maybe you could just skip town, but you had no money nor a vehicle to get out anywhere. Staying to watch them stare wasn't ideal, but as it was a Friday night, you had until Monday morning to figure it all out before you had to figure it out.

You could spend this weekend as though you had normality, you could even have some fun, maybe go get completely pissed or find a guy and let yourself fall victim to lust. As you allowed yourself to ponder your options, you passed the graveyard and the gentle flicker of candles coming from the mausoleum fed your fantasy. A sly smile turned onto your lips as you set your mind onto you plan. If you were going to be ruined socially at college, there was no fear of letting yourself have some fun for a night.

Making your way in, you didn't bother knocking or allowing your presence to be known until the door was swung open.

Inside Spike was sat on his chair, a bottle of drink in hand and a look of confusion on his face as you entered his home.

"Do you not knock now?" He frowned, raising from his seat.

You made your way over to him, stopping right in front of him. Spike was taller than you, so you allowed yourself to look up at him, your lower lip between your teeth.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

Pressing your hand against his chest, you pushed him backwards into his seat. He looked completely confused as his bottle fell from his hand shattering on the hard floor.

"Be quiet," you whispered, letting yourself hop onto his lap so that your legs sat either side of his.

One of your hands laced into his pale blond hair as you leaned into him, your teeth still toying at your lip. A grin appeared on Spike's face, still with confusion hitting him.

"I'm not going to complain, but this is unlike you," he smirked. "Never shown interest before."

You raised your finger to your lip indicating for him to stay silent.

"Buffy wants me gone. Monday morning, I have no one, I have nothing. So, I've decided to enjoy my last weekend of freedom. Got a problem with that?" You asked, harsher than you intended.

He shook his head. "Not unless your idea of fun is killing me."

"My idea of fun is riding you until I break you Spike. Tonight, I am yours, so either tell me to leave or kiss me."

Spike smirked, both of his hands moving behind you to pull you as close to him as he could, letting one trace up your spine until he could grip your hair and pull your lips to his.

Maybe sleeping with Spike wasn't your smartest of ideas but you didn't regret making it your choice. All you cared about now was letting yourself fall into the night of passion that was coming your way.


Written by Charlotte.

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