Spike- Hunger (c)

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You had woken up hungry before, but this was far more intense and a hunger that you had never experienced before. It made you feel as though your stomach was about to be ripped into pieces if you didn't offer what it wanted. As you allowed your eyes to open, the slightest glow of the candle in the corner of the room burned and hurt far more than you expected. Everything just seemed intensified in comparison to what it had been before. You couldn't even remember falling asleep in this bed nor knowing why you had awoken when it was still so clearly night.

Beside you was Spike. He wasn't exactly a face you were excited to see but regardless it was nice to have a familiar face that may be able to explain what the hell was going on.

"Spike?" You croaked.

His expression was pained and upset, something you never saw on his face. Something that was completely confusing as generally he cared little about anyone or anything around him, so if he looked upset then something bad must have happened.

"I'm sorry Y/N," he said, offering no context to it.

"What are you sorry for?" You questioned. "What happened?"

He let out a sigh, not wanting to tell you the truth but knowing he had no other option as to what he could do other than just admit it.

"I couldn't let you die," he frowned.

You were rather confused so reiterated your question, hoping for a clearer response this time.

"You... you are a vampire Y/N."

It felt like a pile of bricks being dropped on you. How could you be a vampire? They were the creatures you did everything in your power to help kill and protect people from but now you were one of them too.

"Why?" You whispered, not really wanting the answer.

"You were going to die, and I panicked. I didn't want you to die and the only way I could think of keeping you here, somewhat alive was to turn you into a vampire," he sighed. "I know it isn't ideal, but you'll come around to it at some point. You're probably hungry though."

"I'm guessing a burger isn't going to satisfy me?" You huffed, knowing what was about to occur.

"Normal food can kind of fill the void, but nothing satisfies like blood from a fresh human," he said with sadistic smile. "But for now, I think the best way to ween you in, is a blood bag."

He held out the bag of red liquid. Without hesitation, your body reacted, contorting your face and allowing your fangs to pierce through your gums. Biting down into the bag, the euphoric flow of blood entered you, letting you for just a moment not care that you were a vampire, just offering you a relief from the hunger pains.


Written by Charlotte.

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