Spike- Oblivious (a)

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A wave of shutters slamming echoed across Sunnydale, signifying the end to another day and the start of another night trying to make Spike realise that you liked him as more than a demonic acquaintance.

"I'm starving." Spike slipped his duster on and asked if you wanted to go out to find some dinner with him. "I haven't eaten in days thanks to that infernal Slayer and her little crew. A few little birdies tell me they're out of town on some school trip though so we should be able to find a little morsel or two to keep us fulfilled." You graciously accepted and you couldn't help but salivate at the thought of fresh blood ripe for the drinking.

"Kind of like a date I guess." You hinted as he carefully opened the door to his crypt, hoping and wishing that he would finally see what you had been getting at for the past few months.

"I guess it would be if blood sucking demons went on dates, and if we liked each other."

"It feels like we're a couple, maybe going out to get dinner. Two people that romantically like each other maybe even enough to be in some form of relationship."

"Should we take a few bags with us? We might be able to get a week's worth or so if we're lucky?" Spike asked, loading his pockets with supplies and clearly oblivious or just choosing not to listen to you.

"Yeah whatever. Is there anybody you would like to go on a little dinner date with? Anybody particularly terrible or dastardly evil?"

"I don't bloody know? What kind of stupid question is that? I don't think I'm over Dru, I might be a bloodsucking creature of the night but I still have complex emotions. All this blabbering about crushes and whatnot I would think you were trying to hint at the two of us getting together." He finished packing up for the long night ahead and marched through the door. "That wouldn't be the case though, I definitely don't seem like your regular type."

You stood not sure whether he was trying to inflict his usual humour or if he was still letting everything go over his head.

"For the love of all things evil are we going to get some food or are we going to stand here staring at each other like bloody idiots all night?"


Written by Aaron.

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