Xander Harris- Date (a)

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"Wait?" Xander just stood there, giving you a look of both disbelief and heavy suspicion. "So, you're telling me, you want to go on a date with me?" His arms crossed over his chest and his head constantly turned around and looked behind you.

"Yep. I like you Xander, you don't have to say yes if you don't want to..."

"No, no, don't want to is a very strong word. I'm just waiting for the part where two jocks jump around the corner and start wailing on me, it normally happens right about..." He covered his head with his arms and scrunched up his face in anticipation. "...now?"

"Xander... stop being silly, nobody is going to beat you up... not thanks to me anyway, look, I see that you don't want to so Ill just leave you alone." You tried to turn around and walk away from that embarrassing rejection but Xander lightly grabbed your shoulder.

"No don't go... please. I'm just a bit confused, why would." He gestured to what appeared to be all of you. "Want to go on a date with." He mirrored the gesture to himself.

"Maybe I like." You mimicked his gesture.

"Look, can we just quit it with the gestures please? What is there to like about me? Really?"

"Well, I think that Xander Harris is a real cutie, I know he doesn't think that he's all that, but if I were in danger, I know who I would want protecting me." He relaxed him self a bit, letting his arms swoop by his side and occasionally slip into his pocket.

"Okay fine, you have your way. A date it is, on one condition and one condition only."

"Go on...?"

"You aren't some kind of... insect woman are you?"

"Well I did have a doctors appointment recently, started growing extra legs and wings... no Xander, I'm not an insect."

"Vampire?" He raised one eyebrow and looked you up and down, almost scanning you.

"Okay Xander if you're just going to turn this into a big joke then don't even bother."

"Yeah, joke, sorry. Just not every day somebody like you comes up to somebody like little old Xander."

"I'm sorry, if it's trouble I can always go?"

"So, you said something about a date?"

"If you wanted to, I was thinking about maybe going to see a movie? If it isn't too much hassle for you?"

"Sure, I guess I'll come and pick you up at eight?"


Written by Aaron.

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