Xander Harris- Food (a)

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"Jolly good job all." With great exasperation Giles wiped the demonic blood from his face and glasses, you all tried your best to get clean but supernatural bodily fluids tended to have a terrible habit of being particularly viscous.

"Saving the world on a weekly basis and this is the thanks that we get." Xander scraped the luminescent goop from his head and decided to just forgo his jacket for the car ride home instead of trying to clean it. "That was new as well."

Willow emerged from behind a large rock that she had used for cover, perfectly clean save a little splatter on her shoe. "Lemon juice." She searched through her pockets but could only find a small pack of tissues to hand over to you.

"Thanks." You took them, but your slime covered hands were unable to get into the packet. Instead you did what you could and hoped that Giles had something to protect his car seats.

"Well, I'll be the one to say it. That was absolutely disgusting. Whose idea was it to use explosives to kill the giant demon instead of something a bit cleaner." The group looked around at each other until you raised your finger at Xander.

"I cant remember whose idea it was, but explosives seems like Xander's area of domain so he gets my vote." The rest of the group agreed despite Xander's protests, but even he eventually gave in that it was probably his idea.

"The important thing is that we're all safe, Sunnydale is safe, and we kept damage to a minimum given the situation. But it definitely was Xander's idea." Giles herded you all over to his car, one side adorned with splatters to the point where you could barely see the handles. "Wonderful." He scraped as much as he could from the windows and mirrors.

"Giles, can we make the ride home a bit slow? I'm feeling a bit sick, all the demon blood and everything."

"Of course." Giles pulled a set of bin liners from the car and draped them over the seats.

"We'll chip in for getting the car washed too." You added.

"Not quite sure how to explain this to car wash but I'm sure they've probably seen worse." You piled into the car, squishing closely together into his quite tiny automobile.

"If Willow gets to make a request, can I?" Xander chirped in from the back.

"As long as it isn't stupid." Giles turned the key and the car jolted along.

"Can we stop by somewhere? I could really eat."


Written by Aaron.

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