Chapter 2: The Bully

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"It starts with pain, followed by hate." -Lyric from World So Cold by 12 Stones

n her way to class, she noticed the three girls from earlier. The first girl was texting away on her phone. Her long strawberry-blonde locks reached down to her back, as she was wearing black high heels, and a dress to compliment her looks.

The second girl had short blonde hair  that reached her shoulders, as she wear a blue T-shirt with denim jeans. She was giving out her books and tying her shoes. The girl could see that she saw a tomboy.

The third girl was glancing around as her dark brown eyes stared through her soul. Her hair was ebony black, as she was wearing a medium-sized skirt, and a floral-themed T-shirt.

Her heels clicked every so often, as she spotted the girl. The girl, met eye contact and instantly froze.

"Hey, it's the newbie from this morning," the third pointed out as the first looked up from her phone, and glanced at the girl.

The second stared at her friends, before staring at the girl. "Maybe, we should leave her alone," the second said gently as the third simply scoffed.

"Sabrina, don't tell me that you feel sympathy for this..." the third trailed off, trying to think of the right word as the first grinned.

"Midget," the first stated as the third nodded. "Thanks Rowan," the third said softly as the first beamed. "Anytime, Nikki," the first said honestly.

First is Rowan, second is Sabrina, third is Nikki. The girl then started to leave before Rowan quickly caught up to her, and held her grip firmly.

You have got to be kidding me. "What should we do with her?" Rowan asked as Nikki pondered. "Why don't we just let her go?" Sabrina insisted as she smiled softly at the girl.

Nikki considered this before an evil smirk formed. "Nope," she said as Sabrina sighed. I need new friends... Fast.

Sabrina forced herself to watch as Rowan and Nikki both teamed up and started hurting the girl. She winced, but did nothing more than that.

She could have ran to get help, she could have stopped the violence before it begun. There is things that she could have done, but chose not to.

Maybe, because she was scared, or simply because she didn't want to get in trouble, she did no part to stop this.

"Stop!" a teacher yelled as he ran to the scene. Nikki and Rowan grabbed Sabrina, and proceeded to start running to their next class.

The girl weakly coughed as the teacher kneeled beside her. He took notice of her wounds, and took out his first-aid kit. "This should help," he said gently, as he tried to bandage her arm, but she merely scooted away.

"I-I'm f-fine," she stuttered as she quickly grabbed her things and ran off. She didn't want help from anyone, even if he was nice.

She quickly ran to class. Her legs were throbbing from the scratches that Nikki caused, along with her bleeding arms.

She was bruised and hurt, but she had refused to get help. She wouldn't bring herself to open up, even if a part of her wanted to.

She believed that he would merely laugh at her, and that made things worse. Her head started to throb, as her knees fell onto the ground.

W-Why is the world so cold?
Now, do you believe me?

She picked herself up, and walked herself to class. As she typed, her thoughts wandered off, wondering if she could really fight this pain, wondering if she could win... Wondering, if she would ever be loved.

She wondered if anyone cared. "I guess we'll find out," she mumbled before the bell rang. She walked once more, waiting for the day to end.

What happens next? Find out in the next chapter!

Author Note,
Chapter 2 is published! This author note will also be a lesson entitled, The Bully.

Bullies can often be anyone, and pick on those lower than them. However, like any story, we don't know their side.

See, bullies are the 'villains' in society, today. Bullies are everywhere, but no one's perfect.

Even they make mistakes. You think the bully has a perfect life? Guess again. They could be secretly abused, foster home, have a divorce parent, etc.

Guess what? None of us would know, unless they told you. Otherwise, you'll just as clueless as the rest of them.

Since we don't know their side, we instantly accused them, and dislike them. This doesn't help. They only hurt you more, in the end.

Now, they can change. You can be that key to helping them change, and even if they don't, you just keep your head up, and keep marching on.

Judge me if you want, but I wanted to write this. I wrote this for a purpose, and that is to spread awareness.

If you agree, feel free to share this. Thank you and as always, I'll see you in the next chapter. I hope you all have a great day.

Note: I don't own the video. I'm only using it for a purpose.

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