Chapter 25: Loyalty

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(Name) stood outside the counselor's office, Allistor stood with her as he glanced at the door's window to see if he could get a glimpse at what was happening in his friend's office.

"So... I take it you found her alright?" Spoke the substitute as his green gaze turned to the student who leaned against the brick wall.

"Yeah... I managed to find her on my way to class and I wanted to walk her here." (Name) answered, hoping that she could maneuver her way into getting an excuse for missing History. She had already missed it once last week because of the beating that Gilbert and his crew gave her, if she was able to get Allistor to call Mr. Beilschmidt, then hopefully she could avoid the Vice Principal's wrath.

"Oh, so you have that class with Arthur and Alfred, huh?" Spoke the Scott as he crossed his arms across his chest. "I heard you guys are working on a big project. Who's in your group?"

The girl blinked in surprise at Allistor's sudden interest. "Um... Ludwig Beilschmidt, Feliciano and Lovino Vargas, Kiku Honda, and... Um..."

Allistor quirked a brow. "...And?"

"...Gilbert Beilschmidt." She muttered, trying not to seem too bitter as she spoke his name. "We're all working on the 'Axis' portion of the project."

The Scott nodded in reply. "Mm. To me, that kid always just seemed like trouble... You know, your brother and I were partners on that project as well. We were both on the 'Allies' side. Kat was on the 'Axis.'"

"...You all must have been really close in high school, huh?" (Name) assumed. "I-I mean after I saw that picture."

He nodded, a chuckle slipping past his lips as they turned up in a smile. "We were, thick as thieves. I can't count how many times Louis and Kat pulled me out of trouble when I got into fights. Honestly, it was hard not to feel like a third wheel around the two of 'em."

The girl gave Allistor a sympathetic smile. Just hearing someone talk about her brother's past and happier times made her wonder if there was ever a chance that he would be able to get to be that happy ever again... And if it wasn't for her, the happiness wouldn't have ended.

Her thoughts must have been evident on her face, because Allistor's own smile disappeared into a frown. "Hey, Lass... You know that what happened... Between Louis and Katyusha, it wasn't your fault."

"H-Huh?... W-why would you-"

"Please, you and Louis have the same look in your eyes when you're feeling sorry for yourselves."

Shit. He knows Louis too well.

"But what I'm saying is, you shouldn't feel bad about it. It was your mother who started all of this when she decided to have that affair. She's the villain in all of this, not you."

(Name) didn't know how to respond. Sure, he's not wrong. Because of Mom's bad decisions, those repercussions are what led to my panic attacks, the custody battles, Louis basically becoming brother and guardian while juggling such a taxing job... I just never really took the time to point fingers at who was really to blame for all of this... "I... I guess you have a point..."

"Damn right I do." Allistor chuckled. "Now then, I'm gonna head back to the teacher's lounge. I'll give Beilschmidt a call so you don't get in trouble for missing class."

Thank you God for the blessing that is Allistor Kirkland. "Thanks, Allistor. I appreciate that."

"Anything for you, kiddo." He answered, giving the girl a wave as he made his way down the hall, leaving (Name) alone outside the office where her brother, the school's counselor, Elizabeta, and Roderich talked about everything that was happening to the Hungarian teen.

It was a good twenty minutes more before the door opened, in that time, (Name) was able to do a little reading on the Axis' on her phone. She didn't want Ludwig to get on her case for slacking off on the project.

As the door opened, (Name) noticed Elizabeta walking out with Roderich. She looked like she had been crying again, but she held a tissue in her hand as she tried to wipe away her tears. Following them was Louis and Katyusha.

"Well, Miss Hedervary, I want to thank you for talking to us." Louis spoke, giving Elizabeta a comforting smile. "I can promise you that we'll handle this swiftly and carefully. Protecting your character as much as we can will be a priority for us."

The Hungarian teen nodded, sniffling as she looked up at the counselor and Louis. "N-no... Th-thank you, f-for everything... I-I don't know what I would d-do if I-I didn't have support like this."

Katyusha mirrored Louis' smile as she spoke as well. "That's what I'm here for, Elizabeta. I'm here to help protect and make sure you students are safe. I promise you, we're going to take care of what's happened."

"Thank you, Miss Braginsky." Roderich said, giving Elizabeta's hand a squeeze. "Really."

"Anything for you students." Responded the counselor as she smiled at the teen couple. Her eyes then shifted to (Name), her smile ever-present. "And thank you for helping out, (Name). You're a very good friend."

(Name) could feel heat rushing to her cheeks and neck. She wasn't used to be praised in such a manner by a teacher. She never had the chance to. "I-I just wanted to do what was right for my friends... Th-that was all."

"And you certainly did." Louis said to his sister, moving to stand next to her and put an arm around her shoulders. "You're a really good kid, (Name)."

You wouldn't be saying that if you knew the truth about my school life here. She thought to herself as she smiled up at her brother. "I have you to thank for that, don't I?"

Elizabeta sniffled, looking from (Name) to Louis. "So, you two are siblings?"

(Name) nodded. "Y-yeah, Elizabeta, Roderich, this is my older brother. Louis (Last Name)."

"Older brother?" Roderich inquired, a brow quirked in interest. "I didn't know you had a sibling to speak of."

Don't make it seem like I'm keeping secrets at school! "W-well, no one really asks about my family while at school..."

"Oh? So who does know about me?" Louis spoke with a laugh, nudging his sister's shoulder.

"W-well... A-Arthur, Ivan, Alfred, Matthew, Francis, Tino-"

"Wait, are you telling me that all of your friends are boys?" Louis stopped his sister, a frown making its way onto his face, but his tone betrayed his face. "Are you keeping a secret boyfriend from me?"

"You're insane!" (Name) exclaimed, her face growing hotter as she was sure a blush was making its way onto her cheeks. "You know I don't keep secrets."

A laugh escaped the elder brother as he hugged (Name) to his side. "Very true."

(Name) was sure that if she looked at Elizabeta and Roderich, their eyes would tell her that she was full of absolute bullshit.

"Well then, I suppose I should speak with Principal Vargas." Katyusha said, turning to Elizabeta. "I want to make sure we address what happened as soon as possible."

"I should go with you." Louis piped up, and to (Name), her brother's response was quite quick. "I can be of help with this."

(Name) could have sworn that Katyusha's cheeks flushed a light pink, but she didn't let it phase her kind demeanor. "Alright then. The three of you should get to class... What's left of it, anyway."

As Katyusha made her way down the hall, Louis gave (Name) a quick hug. "I'll see you after Flex, okay? I'll give you a ride home."

"S-sure thing, Louis. Good luck." (Name) responded as she watched her older brother catch up to Katyusha as the two of them walked down the school's empty halls.

When she was sure that the two adults were out of earshot, Elizabeta turned to (Name). "You don't keep secrets, huh?"

"Shut up." (Name) grumbled, adjusting her backpack strap. "I have my reasons for keeping things quiet. I just hope you two can respect that and keep what's been happening to only those involved... Please."

Elizabeta gave (Name) a smile, nodding at her friend. "Of course, (Name). Do you need someone to walk you to class?"

The girl shook her head. "Nah, I think I'll be fine. Unless someone is purposefully lurking in the halls, I don't think there's anything to worry about."

"If you're sure." Roderich said, looking down at his girlfriend. "Let's get you to class, Elizabeta."

"Sure thing, Roddy." Replied the Hungarian teen as she hugged Roderich's arm, smiling up at her boyfriend.

Now (Name) could understand how Allistor must have felt being the third wheel.

Watching as the couple made their way down the hall and around a corner, (Name) let out a sigh and turned to head to class.

That was way too close...


Upon making it to the door of her classroom, (Name) knocked and waited for it to be opened. Mr. Beilschmidt was notorious for locking his door to deter students from being late. Depending on if he liked you, he would open the door. If he didn't, he wouldn't.

Luckily for (Name), she was one of his liked students.

The door opened, revealing the tall grandson of her teacher. For a moment, (Name) could see a relieved gleam in Ludwig's eyes.

"It's (Name), sir." Ludwig called into the room, stepping aside to let the girl in.

"Thank you for joining us, Miss. (Last Name). It's a good thing too, seeing as Gilbert was just called out." Mr. Beilschmidt spoke from his desk, glancing up from his computer as (Name) walked in, hearing Ludwig shut the door behind her.

Damn, that quick already?

"Come on, we have some things that we should discuss." Ludwig said to (Name) as he made his way back to his desk where Feliciano, Kiku, and Lovino were still busy with work.

As (Name) followed Ludwig, she glanced over at the other side of the room where Matthew's group was working. They seemed to be busy was well, but she caught the eyes of Matthew, Alfred, and Ivan. Her friend gave her a small and relieved smile, whereas Alfred glared at the girl and Ivan's gaze was cold and threatening.

Shrugging off the chilling looks she was getting from her classmates, (Name) sat down in between Feliciano and Kiku and pulled out her notebook.

"So, I figured that since we're all making good progress with the project, we should probably meet up at some point to put everything together and practice presenting." Ludwig explained to (Name) as he scribbled down something in his notes.

"O-oh, sure..." (Name) replied, opening her own notes and looking over what she had done. "Where would we meet?"

"What would be best for you, (Name)?" Kilu questioned, looking up from his laptop and meeting her gaze. "For three of us, we're free anytime after school."

"Make that four!" Feliciano chirped as he wrapped an arm around Lovino's shoulders, much to the older twin's distaste. "Lovino and I are free at any time after school!"

"Don't speak for me, idiota!" Growled the aggressive Italian teen. "I can do that all my own." He added, his glare moving from his brother to (Name). "But... Yeah, whatever works best for you. I don't care."

The girl blinked in surprise at the sudden readiness for working on the project as a group from not only Lovino, but for everyone at the group. "W-well, I-I'm free after school at anytime as well... S-So whatever works best for you guys."

Ludwig nodded, pulling out his phone from his pocket. "Then why don't we all exchange numbers? I can schedule something and we can all meet at the library or something."

"I'm not giving you my number, bastardo!" Lovino barked, his glare returning and aimed heavily at the German teen.

"Lovino. Ease up on the yelling and cursing." Called Mr. Beilschmidt without even looking up from his computer.

Feliciano scribbled down a few digits on a piece of paper and handed it to Ludwig. "Here it is." He said simply, smiling at his friend.


Kiku watched the three bicker quietly before turning to (Name) as she watched the scene in front of her. "So, how come you were so late? If you don't mind my asking."

"Oh... Just something came up with the counselor. Nothing serious. Just had to get it taken care of." She replied, hoping that he wouldn't ask for any other detail.

"Well... If you're sure." Even though he didn't sound entirely convinced, Kiku dropped the subject and turned back to his work.

"(Name), can I get your cellphone number as well?" Ludwig spoke, ignoring the string of curses Lovino was throwing at him.

"O-Oh, sure." She replied, writing down her digits and handing the paper to Ludwig. "Here."

Responding with a simple noise of acknowledgement, Ludwig took the paper and looked back down at his phone to type in the two numbers. "I'll start a group soon so that we can all talk about this."

(Name) nodded and turned back to her work, but her head quickly shot up when she remembered something. "U-Um, Ludwig?"


"Er... I-Is Gilbert going to be in the chat?" She asked, trying not to seem too nervous as she asked. The last thing that she needed or wanted was Gilbert getting her number and using it as another way to attack her.

Ludwig rolled his eyes. "Honestly, no. I haven't seen him do any work by himself unless I told him to do it. If he needs to know anything, I'll be the one to tell him. Plus, everyone in the group knows you wouldn't want your number in his phone."

You got that right. "Thanks, Ludwig. Really."

"Of course, (Name)."


As soon as the bell rang for Flex to start, Matthew packed his things and made his way over to (Name) as she was finishing her conversation with Kiku and Feliciano.

"O-oh, hey, Matthew." She spoke, looking up at her friend and putting her backpack on. "I'll see you guys later, okay?"

"See you, bella!" Feliciano chirped.

"See you soon, (Name)-san."

Following Matthew out of the classroom, the Canadian teen fell in step with her. "So? Why the hell were you so late to class?"

"You aren't going to believe it." (Name) warned before going on to explain everything that transpired not even two hours ago. From being told to direct Elizabeta to Katyusha, to finding Gilbert with Elizabeta, to helping Elizabeta with Roderich, and finally running into Louis. "And... That's that. For all I know, Gilbert's long gone by now."

Matthew let out a breath, looking down at (Name) in utter amazement. "Damn, (Name)... Are you okay?"

"Me? I mean, I'm fine. I'm just glad Elizabeta-"

"(Name), seriously." Matthew stopped his friend. "Seriously. Your brother, who you've been keeping everything from, just suddenly shows up? What was he even doing here?"

"Hell if I know, Matthew." She replied with a shrug of her shoulders. "But... Seeing him with Katyusha... I dunno, it feels almost... Nostalgic? Seeing him so happy, it's a nice change."

The Canadian teen smiled down at his friend, nudging her shoulder with his. "You're a good sister, (Name). Louis is lucky to have a sister like you."

Hearing that made (Name) smile, but she couldn't help but have the nagging feeling in the back of her mind that she really wasn't, especially since she was keeping so much from Louis.

As the two made their way down the hall, (Name) felt a yank on her arm, causing her to let out a yelp as she was pulled back from Matthew and slammed against the wall of lockers.

"Just what did you do to Gil, huh?" She heard the all too familiar American teen ask, shoving his hands in his pockets as he glared at (Name).

"Al!" Matthew exclaimed, glaring at his brother as he went to help (Name).

"That shit with Allistor and the counselor. That was about him, wasn't it?!" Alfred exclaimed as he glared through his thin frames. "What did you say?!"

"Alfred, stop being such an ass!" Matthew yelled back at his twin, moving to stand in front of him and block (Name) from his view. "Why can't you just leave her alone? She isn't doing anything to you!"

"When she screws with my friends, that is doing something to me!" Alfred retorted, shoving past his brother and grabbing (Name) by the front of her shirt. "What did you do? Answer me!" He ordered, even though he had Matthew pulling on his arm to get his brother to let go of his friend.

"T-that had nothing to do with me. I-I promise." (Name) said, moving a hand to grip onto Alfred's fists. "W-what was happening was between Gilbert and Elizabeta."

The information caused Alfred's brow to raise in suspicion, his glare still in place. "What do you mean?"

"Why don't you ask your so-called 'friend' what she means? He'd have first-hand knowledge of what she's talking about." Matthew glared, managing to wrench Alfred's hand from (Name). "And for once, leave her alone. Not everything bad that happens is her fault." He uttered, carefully taking (Name)'s hand and shoving past his brother as they made their way down the hall.

(Name) couldn't help but glance behind her as she and Matthew left Alfred alone. Just out of the corner of her eye, she could see Francis walking to Alfred, placing a hand on his shoulder just as she and Matthew turned a corner.

"Matthew..." She murmured to her friend.

"He's a real jerk." He responded, still fuming. "Just... Why does he have to be like that? And to you, of all people?" He asked, looking his friend in the eyes as they walked. "It's... It's not fair."

(Name) slowed her pace to get Matthew to stop walking so fast. As the two stopped walking, the Canadian teen stopped and turned to (Name).

"What?" He asked, looking at her.

Before even answering, (Name) let go of Matthew's hand and wrapped her arms around him in a hug. "You shouldn't be to angry at your brother for my sake. He's your family."

The girl could feel her friend tense at the sudden action, but the stress in his shoulders released as he slowly brought his hands up to return the hug. "...But you don't deserve that, (Name). Why should you have to take all this abuse?"

She shrugged, letting out a sigh. "Someone has to, right? And if I don't, then they're just going to bully someone else."

"That's not the best mentality to have about this situation." Matthew chastised with a quiet laugh.

"That may be so." (Name) answered with a laugh. "But what matters is that you shouldn't hate him for what he's doing to me... Same goes for Francis and Arthur. They're your family too, aren't they?"

"Well yeah, but-"

"But nothing. Family is family, and that means you should be there to look out for one another, no matter what." She responded, pulling back slightly from the hug to look up at her friend. "I'm not going to ask you to forgive them for what they've done to me, just... Don't hate them for it. Okay?"

"(Name), I don't know if I can promise that-"

"If you don't promise then I'm going to tell everyone that I meet that waffles are superior to pancakes and maple syrup is terrible."

A gasp and a flash of hurt gleamed in the Canadian's eyes, but it was overshadowed by the shine of happiness in his violet-blue irises. "You're terrible."

"And so's your face."


As the two teens bantered their way down the hall, three students stayed in their hiding spot against the wall of lockers. One clenched his fist as his gaze never left the floor. The other two watched him as they let Matthew and (Name) walk down the hall.

"...We really misjudged the girl. Didn't we?" Asked Francis as he glanced from Arthur to Alfred.

"You can say that all you like, and your issues with her might be solved, but that isn't the case for the rest of us." Arthur sneered at the Frenchman. His face fell though as he thought back to what (Name) had said. "But... She's too kind for her own good."

"...Whatever." Alfred grunted, crossing his arms over his chest as he stood up against the lockers. "I'm going to try and find Gil. Francy-pants, you wanna come?"

"Actually, I need to give Michelle a ride home." Francis replied, adjusting his backpack strap on his shoulder. "Then I need to get to my shift at work."

The American sighed before looking at his other cousin. "What are you going to do, Artie?"

Arthur sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Allistor is driving me home. I promised I would help Owen around the house today, plus I have a lot of studying I need to get done."

"Whatever... You guys be careful on your way home." Alfred said, shoving his hands in his pockets before making his own way down the hall. His mind buzzing with different thoughts and ideas.

Why the hell would she say all of that, even after everything we've done? We induced a panic attack for Christ's sake! I've beaten her up countless times, Arthur and Francis have been nothing but hateful, but even still... She'll speak on our behalf so that Matt doesn't hate us... She's too nice. That's gonna get her hurt... If not by us, then someone else.

Alfred was too lost in his thoughts to realize that he was just wandering around in circles instead of heading to the principal's office. As he walked, he recognized the many familiar faces of his classmates.

Toris was walking down the hall with Eduard, Ravis, and Feliks. He caught the Lithuanian gaze, and even though the brunette offered him a small smile, his gaze was drawn away by his other friends. There was a time where he would have stopped by to have a quick word before returning to his set path. That all changed when he started hanging out with Gilbert.

Tino was with Lukas, Emil, Berwald, and Matthias. Aside from Francis, Arthur, and Matthew, Tino was the first person Alfred met when he arrived at school. He was always kind, but he eventually distanced himself when Alfred found his crowd with Gilbert. That was how he grew so close to Matthias, but since Matthias' loyalties changed, that whole group seemed so far out of reach.

Feliciano skipped along the tiled floor while following Kiku and Ludwig. There would have been a time where Feliciano and Kiku would have hung out with him at any time, and it seemed like they would especially enjoy his company no matter the circumstances. But, since he started associating himself with Gilbert and they with Ludwig, their paths never really crossed again.

It seemed like in everything he did, everyone who he associated with, they either hung around or left him because of Gilbert.

Since when did Gilbert become the linchpin of my life? It used to only be me and my friends. When did it become following someone else?... There's nothing heroic in that.

"Oh! Hey, Al!"

The teen looked up to see the Prussian who had been plaguing his thoughts make his way down the hall. He looked behind to see the door to the principal's office opened. He could just barely see the sullen and disappointed faces of the principal and the vice principal, along with Miss Braginsky and someone else... Even though Alfred didn't know his name, the stranger looked somewhat familiar.

Even though the teen in front of Alfred could be called a 'friend,' there was something in the back of his head telling him that it wasn't exactly a good decision to be calling him that.

"Hey, Gil... What's up? Why'd you get called out of class?"

The albino sighed, running a hand through his silver locks. "Ah, Vargas wanted to talk to me about something I did this past weekend at a party I went to... And stuff I've been doing here at school."

"Such as?" Alfred inquired.

"Eh... I'm not supposed to talk about it." Gilbert admitted with a sigh. "But because of it, I've been suspended for the rest of the week, and all of next week."

"Dude, seriously?" Alfred asked, somewhat astonished. "What did you do to get suspended?"

"Well... Let's just say that they weren't liking what I considered 'fun.'" Gilbert nudged his friend's shoulder. "Plus, it really ruffled some feathers." He added, gesturing over his shoulder at the principal's office. "But hey, maybe the two of us can hang out sometime while I'm gone, huh?"

"Um... Sure, dude. I'll let you know." Alfred responded, watching as the Prussian moved to walk past him.

"See ya, bro." Gilbert called over his shoulder as he made his way down the hall to exit the building.

As Alfred turned to watch Gilbert leave, he caught sight of Elizabeta and Roderich stopping in the hall, watching as the Prussian left. He watched as Roderich's hold on Elizabeta grew tighter as she shrunk into his arms, glaring at the albino teen as he left.

Alfred had that feeling, the voice in the back of his head telling him that he should really check where his loyalties lie.

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