III: Signs

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"Day 105, I'm ready to chew my own arm off, and it continues to smell like pie and really strong aftershave..."

"Ember, shut your pie hole." Dean says as he rolls his eyes at me. "What can I get for the lovely couple." A waitress with a super high bee hive hairdo came over and asks us.

"We're no-"

"Honey, let's not argue with the fine woman. Now for myself I'll have the special, extra bacon, and a coffee."

"And for you sugar?" The woman asks me. I give a fake smile to Dean and reach over holding his hands.

"Awe love, ain't you just the cutest thing? But I can't have you eating all that fatty bacon. We'll both have the oatmeal special, with a side of wheat toast. And I'll have an orange juice."

The waitress smiles taking our orders. "Coming right up."

The moment she turns her back. He snatches away from me, and rubs his hands off like I had cooties or something.

I laugh and play with the salt shaker. "Back to the report. Day 106..."

Truth be told we've only been on the road for a day and a half, but with Dean? It feels like like it's been 106 days.

"So, Cas came to you like that? Funny, he doesn't look like how you described him."

Dean was getting annoyed with me but I wanted to know more about Cas. He's an angel.

Technically he's family.

"How did you see him?"

I think for a second. "Not how you say, he had this magnificent light and his voice was sweet-"

"You saw him in his true form?"

"I guess. I mean. He is my uncle." I smile and scoop up some oatmeal.

Dean scoffs. "So you're an angel, a halfling. But aren't you dark? Seeing that your father is a fallen angel?"

I swallow hard and look at my oatmeal.

"I'm a good person. I never have bad thoughts. Hell, the worse that I've done was swear. I'm not my fathers daughter. I've lived how I was raised. To be a pure good soul."

"Yeah, whatever you say. I'm sure you've probably squashed a bug or two. With that bat and sword combo I'm sure you probably knocked a few heads in as well."

I shake my head.

"Only the ones who've been touched by evil. His family, Lucifer? He's pretty much is trying to send everything that can crawl after me."

"What is it that he wants from you?"

"I'm guess that weird knife. But that's just it. I feel like he..."


"Like he wants something more from me. But other than my supernatural history. What else is special about me?"

Dean shrugs. "Other than your freaky mojo, not a clue." He drinks his coffee and I continue to play with the salt shaker.

I then get this feeling, this spine tingling feeling.

I look around and see everyone was gone, except one person.

It was a little girl. She was staring at me intensely. I give her a smile but she just continues to stare.

"Dean, we gotta go." I start taking out cash from my wallet. "But I didn't get my pie yet."

"I'll bake you any pie you want. We need to get out of here now." I grab my bat and Dean starts to get up, but then the little girl gets up.

I snatch Dean by his hand and haul his ass out.

"Whats your problem?" The girl tugs at Dean's hand and smiles at me.

"Where are you going, Emmie?"

My reflexes move quicker than Dean. I grab the little girls hand and she hisses.

"You're master's daughter. I'm his daughter too. But you're pretty. And you smell delicious." Her tongue slithers out and Dean grabs my arm so I don't swing my bat.


"Yeah, Ember. You're little meat bag wouldn't like that."

Her eyes turn black and I remain calm.

"Let's go Dean." We both slowly back up and the girl keeps staring.

"How did you know that thing was a demon?"

"My scar." I pull my shirt down a bit. "This thing it stings when a demon's around. So I'm-"

"Like a demon detector. Yeah I'm just learning all new things about you, hell raiser."

"Don't call me that." We get in the car and just as Dean was about to back out. The girl was standing there, in his rear view mirror.

"Jesus!" Dean exclaims. I get out of the car and the girl smiles at me. "You wouldn't hurt a little girl would you?"

"A demon girl?" I smirk and sling my bat hard across her head. She dodges it and screams.

My ear rings and I drop my bat.

When I look up, the little girl takes out a knife similar to the one I have and she goes to strike.

But luckily for me, Dean had stabbed her making her eyes and mouth bleed black blood.

Make that almost lucky. Because the girl grabbed him and threw him across the lot.

She goes to grab my throat but I take a stick and it morphs into a weapon and I stab her in the stomach with it.

She gives me a shocked look and I stab deeper. She goes limp and falls against my shoulder.

"Forgive me." I whisper as I hold her in my arms.

I take the blade and cut my palm. I then squeeze my hand and let the blood drip to the ground.

I lay the girl's body down and slowly the blood around her starts to smoke.

I stand up and watch as the girl's body slowly sinks into the ground.

"What the hell was that?" Dean snatches my arm and I wince. "You're hurting me, Dean."

"I don't give a shit. What the hell was that, Ember?"

I snatch away from him. "That was me sending a demon and the host back where it came from. That girl wasn't going to be normal. Besides God would have-"

"Don't give me that crap!" He snaps at me. "You're no angel-"

"Stop." He keeps going. "You're not normal, clearly."

"I'm warning you, Dean."

"You're a freaking monst-" Just with that trigger I open my wings and pick up my bat. He stops talking and just stares.

"I don't need your assistance any longer." We hear a thunderous clap and turn to see Castiel.

"You need to calm her down." Castiel informs Dean.

"I said that I don't need his assistance any longer."

"Ember, you need him as much as he needs you." I feel my hands shake. "No!" I strike my sword to the ground and it shakes under our feet.

"Dean!" Castiel yells. Dean tackles me down and I start screaming.

"Get off of me! Get off of me!!" Dean puts his hand over my mouth and I bite him.

Castiel reaches over and touches my forehead. I then black out...


"What the hell, Cas?" I get up off of Ember and she laid there knocked out cold. "She needs to remain calm, or Lucifer will find her."

"Why the hell you didn't tell me I was helping Lucifer's daughter! And what the hell is he after her for?" Castiel lifts her up and places her in the back of my car.

He closes the door and looks at me. "What I'm about to tell you, isn't for you to tell her. No matter the circumstances. Do you understand?" I nod and we walk away from the impala.

"God is very angry at what Lucifer did."

"What banging her mother?"

"Lucifer, raped her mother."

"Come again?" Cas sighs. "Ember's mother, she was a devoted woman. Her spirit reminded us of Job, do you know of him?"

"Sorry, I don't brush up on my Sunday school lessons." I say sarcastically. "Lucifer made a deal with God that her mother...Essa. Would fall from her own good grace. The things that woman went through. The faith she held? She put the most God fearing person to shame. Until she came across Lucifer. He decided to break her faith. He raped her...over and over until he left her a husk of the woman she once was..." I felt sick to my stomach hearing what happened to that girl's mother.

"And God watched this happen?" Cas nods. "God took what Lucifer cherished the most. He took his grace and gave it to the child that Essa gave birth to."

"That's it? God watches as his own kid rapes an innocent woman, and all he does is take his angel mojo? You've got to be fucking kidding me."

Cas flinches at my choice of words. "I know you believe this is, messed up-"

"Oh this is a pile of shit on top of old shit messed up."

"But the plans Lucifer has for that girl, right in the back of your truck. Is far worse than what he did to her mother."

"What can be worse?" Suddenly I regret asking. "He plans on taking her as his bride, and-"

"Stop. I don't want to know. She said I needed to bring her up to Maine?"

He nods. "Yes, but you need to watch out for signs."

"Signs? Like omens?"

"Not that simple. Ember is going to get stronger. Her scent, her presence. Demon's, Angel's, all supernatural's alike will hunt her down."

"Wait, Angles?"

"She has Lucifer's grace. The Angle's want to take that."

I nod slowly taking this all in. What signs will I be looking for?"

"Whatever happens keep her calm. The grace she possesses grown with her emotions. Her...scent will grow stronger. Even you'll be tempted. And most of all, listen to her when she's sleeping. She'll talk in her sleep, words that no human has heard since the birth of Jesus Christ."

"How long do I have until these signs start to show?"

"I...don't know." When Cas looked at me, he looked scared.

Which only worried me more about who I was helping...

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