Chapter 2: The Wedding

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Sonakshi entered the wedding hall with her aunt Diya beside her and her father and brother and uncles holding her mother's bridal dupatta above her head. She looked gorgeous to every single person in the wedding hall.

The big elite families of the business world along with the prestigious faces of Delhi were invited to the wedding. There were a few photographers in the wedding hall too.

Maybe the media Sonakshi thought The Dixits know how to play well with media.

A few days ago, she had read an article on the internet regarding the wedding. She couldn't believe her own eyes when she read the pathetic story that the PR team of the Dixits had fed to the media.

They had drafted a perfect Romeo and Juliet story, with an exception of Paris being absent, with a perfectly beautiful ending.

Two rival families giving up their hatred because their children fell in love.

What Crap!

Romeo and Juliet have never seen each other face to face and already there are articles and news clippings on their love saga!

Sonakshi had scoffed at the article thinking that the media would soon give a review on how stupid the story is and would dig out the truth. To her dismay, the media actually believed the PR team at their word and actually loved the without love-LOVE STORY!

Sonakshi moved towards the dais to exchange garlands with the groom. Dev was already standing there. He was dressed in a cream-colored sherwani. His eyes were on Sonakshi. He did not pay too much attention to her as she moved closer to him.

Now Sonakshi and Devrath were face-to-face but none of them looked at each other completely. Both were handed over the garlands by their respective families. Both got lifted on their relatives' shoulders while exchanging the garlands. Sonakshi smiled slightly when she saw her brother and father lifting her.

Dev and Sonakshi exchanged the garlands and stole a glance at each other once when they did so. No words or smiles exchanged.

Dev went and sat near the priest to perform the starting rituals that had to be done by the groom. It was then time for Sonakshi to join him. She went and took a seat next to him not glancing at him even once.

The priest continued to chant the shlokas of the marriage ceremony, but Sonakshi's mind was lost somewhere else.

She was marrying a guy to whom she had not even spoken face to face even once.

Yet, here she was, MARRYING HIM.

After the proposal was finalized, the Dixits had come to their house with all the wedding items, jewelry, bridal dress according to tradition. Sonakshi hoped that she could at least have a conversation with her future husband, but he had not accompanied his parents.

It was only Vishal, Ishwari, and Neha who had visited.

She did not feel too disappointed.

It was not that she was excited to meet him. She had already seen him on the news and searched about him on the internet.

She was not at all excited about her wedding.

Maybe Dev felt the same, she had thought

She was pulled out from her thoughts by the dragged voice of the priest who was saying, "Please call the parents of the bride for the Kanyadaan."

Sonakshi's maternal uncle Krishna Pathak and his wife Lata Pathak came forward for the ritual.

"Please call my father for the Kanyadaan," Sonakshi pleaded the priest as she knew even though her father did not love her too much, in her childhood, he would always speak about him wanting to do her Kanyadaan to a man who was like a prince.

"My dear," the priest said "Kanyadaan has to be done by a couple. We cannot break traditions child."

Sonakshi's face dropped but she composed herself as the ritual of Kanyadaan started. She could see the disappointed face of her father from the corner of her eyes.

The Kanyadaan is one of the most sacred wedding rituals that binds two people into one. A sacred tradition that is carried forward by the father of the bride, a tradition that in its entirety is a beautiful amalgamation of bittersweet emotions, wherein the father of the bride gives away her hand to the groom.

According to Hindu tradition, we make a donation or a 'Daan' to receive salvation. This could be done in the form of a 'Gaudaan' or a cow and  'Kanyadaan' where Kanya' signifies a girl or a virgin.

The groom is considered to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu and the bride is considered to be a form of Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth and prosperity. This way, according to this tradition, the parents' sins are forgiven through the merit of this ritual of religious donation. The Kanyadaan is also a gift of wealth and prosperity to the groom for his life ahead.

Kanyadaan ritual is one of the most sacred wedding rituals without which no Hindu wedding would come to exist. It is the very ceremony that officiates that the father announces that now I give you my daughter to you and that you become the man who has her now. So, the Kanyadaan meaning as seen through the eyes of a father becomes an act of giving away and seeking a promise from the groom to provide for his daughter for as long as he lives and more.

At the end of the Kanyadaan, Sonakshi's uncle and aunt placed her hand into Dev's hand. She suddenly felt her electricity at the touch.

Then the priest asked her to place her hand with the groom's hand when they were offering ghee (clarified butter) to the lord Agni that is the holy fire. She hesitantly held his arm.

She wanted to pull her hand away but the pandit chanted "Swaaaaa......ha"

The groom offered the ghee along with Sonakshi's hand holding his arm. The priest went on chanting his mantras (holy hymns) and Sonakshi like a robot followed whatever the priest was saying.

She thought about how she wanted her wedding to be.

Sonakshi had big dreams for her marriage but everything seemed ruined to her now. She had wanted a beautiful wedding. Not too big but one with her friends and family. Not some lousy business biggies.

Her Aunt Diya and her paternal and maternal uncles had been invited to the wedding. But, not one of her close friends was present. Here she was marrying in front of people who were looking at her similar to the way people look at a lion caged in the zoo.

She had dreams of marrying a man she loved.

Not a man whom she despised since childhood.

"Smile," A deep voice whispered to her.

She turned to look at him, shocked. It was the first word that he had said to her.

"Smile for the cameras. You look as though you are attending your friend's funeral," He said to her.

Seriously he cared more about the pictures than her? She thought.

Sonakshi internally rolled her eyes at his pathetic sarcasm and cursed I wish it was your funeral.

Sonakshi turned away from him and gave a fake smile to all present in the grand wedding hall.

Vishal and Ishwari Dixit smiled when they saw the proceedings of the ongoing wedding. This had been by far, one of the best deals that they had struck in their lives. With the Saxenas down, they had the most control over the business world now.

They were happy that now, they would have majority control over the Saxena empire and the publicity. This wedding publicity would just boost their brand value to the highest ever.

Ishwari looked at Sonakshi and Dev, sitting together, yet very apart. She had always wanted the best for her kids and would never settle on anything less than the best. She had already done a background check on Sonakshi before putting forth the proposal. She had understood that Sonakshi was a genuine girl who was not after money, unlike many girls who lurked around her son. Sonakshi was smart and beautiful. She was really the best choice for her son Dev.

Ishwari knew love would take a person only so far. The rest had to be courage, strategy, and power.

She had made the same decision just like Sonakshi when she had married Vishal 30 years ago. She too had been naïve, just like Sonakshi, from a different world, not knowing anything about business. She had been just 22.

But she had never regretted her decision. She fell in love with the power and excitement of the business world. She fell in love with her husband and was living a happy life.

Looking at her son's wedding, she could not help but feel slightly nostalgic as history was going to repeat itself.

She smiled thinking of their successful life.

Suddenly her smile turned into a frown when she glanced at Dev. He was looking straight at Kunal his eyes fierce with rage and anger.

Kunal, oblivious of the glare was chatting with his girlfriend Arpita.

She just hoped Dev would not do anything wrong now. She wanted it to be a happy day for him and the whole family. She just hoped his anger would not ruin this wedding.

Vishal followed Ishwari's gaze to know the reason for her frown.

He too frowned slightly looking at Arpita.

He put a hand on Ishwari's shoulder to reassure her.

Dev was not a person who would do anything to embarrass his family in front of the whole world.

Ishwari just smiled back at him.

The priest was making the marrying couple recite the seven vows of the Hindu marriage.

These seven marriage vows are basically seven promises of marriage which is known to serve as an anchor to keep the couple going through all the good and tough time together. Any Hindu marriage will be left bereft in the absence of these vows and promises that every couple makes to one another in the lieu of their marriage!

In the first vow, the groom says I will provide welfare and happiness for you and the children that we bear and you shall offer me food and help whenever it is required. In response to this, the bride promises to be responsible for the complete household management. The vow beckons the willingness of both the partners to bring prosperity in their lives; each is agreeing to fulfill their respective roles.

In the second vow, the groom says that together, we will protect our children and home, and the bride in return promises to stand with her husband as his strength and courage. She pledges to rejoice in his happiness and in return, demands him to be loyal to her. The second vow is where the couple seeks union on emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

In the third vow, the groom hopes for a wealthy and prosperous future for both of them and their children. The bride responds by giving an assurance of staying loyal to her husband and putting every other man in her life as secondary. The third sacred vow of a Hindu wedding is where the bride and the groom pray together for wealth and prosperity and promise to fulfill their spiritual obligations and seek blessings. The vow beckons the physical and spiritual loyalty of the bride and the groom towards each other throughout their lives.

In the fourth vow, the groom declares to the bride that she has made his life complete and promises to respect her. He hopes for their children to be obedient and noble. The bride promises her husband to shower with joy and happiness and do everything possible to please him. The fourth vow of the Hindu wedding ritual indicated the importance of a family in Indian society. The couple pledges to strengthen their family together by upholding family values. The couple expresses gratitude towards each other as well and seeks blessings for their future progeny.

In the fifth vow, the groom calls the bride his best friend and a well-wisher. He thanks her for coming into his life. The bride promises to love and cherish him all her life. She says that his happiness and sorrows are now her happiness and sorrows. The bride promises to the groom to honor him and strive to fulfill his wishes. The fifth vow of the wedding beckons the importance of loyalty and dependency on each other.

In the sixth vow, the groom says to the bride "Now that you have taken six steps with me and I am delighted. Would you promise to fill my heart with the same happiness for the lifetime?" To this, the bride promises to be by her husband all her life. Together they pray to seek the blessings of God to bestow them with a long and healthy life that is replete with peace and prosperity. The sixth vow gives the groom the opportunity to tell his bride the depth of his happiness to be able to find her. The bride affirms her affection towards the groom promises to stand by him forever. This vow also beckons the importance of health, peace, and prosperity in one's life.

In the seventh and last vow, the groom declares "we are now husband and wife, and now we will stay together for eternity." In its reply, the bride says that with God being the witness, she is now his wife and says that both of them will cherish and honor each other forever. The final vow that beckons the completion of the holy union is sealed with a pledge of being companions for life. The couple promises to stand by each other and be true in their relationship always. The oath of loyalty and the willingness to spend a life with not another human being but with a friend, are the things that make the last vow a special one.

These are the seven vows taken at the time of the wedding.

"Now please call the groom's sister for the Gathbandhan," The pandit called out. Neha walked forward and tied Sonakshi's saree with a cloth that was put on Dev's shoulder.

Gathbandhan symbolizes the union of the bride and the groom in a sacramental bond for the rest of their lives. In the literal sense, it is the nuptial knot that sanctifies the coming together of two individuals and becoming one cohesive unit. It is always done by the sister of the groom.

"Please stand up for the circumambulations. The seven pheras taking the seven circumambulations of marriage with the God of fire Agni as the witness of your Vows," the priest said.

Dev walked in front of Sonakshi following him as he takes the first four rounds. After they finished four rounds with Dev in the lead, Sonakshi came in the front and they completed the remaining three circumambulations. All the people at the wedding showered them with flower petals and raw rice. This is done to ward off the evil sight that can fall on a newly married couple.

The priest gestured for Devrath and Sonakshi to take their seats again. The pandit called out asking for Sindoor(vermilion) as it was now the time to fill the sindoor in the forehead of the bride signifying that the bride is a married woman now.

Ishwari walked forward and took the Sindoor box from a househelp who was standing with it. She took it and walked onto the dais and bent next to Dev. Ishwari handed the nuptial chain to Dev. It is called the Mangalsutra. Dev tied it around Sonakshi's neck. Ishwari then forwarded the Sindoor box towards Dev.

"Fill the vermilion," She said to him in a low whisper.

Dev took a pinch of vermilion in his right hand and turned to face his bride. He looked at Sonakshi properly for the first time. At once, her eyes captivated him. Sonakshi too looked up to see her husband. His brown orbs were pulling her towards him.

"Dev you can look at her for the rest of your life too," Ishwari whispered smiling as her son got lost in his wife's eyes.

Dev filled her partition with the Vermilion.

"Now you are both husband and wife," The priest announced and the whole hall got resplendent with cheers and claps.

It was now time for the Vidaai, the ceremony when the bride's family bids farewell to their daughter as she rides away with her new husband.

Family and relatives of the Bride accompany her to the exit of the wedding venue, her parents leading the pack holding their daughter close. Before crossing the doorstep, the bride is given a handful of rice, and sometimes coins, which she is required to throw over her head behind her as she leaves. This is supposed to symbolize a repayment to her parents for all that they have given her throughout the years. 

She conveys good wishes for her parents and shows them gratitude for loving and caring for her all her life – by doing so she maintains that the house of her childhood remains happy and prosperous. The Father of the Bride is usually the last one in line to bid his daughter farewell before handing her off to her new life, her husband. He requests of the Groom to care for his daughter and forgive her for her mistakes, to be a constant guide through their marital journey, essentially handing away his most cherished and beloved possession.

Sonakshi could see tears in the eyes of her father and brother. They had not been the best of the family but they were her blood after all. She could see her cousins and her uncles and aunts having tears in their eyes too.

Vishal moved forward to Rajesh and folded his hands and said, "It is time to take the bride with us."

Rajesh nodded very slowly. His eyes were puffy. He had been trying really hard to control his tears but he broke down.

He knew his daughter was an untainted and beautiful flower. Her innocence was something that he was proud of. He had many dreams for her marriage but he wanted to save his company more desperately than a marriage of love to his daughter.

Sonakshi's aunt Diya hugged her tightly. Diya's husband Raghu hugged her. For Diya, Sonakshi was her daughter. She had never treated her as her sister's daughter. She was Sonakshi's support all through her life.

"Aunt," Sonakshi said softly tears flowing from her eyes too "Thank you for being with me during all my struggles. I will miss you."

Sonakshi's cousin came with the rice plate. Sonakshi looked ahead and saw the hazy figure of Devrath standing near the entrance to receive her. She took a handful of rice and threw it behind her. In a few minutes, she reached her husband.

She turned to face her family.

She hugged each and every one of her family members. Dev was observing her keenly. There was not even a word exchanged between the family and even then, her hugging them was soothing them.

This is what they called family love. Dev thought.

Sonakshi stopped in front of her brother. Kunal enclosed her in his embrace. Both of them were crying uncontrollably. Diya came forward to soothe them. They parted but the tears never ceased to flow from either of their eyes.

"I am so sorry Sona," Kunal sobbed "Not once was I a good brother. I always argued with you all the time. I never was the reason for your smile. I am the worst brother to the best sister."

Sonakshi just smiled slightly at him. He had been the best brother when they were kids. It was just that time had made him change his priorities.

Sonakshi moved towards her father who was standing alone. He looked like a weak old man in that condition, not the same man who had ordered her around all the time.

"I am so sorry Sona. I have been really bad to you. The best father of the world died when your mother died. I know I should have stayed strong for my children but the only thing I did was keep myself away from you. You know Sona, your mother would be watching you from above. She would be really proud of you." He said sorrowfully but pride evident in his voice.

Sonakshi hugged him tight and said, "I love you, Papa."

It had been years since Sonakshi called him Papa again. She stuck to Dad or Mr. Saxena whenever she spoke to him.

Rajesh turned to look at Dev and folded his hands and said "Please take care of my precious Sona. She is a gem. A gem that now belongs to you. Please don't hurt her and if she does any mistake, please be kind to her as she has grown up without her mother."

Dev's eyes softened slightly looking at the pleading father in front of him. He nodded in assurance.

"Mrs. Dixit, it is time to leave," He called out to Sonakshi.

Sonakshi walked slowly towards the car with a JUST MARRIED board and gave everyone a smile and gave Dev a deadly glare before starting her journey as Mrs. Dixit.









I had so much fun writing this wedding chapter. But it was slightly tiring too as I wanted my readers to actually understand what exactly marriage denotes in our culture.

This is the first time I have written any wedding sequence.

I have learned the actual and deep meaning of a wedding. In our place, weddings happen differently. We have different rituals. This was like learning the culture of North Indian weddings.

So now Sonakshi Saxena is officially Mrs. Sonakshi Devrath Dixit.

BUSINESS MINDS did not reach the wedding yet. Still a bit far away.

I want to thank all of you for spending some of your precious time reading my book 📖 💖 💕

I would just like to tell people that it takes just one click to like someone's work. That might mean a lot more to them than it may mean to you. Please I hope you get what I mean.

Thank you for reading my book 📖
Thank you for liking my work 😊
Thank you for commenting on the chapters.


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