Last light at dawn W.T.S

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When Percy Jackson Falls for a daughter of Apollo who also happens to be the daughter of Tony Stark making her made out of pure light she as bright as can be a mastermind who loves music and art but who also likes to heal and take care of people so what happens when the fates bring the Avenger's and god together to watch her life and hopefully stop her from dying in order to save our universe

Original Character:Aria Dawn Stark

Love interest:Percy Jackson

Nicknames: bumblebee (Annabeth,Percy) Little Miss Sunshine (Clarisse,Percy,Annabeth)Sunflower (Percy) firefly (Apollo) miss Stark (J.A.R.V.I.S,Happy) Stark Jr. (Sam,Clint) princess (everyone)



Parents:Tony stark and Phoebus Apollo

Family :Pepper Potts (step mother/Alive)  James Roady (honoraryUncle/Alive) Natasha Romenoff (Big sister figure/Alive) Apollo Cabin (half siblings)

Friends:Gover Underwood(good friend)Percy Jackson(best friend) Thalia Grace(best friend)Luke Castilian(good/former friend)Nico Di-Angelo(Close friend) Clint Barton (good friend)Bruce Banner(work buddy)James Barnes (good friend) Lydia Green (best friend/roommate) stroll Siblings (good friend's ) Katie gardener (good friend)

Skills:tinkering,singing,lying,fighting,weapons combat,Certified genius,quick thinking,plan making,Photokinesis,Smooth talking,Charmer,healer

Languages: French,Spanish,Russian,Chinese, American sign languages.

Fatal Flaw:her love for tony

Qoutes From Aria

Aria Stark at your service

I'm literally a walking glow stick

I was made out of magic quite literally

I look like Dad Apollo but I act papa Tony

Sarcasm is like breathing I need it to live

Is there a famous Aria Stark I don't know about

That's Cute you think I need you

Wow I didn't know Nazi were allowed to be in America

I'm a daughter of Apollo and Tony Stark

I don't know you

I flirt with women to

Stark are made of Iron

Lydia Green

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