R.I.P 2 my youth W.T.M

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What if Harry had twin sister and what if she was a carbon copy of James on the outside and inside with her mom's brain what if she helped Draco through out the years what if Sirius had a son who became best friends with her and it was James and Sirius 2.0 what if after she who was taken out by Voldemort in the second war her friends and family got and went back in time to show their parents the future they could stop it from happening

Original Character: Angelina Mary Potter

Love interest:Draco Malfoy

Personality:friendly,outgoing,supportive,kind, caring,mature,loving,mischievous,clever,brave,
unapologetic,amusing,easy going,sassy


Nicknames:Angel (everyone) Mary (Harry) Princess (Draco)

Hogwarts house: Gryffindor *Almost Hufflepuff*

Patronus: surprise

Parents:James and Lily potter

Family:Fleamont Potter(Grandfather/Deceased) Euphemia Potter née Rosier (Grandmother/Deceased) Richard Evens (Grandfather/Deceased) Rose Evens née Pevensie (Grandmother/Deceased) Harry Potter ( older twin brother/Alive) Ramus Lupin (godfather/Deceased) Mary McDonald (godmother/Unknown) Sirius Black (Honorary Uncle/Deceased) Marlene McKinnon (Honorary Aunt/Deceased Dorcas Meadows (Honorary Aunt/Deceased) Alice Longbottom (Honorary Aunt/clinically insane) Frank Longbottom (Honorary Uncle/clinically insane)

Friends:Hermione granger (Best Friend/Alive) Ron Weasley (Ex-Friend/Alive) Theo Nott (close friend/Alive) Fred and George Weasley (older brother figure/Alive) Ginny Weasley (Friend/Alive) Matteo Riddle (Friend/Deceased) Fleur Delacour (Friend/Alive) Bill Weasley (Friend/Alive) Charlie Weasley (Friend/Alive) Atlas Black (Best Friend/Alive) Luna Lovegood (Friend/Alive) Neville Longbottom (Friend/Alive) lavender Brown (Ex Friend/Roommate/Deceased) Nymphadora Tonks (Sister figure/Deceased)

smooth talking,transformings,flying,Patronus Charm,Occulemcy, great strategist,Care of magical creatures,stealth,Singing,fighting

Languages: French,Latin,Spanish

Fatal Flaw: her Cleverness and she's a people pleaser

P.S: She has Bpd and lily's temper

Angel once Said

Hi *smiles cutely*

I don't like him

I'm glad that get your handsome face

Oh alright then

No you wanna hear in Spanish nõh

What the fuck dude

I'm happy your here

Are you ok

Aww can I pet him please *puppy dog eyes*

I'm not a drama queen I'm The Drama Queen

I'm just saying nobody should have that much power

Hello handsome

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