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Chọn đúng dầu gội

Biết chọn loại dầu gội nào khi bạn đứng trước quầy mỹ phẩm trong siêu thị, hoa mắt bởi hàng chục nhãn hàng có hình ảnh quảng cáo bắt mắt, đầy sức thuyết phục trên truyền hình?

Gội đầu ai mà chẳng biết?

Vậy thì:

• Hãy tìm kiếm những sản phẩm có danh tiếng: vì đó là sự bảo đảm tốt nhất cho sự an toàn và hiệu quả của một chai dầu gội.

• Chọn loại có hoạt tính bề mặt êm dịu, ôn hòa... Trong trường hợp tóc vào tình trạng bóng nhờn (vì quá nhiều dầu dưỡng dành cho tóc khô), hoặc dễ bị gầu (do có hoạt chất tẩy quá mạnh).

• Càng nhiều chất vitamin càng tốt: vì vitamin nhanh chóng thẩm thấu vào lớp vỏ của tóc, cho tóc khỏe mạnh và chắc hơn.

• Tìm lời khuyên từ các nhà sản xuất, phân phối: Bạn sẽ tìm thấy địa chỉ, điện thoại hay website để liên lạc trên hầu hết các loại bao gói của các hãng dầu gội đầu. Ngày nay, những hằng hóa mỹ phẩm uy tím đều có dịch vụ tư vấn khách hàng và họ luôn nhiệt tình giúp bạn mua được loại dầu gội phù hợp, vừa hiểu rõ đối tượng bán hàng cho mình là như thế nào.

• Mua theo kinh nghiệm: Sử dụng quảng cáo hoặc mách nhỏ của bạn bè chưa chắc đã giúp bạn lựa chọn được loại dầu gội thích hợp với mái tóc của mình, vậy nên, bạn hãy mua dầu gội đựa trên kinh nghiệm của chính mình. Ví dụ, tóc bạn bị gầu, hãy khoanh vùng những nhãn hiệu bạn quan tâm, rồi khoanh vùng tiếp những sản phẩm dầu gội đầu trị gầu của họ. Bạn nên mua loại gói hoặc chai nhỏ, sử dụng mỗi loại dầu vào mỗi một ngày khác nhau để so sánh. Nếu loại dầu gọi nào làm tóc bạn khô, sạch mà vẫn óng mượt thì đó là thứ bạn nên chọn.

Hoa hậu Việt Nam toàn cầu 2009 Alex Trần (hình minh họa)

Gội đầu đúng cách

Thực hiện đúng những lời khuyên dưới đây, quá trình làm sạch tóc của bạn không chỉ hiệu quả hơn mà mái tóc của bạn cũng được bảo vệ tốt hơn.

• Chải đầu trước khi gội, để gỡ rối cho tóc. Nếu bạn chải gỡ trong và ngay sau khi gội, tóc sẽ dễ gãy rụng vì khi tóc ướt là lúc nó yếu nhất.

• Làm ướt tóc với nhiều nước và giữ tóc thẳng trong lúc gội, tránh vặn, xoắn gây tổn thương cho tóc.

• Quết từng lượng nhỏ dầu gội lên những vùng da dầu khác nhau để đảm bảo dầu bám đều và giúp làm sạch mọi vùng da đầu. Không nên cào, gãi quá mạnh sẽ làm tổn thương da đầu và gây nên gầu.

• Làm sạch tóc với nhiều nước và nên massage da đầu trước khi dùng dầu xả để máu được lưu thông đều và da đầu được thư giãn.

• Đừng quên dùng dầu xả mỗi lần gội. Chất xút trong dầu gội đã rửa sạch chất nhờn và lượng nước trong tóc khiến nó bị không và chẻ ngọn. Dầu xả chính là cứu tinh thay thế tuyến bã nhờn ở da đầu, cung cấp lớp màng bảo vệ tóc. Dầu xả chỉ cần lưu trên tóc khoảng 1-2 phút là đủ. Dùng qua nhiều dầu xả hay gội lai không sạch, tóc sẽ bết và dễ bị ngứa.

• Nhiều phụ nữ tin rằng gội đầu bằng nước lạnh sẽ tốt hơn cho lớp biểu bì bên ngoài của tóc, nhưng hiện vẫn chưa có cơ sở khoa học nào chứng mình điều đó. Cách tốt nhất là gội đầu bằng nước ấm, tránh nước quá nóng sẽ làm tóc xơ gãy.

• Dùng tay vuốt nước nhẹ nhàng theo chiều tóc thẳng, thấm khăn nhẹ nhàng để tóc khô, tránh việc dùng khăn tắm cuốn, vặn, vắt tóc làm gãy rụng.

• Đừng lạm dụng máy sấy. Nếu quá vội hay muốn tạo kiểu, hãy sấy ở nấc nhiệt độ trung bình để tránh tổn thương tóc.

Đừng lạm dụng máy sấy

Gầu là chuyện nhỏ!

Gầu là một vị khách không mời rất khó chịu, nhưng bạn hoàn toàn có cách đối phó, nếu biết được:

• Gầu cơ bản là lớp vảy da đầu xuất hiện do một loại nấm - vi khuẩn - trên bề mặt da đầu. Nguyên nhân gây ra gầu có thể do bạn sử dụng dầu gội không đúng cách, gội đầu nhưng xả nước không sạch, dầu gội đầu có nhiều chất nhờn hoặc chất tẩy rửa mạnh: tinh thần bị căng thẳng, bất an, mất ngủ...

• Thời gian ghé thăm da đầu của gầu thường kéo dài và thường xuyên, trong độ tuổi 15-35.

• Khi nào bạn nên gặp bác sĩ? Chỉ khi đã thử nhiều loại dầu gội trị gầu có chứa ZPT (Zinc Pyrithione) - một dạng hạt không dễ hòa tan trong nước, sẽ vẫn bám trên da đầu để giúp bạn trị nấm. Tùy theo mức độ vi khuẩn, vi nấm mà bác sĩ sẽ kê đơn thuốc phối hợp trị cả vi khuẩn và vi nấm, uống và bôi tại chỗ vùng bị gầu.

• Làm gì để ngăn chặn gầu? Nếu có thói quen ăn quá nhiều vào ban đêm, bạn hãy tạm biệt nó, bởi các bác sĩ phát hiện ra rằng những người ăn nhiều về đêm dễ bị đổ mồ hôi khi ngủ và mồ hôi khi xuất hiện ở da đầu sẽ là môi trường lý tưởng để phát triển gầu. Bên cạnh đó, các bác sĩ cũng khuyên bạn nên gội đầu và chải đầu thường xuyên, luôn vệ sinh lược sạch sẽ, không nên dùng chung lược để tránh lây lan vi khuẩn, vi nấm. Để có mái tóc đẹp và sạch gầu, tốt nhất không nên lạm dụng dầu gội, nhất là những loại có chất tẩy rửa mạnh, mà thay vào đó là các thảo dược từ thiên nhiên, như chanh và bồ kết.

baby, if you're not serious about this, tell me now. Tell me, Sarah, because I don't know if I can stop later." He raised his head to stare down at her, the dark, gray-blue eyes were heavy lidded, his face shadowed, his breathing rough. Sarah raised her hand to touch his lips, feeling the exciting warmth, the swollen curves that tempted her as nothing else could. "Take me home, Brock," she whispered. "Take me home to my bed. I want you there with me, all night." The silence of the night was filled with nothing now but their harsh breaths, their needs. "I won't let you go tonight," he growled. "All night, Sarah. I'll keep my cock buried in you all night long." She took a deep, hard breath. "The night is moving fast, Brock. If we waste any more time, that won't be for long." He moved fast. He jerked the door to the jeep open and helped her quickly inside before closing her door carefully and moving quickly to his own. The jeep started and within seconds he was pulling quickly from the driveway. Heavy intent lined his expression, tautened his powerful body. They rode in silence, and as each minute drew them closer to her house, Sarah realized the ache in her body only grew. Grew until it was a hunger, a need, something she was terrified she would never be free of. CHAPTER THREE Maybe it was the beer. Maybe it was the fact that today she had signed away the last six years of her life. She had finally convinced Mark to sign the divorce papers. Waiting until he was furious, outraged at the fact he believed he had finally gone through the last penny of her inheritance. He wasn't aware he had only gone through the portion bequeathed to her by her mother. Or maybe it was the fact that Brock was so dangerous, so sexual, so intensely male that she just couldn't forget, nor resist his touch any longer. She had spent her adult life so far fighting the attraction, the need, until she was weak, starved for his kiss and his touch as she had never starved for anything. Whatever the reason, Sarah found herself letting them both into her home late that night, and trying to stem the attack of nerves that left her hands shaking. Could she satisfy him? Of course, she knew it wasn't possible. But she knew she would try. She knew she had to. "You're trembling." Brock August took the keys from her fingers and laid them on the small antique desk just inside the door. Sarah shrugged. Why was she shaking? It wasn't like she was a virgin with her first man. Or was she? Brock August was definitely not in her league, so wouldn't that qualify as a cherry of sorts? She stifled her runaway laughter at that thought. "I'm not used to bringing men home with me," she finally sighed as she turned and faced him. Damn, he was gorgeous. Sensual knowledge glittered in his eyes, sexual intent lit the banked fires that were said to burn hot and bright. Rumors of his sexual prowess, his carnal desires had been running rampant through Madison for years. Sarah was under no illusions that she could hold this man's attention longer than it would take for him to climax and walk back out of her life. But the illusion he gave her satisfied her need to believe, just for a little while. "Women perhaps?" He angled his head as he asked the question, watching her curiously. Sarah felt the heat that seared her face at his question. "No," she bit out. "Not women. Why would you ask me something like that?" He sighed, a small smile quirking his lips. "You are a very beautiful woman, Sarah. There are no rumors of you taking lovers, or wild weekends, despite your husband's infidelities. I was merely curious if you had a female 'friend' instead." He stressed the friend part. The look in his eyes said the thought would do little to dampen his desire. Sarah had a feeling it would only heighten it. She shook her head. "No lovers, male or female." She nearly choked on the words as he began to crowd her slowly against the wall. He was big and broad, hot and hard. Her hands flattened on the tight muscles of his stomach as he pressed against her, feeling them clench, tauten in anticipation. "You have one now," he whispered, his hands going to her hips, his fingers testing the flesh there. "Or at least, you will have if you don't shake yourself to death first." He was almost smiling at her. His full lips were tilted in a sort of half grin, his expression was patient, if a bit amused. He was so handsome he took her breath. "I didn't expect you to still be interested," she said a bit desperately, staring up at him, wondering at the sudden flare of intensity in his eyes. "You're very much out of my league, Brock. Then and now." "There's a class system, then?" he asked her gently as his head lowered, his lips smoothing over her jaw line as her breath caught in her throat. "Just for you and your brothers," she gasped weakly. His lips were warm, his breath moist and caressing as a hand framed her face, tilting it so he could stroke his lips under her jaw. His soft laughter raced through her blood stream, pooling between her thighs as the muscles clenched in arousal. She couldn't believe Brock August was touching her. That his mouth was sipping at her skin as though he found the taste of her pleasant. Quiet, unassuming Sarah Tate had drawn the interest of this man, for this night, once again. She could barely comprehend it. But he was definitely here, holding her, one hand caressing her hip above the light cotton of her sun dress, the other holding her neck lightly as he tilted her head so he could experiment with the soft skin beneath her jaw. She was shivering with the pleasure. She couldn't contain her gasps, her little whimpers of delight as his tongue reached out and stroked her skin. She couldn't stop her hips from lifting against him when he pressed his jean-covered erection against the softness of her lower belly. She couldn't stop her strangled cry when his lips finally covered hers heatedly. He took her mouth as though he needed her taste to survive. His lips moved over hers, his tongue stroking past them, tangling with hers as he groaned against them. Sarah's hands rose to his shoulders, her nails bit into the soft shirt he wore as she pressed her breasts desperately against his chest. His kiss was addicting, the taste of his lips, his tongue like a dark, seductive liquor. His body, hard and carefully controlled, moved against hers. The muscles were tense, his hands moving her. His kiss overpowered, washed over her with darting shafts of electric sizzles throughout her body. She couldn't believe this was happening. She wanted to relish each moment of it. Every touch, every kiss. Oh God, was he groaning like that because her touch pleased him? She stroked her fingers over the side of his neck again, gasping as he bent his knees and drove his hips against the vee of her thighs, his moan dark. Dangerous. Like an animal anticipating the coming meal. The sound exhilarated her, made her bolder, more confident. She had spent too many years in a sexual void. Mark's infidelities had ruled out sex with him. His claim that she was frigid, that her body did nothing to excite him, had left her too unsure to seek another lover. Until now. Until the dreams and the need and the sexual cravings had pushed her further than her fragile control could bear. Brock's lips moved from hers and swept over her jaw again. He asked for nothing. He took, he stroked over her, claiming her, stealing any resistance she may have thought to have. She angled her head, desperate to taste the tanned flesh of his neck as his mouth ate at her skin. Her tongue stroked and he stilled, a shudder wracking his body. "I'm sorry." She drew back, suddenly frightened. Why had he stopped? What had she done wrong? "Sorry?" He was breathing roughly as stared at her. "Why are you sorry? Damn, Sarah-love, why did you stop?" "You liked that?" She couldn't stop her incredulous whisper. Mark had hated to be touched on his neck. Brock's face was sexually flushed, his eyes glittering behind heavily lashed lids. "I don't know," he growled. "Do it again, for a long time, so I can decide." She saw the gentle teasing in his eyes and moaned in longing. He bent close again, rubbing his neck against her chin, and it was all the encouragement she needed. Her lips rubbed over the heated flesh of his neck, her tongue licking delicately as she savored the taste of his skin, her teeth nipping at his flesh, hearing him groan deep and low as his hands roved over her back, her hips, then began to draw the material of her dress to her thighs. His taste intoxicated her. She couldn't get enough. Those strong fingers seared her flesh as he stroked the skin of her outer thigh, and the way his thigh tucked itself between the bared flesh of hers sent a feminine thrill of sexual heat pulsing through her body. She felt fevered, each taste of him making her crazier by the second as her mouth moved along his neck, her fingers pulling at his shirt frantically as she fought to taste more of him. His chest. She needed to stroke her tongue over the hard muscles of his chest, test and taste the resiliency of his skin. "Sarah-love," he growled as her fingers fought with the buttons of his shirt. She trembled, shaking so hard she couldn't manage to release the slippery little devils from their mooring. "Easy, baby. We have all night. It's okay." "I can't wait," she cried out, mortally ashamed of the clawing need that had her humping his thigh with tight, desperate movements. It had been so long since she had known a man's touch. Had she known a man's touch after Brock's, all those years ago? Her husband had never made her feel this way. The touch of his hands on her body had been moist, not firm and dry and work calloused. She was burning alive, crying out as she fought desperately to release the burning tightness in her lower body. The harsh, driving ache that made her aware of her own emptiness, the ache in her clit, and the desperate rush of moisture soaking through her panties. She felt the perspiration that dotted her skin, the sudden fullness of her breasts as his hands whispered over them. Oh God, he was releasing the small buttons, his movements deft and sure as the edges fell apart and her full breasts were revealed. She closed her eyes, terrified of seeing the same disappointment she had seen in Mark's eyes. Her body bucked. She cried out, her fingers clenching at his shoulders as she felt the heated moisture of his mouth on her nipples. It was too much. She fought for air as the little bud hardened to the point of pain. She fought to still the racing of her heart, but the scrape of his teeth wouldn't allow it. She was desperate for him. Dying, aching inside unlike anything she had known in her life. If he didn't take her soon she knew she would die. "Bedroom," he growled as he moved to the next breast, covering it, nipping at the sensitive bud as she arched in his arms, her hands holding him tight to her. Who needed a bedroom? Her head fell back against the wall as his thigh ground against the moist center between her thighs. "Now, Sarah. The fucking bedroom." He jerked the dress to her waist as his lips went to her neck, drawing the flesh between his lips, licking erotically, biting at her skin with hot, desperate nips. She couldn't think. Where was the bedroom? She felt her panties tear. She heard the rend of the material as his lips covered hers harshly, his tongue sweeping in possessively as his fingers pushed between her thighs. Sarah stilled. Breath suspended, eyes opened wide in disbelief, she stared at him as his fingers plunged inside her. Sarah cried out harshly, wondering if she should be ashamed that she was so wet, so desperate that the sticky fluid seemed to gush over his fingers. "Son of a bitch," he groaned, his eyes dark, his face flushed. "Too fucking late for the bedroom now, Sarah." He dropped to his knees as she stared at him in surprise. His hands pushed her thighs apart, then as one hand held the dress to her waist, the other slid out of her hot entrance and his mouth consumed her. Sarah shuddered, crying out desperately as she felt his tongue swipe through the slick folds of skin. He was licking her. Oh God, like a cat licking at cream, he was licking her, groaning in pleasure at her taste. He was making hot, desperate sounds of hunger as he drew the wetness into his mouth, savoring it. She felt her womb tighten, spasm and more of the hot cream seeped from her vagina. She couldn't stand it. Sarah felt her knees weakening as the pleasure rose inside her. It gripped her stomach, tightening it almost painfully as the waves of near ecstasy washed over her again and again. Her hands were clenched on his shoulders, her thighs spread wide, his lips and tongue playing with her clit as his fingers thrust repeatedly into the hot channel that wept with the attention. She knew she was spiraling out of control. The fires searing her body were making her buck against his mouth, thrust into his fingers, tightening her body, drawing her into a vortex of such mind numbing pleasure that she exploded. Sarah heard her own keening cry as she felt her body come apart. She tightened, thrust against his immoveable mouth and lost her breath as extreme pleasure flooded her entire being, bursting over her flesh and leaving her shaking, gasping in completion as she slowly wilted.Gầu là chuyện nhỏ!

Gầu là một vị khách không mời rất khó chịu, nhưng bạn hoàn toàn có cách đối phó, nếu biết được:

• Gầu cơ bản là lớp vảy da đầu xuất hiện do một loại nấm - vi khuẩn - trên bề mặt da đầu. Nguyên nhân gây ra gầu có thể do bạn sử dụng dầu gội không đúng cách, gội đầu nhưng xả nước không sạch, dầu gội đầu có nhiều chất nhờn hoặc chất tẩy rửa mạnh: tinh thần bị căng thẳng, bất an, mất ngủ...

• Thời gian ghé thăm da đầu của gầu thường kéo dài và thường xuyên, trong độ tuổi 15-35.

• Khi nào bạn nên gặp bác sĩ? Chỉ khi đã thử nhiều loại dầu gội trị gầu có chứa ZPT (Zinc Pyrithione) - một dạng hạt không dễ hòa tan trong nước, sẽ vẫn bám trên da đầu để giúp bạn trị nấm. Tùy theo mức độ vi khuẩn, vi nấm mà bác sĩ sẽ kê đơn thuốc phối hợp trị cả vi khuẩn và vi nấm, uống và bôi tại chỗ vùng bị gầu.

• Làm gì để ngăn chặn gầu? Nếu có thói quen ăn quá nhiều vào ban đêm, bạn hãy tạm biệt nó, bởi các bác sĩ phát hiện ra rằng những người ăn nhiều về đêm dễ bị đổ mồ hôi khi ngủ và mồ hôi khi xuất hiện ở da đầu sẽ là môi trường lý tưởng để phát triển gầu. Bên cạnh đó, các bác sĩ cũng khuyên bạn nên gội đầu và chải đầu thường xuyên, luôn vệ sinh lược sạch sẽ, không nên dùng chung lược để tránh lây lan vi khuẩn, vi nấm. Để có mái tóc đẹp và sạch gầu, tốt nhất không nên lạm dụng dầu gội, nhất là những loại có chất tẩy rửa mạnh, mà thay vào đó là các thảo dược từ thiên nhiên, như chanh và bồ kết.

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro
