24. Potential Enemies Are Back

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24. Potential Enemies Are Back

Levine didn't let his intuition get in the way much in their mission and kept on going. Following Erwin's plan, he did what any other soldier would do, even though he still hates that thick eyebrowed man.

"Levine, wait a minute," Mikasa said, catching their tempo-captain's attention, but neither of them stopped.

"What is it, Mikasa?" He asked and the girl glared towards the left side of their current position.

"I feel something weird," Levine trusts her intuition. Not just because she is an essential soldier, but also because Hazel is giving her some pointers about combat and other things. Talk about enemies turned besties.

"Are you sure it's not nature's calling?" Sasha asked as Connie gave her a look before sighing.

"Levine, you better inform the Commander about this," Mikasa suggested, but Levine clicked his tongue.

"Not now--'

"Levine!" Armin exclaimed, making the whole squad look at him. The teen have a horrified look so they were curious what made him act that way and that was answered when a huge blond titan came running towards them in a human-like way.

"That...That looks like a shifter!" Jean exclaimed and Levine clicked his tongue before giving out commands.

"Ready yourselves, men! Sasha and Armin, go to Erwin and tell him what's happening. The rest of you, do as much as you can to suppress that sh*t!" They all responded and did what Levine said. He took out a flare and shut up a signal, surely everyone including Erwin saw that.

"Eren!" Levine called but the younger boy already covered his head with a hood. This guy might be after him like the previous one is.

"Wait! He seems familiar!" Jean said as the titan runs closer.


"I got it! But it's still impossible!" Jean said, getting to Levine's nerve. This is a life-and-death situation and he decide to stall?

"What the f*cling hell are you talking about?! Damn it!" Levine scolded and Jean turned to him.

"That's a guy from the Braugstein Clan! I fought him a year ago!" Jean said and the rest of the squad looked at him, but there was no time for any of them to speak.

The titan with blond hair is already in front of them and is readying to kick Connie. The bald teen's eyes widened, but due to his quick reflexes, he planted his hook on the titan's skin and maneuvered away from the impact.

"Sh*t! That was close!"

Eren's eyes widened when he noticed the titan's eyes are green.

"Blonde and green eyes...a Braugstein," he muttered as the titan tried striking again, this time towards Levine. He clicked his tongue and clutched his weapon, maneuvering away and landing on his nape. He swooped closer to its nape, but it swatted him like a fly, earning horrified look from his comrades.

"Levine!" Eren and Connie screamed, but they noticed that the titan's hands started moving, and a scream was heard.

Levine came bursting out in a spiral action, tearing the titan's hands apart. Once he was out, Levine clicked his tongue and hooked his gear to the side of the titan and didn't wasted a time to target the nape again.

"F*ck you piece of sh*t! It'll take me a while to enjoy seeing your face battered up!!" he yelled and cut its nape, careful not to cut whoever is inside. Steam came rushing out as Levine felt its heat on his own skin.

The bofy dropped, but thanks to his hooks, Levine stayed on its back. Once he cut himself through, an unfamiliar teen looking around fourteen or fifteen came into view with blond hair. He was uncincious.

"Jean, Eren help this guy out," Levine told them and the two obliged as he jumped down the body while wiping his hands with a handkercheif.

"What did you see in there?" Connie asked and Levine just nudged his head towards the two who have a surprised expressions.

"This is like a dream," Jean said, slinging one of the teen's arms over his shoulders.

"It's one of the Braugsteins that suicide a year ago. Micheal."


After everyone heard the news, they find it irrelevant to continue further so they retreated back to the walls, but they were still small casualties since there isn't enough Levine to go around.

Micheal, the not-so-dead Braugstein kid, is still unconcious in one of the carts  guarded by Jean and Eren.

Levine heard about the mass suicide of the Braugstein Clan a few months before he joined the regimen. The entire remaining Braugstein committed a somewhat hara-kiri when Hazel and Levi killed their leader, Hazel's uncle.

"Seriously, what's with those two killing their uncles?" Yami asked and Levine pulled his hood up to make sure no one saw him moving his lips to talk.

"Isn't it odd to know that that boy is still alive after they all suicide right infront of the whole Scouting Regime?" He asked Yami and the similar looking man nodded.

"Any theories, Captain?" He asked, shrugging and Levine looked up front to the gates of the wall.

"None yet. Unlike the other people here, I know least about that mass suicide. But it's possible that that boy is seeking revenge," he said, looking over to the cart where the shifter lies. He is starting to have bad feelings about this.


The Survey Corps went back to the safety of the walls, being greeted by some confused, horrified and grieving citizens that lost loved ones.

Levine feels indifferent though. And up until now, he haven't seen a single corpse. Heck, he never took a glimpse to the dead bodies.

"You have a weird focus on things. Up to the part where you don't even look at the corpses," Yami stated as he walk beside Levine and Zorro.

"I just tend to focus on the important things and set aside the trivial," Levine told him and Yam I made a face and smirked.

"You will make a whole literal meaning of 'don't look at other women' if you ever get a girl to date," Levine gagged at this but Historia's face flashed into his mind making him blush. Yami looked at him with a smirk and eyebrow raised.

"Levine, what will we tell Hazel-san?" Armin asked as Levine looked at him, "This is one of her cousins that she thought was dead."

"Don't worry about it. I know she'll take it well," he assured him, "Besides, she's my ex-crush now sister-in-law who actually have the guts to marry my brother."

"Okay--wait! Ex-crush?" Armin exclaimed, eyes going wide but Levine didn't said a word. Yami on the other hand, bursted into fits of laughter.

"Oh damn! You finally said that?"

After a few more minutes, they arrived in the HQ and Levine didn't bother to help in unloading the carts and just left them be after he settle his horse in the stables. He went to his brother's office, which Levi strictly told him to keep clean and organize, to file a report about the late expedition.

"Wait, do you even know how to make a report?" Yami asked making Levine realized that too.

"No," he flatly said and Yami sighed

"Why don't you ask Hange for help? Or go ask your brother?" Yami suggested but Levine gagged which quite surprised Yami and himself. Levine never gagged before.

"No. I'm sure Levi have some drafts or extra copies of his previous reports around here somewhere," Levine said, looking in the drawers, "I won't ask them for help."

"Really? Well, suit yourself. I'm still skeptical of that choice," Yami told him and in a blink of an eye he disappeared from Levine's sight. He let him be and search the papers in Levi's desk.

He come across various paperwork, all organized accordingly. What did he expect from his clean freak brother? Not that he has a problem about it. It actually made his search easier. He found his copies of previous reports and took a whole folder of it to study.

He took a whole half hour studying the copies and finally have an idea how to make a report. And finally, he will start writing one, until someone have to cut it short with a knock.

"Tch, who is it?" Levine asked, annoyance filling him in.

"It's me, Eren," the brunette said from the behind the door and Levine let him in. Eren saluted and Levine just nodded. Eren admits that that feels kind of awkward.

"So what is it?" Levine could get use to this superior stuff.

"The Commander told me to get you. Historia's here," at that moment, Levine felt excitement and annoyance at the same time.

"Urgh. Tell him I'm busy," Levine said, rolling his eyes.

"He said to come. Even Heichou, Hazel-san and baby Louis came," Eren said making Levine growl internally.

"Do I really have to?" He mumbled and Eren held back a laugh. He sounds like a kid, Eren thought. Sighing in frustration, Levine stood up from his seat and fixed the stacks of papers before fixing his own outfit.

"Alright. But don't expect me to like it."

"Yes...sir?" This whole 'Levine is the captain now' is still awkward for Eren. He's like a shut-in, somewhat naive and quirky older brother than a superior.

"Tch, what a drag."


A/N: Attention, guys! I just published a new story! It's an BnHA (My Hero Academia) fanfic.

It's called This' Where My Demons Hide

Hope you, guys read it!

~RSE out

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