4 - different now

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he looks......


of course, everything is different now. no one has been the same ever since.

his hair has grown out a bit with not a hint of gel in sight. his platinum hair fell into his eyes and over his pale face. he's paler than i've ever seen him. his skin is like porcelain and his eyes are empty and hollow. he hasn't seemed to have slept in a while.

of course, i haven't either.

we've been drinking coffee in silence for a while.

"so... what brings you here?" i ask. more silence.

"they keep staring at me," he says finally.


"god- everyone. it's like they're waiting for me to snap."

suddenly, i can finally see him correctly. he was a huge question mark. i wasn't sure what to expect. but this- it's like looking in a mirror.

"yeah... me too."


"i've been avoiding the wizarding world for a month now. i rented an apartment in london."

"me too. except i just locked myself in my house for two months and hoped no one noticed i was gone."

i stared at him.

"it worked." he said before taking a long sip of his coffee. "but yeah your solution is better."

"so what are you gonna do? you can't lock yourself in your masion forever." i said.

"manor," he correctly.

"oh, i'm sorry, my lord. your manor,"

his face twitched and i wonder if it was almost a smile.

i sort of felt sorry for him. he hasn't spoken to a single soul in months. i've been so caught up in my own sorrows and nightmares, i haven't thought to reach out to him. at least i had ron and hermione and luna and neville and the weaselys to care for me. he's been alone for months. maybe for his whole life.

"i could use a room mate." i say suddenly.


"the apartment has two bedrooms. the rent could be split. it gets lonely sometimes. it's located within walking distance of tons of shops and restaurants. it's right near here." i wasn't even sure what i was saying anymore.

"you're saying..."

"do you wanna..." i was starting to wonder if i'll regret this impulse decision later.

"i'll think about it."

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