Back on the Grid

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3rd Pov

The TV news shows that the Russian President, Boris Vorshevsky, has gone missing.

"RUSSIAN PRESIDENT IS MISSING; Disappeared only hours ago... US government are in talks. Evidence points to extremist groups."

News Reporter: The Russian President never arrived in Hamburg for the peace summit. With his whereabouts currently unknown, no one is certain what this means for the peace treaty...

As Viper, Price, a recovered Soap, and Yuri discuss Makarov's next move, intel - maps, pictures, and notes, are placed on the wall.

Viper: What happened?

Soap: Looks like Makarov just played his next hand.

Price: If he puts himself back on the grid, he wants it to be known.

Soap: So where do we start hunting?

Yuri: Africa. Makarov's been using local paramilitary group to move shipments into Sierra Leone. From there, they go towards Morocco, and into Spain.

Yuri draws key locations of Makarov's shipments on the map – Sierra Leone, to Morocco, to Spain, indicating his next target is London, UK.

Soap: He's moving north... 

Price: Right towards her majesty's doorstep. What's the cargo?

Yuri: I don't know... but it's important to him.

Viper: If that is important to Makarov, then that is important to us.

Soap points on the map an airport in Sherbro, Sierra Leone, and marks a river that goes inland. Pictures of a factory in a camp are shown holding Makarov's cargo.

Soap: We can use the river to get in close. There's a factory in the camp where they store the shipments... The PRF's been waging genocide in the highlands for months. They'll be everywhere. 

Price links pictures of Makarov's associates and security feeds from the massacre are shown.

Price: Makarov wouldn't let this travel lightly if it didn't serve a greater purpose... and chances are the bastard will be there personally to see things off. 

Viper: If he's back on the grid, then so are we.

Yuri surfaces in a river in Sierra Leone. He pulls out his M14 EBR Scoped Suppressed and quietly locks and loads. Soap and Price emerge from the water. Viper was the last to emerge from the water.

Price: Nikolai, we're just outside the village.

Nikolai: Copy. I'll pick you up in one hour.

Price: The factory isn't far from here. Makarov's cargo should be there. Keep it silent. Let's move.

They begin to move out of the river and make their way to the village.

Soap: Maintain a low profile. The militia's all over this area.

Viper: Soap, don't be a dick and try not to die this time.

Soap: You worry about yourself, brother.

[October 5th– 18:27:39]

[Viper MacTavish]

[Task Force 141 - Disavowed]

[Sierra Leone, Africa]

We come to a small bridge, a couple vehicles carrying militia come from the road.

Soap: Vehicles approaching.

Price: Get down.

They hide in the tall grass while I activated Octocamo on my suit. While it activated the Octocamom, it changes color of the grass and sand. I put up a mini map at the top right of my Radar. The vehicles stop and drop off one militiaman.

Militia: I think I saw something. You guys go on ahead. I'll stay and patrol.

The vehicles leave and the militiaman walks towards the river. The militiaman sees Soap, but before he could react, Soap sticks a knife into the militiaman's throat and throws his body into the river.

Price: Move.

We move up the road but remain hidden in the tall grass. We spotted two militiamen near a shed moving bodies.

(Y/n): Two x-rays, eleven o'clock.

Price: Take 'em out.

Yuri snipes one and Price quietly snipe another out.

Soap: Clear.

(Y/n): Just like old times.

I deactivated the OctoCamo as we move through the shed, we can hear a group of militiamen preparing to execute a villager.

Soap: They're gonna torch the poor bastard.

(Y/n): Let's light them up before they light him up.

Soap: You do it.

(Y/n): Okay then.

I take out my pistol and fire on the militiamen and shot him before he drops the lighter on the civilian.

Price: Take them out.

I jump over the fence and stabbed his throat with my knife and stabbed another. Soap shoot one more behind me with his sniper. I grabbed my knife and pull it out of their bodies.

(Y/n): Thank you.

Yuri eliminated the last one by shooting his head with his sniper.

Price: Move.

I followed Price and Soap looked at me with a cocky smirk.

Soap: Show off.

(Y/n): You told me to do it myself.

As we move up, Price sees two militiamen and a couple villagers, hands tied.

Price: Tangos up ahead.

As we got more closer, we see vehicles come from the left.

Price: Hold your fire. There's too many of them.

The vehicles drive down the road.

Price: Don't do anything stupid, lads.

After the vehicles drive away, they see a third militiaman talking to the bound villagers and executing them one by one with a Five-Seven. He stops to taunt the last one, who pleads for mercy, before plugging him as well. The militiamen move on to rejoin the others.

Price: Alright, get ready. Move.

The 141 sneaks past them. The vehicles from earlier appear on the road ahead.

Price: Get off the road! Get down! Now!

(Y/n): Reactivate Octocamo.

I reactivated the Octocamo on my armor and hide in the tall grass to the left and go prone next to Yuri and Soap.

Price: Easy.

The vehicles pass us, their stereos booming with rap music. A few more militiamen follow behind the truck on foot, chatting to each other.

Price: All clear.

We come out of the grass and into a shed by the road.

Soap: Hold up.

A group of militiamen walk past us. I activate the Soliton Radar by shutting my mask. When my mask closed, a white line scan the area making the surroundings blue. I look through the wall and see the heat signature, which are red and a yellow dot in the center of those heat signatures. They are right behind the wall but they are still walking. After they walk past us, we got out of the way and I gave them a sign.

(Y/n): Clear.

The rest of the 141 followed me and we see two militiamen standing on a bridge.

Soap: Two more on the bridge. We'll have to take them down.

Price: Wait for the truck to pass.

The truck drives past the bridge.

Price: Drop 'em.

Price and Soap snipe the two militiamen.

Soap: You haven't made a move kid.

(Y/n): Looks like I've gotten rusty.

Price: Move up.

Price and Soap drag the two bodies off the bridge and hide them in the river. We arrive at the edge of the village. Soap motions the both me and Yuri to hold as Price holds at the entrance and a militiaman patrols by. Price takes out his knife, throws the militiaman at the wall and knifes him at the back of the neck, killing him. 

(Y/n): Not bad.

We proceed to the village.

Soap: I see the factory. It's just up the road.

Price: Right. Soap and I will advance. Viper, you're on overwatch. Get to a position on the roof and cover us.

(Y/n): I guess we can't get everything we want.

Price, Yuri and Soap move further into the village while I climb into the ladder to the roof. On top, a militiaman is sleeping in a chair. I takes out my sword.

(Y/n): Oi, Suzy.

He quickly gets up and spots me. He points his gun at me, but I instantly chopped him to pieces.

After slicing him to sushi, I grabbed his organs and crushed them.

(Y/n): Too slow.

I sat on the chair and gets in position and see the others take out a couple more militiamen and hide in a house.

Price: Hostiles approaching, 5 meters.

Two militiamen walk out of a house ahead. I aimed my sniper and take them out.

Soap: Two more from the west. Take 'em down.

Two more walk out of a house on the left. I shoot them down with a single bullet.

Soap: Moving up.

The three move further into the village.

Soap: Another patrol on the road. Take 'em out quick.

Three militiamen walk in on the road ahead from the left. I quickly take them out.

(Y/n): If Artoria would change my codename, I think I would be called Solid Snake. Maybe Liquid Snake. What about Gas Snake? Then again, Gas Snake sounds stupid.

Price: Oi.

(Y/n): Sorry, keep moving.

Soap: Moving.

Price: Moving.

Yuri run up to the factory at the end of the village.

Price: Breaching now.

He kicks in the door and he and Soap enter the factory.

Price: Clear.

Soap: Clear? This place is bloody empty.

Price: Nikolai, the factory is a dead end. No sign of Makarov.

Nikolai: He must have moved to the militia's headquarters at the center of town.

Price: We're moving there now.

Soap: Heads up, we've got company.

Large numbers of militia come out of the village and move in towards the factory.

Price: We're compromised!

I jumped off the roof and run to regroup with Price.

Price: Switch to your AK.

Yuri takes out his AK-47 Suppressed w/ Red Dot while I take out my machine gun which is improved again. Militia appear in front of him and he engages.

Price: Viper, run! Rally on me!

I make my way to the factory. I meet up with the guys, who jump-rolls away from an explosion, and engage more militia. I pulled out Excalibur and shut my face mask tight.

Price: Guys, push forward!

I deflect the bullets with Excalibur and continue to engage militia and helped the 141 push forward into the village. I stabbed one militia's head and shoot three more coming towards me. I impale my arm inside the body and crushed his organs.

Soap: Area clear. Through here! Let's go!

I followed Soap as he move into a house and climb up a ladder.

Soap: I think they know we're here.

(Y/n): No shit, bro!

Price: All that matters is Makarov's cargo. Keep moving.

A truck appears from the left side of the battlefield.

Price: Technical dead ahead!

Yuri fires on the gunner and kills him. More militia are coming from the right.

Price: Yuri, man the .50 cal. and lay down cover fire! Put fire on the technical!

He climbs up the back of the truck, pushes the dead body away, and mans the .50 cal. turret. He fires on the incoming militia. I jump behind cover and pull out my machine gun for cover fire.

Price: Enemy, rooftop, right!

He shifts fire at the enemies on the rooftop on the right side. More militia appear ahead of us.

(Y/n): Contact front!

Yuri: Got visual!

He shifts fire to the front at incoming militia. More militia appear on his left but I got in front and shoot them before they can take the kill.

Price: Contact left!

Yuri shifts fire to the left. He spots a barrel next to the group of militia and shot the it, blowing it up and killing the group.

Soap: Another technical incoming! Take it out!

Price: Contact front!

Soap: Right! Right!

Yuri aims at the technical, killing the gunner and destroying the vehicle. He continues to fire the machine gun at the militia. Then large explosions blow up around him.

Soap: Mortar fire inbound! Hold on!

A mortar explodes on Yuri's vehicle, knocking him off. The wrecked vehicle lands feet in front of him. While Soap runs to him, Yuri and I follow to avoid the mortars.

(Y/n): Get up! We got to get the hell out of here!

I pulled Yuri on his feet. He sees a large group of militia coming.

(Y/n): Shit! The whole militia is headed straight for us!

Price: Don't stop moving, or they'll dial in on us!

The 141 begin to run through the village, dodging incoming mortar fire.

Soap: Mortar incoming!

A mortar blows up a house on the right corner as we all turn left. We ran through a shed and out through the village.

Price: Incoming left!

A mortar blows up a house ahead of us. Even with all of this firepower, it didn't stop us from running. Yuri and the rest continue to run through the village.

Soap: Go, go, go!

I jump up the ladder and grabbed Price before running across the rooftops.

Soap: Keep moving!

Price and I run on rooftops dodging more mortar fire.

Soap: Mortar incoming left!

(Y/n): Son of a bitch!!!

Yuri jumps down on another rooftop, but it collapses and he falls to the ground. When Yuri looks up, a militiaman raises up a machete blade.

Soap: Yuri!

Yuri fires and kills the militiaman.

Price: Yuri, I see you! 

(Y/n): Whatever you do, just keep moving!

Yuri runs up the slope and regroups with us. As all of us come up Soap sees a tower where the militia are firing mortars.

Soap: They're firing mortars from that tower!

Price: Viper, Yuri, slot the bastards!

Yuri and I fired and kills the two militiamen at the tower.

(Y/n): Get terminated motherfucker!!

Soap: They're down. We got a large group of militia headed our way.

Price: Then let's give them a proper welcome. Yuri – man the on the roof.

Yuri runs up the stairs to the tower and grabs shells for the mortars.

Soap: Start putting shells downrange!

Price: Use the mortar and hose those bastards down!

Yuri turns it, aims it, and fires a mortar on a group of militia.

Price: Looks like two technicals and a bunch of troops. Light 'em up!

He sees two trucks moving in from the left. He aims the mortar and fires.

Price: All targets in the village are hostile! If it moves, put a mortar shell on it!

Soap: Keep firing the mortar!

He eliminates all the remaining enemies in the village.

(Y/n): Good shot!!

Price: That's good for now! Let's move! We need to hit the church. We're running out of time.

Soap: Through here.

Yuri rejoin with us at a drain tunnel. Soap removes the cover and goes in.

Price: Nikolai, approaching the church now. And you're sure the cargo will be there?

Nikolai: It's the only area they could have moved it to. If not there, then it's already on its way to Europe.

Soap: Let's hope he's right.

(Y/n): If not, then we are screwed.

We got out of the other side of the tunnel and move further into the village. I jump behind a house and throws a flashbang and ran towards the militia. The flashbang detonated and the only people who got affected were the group, giving me the advantage. I sliced all of them in half and then crushing all of their organs. I pulled out my pistol and shoot the sniper on the rooftop.

Soap: Area clear.

Price: Soap, get the door!

Soap and I run to a house on the left corner. He rams down the door and enter a burned basement. We come out of the other side, the church is ahead.

Soap: There's the church!

A helicopter is seen flying above towards the back of the church.

Soap: Price! There's the bird! They're moving the cargo!

Price: We're out of time! 

(Y/n): We have to get to that church now!

Militia come out of the surrounding buildings. I threw one flashbangs then two grenades. They spotted it, but I quickly shoot them before they can react.

Price: Push forward to the church!

I quickly picked up the explosives and throw the flashbang at the front of the church and then a grenade. They got killed by the explosions and I killed the rest of the injured troops with my second grenade.  I kick the door of the church. Militia and a couple hyenas come out of the building. Luckily Price, Yuri and Soap cover me.

Soap: Can't do everything?

(Y/n): I'm not Superman.

Price: Push forward to the church!

I grabbed the hyena and slammed its jaws on the other before shooting it head. The other militia shoot me, but the metallic part of my armor nullified the bullet's kinetic energy. 

(Y/n): My turn.

I pulled out my machine gun and pistol before killing all of them with a single shot.

Soap: Church is clear!

Price: Stack up on the door! Alright, lads. Let's do this.

Soap, Price and Yuri stack up on the door and I kicked it down. As soon as I did, a hyena jumps and grabs my left hand.

(Y/n): Not again!!

I freed my hand, holds back the hyena with my mechanical arm and with my left pulls out a pistol. I shoot the two militiamen and then shot three bullets into the hyena's head. As I get back up, the helicopter takes off with a load of boxes underneath it. Price and Soap advance, with Price pumping one militiaman full of bullets before both turn their attention and try to shoot down the helicopter.

Price: They're getting away with the cargo!

We all fire at the helicopter in an attempt to shoot it down, but to no avail. The helicopter escapes. Price executes the militiaman he severely wounded moments ago in frustration when he sees the guy pathetically try to reach for his weapon despite his condition.

Price: Damn! Nikolai, the shipment's gone. We missed our window.

Nikolai: What about Makarov?

Price: Must've done a runner. Just get us out of here.

Soap opens a crate, only to find it empty.

Soap: Empty. What do you think Makarov was after?

Price: We'll ask the bastard when we find him.

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