Blood Brothers

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3rd Pov

As time passes since the infiltration, the clock on the hotel fast forwards from 10pm to 6am. Later it is 7am, Makarov still has not arrived for his meeting.

Soap: Which vehicle will he be in? 

Yuri: They constantly rotate for security. We won't know until he steps out. 

Soap: You seem to know a lot about Makarov.

Price: Alpha One, radio check, over.

Soap: Bravo One, copy. We're dug in with line of sight.

Price: Right. Kamarov's our eyes and ears inside the hotel. Once he gives us the nod, we'll kick this off. What do you see?

Soap: Bugger-all, mate. Looks like Makarov's late for his own funeral.

Price: Sit tight until we can get a clean shot. Then you can put as many rounds on him as you like.

Soap: It'll only take one.

Price: Oi, rise and shine sleepyhead.

Viper: Ugh...  

[October 11th – 07:01:33]

[Viper MacTavish]

[Task Force 141 - Disavowed]

[Prague, Czech Republic]

We are on top of the hotel and Price is tying the rope against a statue.

(Y/n): Well, this is it.

Price: Don't get your hopes up yet.

(Y/n): I'm just saying. When this is all over, we can spend time together as a family.

Price: Yeah, it's been a bash.

(Y/n): Too bad Ghost and the others didn't make it...

I took out their dog tags. Just looking at these reminded me of their deaths; I stood there and watch them die. I wish I could've done something to save them.

(Y/n): But I'm sure their sacrifices are not in vain.

Price: Save those thoughts when we kill Makarov.

We hear a convoy of vehicles arriving just outside the hotel. 

Price: Heads up. Makarov's convoy is arriving now.

Soap: I see it. Four armored vehicles. No visual on Makarov yet.

The vehicles drive up to the entrance of the hotel and stop.

Soap: They're stopping in front of the hotel.

Price: Do you see him?

Soap: Aye. There's the bastard. Third vehicle.

Makarov can be seen sitting behind the driver of the third vehicle. He speaks to the guard, and momentarily looks up at Soap and Yuri's direction.

Soap: Shite. I think he's looking right at us.

Price: Easy. Just sit tight.

The vehicles drive and pull into the hotel's garage.

Soap: They're pulling in to the garage now.

Price: Alright, Kamarov. You're up.

There's no response.

(Y/n): Kamarov?

Price: Kamarov, do you read me?

Soap: Probably forgot to switch it on.

Price: Doesn't matter. Makarov's here. We move forward with the plan. We're in position. Ready?

I pulled out a flashlight. My radar zooms closer and I can see Yuri pointing his sniper at me.

Soap: We got you.

Price rappels down from the tower and stops short of the bottom of the clock. I did the same and wait for the the others to make a move. Yuri aims at the guards patrolling the balcony. Yuri fires, and Soap fires, taking out the guards.

(Y/n): Breaching.

The two of us rappels down to the balcony, pull down the windows curtains and enters the room. As more hostiles appear, Yuri and Soap take them out. I jump behind the desk next to Price for cover. I pulled out my pistols and shoot the two at the left corner of the room while Price shoots the other and Soap killing the last one. Once the Russian soldiers are killed the elevator doors in front of Price open, revealing a man strapped to a chair with C4.

Soap: What the hell? Price, who is that?

(Y/n): Kamarov?!

Kamarov: I'm sorry, Price.

Makarov: Captain Price. Ад ждёт тебя. (Hell awaits you.)

The C4 strapped onto Kamarov begins to beep a red light.

Soap: Price! Viper! Get out of there!

We ran out of the room just as the C4 detonates and Kamarov is killed. The explosion's shockwave scares off all the pigeons in the area. I dolphin dived to cover before the explosion blasted us. Price got out before the explosion and he is okay.

(Y/n): That was close.

Price: Viper-

We heard the explosions in Soap and Yuri's location. They roll off the roof and fall onto the construction boards and to the ground. My heart was racing from fear and worry. I keep running as fast as I possibly can and I see Soap partially covered in debris. I see Yuri trying to reach out to help him, but couldn't.

(Y/n): JOHNNY!!!

Under fire, Price fires an M203 round before clearing the debris off a bleeding Soap. I ran to check Soap's wounds.

(Y/n): Look at me! You're alright!

Price runs past me and pulls Yuri to his feet.

Price: Yuri! Grab him! We have to move now!

I stood in front of Soap for cover fire as Yuri helps Soap up, who continues to bleed badly. I don't know if it was gun shots, but I heard Soap saying something about Makarov, but now's not the time to ask questions. We start to run through the streets under heavy fire from infantry and armored vehicles. I throw two grenades at them as Price shot one grenade.

Price: Don't stop! Keep moving!

I quickly turned around and throw a flashbang at them, slowing them down. As we continue through the streets, Soap stumbles and Yuri tries to pull him to his feet. Price tosses a smoke grenade for cover. I ran to Yuri and quickly help Soap back up.

Price: Pick him up! We can't stay here. 

I look up and see the enemy bird hovering at us. I use myself to protect Soap by getting in front of the two. I block the bullets but some bullets cut the OctoCamo while others bounced off by the metal parts of my suit.

Price: C'mon, this way. We have to get off the street!

Soap: Ah, shite.

(Y/n): Hang on bro!!

The helicopter flies above us, giving me the change to help Yuri get off the street. Price blows a hole in a building with his M203.

Price: This way!

I followed Price as we move through the building and out the other side.

Price: Set him down.

Yuri and I set down Soap next to a dumpster. I really wish we can get a break, but because of the enemy bird flying somewhere, we'll be trapped sooner than later.

Soap: Just patch me up. Get me back in this.

Price gives Yuri his M4A1 as I scan all wounds on Soap; He's not in good conditions. There are multiple broken bones, scrapes from the debris falling on top of him and the wound Shepherd gave him re-opened.

(Y/n): You can't fight in this condition. 

Price: It's not safe here. We have to move.

While I pulled my machine gun, Price puts Soap's arm over his shoulder and takes the lead. They are walking, Soap is trailing blood behind him. I'm beginning to worry if he's not going to make it, but I can't doubt myself yet.

Price: C'mon.

Soap: We need... Nikolai... get us out...

Price kicks down a door into a store.

Price: That chopper's circling back around! We have to move!

Soap stumbles a bit and Price helps him up.

Price: C'mon, Soap! You can make it! Viper, Yuri, take point and cover us.

I nodded and ran past him. Yuri hesitated, but nodded. We entered the store as Russians enter the store too.

Price: Viper, clear the store! We need to get the hell out of here!

Yuri took the back side of the store as I took the front. I shoot three Russian soldiers while Yuri slammed another with a back of his gun. 

[Behind you]

I quickly turned my head and blocked the knife with Excalibur. I grabbed his wrist and forced him to lost his arm by taking Excalibur out and cutting through his arm. Afterwards, I then shot his head before kicking his corpse outside the window. Suddenly, a Russian comes at the door and Soap shoots him with his pistol.

Price: Nice shot, son.

Soap: I can still teach you a thing or two, old man.

We move outside and we spotted the enemy bird above us.

Price: We're moving up to the statue! 

I ran in front of Price to block off the bullets again. I didn't care about my suit getting ripped to shreds, I only care about Johnny's safety at this point.

Price: Keep 'em off of us!

While Yuri and I are distracting the Russians firing at them, more infantry and the helicopter appear above the right rooftop.

Soap: On the roof! Right side!

I turned around and see more troops on the roof. I switched Excalibur to my machine gun and shoot them down. Yuri runs to my left side and shoot more soldiers in the building.

Price: We can't stay here. C'mon, this way.

(Y/n): Yuri, cover them!!

Yuri runs to Price and covered the two as they move to an office building. I brace myself again for more heavy firepower. The soldier's guns are useless against my suit, however that doesn't mean it's invincible. My inner part of the suit is getting torn apart, but like I said, I don't give a damn about that. Once the others got inside, I run towards them in front in case if there was any ambush coming to strike.

Price: Through here! Let's go!

We move out to the street. As we got outside, we hear gunshots in front of us. I run to the right side of the tunnel while Yuri hides behind the left side.

(Y/n): Give me a fucking break!!

I take out my sniper and aimed perfectly between their eyes. One Russian soldier appeared in front of me, but I impale his stomach with my sniper and shot a few rounds before throwing his body aside.

(Y/n): Stay down!

Price: Keep moving!

Soap: There's more... on the street!

(Y/n): Fuck...

Two armored SUVs drive into the intersection.

Price: Viper, take care of 'em! Yuri, go left! Cut through the building!

I nodded and throw a grenade underneath one of the SUV's while Yuri and the two cut the corner through the building, Yuri clears the area as the SUV explodes and killing the majority of Russian forces. I quickly ran into the building and make sure if any more Russian soldiers are coming.

Soap: They'll just keep coming.

Price: Don't stop! Keep moving!

Soap: Just leave me, Price!

(Y/n): Don't be stupid!!

Price: No! I'm getting you out of this! Head for that building to the northwest!

[Behind you] 

(Y/n): Behind us!!

I ran in front of Price and blocked the bullets with my arm.

Price: Cover our six!

Yuri turns around and fires back at the hostiles. We cut through the basketball court as we get their attention. Yuri and I shoot them, mostly the ones holding RPG. I turn back around and Soap and Price are close to the building, but Soap fell and hid behind some cover.

Soap: Price! UAZ!

We ran to the two and cover Soap.

Price: We made it, Soap! Just hold on!

(Y/n): Hang on Johnny! You can make it!!

The UAZ drives into the basketball court and more infantry move in. The three of us fires back and hold them off. Despite Soap's wounds, he is still putting up a fight by using his pistol to kill the soldiers. Czech Resistance soldiers run out of the building and help us.

Price: It's the Resistance! Hold them back! Yuri! We need to move Soap! Get over here and cover us! We've got wounded! Get him inside! Let's go! Let's go!

The both of us falls back while two soldiers carry Soap into the building.

Resistance Leader: We'll get him! Just fall back!

The resistance bring Soap into the building. Yuri looks down with fear. Now I know for sure something is going on. Yuri hasn't been like this after the explosion in the church but I can't make assumptions just yet.

(Y/n): Yuri! What's the hold up?!

Yuri runs past me and where the soldiers lay Soap on a table.

Price: Clear the table!

3rd Pov

The soldiers put Soap on the table and Price tries to help Soap.

Price: Soap! Medic!

Yuri tries to help and puts pressure on Soap's wounds. Viper runs over and held Soap's hand as he opened his mask to let Soap look at his younger brother's face.

Soap: Price... Viper... Yuri...

Price: Not now, Soap. Just rest. Get a medic!

Viper: Johnny! Please don't die on me! I don't want to lose you too!

Price: C'mon, stay with me, son!

Soap: Price... You need to know...

He grabs Price by his collar and pulls him to speak his last words.

Soap: Makarov... knows... Yuri...

He took one last breath before his body falls limp and his blood is spreading across the table. Viper's eyes widen in horror as he feel his older brother's grip loosens. His hand slipped out of his younger brother's hand. 

Viper: No... No! JOHNNY!!!

Price: Oh, no, no, no no no! SOAP! NO, NO! NO! SOAP!

The Resistance leader runs over to Price.

Resistance Leader: Price! You have to go, now!

He shoves the leader against the wall with anger while Viper was looking at John's limping arm still processing the fact that his older brother is dead. No matter how many times he wants to deny it, the truth is in front of his eyes.

Price: Get off me!

Price takes his M1911 pistol. This was the same pistol that was given to Soap, which was then given back to him after he was kidnapped. He lays the pistol on his fallen comrade's chest.

Price: I'm sorry.

Viper looked at his hand which is covered in Soap's blood. Tears begin streaming down his face then down to his metallic jaw. The younger brother clench his hand in rage and sadness knowing that he is the only MacTavish left. 

Viper: Why did it have to be you...?

Price looks at Viper and closes his eyes as he takes Soap's journal and puts it in his pocket. Suddenly a BTR outside fires at the building, shattering the glass in the windows and shredding the blinds. Viper stood up and pulls out his machine gun as Price takes out his too. Price and Viper glared at Yuri and let me tell you something. There is another reason why snakes are the scariest reptiles in the planet. Their sounds are what makes them more intimidating as well as their glances. 

Resistance Leader: Price! This way!

Viper sharpens his glare more than Price could and silently hisses at Yuri in anger before they ran to the back of the bar with Yuri following them. 

Price: Yuri! Open it!

Yuri ran towards the back, but then turns around to see if there are any enemies but they know he is stalling for his inevitable.

Viper: Yuri, move your fucking ass!!!

As soon as Yuri opens it, Price turns Yuri around and gives him a hard punch to the face as Viper throws an aggressive spin kick at his solar plexus, hearing a bone shattered crack. As their attacks made contact he fell down the stairs all the way to the bottom of cellar, shell-shocked. When Yuri recovers, Price go down the stairs after him, pulling out his Desert Eagle while Viper follows pulling out his pistol.

Price : Soap trusted you. I thought I could too.

They locked our pistols and points it towards Yuri.


Yuri: I was young and patriotic when I first met Vladimir Makarov...


[Winter - 1996]

[Prypiat, Ukraine]

Yuri wakes up from his nap. He is in the back seat of a jeep, Makarov is in the driver's seat.

Makarov: Yuri, wake up. Zakhaev wouldn't want you to miss this. This deal will generate millions for our cause. Money can buy many things. Even power. The road to our future begins here, my friend.

Yuri looks out the seat window. Outside, Imran Zakhaev is arguing with his arms dealer.

Zakhaev: Что значит, "маловато"? Я думал, мы договорились!

A sniper round hits Zakhaev, tearing off his left arm, and the shot is heard, sending all the Ultranationalists there into a panic. Yuri takes cover in the jeep as another round shatters the window. Bleeding, Zakhaev gets in the jeep and Makarov drives away from the meeting area, running over an Ultranationalist soldier as he evacuates Zakhaev from the area.

Yuri: Zakhaev never forgot what we did for him that day. Our reward was power. But power corrupts...

[Year - 2011]

[Al-Asad's Safehouse]

[Middle East]

Makarov and Yuri walk up the steps outside from an underground bunker. The city where the U.S. Marines are fighting Khaled Al-Asad's OpFor is seen at a distance.

Makarov: Today, we show the world our true strength. Perhaps it will give you some as well.

His cell phone rings and he answers.

Makarov: Is everything ready? Do it.

He hangs up the phone and watches the city.

Yuri: Thousands of souls... extinguished... by the push of a button...

The nuclear device detonates in the city, Yuri shades his eyes from the blast flash. The helicopters trying to get away are knocked down by the blast, the entire area gets covered by dust from the blast. Makarov turns to face Yuri as the mushroom cloud begins to rise from ground zero.

Makarov: Understand, Yuri. This is only the beginning.

Yuri: This wasn't war. It was madness... 

[Year - 2016]

[Zakhaev International Airport]

[Moscow, Russia]

Yuri is held back by Kiril and Lev in a parking garage under the airport. Makarov walks towards him.

Makarov: I know what you have done, Yuri. I know what you have told them. My friend. My ally. My betrayer. What happens here today, will change the world forever. Nothing can stop this. Not even you.

Makarov pulls out his Desert Eagle and shoots Yuri in the abdomen. Makarov and his men step over him and proceed with the terrorist attack. Later, Yuri crawls, bleeding, to the elevator. In his earpiece, he can hear the sounds of Makarov and his men getting ready in the other elevator.

Makarov: Remember – No Russian.

The sounds of gunfire and screaming are heard. The elevator opens and Yuri stumbles out.

Next to a dead security guard, he takes the P99 pistol and gets on his feet. Using whatever strength he has left, he tries to follow Makarov and his men, who have gone up the stairs and disabled escalators. Yuri aims, but cannot aim right due to his wounds. He passes out from blood loss, and falls to the floor.

Yuri: I was a soldier of Russia, not a taker of innocent lives. But in his eyes, this marked me as the enemy.

Yuri opens his eyes to find a security guard looking down at him. Realizing he's still alive, the guard signals for a medic and puts an oxygen mask on him.

Medic: Эй! У нас есть один выживший! (Hey! We have one survivor!)

Flashback Ends

Before Price can say anything, a gunshot a heard. Price quickly turned around and he was shocked who did it. Viper, with anger, shot Yuri and killing him. He was breathing heavily and his hands were shaking. Price starting to get angry and throw a hook at his face. 

Price: Why'd you do it?!

Viper didn't answer and it's making Price more pissed off. He punches the armored soldier multiple times before he punched him against a wall. 

Price: Why?!

Snapping Viper out of his rage, he looks at Price and his eyes are red, tear stains over his cheeks, and his expression was blank. He falls to his knees and sees his own reflection on Soap's blood. Price looks at Viper's hands, which are still covered in Soap's blood. He exhales sharply as his anger loosens. 

Price: This was because of Soap's death isn't it?

Viper nods not saying a word because he is choked by his own sadness. Price doesn't want to say it, but he felt the same pain when Gaz and Ghost died. He lowers down to his knees and hugs the armored warrior. Viper slowly break down in tears again and cried into his shoulder. Price rubs his back to comfort him.

Price: Listen, I will never abandon you. You and Soap are like a son to me. You are part of the 141 and I won't leave you because of a simple mistake...

Viper looked away from him as Price sighs in frustration. 

Price: However, I can't let you off the hook for killing Yuri. Once we leave this building, you will be trained just like how I trained Soap, do you understand?

Viper nods again and closed his mask, knowing that from here on out is going to be tougher than he can possibly imagine.

Price: Now on your feet soldier, we are leaving.

The armored soldier didn't say a word and looked at Yuri's body before going back to Soap's body. He grabbed his dog tag and smears his older brother's blood on it.

Viper: You'll be avenged, Johnny.

He puts the dog tag somewhere safe and follows Price out of the building.

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