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(Y/n) Pov

The sun was shining past the window and onto my face. I groaned in frustration and move the covers off me and stood up from my bed. I was a morning person before but after a few months, mornings are such a bitch, I can't even open my eyes from a single glare of light. I look at my phone and it is seven in the morning. 

(Y/n): God dammit... 

With a sigh out of my lips, I stretch my arms and walk to the kitchen to make some breakfast for myself, but there isn't anything I could eat because of the amount of money I have left. So I put some bread on the toaster and cooked some leftovers. It doesn't put up a percentage but it's better than nothing.

(Y/n): Damn, I'm running out of food quickly...

I heard a ringing on my phone. I look at my phone and it is my girlfriend Scarlet. 

(Y/n): Looks like my boss isn't the only one who is on my ass.

It's really good to see her in the morning. She always brightens my day with a call every morning. I chuckled before answering my phone. 

Scarlet: Good morning. You are up very early.

(Y/n): Yeah, I'm up at... what time is it?

Scarlet: You dummy, it's seven in the morning.

(Y/n): Right right, I forgot. I'm not a morning person anymore.

Scarlet: Anyways, it's almost the weekend and I was thinking we could spend time together after you are done with work.

(Y/n): Great, maybe after six?

Scarlet: Sounds good. I'll see you tonight. Maybe I'll give you a special surprise.~

(Y/n): Haha, I'll be looking forward to it. See you there. 

Scarlet: Bye-bye.~

I hang up and ate some toast. It has been almost two years since we spend time together. As I said before, it's not much, but it's better than nothing.

Timeskip After School

After a whole lot of nothing but bullying. You all know how it goes since you read "x bullied male reader", and "x neglected male reader." You get bullied, you tried to fight for yourself, and then... yada yada. I get in trouble and I am suspended for a month but hey, what the hell? I don't give a shit about College but anyways it's doing nothing but waste my time. I went to work. I was ten minutes late as usual.

(Y/n): Oh boy, what does Mr. Time Bomb have in store for me?

When I entered the office, I was met with an angry man who I know is my boss. To be fair, even after two weeks of applying for this job, he's been really on my ass and I don't even know what the big deal is. It's probably because of "him"...

Andrew: What the hell were you doing Mr. MacTavish?! 

(Y/n): I was trying to get College done today and-

Andrew: Enough, I had enough of your excuses! Do you know what time it is?!

(Y/n): It's... 3:16 pm.

Andrew: When were you supposed to be here?!

(Y/n): 3:00

Andrew: 3:00!! You were fifteen minutes late!! 

(Y/n): Look, I had to deal with my-

Andrew: Shut up!! Get your ass to work!! One more word and you're fired! Do I make myself clear!?

(Y/n): Up your fucking ass.

Andrew: What was that?!

(Y/n): I said I got it!


I left the office and went to work. I look at the stack of papers on my desk and back to my computer. This is every day of my life. I eat less food, go to school for seven hours, then work for two hours, but since the boss is giving me shit, I have to work for two in a half. 

(Y/n):  Sighs  Sorry Scarlet, looks like I'm going to be a bit more late.

Speaking of Scarlet, I wonder what she has for me. I gave her everything I had and she was satisfied with all of my work. She knows I've been through a lot and she gives some stress relief. Massages, swimming, showers and so much more. If she said a surprise, I wonder what would that be. I hope all of this shit would be worth it.

???: Hey pirate, boss kicking your ass?

I turn to the voice and I'd never wanted to see his face ever.

(Y/n): 'God dammit'  What do you want Eric?

Eric: I just come to say hi. Can't the best bro check up on you?

(Y/n): I'm not your bro.

This bitch. He is the main damn reason why the boss hates me so damn much. The first day I came to the job, he made a prank and that was just a fluke because everybody believed it was just a joke. A few days later, the jokes are getting more of a rumor and he even made a false one that I'm a slacker and had been missing for ten days. He is the one who's a slacker. He's the one who was gone for ten days. I'm sitting my ass on a chair, doing computer business and building things while he is just using his money to go to a strip club and banging on some girls. 

(Y/n): Did you come here to give me shit?

Eric: Nah man, I just wanna chill. That's all bro.

(Y/n): I'm not your bro..!

Eric: Okay, geez. So what's that thing?

He snatches the paper out of my hand and looks at it. He rotates the paper and flips it over.

(Y/n): It's a design.

Eric: Of?

(Y/n): A portal where assholes like you get transferred.

Eric: Transferred where?

(Y/n): Your mother's womb.

Eric: Why are you giving me shit?

(Y/n): You're the one who made those false rumors and the reason why the boss hates me!

Eric: Like how your brother hates you?

(Y/n): He does not hate me!

Eric: How would you know? He left you and your parents died. He may have blamed you and run away.

(Y/n): Will you shut up...?

Eric: Or what? You're gonna tell your mommy and daddy that I am picking on you? Oh wait, they're dead.

(Y/n): Shut up!

Eric: It would be better if you joined them. By the way, they got what they deserved you fucking pirate. 

(Y/n): I SAID SHUT UP!!!

I stood up and throw a hook at the side of his jaw hard enough to make him fall. Before I could throw another punch, I was stopped by someone's voice.


I clenched my fist in rage as I feel Eric's grin behind me. I stomped to the office and closed it. I sat down on the chair across from Andrew.

Andrew: What the hell was that?!

(Y/n): Eric was insulting my family!! I was trying to defend myself.

Andrew: By throwing fists?!?

(Y/n): He was-

Andrew: ENOUGH!!!  Sighs  I don't know what I saw in you when you went into the interview. I thought you were a great man... If your brother was here, he would've kicked you out 15 years ago. 

(Y/n): ...

Andrew: Pack your stuff. You're fired.

(Y/n): Fuck you...

I stood up and open the door, not before I slammed the door after I left. I walk back to my spot and I feel Eric's grin still on me. I clenched my fists and glare at him.

(Y/n): This is all your fault... Just wait until karma kills you...!!

Eric: Whatever, by the way. Thank you for the toys.~

(Y/n): Those are my prototypes!

Eric: Not anymore, pirate.

My teeth were clenching and my fist is clenching in rage, even to the point of blood shedding out of my hands. As I got angrier, the wider Eric's smile is. He knows if I hit him again, I would be in jail so I grab my stuff and walk out of the building. 

(Y/n): Great, I not only lost school but my job as well... 

I took out my phone and it is 5:20. Looks like I have time to change before that hangout. 


I made it to my apartment and god it feels good to be back. I can finally catch my breath and try to relax with Scarlet. As I got closer to my apartment, I realized my stuff is outside of the apartment. I ran to the door and try to unlock it, but somehow my key is not working.

(Y/n): What? What is going on?!

Collector: Sorry sir, but you didn't give me any rent in the past half a year.

(Y/n): But I did give it to you! I even wrote down the time and dates in the notebook on my counter!

Collector: Sorry, but my phone says you didn't. No rent, no home.

He walks away, not even giving a damn. I clenched my fist even tighter than before. I let out a shout of rage and punch the wall, making a huge hole in it. I sigh in defeat before I went to Scarlet's house.

(Y/n): Come on luck, at least give me something... I can't lose everything...


I made it to Scarlet's house and all that walking killed my legs. I made it to the front door and gave it a knock. I was waiting for her to answer, but she is taking a bit too long, five minutes. I tilt the handle and surprisingly, it's unlocked. She always keeps the door locked and that is giving me red flags. I walked past the front door and looked around but there aren't any broken windows or anything messy.

(Y/n): There wasn't a robbery.... where is she...?

I walked upstairs and I heard something that pierced my heart. Moaning.

(Y/n): No... She can't be doing what I think she's doing...

I went to the door where the moans are coming from and slowly open the door and I cannot believe what my eyes are seeing. I see Scarlet is having sex with Eric.

(Y/n): Scarlet... How could you...

Scarlet: Oh, (Y/n). Looks like you see my Special surprise.~~

(Y/n): You... Why?! 

Scarlet: I've never loved you.

(Y/n): But-

Scarlet: I used you for money. And I've used all of it to buy all the things I need to prepare for this moment. So I can see the look on your face. By the look on your face, it's a good result.

(Y/n): You... son of bitch...!

Eric: It's nice to see the look on his face.

Scarlet: I agree sweetie.

Eric: Even she agrees, now fuck off and find your crew, pirate.

Dammit, fuck this. I'm sick of it! I'm sick and tired of everyone believing what they see. They all see me as a fucking insect... a shadow of my older brother. Tears are coming out of my eyes. These emotions are mixing with anger and sadness. I clenched my fist, but only this time more blood is pouring out of my hands and my teeth are piercing my gums and veins are pulsing on my knuckles. It's time to show these fuckers what I can re.


I took out my knife and lunged toward Eric. His eyes widen and I grabbed his throat and quickly slammed him against the wall. Before Eric could retaliate, I sliced him across the face three times, making a gash in his face, then threw a hard punch, breaking the center of his ribs. I tossed him over my shoulder and slammed that bastard onto the ground then slammed my heel onto his dick, making him scream in agony. Before I can make another attack, Scarlet slapped me in the face, snapping me out of my blinding rage.

Scarlet: I hate you!!!


I rotate my body and slapped her face so hard a red handprint appeared on her face and blood is on her cheek because of Eric's beatdown.

(Y/n): I'm sick of all of you! Fuck you! Fuck school! Fuck my job!! FUCK!!!!! EVERYTHING!!!!!!

I put my knife away and stomped my way out of her house and go to where ever the hell I could go. 


I'm in a bar and I've been drinking god who knows how many. I grabbed another shot and chugged it down. I dropped my head on the counter in defeat.

(Y/n): Ugh... Just kill me already... 

At first, I thought it was the drink going down my forehead, but it was warm. I pressed my hand on my forehead and see red liquid on my hand. 

Bartender: Sir, this is your 29th shot.

I grabbed him the collar and glared at him.

(Y/n): I don't care, I'm drinking until I'm fucking dead.

Bartender: O-O-Okay sir!

He give me another shot and I chugged it down. My head hurts like hell, but I don't even care anymore.  Looks like karma kicked my ass and life has nowhere here but shit. All I ever wanted is a good life with nothing going wrong, but instead, god just said no, sir, and gave me all the hate. 

When the entire family was together, John and I watched each other's backs. When those bastards beat me up at school, John always stood up for me and beat them to a pulp. My parents always had to treat his wounds after a fight. I like to call John soap because of the old saying "Don't drop the soap." When my eye got infected from one of my elementary school fights, we tried to find a way to fix my eye, but the doctors said they tried everything they can to fix it. I guess those damn pansies don't even care about my life.

What's worse my parents had injured badly from a car crash on their way back after their honeymoon. When we heard about this, Soap and I ran to the hospital to make sure they were alright. When we made it to the hospital, (F/n) had passed away, but (M/n) is still alive, only on a string. We prayed for her to hang on, but she gave us one last smile and enough love before she passed. 

Every time I walk around, many people from school would come and beat me up. Lucky for me, Soap came by and saved my ass. Even though I wa16-year-old old, I was too scared to fight back. Before he left me alone, he trained me to fight with and without a knife. After training with him, I beat him 5 to 4. He was proud of me and gave me one last hug before he left for the military, not giving me a reason why. 

I took one last drink before my head feels numb and I rested my head on the counter.

My vision is getting more clear and I woke up with a pain in my head. I looked around and I'm in the alleyway of the bar. I guess those guys don't want a drunk man in their bar. I felt something in my hand so I look down and it was a bottle of pills and a piece of paper. Those guys are probably giving me shit for not paying for the drinks, but what the hell? I don't have anything left. I took the pills so I can relieve the pain.

(Y/n): God fucking dammit..After I took the pills, I looked at the paper and it looks like a note and it's saying they paid for the drinks and he or she is also low on some soldiers. Why would they run out of soldiers? They have an army. I guess they need some people to help fight for the world. I flip the paper over and it's an invitation to the Army. What choice do I have? I have nothing in my life and if I die, I can die fighting. 

I take my phone out and it is 11 pm. I stood up and ran back to the workshop and it looks like no one is there. I take out the keycard that I privately hid from the boss and scan the key on the door. I quietly walk inside the workshop and walk to the office and I take out a recording of Eric and Scarlet having sex and put the recording on his desk. I take out a piece of paper and wrote 'Do the right thing shithead!!' then an arrow pointing at the recording. 

(Y/n): Karma will fuck your ass, Eric.

Before I leave the workshop, I look at Eric's square. An idea came to my head so I grabbed the prototypes I built and left the workshop. I also grabbed the tools on the way out and ran back to the alleyway. I looked back where I left off and finish the prototypes. 

(Y/n): Goodbye shit world, Hello Hell.

I packed up my weapons and left the alleyway and off to the army.

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