Chapter 14 MIKU, let's roll the sheets together

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Successfully carried out several transactions, and his body has reached 6 pieces of sophisticated equipment. Lin Yu, who has reached a certain level in terms of personal equipment, feels that the summoner is really bt-class in some cases ...

"But what is the thing that Miku Sauce wants me to remember?" He shook his head and stopped thinking about it ... Although Lin Yu thought that matter should be important, anyway, Miku also Wake up soon, in the space of the Lord God, it 's not a big deal to wait for Miku to wake up ...

With this in mind, Lin Yu strolled through the business district again and spent 500 points to buy a few small props dedicated to the summoner ...

I bought an excellent skill book at 270 points ... Shelter: Increase the defense of all summoned creatures by 8%, the duration is 30 minutes, and the cooling time is 24 hours.

I bought a few excellent equipment at 230 points, all of the attributes are physical strength +3, agility +4, attack +10, defense +18, as for the name ... anyway, it was slowly changed in the middle of the game, so forgive me for not Go for the brain cells ...

On the way back, Lin Yu suddenly remembered that the main god game has a redemption page ...

"System, open the exchange interface."

A form appeared in front of Lin Yu.

"Well, no wonder there are things that increase attributes in the bar but no one has redeemed them ... just +1 points of attributes will require 500 quest points ... really expensive ... skill ... how can't you grab a good 5w1 book? ... actually don't sell equipment yet ... "Looking at this pile of sky-high items, Lin Yu froze ... and found that he should be considered poor ...

"Redeem this ..." Lin Yu spent 50 points to redeem a red onion from the redemption interface that will never be eaten ...

"Come on some ingredients ..." It was found that there was no ready-made food on the exchange interface. Lin Yu had to exchange 50 points for 5 cubic ingredients ... Of course, they were all put in the space ring ...

When I got home, I saw miku still sleeping ... I looked at my watch habitually ... It was almost lunch time ...

After 20 minutes ...

"Taste of food ..." When the last dish was served on the table, Miku sat at the table ...

"..." Well, Lin Yu wanted to ask Miku how to get from the bed to the table in three seconds ...

"I'm going to start!"


"Yes, miku sauce, this is for you." Lin Yu took out a green onion.

"I'll be polite then!" You were never polite when it came to the issue of onions ...

"Yes, the effect of that onion is that it will never be eaten."

Miku has stared in two eyes ...

"So don't hold back, the food will be cold after a while ..." Lin Yu kindly reminded.

"Without road races, I'm not flabby."

"Well ... yes, this is for you." Lin Yu took out six crystal nuclei and two minor wounds.

"If the crystal nucleus is taken, it will be good to eat. The effect of this medicine is that you can recover instantly when you have a minor injury. Right, what is the thing that miku sauce you said before that I should not forget?"

Miku is chopping rice with one hand, and receiving crystal nucleus and pills with one hand ... and then I heard this sentence ... decisively sprayed ...

"Ahh?" Lin Yu didn't know that he was so capable in one sentence ...

"Master, you haven't even remembered it!" Miku politely took Lin Yugang's green onions and shook Lin Yu's head.

"It hurts ..." It didn't seem to hurt even though I was smashed by the onions ...

"Huh!" Eat stuffy ...

"Ah? What the hell is it?" Lin Yu was unknown so ...

"I think, master, you're a big baka!" He bit his onion fiercely.

"Uh ..." Lin Yu began to recall ...

The previous mission ... seems to be nothing to play games, something to fight zombies ...

"Unexpected ... miku sauce ..." Lin Yu covered her head ...

"Baka! Baka! Master you big Baka!" The onion mother took the scallion that could never be eaten and slammed on Lin Yu's head.

"Well, can you remind me ..." Lin Yu is dodging the scallion everywhere ...

"This morning!"

"Morning?" Lin Yu began to recall ...

"In the morning, I seem to be going to the business district to change things ... I also changed some ingredients from the main god ... Wow! Don't hit me ..."

"Keep thinking!"

"What in the morning ... I should still flee in the morning ... A lot of zombies have been solved along the way ... miku you forcibly overdrawn your energy and unlocked several skills ... solved a lot of mothers ..."


"Then there are two sources ... one called Bloodhoof and one called Liu Cai ... and then played Yu-Gi-Oh ..."


"Give me a look forward! Master!"

"Go forward? The blood hoof confessed to you and was rejected ... Well, miku sauce, how did you blush?"

"Don't worry about you, go on!"

"Then ... uh ... that, miku sauce ... is it really okay for you to be so red?"

"no problem!"

"Then ... then you said I was your boyfriend and I was spotted by that guy ..."


"And then ... miku sauce, you let me confess to you ... uh ... seems like you promised?" Lin Yu suddenly tangled ...

"Baka! Baka! I don't promise now, unless you can make me change my mind!"

"Eh?" Lin Yu blinked ... As a dwelling, to say that Lin Yu didn't like Onion Mother was fake ... but ... Lin Yu's shoes, which had only been issued with a good card, had no response at all ...

Simply, Lin Yu wasn't stupid yet, and he exchanged 999 roses from the system on the spot ...

"I wonder if I have the honor to be the guardian knight next to Her Royal Highness Princess No. 1 in the world, to protect my Royal Highness for the rest of my life?"

"That ... that ..." The onion mother's face can now go to cos Guan Yunchang ... "His Royal Highness Princess ... agreed."

Seeing the Onion Mother accepting the roses ... Lin Yuping regained his inner concubine, took a deep breath, and kissed him.

"Hmm ..." Suddenly attacked, the onion lady tightened ... and then relaxed ...


For a long time, lip division ...

"The master is really a big fool ..." Nestled in Lin Yu's arms, the scallion complained ...

"Hehe ..." He laughed twice ...

"Master ..." Onion Mother suddenly looked up.


"I'm hungry ..." Mother Onion looked forward.

"I feed you ..." Lin Yu instantly understood the meaning of Onion.


After dinner ...

"That ... miku sauce, can you ask me weakly ..."


"Well, how about we roll the sheets together tonight?"


Then ... Lin was chased by a green onion for a long time ... When passing by the business district, he was watched by a strong crowd ...

Afterwards ... Various onlookers of unknown truth stated that they could chase a peerless master wearing 6 blue suits ... the weapon of that person is definitely higher than the best, and may have reached perfection or even legend ... ...

In this regard, Lin Yu said that he knew nothing ...

In a blink of an eye ... 5 days passed ... In the past few days, Lin Yu finally rolled the sheets with the onion mother as he wished. Well, I just hugged and slept for one night.

There are only 500 survival points for 1000 survival points, and for the sake of insurance, Lin Yu also decided not to waste time from the main god space and prepare to enter the next game ...

"Are you sure you want to apply for the second game?" The system asked a second time.


"The application was successful. Your next mission will be in Winterwood."

Task: fate / zero (difficulty: c)

main mission:

Destroy the holy grail

Introduction: Survive to the end and destroy the Holy Grail.


A perfect skill for this class.

1000 survival points.

All sideline missions in this plot are hidden and will be automatically received when the trigger condition is reached.

"It's fz ..." Lin Yu's expression was tangled.

Relying on the fighting power of myself and the onion mother, isn't this going to look for abuse?

"Forget it, let it be as you go ..." Because fz's plot is the destruction of the Holy Grail, Lin Yu is not very nervous. It is no problem as long as it is not lucky e to follow the main line ...

Furthermore, if a strong summoning creature can be recruited, Lin Yu would also like to fight ...

Wear the equipment that you have been at home for a few days. Speaking of these equipment, there is also a benefit, as long as the equipment will become ordinary clothes after the equipment, it will not cause any doubt ...

"Miku sauce, go, the next game, fate / zero."


With four eyes facing each other and a slight smile, the two held hands towards the space-time tunnel opened by the Lord God in front of them ...

"Bang!" Stepping out of the tunnel, Lin Yu stepped on the air and fell to the ground.

"Master, you count me!" Watching the onion lady next to the ground steadily, Lin Yu said that the treatment was different ...

"Well, master, are you careful ..." Onion mother lifted Lin Yu.

The inside cow is full of face, this is not a small accident ...

"Forget it, adults don't count on villains, you don't care about me with the Lord God, come on, second call."

"The triple enchantment, the sculpted rune of lightning,

Eight seals, wounds wounds.

By relying on corrupt and unclean souls,

Connect the gates to hell!

Respond and call from the dark place!

Summon and use skills. "Actually only the latter sentence is useful ...

The red magic circle appeared on the ground.

A figure gradually emerged from it ...

"Here, in response to your call, I ask you, are you my master?"

Stupid, blonde, Takeuchi face ... Do you guess who it is?

Keke, the second volume of fz is about to start the bird, and smash over the recommended tickets. Complain about it, emotional drama is so difficult to write ...

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