Chapter Twelve Everyday, House Shining Is Cute

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Four more complete ... Seek recommended collections ...

After a fierce dogfight, Shining Children's Shoes finally projected a remote control from Wei Gong Shi Lang, and then took the remote control to grab the TV with the emperor ...

"Speaking, as if there is a TV coming?" Alice Phil said suddenly, remembering something.

Actually, you did it on purpose ... The smile in your eyes has already revealed your thoughts ...

As the oldest king, Gilgamesh could not concede ... so the emperor had to take Weber to another room to play the grand strategy ...

"I'm full ..." My king gave a full blow ... and then it was natural to lie on the sofa in the sleeping position of a lion ...

"Ahhh." I ate the last few spring onions in the Wei Gong family, and the onion lady took out the green onions that could never be eaten ...

As the most lonely king, he is drooling at the galgame guide ...

Di Lumutuo ... is taking out a mirror to see if the hairstyle is messy ...

Guardian Lang is quite normal, just restoring magic ...

Quietly, Lin Yu began to look at the mission record.


The Great Grail of Disintegration (Completed)

Gain legendary gear: Sword in the Stone.

Lin Yu keenly discovered that the task of dismantling the Holy Grail was completed ... As for the weapon to be rewarded ... No way, not to my king, who do you want to use?

"Alice Phil ... ask you a question ..." Lin Yu asked Alice Phil next to him.

"Did the Great Grail really disintegrate?" If the Great Grail disintegrates, it is absolutely impossible to support the spirit of the spirit with the master's magic alone. The magic power it needs is an astronomical figure ...

"Yes, the Holy Grail was dismantled once, but it was reorganized immediately ..." Alice Phil said.

"It was because of the short-term disappearance of the curse that my lord let me come out to investigate the situation." Di Lumutuo said in return.

"Disintegration, then reorganization?" Lin Yu wondered ... Even the Holy Grail disintegration battle 20 years later on this plane has not heard of it can be reorganized ...

"The magic of the Holy Grail's 60 years of storage has not been consumed completely leading to reorganization?" Thoughts come and go, there is only one reason for this ...

"Hey, counterfeit goods, project a computer out of me!" After watching the galgame guide, Shine said she would practice it now ...

"The magic is not enough ..." Shigeru Aimei didn't make sense.

"Counterfeit goods! Are you looking for death?" Wang Zhibao opened.

Glancing at him, Shigemiro scorned: "Cut, don't you have it in your treasure house? It's all exposed."

"Yeah, I don't understand humor." He smirked boringly and placed the computer in the treasure house on the ground.

"Counterfeit goods, where is the power source?"

"Beside the TV plug ..."

"Is this?" Bing pointed to the power supply next to her.

"That's right." Shigero nodded.

But ... I mean, can your computer really work? There are prototypes of all the treasures in the King's Treasure ... you take out the oldest computer?

Sure enough, Gilgamesh finally managed to connect the computer, and then snapped ... the screen went black ...

"Ahhhhh! Hybrid hybrid hybrid!" Shine was furious.

The onion lady is still eating onions ... My King is still sleeping ... Diluoduo is still looking in the mirror ... As for Lin Yu, Shigeru, Alice Phil ... covering his mouth and laughing

Sure enough, the sparkle in the house is cute ...

"Oh, Jinpika, what's the matter with you?" Obviously, the emperor heard the sound and came over to see the situation ...

"Hybrid, are you going to challenge my dignity!" Shin was very upset to see the emperor come to see the lively.

"Oh? Is the war between kings?" The emperor looked very interested.

"Go, go to the room where you play the game." Blinking angrily walked ahead ...

"Do you still need a special room to fight?" The emperor puzzled.

"Go play your big strategy!"


"Then I should leave." Immediately after the departure of the two kings, Di Lumudu also prepared to retire.

"Now that the situation is roughly understood, I should go back and report to my Lord." Spiritualization, the brush backed away.

"I went to see the battle between the two kings." Leaving Shi Zhongjian beside my king, Lin Yu walked to the room where the emperor and Shine were.

"Huh, the hybrids dare to fight me!"

"Hero King, how about winning this battle before saying this?"

It sounded like they were fighting fiercely ...

After a while ...

"Cut, does the hybrid have some strength?" Obviously, the hero king lost ...

"If you don't agree, you can continue." The emperor provoked.

"Keep going, who is afraid of who?" Shin accepted the challenge without hesitation.

"..." The black line on Lin Yu's head ... How do you feel that the two images in front of him are broken ...

"Ahem ..." Lin Yu reminded that someone here had been standing for a long time ...

"Is this really a battle between the kings?" Lin Yu asked.

"Naturally, as a king, marching and fighting is a very important link."

"Yes, the king's strength is already impeccable. Only in the type of strategy can he barely find an opponent. Of course, the current one will definitely not win me if he does not drill a bug."

The hero king of leadership a + does have the ability to say this in front of the conquering king of leadership a ... just how does it feel so contrary?

"Good at drilling bugs is also a capability." The emperor blushed.

"..." Weber also seemed to have a broken image of his servant ...

"Hmm!" The two men who were fighting suddenly changed their faces ...

"Che, is it really bold, has the dog walked here?" Gilgamesh spirited away.

"Leave, boy, go and see that dark guy."

Hearing this, Lin Yu probably knew who was here ...

The Yangtze River is standing at the door ...

A large crowd is watching the Yangtze River ...

The Yangtze River says it's under great pressure ...

"Cut, it really is the poor crazy dog ​​who hasn't understood the truth so far." Jin Shan mocked.

If you continue to be watched, your momentum will be gone ... so take this strong and provocative prestige ...

The Yangtze River thinks so ...

"Oh!" Yangtze rushed up.

"Crazy dog! Didn't your master teach you how to treat a king!" The treasure house of Wang opened instantly ...

"Well, that's wrong ..." Yang Chang rushed to the corner of another person as he rushed ...

"Oh!" Yangtze River turned to see the Knight King ...

"..." The left hand swore the sword of victory, and the right hand stone sword. My king said that he had just transferred to the two swords to try his own strength ...

Lancelot was very happy to see my king running over ...

"Arthur!" A husky voice called my king's name ...

"Have we met?" My King instinctively asked when he heard Lancelot shouting his name.

"Arthur!" The lake light without regret pulled out ...

"You are ... Lancelot!" My King was surprised.

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