Chapter XI The king comes to bear the whole world! Then I entered the house ...

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Put away the inherent enchantment, the guardian Lang was not in charge of Gilgamesh, but went straight to the Liudong Temple ...

"It's over ..." Seeing that the evil of this world came out, Lin Yu's head was the only thought ...

"Bang!" Several weapons flew over, knocking those black mud who were about to touch Lin Yu.

"Come on!" Shigeru's voice came from behind him.

"My King." Lin Yu woke up to God instantly, knowing that it was not the time to slay God ...

"Avalon!" Opening Avalon's protective enchantment, my king slowly retreated from the black mud.

"What the hell is this?" Gilgamesh followed angrily.

"Evil in this life." The simple words are enough to make Gilgamesh understand what it is.

"Plural projection!" Hundreds of weapons flew around.

But this is completely useless ... it just slows the progress of the black mud ...

After only a few moments, the surrounding area was surrounded by black mud, and even the places where the former defender Lang and Gilgamesh came in were blocked by black mud ...

"Gateofbabylon!" Knowing that it was not the time to clean, Gilgamesh opened the treasure house of the king.

"Plural projection!" This time, the guardian Lang really overdrawn all his magic power and forced a way out of the black mud.

"Come on!" Understand that it has failed, and the guardian Lang has the mentality of being able to walk one by one, and continues to resist the black mud so that he cannot continue to fill the gap ...

"It's not your turn to save!" Gilgamesh ignored the gap.

"My beliefs don't allow me to run away, master, you go first." My King looked straight.

Shaking his head, Lin Yu continued to stay in place.

Shelter, strengthen, use two excellent skills, although not very useful, but also better than nothing, barely improved some attributes.

I took out a tang sword that was useless for a while, held it in my hand, waved it a few times, and got a little feel back.

"Cut, this sense of powerlessness ..." Although the weapon is in the hands, obviously the black mud can never be close to hand to hand ... Then there is only one skill that can be used ...

Excellent Ambilight ... The usefulness of this battle can only be better than nothing ...

"Che, you guys are a bit unexpected to me." Gilgamesh said after seeing Lin Yu didn't leave.

"If you have time to say that, you might as well think about how to leave!" Shigeru Weiwei said from the side.

"Cut, you are really talkative about counterfeit goods." Obviously, the current hero king has acknowledged the guardian of the palace, otherwise it would be a mess ...

Black mud gradually poured over, and the original opening gradually blocked ...

"Are you powerless?" Gong Shi Lang smiled at himself.

"Liberation! The dream inscribed in my heart!" The song suddenly sounded.

"Miku!" Hearing this voice, Lin Yu immediately responded to who came ...

"Even the future, I will leave behind!"

"Ignore the meaningless so-called limits!" The figure gradually appeared.

"Let the power in your hands bloom!" Vaguely seeing the green twin horsetails ...

"Light up the ideal of my distant road ahead!" Hatsune Miku, with her invincible state, crossed the black mud to enter this narrow line of defense.

"Why are you here ..." Although Linku, who was singing, could not speak, Lin Yu asked in despair.

Shook his head ... miku continued singing ...

"Onlymyrailgun! 》

The skill that has been used, the theme song of the super electromagnetic gun, the effect is to increase the projectile weapon effect by 100%, and increase the teammates' attack power by 40%.

The firepower increased instantly, and the black mud was receding a little bit, but the speed of the receding was too slow ...

"Useless ..." Lin Yu understood that when the song was finished, it was the death of everyone ...

"In the face of growing pain, I can certainly protect you to the end!" Miku didn't think about what to do when the song was over, but just explained his purpose with a singing voice.

"Enuma--" Shine took out her obedient sword.

"Elish!" A huge beam hit the black mud, bombarding a huge hole ...

"Hey, King Hero, King Arthur!" The guardian yelled suddenly.

"For the sake of today, only the Holy Grail can be destroyed to make a living!" With that said, the guardian Shiro has turned all the weapons that had been shooting around to the previous Holy Grail location ...

"Give me some more time!" My King was driving Avalon's demon ...


Gilgamesh went straight to the place of the Holy Grail and left the star.

"Ex--calibur!" My king was also full of the magic power of the second vow to slay the gun, and followed the shining obedient sword to the Holy Grail.

Desperate, without the restraint of three people, black mud rushed in.

Instantly, several people were swallowed ...

"Did it still fail ..." Lin Yu's consciousness began to blur ...

"Wang Lai's permission, Wang Lai's admission, Wang Lai bears the whole world!" Lin Yu's last voice heard, Jin Shine's roar ...

The song of the scallion is not over, and there is an invincible state. My king has Avalon to resist it, and Jin Bing is probably able to support it by himself ... Is it only the guardian Gonglang and himself who want to get a lunch? Is he as lucky as Shigeru Eimiya ... (Shigeri Emperor is also lucky)


Lin Yu passed out ...

Acropolis House ...

"Are you awake?" The goal was a woman ... red eyes, silver hair ...

"Alice Phil?" Lin Yu rubbed his eyes, confirming that he didn't admit it was wrong.

"It looks like it's okay ..." Alice Phil smiled slightly.

"Well, who will explain why I am here ..." Sitting up, Lin Yu asked ...

"Thank you rider." Alice Phil pointed to the living room.

"You are a mess, don't grab the remote!"

"I said Jin Bing. It doesn't make sense to look at the galgame's strategy, and this is the third replay! Men should play the big strategy."

"Although I don't understand what this fight is, since it is a man's fight, please let me Di Lumudu participate."

"one more bowl!"


"Are there any green onions?"

Lin Yu listened to the noisy voice in the living room with black lines ...

"Yo, boy woke up!" Watching Lin Yu come over, the emperor greeted him warmly.

"Well, can anyone explain ..." Looking around for a week, miku, Altolia, Iskandar, Gilgamesh, Dilumudo, Guardian Lang, Weber ... plus Alice Phil before Only Ye Yan, Yangtze River, Wei Gongqian and Kenneth are all there ... Is this a photo of all members?

"Master!" Seeing that Lin Yu was okay, miku jumped directly.

"Uh ..." Holding Miku, Lin Yu looked at everyone in the room with a doubt ...

"Let me do it." Alice Phil walked behind him into the living room.

"A lot of high-energy reactions happened in Liudong Temple before. Rider originally went to investigate. I didn't expect to meet a few unconscious guys, and then brought them here."

It was a brief introduction. Lin Yu roughly understood what was happening ...

"Bastard, hand over the remote!"

"Hey, Weber, are you interested in playing a big strategy with me?"

"I said you pay attention to who the guest is! Rider!"

"Projection." Shigeru Shiro projected a remote control purely boringly.

"Counterfeit goods, project one for King!"

"one more bowl!"

"Add some green onions!"

I'm going ... What are you doing?

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