Chapter 13-Aftermath.

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Matheus had blacked out, how long wasn't entirely certain, but it felt like hours.

All he heard was the gentle flapping of his grandmother's --the goddess of wisdom and old age-- wings, a steady beat that had made him droopy.

He felt the solid ground appear below him as his grandmother said quietly, "We are back in the forest Matheus..we are safe..for now.".

"W-what was that, who was that?" asked Matheus as he was placed onto the ground.

A dark look went over Tyna's face as she said, "A son of the god of Chaos and Ruin, Shad."

"Shad...I remember that name. I've heard it before," replied Matheus.

Suddenly Ravina appeared her ghostly form that trailed smoke. While she was still quite larger than Matheus, only half the size of how she was during the trial.

"How do you know his name?" he asked Matheus.

"Ahex and his followers said they were in league with a god of chaos and of ruin, " replied the boy.

"It's not uncommon for gods and goddesses --especially for those who stand for less than peaceful matters-- to collect followers and use them to do their dirty work for them," mused Boiuna appearing out of Matheus's back in a similar fashion to Ravina.

"Shad is a dark god-minor-but still very powerful, he thrives off of chaos and destruction, and he's been around longer than most, he has a son Abaddon who is the one we just met," said Tyna.

"Like father like son I guess.." mused Rapido appearing on Matheus's shoulder.

Tyna glanced at the bird.

"Actually the two were often at odds, Abaddon grew up strong-but naive-he wanted to please his father more than anything, and his father was immensely powerful, if I recall correctly he viewed his son as nothing more than a tool-and most of his mortal family to be weak and disappointments."

Tyna was about to speak again when suddenly the sky exploded and a massive ring of multiple colors streaked across the sky.

After a few short moments of silence, the air erupted with a violent gust of wind.

" can't be!" said Tyna.

"What-what is it!?" asked Matheus.

"The heaven's..are gone-" said Boiuna, even her tone showing signs of disbelief.

"What!?" asked Ravina.

"B-but that's impossible!" protested Rapido.

"'s not. We are on our own for now," replied Tyna.

"But Makura and Eba-" started Matheus.

Tyna fixed him with a look.

"Are gone-they are immortal and will eventually reform-but that'll take centuries," she stated simply.

Matheus found his mind struggling to comprehend a being of such power-that they killed the very heavens themselves.

"Such power, " he said quietly.


"Yes...but now you must train your body so that you are prepared for the transformation into the huntsman," she stated as she sat down and crossed her legs into a meditation-style position.

"And when will that happen?" replied Matheus.

"When your body is ready" was all Tyna replied with.

Little did Matheus know, that he wasn't in for a regular field trip, he would enter into a quite literal life-changing process that none had taken before him.

"I take it that this won't be easy then.." he monotoned.

Tyna shook her head.

"No it will not..but you have complimented the trails..and so I have every faith of confidence that you will succeed," replied the goddess.

"Well then..let's just get this over with," replied Matheus.



His plan had gone perfectly.

The entire Forca tribe was now within his ranks, and soon he would begin to feed.

Ahex smiled wickedly, he had long since awaited the moment in which he would finally grasp the slippery tribe that had eluded his capture for so long.

All because that young boy decided to attack his men and got himself exiled.

Apparently, he wasn't among the survivors whom he captured, and he had checked so at least twice now. It would be a shame if he died. Ahex wanted him to see his work and accomplishments first-hand, that boy did however have something different about him, some sort of ability that left unchecked could prove problematic to his work.

But regardless, it has been three days since the battle and if his magical scouts had yet to find him, then he was gone. His patrols were finally wrapping up the last of the runaway slaves, he felt as if nothing else could go wrong.

Power was such a wondrous thing, he didn't care how or where he got it, it was power, and he could control it.

He watched in silence as the second fleet of ships he had been waiting for finally appeared on the horizon.


Matheus thought he knew pain.

Boy-oh-boy was he wrong.

Every day Tyna pushed him to his limit and beyond, and with his for lack of better words "familiars" within his head always chatting to each other.

It got kind of distracting.

One of his most common-but oddly satisfying activities was increasing his physical strength to the point where he could split logs with his bare hands, tearing them apart into two halves.

Some days, he would run for miles on end throughout the forest, sometimes ending up face-first into the bushes, and other days he may or may not have fallen into a mud pit.

But every day, he felt his body getting stronger, and even though his body ached and yearned for rest and a full 8 hours of sleep, he felt more and more energy seep into his body at the start of each day.

It had been six months now since the battle, in which his tribe was killed off and taken hostage, and every day he swore to avenge his fallen tribe.

Tyna would give him brief and harsh encouragement, often reminding him to keep working at it in order to have his revenge.

Ravina was impressed with his progress saying, "he ain't a runt no-more."

Rapido stated that he could now, "run with the grace of a sparrow in flight."

Boiuna stated that his, "mental fortitude was becoming more impressive with each passing day."

Finally. The day came when He awoke from his daily 5 hour nap and walked to the clearing when Tyna landed gracefully in front of him and gave him a warm smile, and stated, "You are ready"

"ready for what?" he asked

"The transformation, child the transformation in which you will become the huntsman. However, before you can claim your revenge, you will have to complete one task first. It shouldn't be too hard for you," said the goddess smiling still.

"And what would that task be?" asked Matheus tilting his head.

Tyna chuckled and said, "Oh it's a fun one"

(Sorry for the shorter chapter, but I wanted to have his transformation and his first task in different chapters

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