1 - previously on Kayla

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 "Jesus Christ Isaac, it's like 3 in the morning!"

"Kayla it's 8 in the morning."

"How the fuck is that better?"

"You have to leave in a half hour if you need to make it to class on time!"

I pounced out of bed.

"Well you could've started with that!"

Yup, I'm back at it again.  Can't remember me? I'll reintroduce myself. I used to be Kayla Diana Grambs, the forgotten Grambs sister and Hawthorne Heiress. Half the world thought I was a saint, the other half a slut. That was until, I realised I wasn't a Grambs instead a Laughlin. Also my boyfriend or ex boyfriend (I have no clue honestly) dead girlfriend is my aunt. Confusing no? I thought so too. So I moved to London and became Kayla Diana Rooney, Hawthorne heiress but only to the people that care and a student at the LCM.


"Isaac, I'm leaving!" I yelled.

Isaac Haart. My bodyguard and one of my best friends. He stuck by me during my move and was now living in London with me.

Naturally we weren't living out of a studio apartment.

More like a penthouse.

He threw an apple in my direction.

"Remember, 7 o clock monopoly night!" He yelled after me.

I nodded and took a bite out of the apple.

Before I could leave he stopped me.

"Pocket knife? Pepperspary?"

I rolled my eyes and tapped my pocket.

I may have moved to another continent but that didn't mean less people recognised the Hawthorne heiress. Even if I looked different.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention, I dyed my hair dirty blonde so while I wasn't to far from my natural hair I also didn't look the exact same.

I checked my timetable for the entire day.

I had music performance , then composition, then recording, mixing and production, popular music and performance, and finally performance and music management.

I walked to the university and into my first class.

My first class, music performance had been delayed for about a month. God knows why but whatever the hell.

The first thing the professor started talking about was getting to know each other.

Hence, made us pair up into groups.

I looked around at the strangers I was sitting with.

One was a brunette girl, the other a red head. And two boys. Both brunette but one had his hair dyed to have a streak of white.

"Yeah we're not doing this." The guy with the white streak spoke.

"Agreed." I said at the same time as the other guy.

"I swear that professor is high or some shit." The red head girl said.

"If she is I want to get what she's on." The brunette boy said.

I raised my eyebrows at his accent.

"I'm sorry, but are you French?" I asked.

"That I am, I'm Chase Argent." He said.

"Kayla Rooney." I introduced.

"American huh?" The redhead asked.

Her accent was British but only barely, definitely European.

"Bitchy huh?" I retorted.

She laughed.

"I like you Rooney."

"And who might you be?" Chase asked.

"Ivy Harper."

"So we've got an Italian on our hands?" He asked.

The three of us now looked at the guy with the white streak in his hair.

"Yeah no." He stated.

Now this guy was definitely a Brit.

"It's only fair." Ivy stated.

He sighed.

"Matthew Anderson." He said.

"Matthew," I repeated. "I'm gonna call you Matt." I said.

"Please don't."

"Ooh or Matty." Chase said.

"Yes!" Ivy yelled. "Right there that's the one!" 

Suddenly we heard a laugh.

We were all made aware of the brunette girl who hadn't spoken a word.

She tried to speak in between words but failed.

Finally she said.

"Please take into acknowledgment what you just said." 

I thought for a second and then burst out laughing.

Soon everyone else caught on and started laughing too.

"Dirty minded minx!" Matt said.

"It's always the quiet girls." She stated shrugging.

"I'm Alaana Howlett." She said.

"Well look at that, I thought we didn't want to get to know each other." Ivy said.

"Well I wouldn't mind getting to know you cherí." Chase flirted.

"Oh Christ get a room the two of you." I said.

"Oh I'm sorry do you have a boyfriend! Or girlfriend!" Chase panicked.

Ivy merely laughed.

"Nope to both."

Alana gasped.

"Listen if I didn't bat for the other team!" She said.

Ivy blushed furiously.

"No one look at me!" Matt yelled.

"Because unlike some people I bat for the same team thanks very much!"

"Ohh shame, here I was thinking you were cute." Alana groaned.

Matt gave her a look making her laugh.

"Poor girl! What's she done to you?" I yelled.

"Made her sex drive abundantly clear!" Matt retorted

"And you, do you have a boyfriend?" Ivy asked me.

Oh god.

"Kind of."

"Oooh drama, tell me, tell me!"

Just as I was about to open my mouth the professor began to tell us to take our seats.


"Isaac I'm home!" I yelled.

The day had been exhausting but the good thing was I made friends out of it.

"Oh hey, how does shitty Chinese take out sound?"

Amen for normality.


Soon enough the  food arrived,

We ate and watched the Big Bang theory.

"You know who Sheldon reminds me of?" Isaac asked.



"He would say ergo though." I said laughing.

"He probably labels his suits based on the occasions he wore them." Isaac added.

We both burst out laughing.

After we cleared up dinner we sat down for monopoly and midway through playing Isaac began smiling at his phone.

"What's got you so excited?" I asked.

"Nothing." He blushed.

"Oooohh I know."

"Shut up."

He kicked me under the table.

"Did she say if she'd come and visit soon?"

"She's on the fence about next week." He replied.

"Tell her to bring Luke and Kayleigh if she can." I said.

"Will do."


That night I tossed and turned in bed.

I hadn't heard from anyone but Luke, Lena and Kayleigh in a while.

Sometimes Nash would call and Libby would be with him. There were occasional texts from Xander, Thea and Rebecca.

But there was one person who I wanted to speak to.

My phone rang in the middle of the night.

"Hello?" I asked, not bothering to check the caller id.

"Kayla" a familiar voice groaned.



🎶guess whose back? Back again? Kayla's back! Tell a friend!🎶

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