10 - my bf gets me bouquets you can all suck it

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A/N : "Alexa, play love story by Taylor swift."

*2 months later

"Why couldn't Bach maybe compose something less... I don't know... fucking stupid?!" Matt swore.

2 months had gone by since that day Gray came to see me.

He'd been staying with me since that.

Also since then, Ivy and Chase were dating. Isaac planned on proposing to Lena soon. We'd gotten word Alisa was resigning. Avery and Jameson were dating. Libby and Nash were 'not dating' (lies). Xander was living long and prospering. He was visiting us for a while. Most of that was taken up in him either blowing up random household objects and one time an orange (?)

How he got past airport security god knew. To be fair though, he flew private.

Luke was dealing with Kayleigh's mom attempting to get custody of her but that was seeming less and less likely day by day. Otherwise, Luke had no interest in finding romantic pursuits (so he told me). But then again he also said he had no plans of buying an apartment in London but there he was so...

To be fair, I bought it for him. More of a backup apartment for when there were too many people visiting.

And Grayson and I were better than ever.

He'd occasionally have to travel back to manage things for the foundation but otherwise he was with me all the time.

Currently, we were rehearsing for concert auditions in a weeks time,

We had a concert every few months.

There was one in December for classical pieces and one in March for moderns.

We all laughed at Matt's frustration.

There was no guitar or vocals happening this time, so Matt was heavily frustrated.

"Christs sake my fingers hurt from all this piano!" He complained.

"This ladies and gents is the same man who plays electric guitars without a pick!" Alana announced.

Chase, Matt and I were all playing piano this time round while Alana and Ivy were doing violin.

"Whatever, I can't wait for march to roll around." He scoffed.


After practice was done I saw a familiar blond boy waiting for me outside.

I smiled, running over to him.

"Hey! where's your coat?" He asked.

"I left it at home, I was indoors all day." I replied.

He ran off then came back two second later with a coat.

"Gray I don't-"

"I don't care love, this is a matter of your health."

I chuckled, slipping the coat round me.

"Here you go my love." He said.

He handed me a bouquet of purple and white wildflowers.

This man.

"Thank you so much baby." I kissed his cheek.

"No problem love," He opened the car door. "After you."


Grayson held my hand the entire ride back home.

I giggled slightly.

"What's got you in such a good mood today?" I pondered.

He just shook his head, smiling slightly.

When we got back to the apartment, it was totally empty.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"They all had work of some sort to do." Grayson replied, shutting the door.

He walked over to me and took my hands.

"Want dinner?"

I nodded.

"Wait on the couch."


Is it weird to admit I had no idea Grayson could cook?

We were sitting in the balcony as he poured us some wine.

"What's up with you?" I asked.

"What? I can't treat my woman right?"

I rolled my eyes.

"I swear if you end up telling me you only have 10 days to live or something!" I swore.

He chuckled. 

"No, no, just wanted you to have a good night."

I smiled.

"Well I am."


After dinner we went out for ice cream.

"You're a fucking physcopath!" I told him.

"I'm crazy? Says the girl who hates vanilla ice-cream!"

"I don't hate it! I just don't understand why you'd resort to having literal milk!"

"Yeah, okay."

I rolled my eyes and continued to have my ice-cream.

"You got some on your nose." He said.

I tried wiping it off.

"Still there, let me get it."

He wiped the marks away with a tissue and kissed my nose.


"Yes love?"

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."


Back at the apartment, Grayson carried me up the stairs cause I was too tired to walk.

He set me down on the living room couch.

"Thank you for tonight. I loved it." I thanked.

"I'm glad, just let me spoil you one last time?"

I sighed.

"Gray, I'm too tired can we do it tomorrow-"

"No not that! Something else."


Before I knew it, he was on is knees in front of me.

"You're the only person on this planet who's had me like this, not once, but twice. You're the centre of my world that revolves solely around you Kayla, if anything happened to you I don't think I'd manage to last a day."


"No, you're letting me talk. You're my entire heart and soul Kayla, you're the best thing to walk into my life, so I need to ask,"

He pulled put a ring and said.

"Marry me Kayla?"

The world around me was fading.

Just him and me.

Me and him.

The train that'd been speeding down the tracks from the minute we met came to a holt.

Grayson sat there, waiting patiently.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Never been more." He replied, earnestly.

I crouched down besides him.

"I don't think I've ever wanted to spend every day of my life re-living the same moment ever. But every moment with you Grayson, I don't think there are enough lives for that."

He sat, quiet, ring still in hand.

I rolled my eyes.

"Yes Cher Horowitz I'll marry you!"

He pulled me in to kiss me and I felt the train start up again.

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