3 - regrets about drunk phone calls

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Alana was yelling in my direction from across the courtyard.

A week had gone by since I first met Alana, Ivy, Chase and Matt.

I ran up to them.

"Sup guys?" I asked flopping down next to Matt.

"We're doing poker night at my place, wanna come?" Chase asked.

"Yeah sure! And mind if I bring a friend? Maybe two?"



"Absolutely not!" Isaac yelled at the same time as Sheldon Cooper on TV.

"Why? It'll be fun! Do you not trust me Haart?"



He laughed.

"Why won't you come with me?"

"Because, I have better things to do than spending a Friday night with a bunch of collage student playing poker."

"Yeah, like what? Pining over Lena over the phone? Yeah, I hear your midnight conversations, thanks by the way, I'm officially scared for life!"

"It ain't that bad!"


He huffed and crossed his arms.

"Seriously, when's the last time you got out of this place?"

He just glared.

"Fine, guess I'll go out by myself at night, in London where I've never lived, and walk the streets all alone." I shrugged.

His face turned sour.

"Hey, you know that guy Matt, we have another friend called Chase. Maybe I'll-"

"Kayla Diana Rooney, don't you dare finish that sentence!"

I laughed.

Chase and Ivy although they denied it mutually pined for each other.

"Then you gotta come with me!"

"Fine." He resigned.


That night just as we were about to leave, Luke showed up!

"Luke- "



So naturally as any best friend would do I dragged him to gamble with strangers in order to forget his life problems.

"How's Grayson?" I asked.

"He's um... mostly I have no clue what's happening with him for the reason he locks himself in his room most of the time and if I do see him he looks like Alex in that one episode of Modern Family where she's gotten no sleep and says the words on the pages are vibrating." He ranted.

Well, shit!


Grayson's pov

I downed another glass of whiskey.

I had been a Jameson lately with my liquor intake.

"Again Gray?"

I looked up to find Nash.

"You know sparky's worked up about you right?"

"How so?

"You don't remember?"

"Am I meant to?"

"You were drunk and you called her a few nights ago, she called me after she managed to get you in bed. When I got here, you kept on whinin' bout her."

"When was this?"

"A week ago."

I quickly ushered Nash out of the room and made a call to Kayla.


Kayla's pov

"My call." Alana said.

Something I had learnt about Alana Howlett, she wasn't the type to break hearts, in fact she fell in love fast and hard and those two together are a dangerous combo.

Poker was fun, up until it wasn't.

I got a call and when I checked who it was, lo and behold, Grayson Hawthorne.

"Guys gimme a second I need to take this."

Isaac and Luke exchanged a look of concern as I walked out of the room.


"Kayla, I'm sorry."

I almost laughed.

"For what?"

"For the phone call a while ago, I was out of my senses I-"

"Gray, it's fine, it's completely fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, yes I am, plus it's cute when you're drunk and flustered."

I swear I could feel him blush through the phone.

I laughed.

"See ya Gray."


Grayson's pov






Absolute fuck.




She was to far away from me to bare any longer.

I wanted her with me twenty four seven. Yeah I'm greedy, so what? You would be too if you knew her like I did, if you loved her like I did.

"Damn what's got you worked up?"

"Jameson, get the fuck out now!"

"Okay, okay. If this has to do with Kayla however, good luck, don't die."

I glared at him.

"Thank you brother dearest, really helpful."

"I know right!"

I threw a pillow at him and he retreated from my room.

I called Alisa from my phone.

"How soon can you get me on a flight to London?"


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