4 - midnight's conversations and riddles about kisses

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Kayla's pov

That night I didn't sleep well, at all.

I kept thinking about what Grayson had told me before I left.

Me, Him, the wine cellar.


"Silver, you down here?"

"Kayla." I heard a voice groan.

"Gray, sweetie, you okay?"

I saw Grayson, crouched on the floor, a bottle of Chardonnay in hand.

I knelt next to him.

"What's got you bothered Gray?"

"Your eyes are really pretty." He complimented.

I blushed.

"Yours are too, handsome."

He smiled and then looked at me sorrowfully.

"Kayla, please don't leave me. I don't want to be alone here."

"Oh Gray, I'm not leaving at least not tonight."

"You shouldn't have to worry about me my love." He told me.

"Gray- "

"I don't deserve you, I'm not good enough for you."

"Grayson, look at me, you're enough, this, us, it's enough."

"It will never be enough love. I will never be enough."

Tears were pouring out of both our eyes.

"Gray please don't say that, please don't do this to yourself."

"Kayla, my love, a bomb went off and I stood there. You could've died."

"But I didn't! I didn't Gray, I'm here and I'm alive."

"But what if you weren't, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself Kayla. You're everything, I can't lose you."

I cupped his face in my hands.

"You will never lose me, never again."

"It hurts Kayla, it hurts so fucking much." He said.

I wrapped my arms around him and straddled him. I brought his head to my chest and I felt him cry.

"I've got you baby." I told him.

He looked up at me, tears in his eyes.

"I love you Kayla."

"I love you too."


I sat on the kitchen island aimlessly.

Sleep was miles away.

"Hey, you awake?"


"Yeah." I muttered.

He made his way over to me and hopped on the island.

"What's on your mind?"

"Grayson." I murmured.

"Have you heard from him?" He asked.

I shook my head yes.

"He called me today to apologise for the phone call."

Isaac nodded slowly.

"How's Luke?"

When I asked what happened he refused to talk to me.

"He's going through it, some shits definitely gone down."


He looked at me.

"Kayla, listen to me okay, you're not accountable for everyone's pain. You don't have to worry about all of us all the time okay? You're an 18 year old girl Kayla, you came here to get away from all the shit that goes on in that house right? To get away from yourself?"

I stared at him blankly.

"I knew from the day I saw you who you really were Kayla. Whether you like it or not, I'm one of the people in this world who knows you best. Tell me, does your sister even know half the stuff I know about you."

I shook my head.

"Exactly, I'm here for ya Kayla. So are Luke and Lena. Lemme tell ya, Kayleigh is so fucking lucky to have you as her mother."

I smiled.

"Thanks Isaac."


He hugged me and smiled.

"Get some sleep, long day."


Lena and Kayleigh showed up round 4 in the evening.

"El!" Luke yelled.

She practically flew into my arms and Kayleigh who was now 3 years old ran to Luke.

Only a day apart and she really was a daddy's girl.

"Hey, where's mom's hug huh?" I faked hurt.

She ran to me and began to kiss me all over my face.

"How's my precious girl?"

"I'm good momma." She said.

I turned to see Isaac had literally swept Lena off her feet.

"And those two claim they're not together?" Luke laughed.

"Yeah cause the fact he's now suffocating her is definitely not a sign they're more than friends."

They ran over to us.

"Ready to go?" Lena asked.

"I don't know ask your boyfriend if he wants to suffocate you some more, we can adjust our schedules depending on it."

Lena smacked Luke's arm and we piled into the car.

I opened my phone and opened my texts to Grayson.

I wanted to see him fast. I'd go mad if I didn't.

So I took a leap of faith.


Grayson's pov

So I lied.

I told him everyone I was leaving for Harvard but managing something in London first.

That was a lie.

I was going to London yes, but more so to meet my... I don't want to say girlfriend.

That's one of the reasons I way flying half way cross the world to meet Kayla.

What were we?

When the flight landed I got in a car to drive to a hotel.

I didn't plan on knocking on her door and just showing up.

However, her collage had a concert two nights from then.

I heard my phone ping and saw she left me a text.

"Gray," it read. "If opposites attract, and I have -3 days to live, how many days till you kiss me again?"

Marvellous, fucking, woman.

She knew. Somehow she knew I was coming to see her. Hell she probably didn't, but she knew as soon as I'd see the text I'd be flying out to see her. She knew she could continue control me if she wanted. But she wasn't Emily. She needed to see me, I could tell from the way she spoke over the phone and the text.

"How many days till you kiss me again?"

I thought about the riddle.

If opposites attract and I have -3 days to live.

Opposites attract, what's the opposite of -3?

It's basic integers and functions. If the opposite of 0 is 0. So what inversely would you add to -3 to make 0.

3... you'd add three.

Math sure as hell wasn't Kayla's strong suit but hell she was fucking brilliant at words.

"How many days till you kiss me again?"


"3 days my love." I typed in.

See you then.

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