5 - potential engagements and I'm now a singer

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Kayla's pov

"And that's a wrap, dress rehearsal tomorrow and performance day is the day after!" Our teacher announced.

"A-fucking-men, my fingers hurt!" Matt yelled, packing his guitar into his case.

"You nervous Rooney?" Alana asked.

I shook my head no.

"Girl, you look dead, you okay?" Ivy asked.

"Yeah fine, just haven't been sleeping."

Thinking of Grayson's reply kept me up.

"See you soon love."

The concert was in 2 days. That wasn't far.

Good. I needed him.

Thinking about him was enough to drive me insane.


Time skip

The song we were doing, Dream A Little Dream of Me, was meant to be apart of our portion for the romantic songs we were doing as performance. That left classical and modern.

We had concerts every three months which was fun but naturally a lot of practice.

The day of dress rehearsal Ivy came in.

"Hey guys." She said.

We all gasped at the same time.

"Pam your voice!" Chase yelled.

Pam was a nickname Chase gave Ivy because in DC Comics poison ivy's real name was Pamella Lilian Isley. He thought the first name was too long so he shortened it to Pam.

"I know." She groaned.

Ivy's voice was angelic. There was no other way to describe it. But her voice was hoarse.

"How did you-" Matt began.

"Turns out the change in climate between Florence and London isn't good for singers."

"But the show-"

"I've already spoken to Professor Ives, I'm still singing just not lead, I'm doing back-up."

"Then who in fuck is going to do lead? None of us can sing!" Alana yelled.

"Auditions are in 20 minutes."

"They're running auditions now? Tomorrows show night!" Matt exclaimed.

"Which is why I told Ives I knew someone who can sing."

We all looked at her blankly.


"The thing is I lied, I don't know anyone who can sing."

We all groaned collectively.

Then an idea sparked in me.

"I'll sing." I said.

"WHAT?!" everyone yelled at the same time.

I admit I'm not the best singer but I ain't to shabby.

"You need someone to sing, I'll sing, get me Ives now!"


Isaac's pov

Lena was pacing my room worried.

"Amor, breath."

"I can't fucking breath Isaac, I'm scared."


"Hey, look at me." I cupped her face. "Luke will be fine, Kayla will be fine, Kayleigh will be fine, you're gonna be just fine."

"How do you know that?" She asked, wearily.

"Luke is more than capable of handling whatever custody cases Kayleigh's mom throws at him. Plus, Kayla won't let shit happen to her daughter. And you," I booped her nose. "need to relax, Luke said he's handling it, so he's handling it."

She lay next to me and buried her head in my chest.

6 months ago, when I met this woman, I thought she was fictional, make-belief.

Even in that moment, it felt the same way.

I remember telling Kayla once upon a time that I didn't do girlfriends because it was impractical.

I guess, the real reason I didn't do girlfriends is because- and I know this sounds cheesy but it was because I just hadn't found the right person.

She looked up at me, smiling. "I love you, Isaac."

"I love you too, amor."

Just then I was reminded of something.

In the corner of my room, sitting in a desk drawer was a small box, a box Nash had given me around the same time he and Alisa had gotten engaged.

"You're gonna need one too someday."

I laughed.

"I doubt it but thanks, man."

Nash never did get to use that ring, in fact I'm pretty sure he got rid of it. I never looked at the ring twice after he gave it to me until a few weeks ago.

It was the exact thing she'd love.

"Hey, I'm getting coffee, give me a minute." She said, getting up.

"Take as many as you need amor." I said, kissing the top of her head.

She smiled and went out the door.

I got up and opened the drawer in my desk.

Soon my friend, soon.


Grayson's pov

Tomorrow, I'd see her again.

Kayla, my gorgeous girl.

I tore through the water like it was a meal and I was a starved man.

I couldn't sleep, not knowing I was so close to holding her again.

My phone rang and I picked up.


"Gray, OMG do you need to go to a physc ward?"



"You said hello, is this about Kayla? Did she come to her senses and dump you."

"I'm hanging up now."

"Tell madame hi for me!"

That I will, that I will.

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