1. The Terrific entry....

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Thanks for the huge response and Im so excited and overwhelmed to read all your comments... Im so happy that all are very eager to read the Season 2 of my story " I fell for your eyes... "

Really, Im surprised and flying  in happiness to know that many have liked my first story so much and many are way to eager to meet our daring prag back... I hope the second season will be much more better than the first one...

As I said earlier, it is a weekly update and the chapters will be updated either on Tuesdays or wednesdays.... But, If I get good response , I will break that and update in between too.... So, it's all in your hands....

So, its 19-9-2017, Tuesday.... As I promised, Im here with the first shot...  Lets begin the jolly, terrific and daring drive of abhi and pragya along with some dark and bitter realities of the problems' girls  are facing these days ...


Have you all watched the new promo of kkb....

Pragya enters the home and rose petals fall on her, she enters the bathroom and sees Abhi. Voiceover says there will be love once again, the wait is over, PRAGYA HAS RETURNED TO HER ABHI ❤️❤️❤️ Abhi is shown looking at Pragya and she sees soap in his eyes and cleans it, he lifts her up in his arms ❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋😍😍 #thewaitisover #babiesarebackogether
(45 minute Maha Episodes)

Im way too excited to see this... Hope the cvs wont disappoint us this time... Im praying that it should not be a dream sequence...

Now back to our story... "Can we love"

🌸🌸🌸🌸 Read at your own risk.... Some scenes may be clichy or may not be suitable to your age .... 🌸🌸🌸🌸

Now to shot. 1:

" Shoooooottttt.... 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫....

Come on shooootttt him....

He is the bloody womaniser... He is the heartless jerk who treats woman like dirt .. He is the trouble maker... He is the lusty monster who destroyed the little flower's life....  Don't leave him.... Shoooottttt ... 🔫🔫🔫🔫

Don't show mercy on him.... Kill him... Do it.... Leave your past... Focus on your mission.... Damn it... Concentrate please.... Shoot....

Abhiiiiii...  Come on.... Shoooottttt him .... 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫"

The gun fires.... A man is shown dying as the bullet hits exactly on his chest... Blood starts to ooze out from his body... He falls down lifeless unaware of who has shooted him...

Abhi is in full rage... His eyes are furious and his looks itself will burn anyone alive... Abhi is not calming down after seeing him dead too... He shoots him again and again until he dies completely....

Abhi is startled as purab shooks him hard to stop his madness... Abhi calms down and falls on the steering... Hot tears rolls from his eyes uncontrollably.... Abhi is crying vigorously because of his helplessness that makes his life miserable....

Purab pats his back and consoles him and makes him to calm down as he knows very well that abhi starts to think about the bitter past of his life...



15 minutes before....

A busy place is shown... A man is seen who is stylishly dressed up in his tight fit transparent t-shirt and a 3/4 th pant is leaning on the dash board of his car .. He is wearing rings in his ears and his body is completely tattooed....

His looks conveys that he is a bad guy who rips of women with his eyes itself... His eyes shows complete lust and his gaze itself says that he is looking for his prey to calm down his desires...

He makes  dirty comments and teases all the women who passes by the place... He touches women inappropriately but no one dare to say anything against him or oppose him as he is the most wanted celebrity's son...

He forcibly touches women, sometimes kisses and touch them inappropriately too... Some woman runs away from him happily as he left them just with touching them alone and not spoiling their dignity...

When the man is wandering his gaze, he saw a simple and gorgeous girl passing by his side... He squeals in happiness as she is going to be his prey for today ..


A stylish, black BMW car creeks and halts in the same place but at a little distance from the man... We can see two men dressed up completely in black with hoods on their heads...

Their faces are not clearly visible... Their eyes are seen but their eyes are completely red with fury and  anger... Their gaze is fixed on the lusty monster who is preying the girls....

Person 1: Listen... There is our prey... He is the one... He is the monster who escaped from the punishment using his money.... He escaped from law and not from us...

We should not leave him... We have to make him suffer for the sins he has committed and he should be punished cruelly for making women's life as hell.... We should get justice for the cruel act ...."

The other man grits his teeth and tightly holds the steering in fury....

Person 1: Calm down... It's not the time to get emotional... It's time to implement our plan... See the heartless culprit is again eyeing a girl...

We have to hurry up... Just 5 minutes for us... I would have done this... But, you didn't allowed me to do so and got a promise from me... Why are you doing like this????

Person 2: Because, I don't  want your hands to get dirty on killing these cheap man... I'm the one to punish them... Its my right... Just listen and do what I said...

Their faces are revealed... The first person is purab khanna, the right hand of abhi  and the second one in the driver's seat is Abhishek Mehra, the hidden under world don...

After completing the mission, Purab asks abhi to relax and he took the driver's seat as abhi is in complete mood off.... Purab's mobile start to ring aloud...  He attends the call and connects it in car's Bluetooth speaker....

Purab: Hello aalu darling .. Missed your hubby so much... That much desperate to meet your hubby... Wow... My wife is not even allowing me to be away from her even for one hour itself...

Aaliya fumes and yells: Woha.... Don't day dream... Cut all your craps
Mr. Purab khanna... Where have you two gone??? Don't you two know your presence is very important here...

Abhi interrupts: aaliya.. calm down... We have come for an important work....

Aaliya: Bhaiii.... You too become irresponsible like this idiot purab... Don't you know today is the hearing of the important case... Bhai... you two have to be here and we should know whether we are getting justice for the little girl or not....

Purab: Hello aalu baby... We have already got that Justice... so, chill up and calm down...  you better go to the home... Say to the little flower that the bloody monster is dead already and he won't trouble any woman in his life ever again....

Aaliya: whaaattttt???? Really... Im so so happy... I love you so much purab 😘😘😘😘😘...  Purab you only did it na... Let me get a good gift for you for doing this big thing... Love you so much... You made  me very happy today. ..

Purab pouts: No sweetie...  Im not getting any credits for your appreciations...  Abhi did not allowed me to do anything and he took the credit this time...

Aaliya: whaaattt??? Did Bhai did that??? How many times Iv told you purab not to involve bhai in these matters??? Don't you know about bhai's state??? How could yoy be so irresponsible????

Purab: But aaliya... I didn't ... Abhi only..

Abhi: Listen Aaliya... Purab only wished to do it... But I got promise from him not to do anything and I killed the monster by myself ... Calm yourself... 

Go and get the gift for purab as he is the one planned and executed everything... I just hits the target... So, he deserves all the credit... Get something big and special for him... Is that clear???

Aaliya: okay... Bhai... You okay na...

Abhi: Yup... Im fine..

Aaliya: Purab... Bhai wont say anything to me... You tell me... Did Bhai cried or did he get emotional???

Purab: Aaliya... That... That...

Aaliya: Alright... I understand... Leave bhai in his favorite place... I will send your car there....

Abhi is left in deep thoughts... His dark past life is flashing in his mind... The bitter and painful cries are echoing in his ears again  and again...

The begging and painful  voice is killing him inwardly and the faint cries makes his nervous and tensed and its completely bursting his head... He is getting restless and hot tears are flowing uncontrollably from his eyes...


A big and majestic villa is shown.... The name "Arora Mansion" is shining brightly .. But we can't say that the inhabitants of the house are also having a bright and happy life....

An elderly man and a woman are talking with each other... They are Reema kapoor and Shyam kapoor....

Shyam: So, where is your pompous, spoiled and arrogant daughter??? Doesn't she knows to return home earlier??? Its almost 11 at night.... Can't she come home earlier???

Reema: who knows??? This girl is getting on to my nerves day by day... Our fate we have to be with this bitch.... If your business is not at loss, we will be in our home...

Shyam: what to do reema???? We are helpless or why we have to be in your ex-husband's house...

Reema: Im tolerating this nonsense girl only for her money... I tried a lot to trap her... But she is cunning like a fox... She is easily predicting what's in my mind and my plans to get the traps are going like filling the broken vessel.... Huh...

Shyam : Let's think of a plan... Why not we make her to marry someone who will obey us??? We can get the properties easily from her

Reema: Not at possible.... We cnt even have a single penny without her wish...  We have to do something big... We have to force, threaten or blackmail her or else our plans won't workout....


A high- fi pub is shown.... Its been vacated as its the time for the closure of the pub... A slim and petite figure is sitting in the bar counter and yelling in top of her lungs....

Her face is revealed.... Its none other than the daring and bold, beautiful diva, Pragya Arora...

Pragya: who the hell is running this pub???? Call your manager or owner right now.... You bloody idiot... What have I asked you???? What did you have given to me???

Waiter: so... Sorry madam... We have been instructed not to give any hard drinks for you... We are ordered to serve you only soft drinks....

Pragya: Who the hell is that??? Wait I will sue your pub... I will go to some other pub from tomorrow.... You are going to lose a rich customer for sure...

Waiter: Sorry to say madam.... We are paid to say a message to you... Wherever you go, no one will serve you hard drinks for sure....

Pragya: God.... Why this idiot is doing this to me??? Im gonna kill that stupid fellow.... Let me take class and ask not to trouble me....

Pragya screams and breaks the glass and walks out in fury.... Her hairs are moving uncontrollably and she doesn't mind to pick her bike too.... She is screaming in complete frustration.... Her blood is boiling and she shouts aloud....

" Why???? Why did you do this to me papa and mama???? Why did you two leave me and go???? Why papa you married that bitch again???? 😭😭😭😭😭😭.....

I cant tolerate their nonsense in our home... They are shamelessly clinging on to each other in hall itself ... Why papa you did this to me??? I can't even live or die too.... 😭😭😭😭

All the world are against me... Im a complete failure... No one is there to love me... Am I not beautiful and rich???? Why all are after my money and properties???? Why no one is there to love me for my heart and soul???? Why???? 😭😭😭😭😭"

Pragya cries hard and picks the keys of her dashing bike and drives very fastly like a mad.... She is exceeding the speed limit and she is getting out of control.... Her bike dashes with a car and she flies away from her bike and hits the floor...

Blood starts to ooze out from her head and she is heavily injured... Her eyes spots the person who dashed her and her eyes slowly closes....

So, what's gonna happen next???

Will pragya survive from her death???

Who hit pragya????

What's abhi's bitter past???.

Will abhi and pragya meet each other????

Two persons with completely darkness and  sadness filled lives, living a life of a hell.... One is hating love and one is longing for love... Will they love each other????

To know more stay tuned....

So, how is the first shot guys...????

Don't think that its going to be a dark, emotional story.... This is just the beginning.... Its going to be full of mastis and fun....

Cast your votes and pen down your views.... Im eagerly waiting to see that...

As usual came up with a long update of 2300+ words...

Sorry for typo errors or any grammatical mistakes too....


Yours buddy,


Signing off....

Will be


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