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❝Their lips brushed like young wildflowers in the wind❞

F. Scott Fitzgerald

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"Now, guys, be careful tonight," Amy begged Cory and Elena as she shrugged on her coat, "Y'know, New Year's Eve brings out all the crazies."

Just as she said that their front door flew open.

"C'mon everybody!" Shawn called loudly, "Let's get crazy!"

After their almost kiss from the other day, the two hadn't brought it up at all. Instead opting to act as if nothing had even happened but they were a lot more affectionate than usual.

Cory smiled at his mother's worried look. "He's on my side. Plus, we got her."

"She's the only reason I'm letting you go," Amy agreed as she wrapped an arm around Elena.

"Don't worry, they won't die," Elena reassured her before she shrugged, "Unless I kill them."

"We'll visit you in prison every day, honey," Alan promised her with a warm laugh.

"You'd visit your son's killer?" Cory asked in betrayal.

"We'd thank her too," Eric added with a laugh as he handed his tie to Elena.

"When are you going to learn how to do this yourself?" She sighed as she wrapped it under his shirt collar and began to tie it for him.

"Never," He shook his head with a grin, "I have you to do it for me."

"Guys, Uncle Laszlo, and our limousine await," Shawn clapped his hands excitedly.

Everyone crowded at the door to get a look at the limousine.

Amy tilted her head to the side. "Why does that limo look so strange?"

"Maybe because it's a hearse," Alan sighed heavily in disdain.

"This seems so fitting," Elena mused, "Guess I really am going to kill you two tonight."

"Trust me, it's a limousine," Shawn insisted.

Just as he said that the 'limo' horn played the death march.

"Limousine, huh," Elena raised a brow dryly.

"Yeah, it's short for limo," Shawn nodded, clearly not sensing the sarcasm behind her words.

"...That's cool," Cory tried to make light of the situation.

"Yeah. Wait till you see what's in the back seat." Shawn grinned giddily.

"It better not be a dead guy," Elena sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose, "Or you're going to be joining him."

Shawn tilted her head to the side. "What does that mean?"

"I'm just saying, if homicide wasn't illegal, I would definitely kill you," She patted his shoulder.

"Take care of my ladybug!" Eric yelled after them.

"Don't turn Elena into a murderer!" Alan called.

"Funny how you're more worried about her going to prison than me dying," Cory huffed.

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After picking Topanga up in the hearse, which Shawn still swore was a limo, it turned out that Uncle Lazlo had a surprise passenger with them. The corpse in the backseat turned out to be more alive than dead so Uncle Lazlo had to take him back.

Cory and Topanga had to hold Elena back from ripping Shawn's head off after getting over the initial fright of having the dead rise. Uncle Lazlo had dropped them back off at the Matthews residence where they'd found Eric and his supermodel date, Rebecca-Alexa, also stranded. The six had tried everything to keep their New Year's Eve from going bust but there were absolutely no taxis available.

Eric had finally managed to get a cab for him and his date. And since he never could say no to Elena, he'd agreed to let the four friends join them. But that saving grace didn't last long, in fact, it was driven off by Cory Matthews.

"Cory, how could you do something so stupid?" Eric glowered as he stormed back into the house, "You sent away the last cab in the city."

"Look, I'm telling you. There was something weird about that driver. I mean, didn't you see his license in the windshield? It wasn't even his picture," Cory defended himself.

"Cory, if stupidity was in the Olympics, you'd win a Nobel prize," Eric huffed.

"Gold medal," Elena corrected as she threw herself onto the couch with a sigh.

"Yeah, what she said."

"Look, Eric, the man was obviously an imposter, okay? I mean, for all I know, he was gonna take us to some warehouse and cut out our livers."

"Hey, no biggie. I've already had mine out," Shawn shrugged nonchalantly.

"I sold two kidneys once," Elena mused as she looked down at her rings.

"Not true, you need at least one to live," Topanga countered with furrowed brows.

"Oh, well, they weren't mine," She shrugged casually.

"Rebecca-Alexa, I apologize for all the stupidity that runs in this family," Eric sighed deeply, "I'm just a carrier."

"Hey! Light bulb," Topanga sang, trying to make light of the situation, "Why don't we just have our own little party right here? I'm telling you, it'll be so much fun making popcorn, watching the ball drop -"

"All right, all right. Cory, make it stop," Eric cut her off, clearly irritated with everything that had happened so far, "Look, Rebecca-Alexa, one way or another, we are gonna be seen at that party."

"How?" Rebecca-Alexa sighed, "I mean, what are we gonna do? Take the subway?"

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"Great idea, Rebecca," Eric grinned at the supermodel as they all clambered onto the subway.

"I wasn't being serious," She frowned.

"Well, then, you lucked out, cause this is fun. I mean ridin' the rails in a mighty locomotive. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!" Eric chanted excitedly.

"Hey, Cory, why do I feel like we're being watched?" Shawn wondered with a frown.

"You feel that too?" Cory turned to him with wide eyes.

"Yeah," Elena nodded, "It's weird, almost like..."

She trailed off when the three noticed a poster of Mr. Feeny behind them with the words 'I want you to stay in school' printed in bold. The three immediately let out a scream at the sigh.

"God," Elena sighed, "Is Feeny secretly Santa Claus? Because he's literally always watching us."

Soon enough, Cory had made his second blunder of the night. He'd ruined Eric's date with Rebecca-Alexa and sent her running off the train as Eric tried, and failed, to chase after her.

"No, wait! Rebecca-Alexa!" Eric cried as the doors shut before he could follow after her, "No! Rebecca-Alexa! No, wait! Stop the train! Stop the train! Rebecca-Alexa! No!"

"Eric! It's okay," Cory reassured him as he peeled him off the train doors.

"I have to get off the train," Eric wailed, "I have to get off the train!"

"No," Cory shook his head, "Look, you can get off at the next stop, all right? There aren't any cabs left in the city. She can't get too far. Trust me, okay? Everything's gonna be dandy."

Just as he said that the light's flickered before the train came to a halting stop. Elena, who'd been leaning against one of the train poles, was sent tumbling across the place and straight into somebody's lap.

"Thanks, Shawnie," She smiled up at him as he wrapped his arms around her to keep her from falling.

He smiled down at her warmly. "Anytime, Lena."

She shuffled off his lap and into the seat next to him. She turned to face him and froze as their eyes met and they stared at each other silently.

Before either one of them could do or say anything, they were cut off.

"Perhaps someone would like to give their seat to someone older." An older woman called as she walked towards Shawn and Elena.

Shawn smiled at her and began to stand up before she held her hand up and shook her head. "Not you, sweet potato pie."

Elena rolled her eyes in amusement before she stood up and made way for the older lady.

"What did you do?" Eric roared as he glared at Cory, clearly blaming him for what had just happened to the train.

"Nothing," Cory huffed in disbelief.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your-" The intercom cut, "We seem to be experiencing a major -"

"What did he say?" Shawn asked with furrowed brows.

"He said Cory broke the train," Eric snapped as he glared at Cory.

"Why is your face all scrunched up like that?" Topanga asked Elena worriedly.

"Something is...happening...inside me," She explained strainedly as she tried to figure it out.

Topanga frowned before she noticed Elena's line of sight; Shawn. She gave her a knowing look. "Feelings."

"Yes, feelings. Just gotta shove those back down," She pursed her lips determinedly before she breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, "Okay, that was close. All better now."

Topanga stared at her in stunned silence. "...Elena, that-that's not normal."

"It didn't work. The feelings," She bit out in disdain and sighed heavily, "Are still there. I need to get rid of them."

Topanga's brows furrowed. "How are you going to do that?"

Elena looked around the train before she settled on a cute blonde a few chairs away from them. "Bingo."

Topanga watched in shock as Elena strutted over to the boy and sat down next to him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"You're really cute," She sang with a charming smile, "We should hang out sometime. You make me happy. You don't pay enough attention to me. This isn't working out. It's definitely you, not me. We can still be friends, not really."

With that, she stood up and left the boy staring after her in stunned silence as she walked back over to Topanga.

"W-what was that?" Topanga breathed out in shock.

"Another failure," Elena grumbled irritatedly, "Whenever I look at him the dumb feelings just come right back."

"Attention passengers, the-" The intercom cut once again, "Is still not functioning. Do not under any circumstances... which may result in death or dismemberment."

"Now what did he say?!" Cory asked frantically.

Eric glared at him. "He said Cory go out and lick the third rail."

"Hey, buck up buckers," Topanga grinned, trying to diffuse the tension, "It's probably just an electrical problem. And look at the bright side, the city is saving on electricity."

"What is with you, Topanga?" Cory huffed, "Did you swallow Sandy Dunkin?!"

"That is it, Cory Matthews," She glared at him as she yelled, "I am sick of being the rah-rah girl! You try being the positive one all the time and using words like 'buckers'! I have demons too, so there!"

With that, she turned on her heel and stormed away from him.

"Aw, she is so cute when she's angry," Cory smiled dreamily after her as he sat down next to Shawn.

"Pft, Lena's always cute," Shawn scoffed, "She can't do anything without being cute..." He frowned and crossed his arms angrily, "Stupid cute."

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"You'd have to be an idiot to have a good time down here," Cory huffed in annoyance.

Just as he said that Shawn and Elena strolled into their train car.

"I don't know about guys, but we are having a great time," Shawn grinned, his arm wrapped around Elena.

"Yeah and the pizza guy said he'll have Mrs. Ginelli's baby delivered within 30 minutes," Elena informed them happily, "She said if it's a girl they're naming her Maya. That's a pretty name, don't you think."

Shawn thought about it for a moment before he nodded with a smile. "Yeah, yeah, it is."

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After seeing that New Years' on the subway could be fun if he wanted it to be, Cory decided to take a page out of Shawn and Elena's book. He'd set up their own train carriage with the caterers from one of the other carts, music, and decorations. Everyone was having a blast now.

"Okay! All aboard the party car!" Cory called with a grin, "We've got refreshments by the conductor's booth, we've got dancing right here, and if you guys want a quiet place to chat, there is plenty of room down by the sad guy," He pointed to a pouting Eric, sitting on his own.

"Okay, everybody! Listen up, listen up! The New Year is coming in!" Someone shouted excitedly as they looked down at their wristwatch.

Everyone began to count down as couples got ready to share their New Years' kiss.

Elena bit her lip as she looked up at Shawn thoughtfully. She smiled fondly at him before she turned him to face her, her hands cupping his face gently. He stared at her in confusion as he slowly stopped counting down with the rest of the passengers.

She stared at him for a moment before she pulled him down towards her and pressed a kiss to his lips. Shawn thought he was dreaming for a moment before he quickly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to his chest as they kissed.

"Five, four, three, two, one! Happy New Year!" The train passengers cheered.

"Happy New Year, Shawnie," Elena breathed out once they pulled away.

Before he could say anything, he was cut off by Eric screaming. "You're a dead man, Hunter!"

Shawn pressed another kiss to Elena's lips before he took off running into the next train carriage as Eric chased after him.

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I'm sorry this chapter was a little late but I kept rewriting it until I was finally happy with it. I hope you guys liked it, please let me know what you thought! Shawn and Elena finally kissed!! There are only 3 more chapters left till we start season 4, what do you guys think is going to happen next? 

Comment, comment, comment!

Have a great day and stay safe ♥♥

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