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❝Cake is a very beautiful thing.❞

Milly Shapiro

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River, Elena, Shawn, Cory, and Topanga we're in the Matthews family living room studying for their upcoming SAT tests. Well, everyone but Shawn was studying to be exact. He got a headache just looking at the cover of the SAT prep textbook.

And before the four could go into another round of quizzing each other, Shawn handed Cory a crumpled-up paper from his pocket.

"What's this?" Cory asked before he read it, "It's a list of colleges," He said in disbelief.

"Yes, that is where I want you guys to go," Shawn smiled, proud of his idea, "Even if I'm not going to school, the four of us should still be together."

"Okay, University of Italy," Cory read the first suggestion with a chuckle, "Good old U of IT."

"Mhm," He nodded excitedly, "Elena and me-"

"Elena and I," She corrected, having just gotten done with the grammar portion of the SAT prep.

"Yeah, so we saw pictures of Italy up in that pizza place we like," He explained, "So I figured we'd all go there. Y'know, you guys hit the books, you're studying hard. Meanwhile, I'm out in the sun, taking tourists around in my big canoe."

"It's called a gondola," This time Topanga was the one to correct him.

Shawn smiled proudly at the two girls. "See, this is why you two are going to college."

"Shawn, you've worked too long to throw it all away now, okay, buddy? Why don't you take the SATs?" Cory begged his best friend once again, "I bet you'll do really well."

"Fine, I'll take your little test," He sighed and shrugged, "What's 10 minutes of my life, right?"

"Ten minutes?" Topanga frowned, "Shawn, they take at least-"

Cory immediately shushed his girlfriend frantically before she could ruin his plan.

"Shawn, listen. You know, I bet if you take Feeny's review course, I bet you could knock them out in five, slugger," Cory promised, hoping Shawn would be easily convinced on this too.

"No. Too much school, too much Feeny. Bye-bye. I am going canoe shopping," He smiled.

"It's a gondola," Elena deadpanned, too tired from all the SAT prep to be nice about it.

"Okay, it was cute the first few times but will you please stop correcting me?" He sighed.

"It was cute the first few times but will you please stop being wrong?" She countered.

Shawn paused for a moment. "Okay, tushie."

"What?" Topanga asked with furrowed brows.

"He means touché," Elena explained with a sigh.

"Don't correct me!" Shawn complained again.

"Don't be wrong!" She snapped before she stood up and followed him to the door.

"Well, now, where are you going?" Cory asked tiredly.

"Too much studying, too much SAT. Bye-bye," She copied Shawn, "I am going shoe shopping."

"She means shoes," Shawn corrected with a smirk.

"No, actually, in the context of her sentence 'shoe' is correct," River pointed out, "Sorry, man."

Shawn pursed his lips before he turned to his girlfriend. "Wanna get a milkshake between the gondola and shoe shopping?"

She smiled. "Yeah, but we're not sharing," She said bluntly.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Cory cried before they could leave, "Who's going to give me a Milk Dud when I get a question right?"

"Is that the only reason you agreed to this?" Topanga asked with an arched brow.

"It was one of the reasons," He admitted quietly.

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The next day at school, Cory had come up with a plan to get Shawn to join Mr. Feeny's SAT review course with them.

"Here he comes," River called when he saw Shawn come down the stairs to the hallway.

"Okay, Cory, give us another one of those tough SAT questions," Topanga called loudly.

"Okay, here's a doozie. Kept me up most of the night," He admitted and flipped through the SAT prep book, "Which of these ingredients does not help you make mud? Dirt, water, or turkey?"

The question had piqued Shawn's interest and he slowly walked over to his friends. He knew the answer to that, he didn't think he'd be able to answer a single one of the SAT questions.

"Turkey," He answered before Topanga, Elena, or River could.

Cory grinned at his best friend. "Correct."

"Wow, Shawn, I didn't even know that one," River gasped in awe.

"That came from Feeny's prep course?" Shawn asked in disbelief.

"Well, it was only one of the tougher ones." Cory chuckled, happy his plan was working.

Well, up until Mr. Feeny walked over, having heard the 'tough question' from his prep course.

"Let me see that book," He demanded, knowing something was wrong here.

Cory stiffened and jumped out of the way before Mr. Feeny could grab the bok. "Uh, see, Mr. Feeny? Right here. After the question, which is sweeter, sugar or salt?"

"Sugar," Shawn answered immediately.

"Wow, two in a row," Topanga smiled proudly.

"Good job, babe," Elena praised him and kissed his cheek.

Mr. Feeny's brows furrowed. He knew that book front to back and he'd never once seen any of those questions before. "Where are my glasses?"

"You don't need them," Elena chuckled and grabbed them out of his hands before he could put them on. She put them on herself to stop him from grabbing them back.

"Miss Martinez, what on earth are you doing?" Mr. Feeny sighed.

"Holding your glasses for you... on my face," She shrugged, "Besides, my abuelita is always talking about how you look handsome without them because they don't bring out your eyes."

At the mention of Lydia, he smiled but quickly snapped out of it. "Uh, well, fine. You can hold my glasses for me for now," He hoped he wasn't too obvious but he knew he was.

"See, Mr. Feeny, what we're doing is we're just trying to show Shawn that through your review course, a student builds a certain level of confidence through a series of... not quite questions," Cory explained with a smile, hoping their teacher would go along with it.

"It's really this basic?" Shawn asked Mr. Feeny in awe.

He frowned. "Shawn, I don't want anyone misleading you. My prep course involves a lot of hard work-"

Before he could finish explaining, Shawn frowned."Oh, then I don't want to do it."

"But it's fun," Topanga quickly interjected to keep him interested. "Tell him, Mr. Feeny Tell Shawn about the carnival-like atmosphere of your prep course so that Shawn will join us."

"No," He refused to lie to get Shawn to join the prep course.

"Come on, Mr. Feeny," Cory begged, "I mean if Shawn doesn't get into college, he starts washing windows, playing lotto. Then he loses his teeth, becomes a ward of the state, and moves in with you."

"And then I tell my abuelita that my teacher is the reason my boyfriend is toothless and homeless. And then my abuelita won't like my teacher very much anymore," Elena added.

"And then that teacher is going to be very sad and very lonely. His only friend is going to be a toothless Shawn," River finished with an exaggerated sympathetic smile.

That hypothetical future seemed to convince him. "Well, uh, if I tell him about the... cake," It took him a second but he got Shawn's attention, "Then everyone will want to take the class."

"Cake?" Shawn repeated, wondering why his friends never told him about it before.

"Yes, cake. Delicious cake, actually. From the Westchester Bakery is where we get the cakes. It's where we get them," He said slowly and nervously, obviously not used to lying.

"Really?" Shawn asked, his eyes lighting up excitedly, "What else?"

"What, cake's not enough?" He scoffed before he noticed the pointed looks from his friends, "Fine, uh... And then we have a talent show some nights. "

"Oh, this is amazing," Shawn grinned, "Guys, why didn't you tell me any of this?"

"Mr. Hunter, in between the hoopla, there will be learning going on," Mr. Feeny said sternly.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," He brushed him off, "Cake, right?"

The teacher sighed and reluctantly nodded. "Yes, cake."

"Awesome! I'm going to go put my name down on the signup sheet," Shawn all but ran to the bulletin board, already dreaming of the SAT cake.

"You know we have to get him a cake now," Elena chuckled, "Or else he'll just leave."

"Don't worry, I'll get the cake," Cory reassured her.

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"Cory, why did you get a gay cake?" River asked with furrowed brows.

Cory had been a few minutes late to the SAT course because he was picking up the cake they'd promised Shawn. And now instead of starting the course, they were debating the cake.

"What? It's not a gay cake," Cory frowned in confusion.

"Then why is the cake two men getting married?" Elena asked and pointed to the cake figurines.

"That's me and Shawn! Y'know after we ace our SAT test," Cory grinned excitedly.

"This cake is for a gay wedding," Mr. Feeny explained as he cut into it, "The inside is a rainbow."

"Nuh‐uh," Cory continued to argue, "It's our favorite flavor: All the flavors!"

"I do like all the flavors of cake," Shawn shrugged as he took a bite of his slice of cake.

"Why do I feel like this isn't going to be the last time he gets a gay cake for him and Shawn," Elena whispered to Topanga with a chuckle.

"All right, all right, settle down now," Mr. Feeny called, "We have an SAT test to review for."

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The second they'd finished their SAT test, they'd gone straight to Mr. Feeny's house. And Cory almost broke the door down with his knocking.

"Mr. Feeny, we've got a few issues to discuss with you," Cory said as soon as the door opened.

"Yeah!" Shawn called loudly.

"We just came from taking our SATs," Topanga explained.

"Yeah!" Shawn yelled again.

"How did you do?" Mr. Feeny asked, trying to get any indication from their faces.


"The test kinda fried his brain," Elena patted her boyfriend's shoulder comfortingly, "He used all his words in the essay so now all that's left in there is well..."

"Yeah!" Shawn finished for her.

"That's why we're here, sir." Cory said, "I mean, for more years than I care to remember, you have driven us nuts by filling our heads with dates and ideas and numbers and concepts."

"Yeah, and with the last three weeks of that course of yours, drilling us, pushing us to the edge."

"We were doing SAT prep in our dreams because of you," River added.

"Yeah! And making me eat cake. Five pounds right here, baby," Shawn patted his stomach.

"And now that it's all over and we've taken the test, we had to come here and tell you to your face," Cory continued his explanation of why they were here.

"Thanks a lot, man," Shawn finished for him.

"We finally understood why you pushed us so hard," Cory added.

"We're really glad you did," Topanga admitted.

"And we're really glad you're our teacher," River smiled.

Elena stepped forwards and pulled their teacher into a hug. "Thanks for always believing in us."

Mr. Feeny stiffened in shock before he slowly patted her back, happy his students were, well, happy. "...Uh, did you by any chance-"

"Yes, we told my abuelita all of this already," She laughed. 

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I hate this chapter but I hope you guys at least mildly enjoyed it.

The next chapter is going to be behind the scenes of Boy Meets World. So instead of Cory, Elena, and Shawn, it's going to be Ben, Victoria, and Rider. I've been wanting to do a chapter like this for a while now, so I'm really excited about it!

Only four chapters left before we start season 5, are you guys excited?  

Please don't forget to vote and comment!

Have a great day and stay safe ♥♥

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